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    C 735 TRANSISTOR Search Results

    C 735 TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    C 735 TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    sot-363 702

    Abstract: MPS5172 "cross-reference" BC237 BC307 MMVL3700T1
    Text: CHAPTER 4 Index 1121 Subject Index B J Bias Resistor Transistors BRTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 JFETs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Switches and Choppers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    MUN5313DW1T1 MUN5314DW1T1 MUN5315DW1T1 MUN5316DW1T1 MUN5330DW1T1 MUN5331DW1T1 MUN5332DW1T1 MUN5333DW1T1 MUN5334DW1T1 MUN5335DW1T1 sot-363 702 MPS5172 "cross-reference" BC237 BC307 MMVL3700T1 PDF

    low noise transistors bc638

    Abstract: BC548 MPS5172 "cross-reference" BC237 LOW NOISE BC638 BC449 "cross-reference" bc307b DTC114E SERIES 2N6520 DIODES MPF4856
    Text: CHAPTER 4 Index 1121 1122 Subject Index B J Bias Resistor Transistors BRTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 JFETs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Switches and Choppers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    MUN5313DW1T1 MUN5314DW1T1 MUN5315DW1T1 MUN5316DW1T1 MUN5330DW1T1 MUN5331DW1T1 MUN5332DW1T1 MUN5333DW1T1 MUN5334DW1T1 MUN5335DW1T1 low noise transistors bc638 BC548 MPS5172 "cross-reference" BC237 LOW NOISE BC638 BC449 "cross-reference" bc307b DTC114E SERIES 2N6520 DIODES MPF4856 PDF

    marking A6x

    Abstract: 23 SOT-23 MARKING transistor a6c
    Text: MMUN2111LT1 Series Preferred Devices Bias Resistor Transistors PNP Silicon Surface Mount Transistors with Monolithic Bias Resistor Network This new series of digital transistors is designed to replace a single device and its external resistor bias network. The BRT Bias Resistor

    MMUN2111LT1 OT-23 marking A6x 23 SOT-23 MARKING transistor a6c PDF

    Tico 735

    Abstract: 3 units 7-segment LED display module "strain gauge" Hengstler STRAIN GAUGE how to use STRAIN GAUGE switching transistor msd
    Text: Operating Instructions tico 735 – Strain Gauge Introduction Your Hengstler tico 735 Strain Gauge is one model in a family of 1/8 DIN units which offers breakthrough display technology as well as easy-to-program single-line parameters. Designed to provide instant visual feedback regarding an application’s key input value, the tico 735 not

    4-20m, D-78550 1120600eli Tico 735 3 units 7-segment LED display module "strain gauge" Hengstler STRAIN GAUGE how to use STRAIN GAUGE switching transistor msd PDF

    Tico 735

    Abstract: Tico 735-DC Process hengstler 735 tico 0735A 3 units 7-segment LED display module
    Text: Operating Instructions tico 735 - DC Process Introduction Your Hengstler tico 735 DC Process is one model in a family of 1/8 DIN units which offers breakthrough display technology as well as easy-to-program single-line parameters. Designed to provide instant visual feedback regarding an application’s key input value, the tico 735 not

    4-20m, D-78550 1120600eli Tico 735 Tico 735-DC Process hengstler 735 tico 0735A 3 units 7-segment LED display module PDF

    Tico 735

    Abstract: switching transistor msd hengstler 735 tico WIRING OF 12 VOLT RELAY LATCHING HOW TO AND MORE
    Text: Operating Instructions tico 735 - Temperature Indicator Introduction Your Hengstler tico 735 Temperature Indicator is one model in a family of 1/8 DIN units which offers breakthrough display technology as well as easy-to-program single-line parameters. Designed to provide instant visual feedback regarding an application’s key input value, the tico 735 not

    4-20m, D-78550 1120600eli Tico 735 switching transistor msd hengstler 735 tico WIRING OF 12 VOLT RELAY LATCHING HOW TO AND MORE PDF

    Tico 735

    Abstract: hengstler 735 tico transistor 735 Tico 735-DC Process
    Text: Operating Instructions tico 735 – DC Volts/Amps Indicator Introduction Your Hengstler tico 735 for DC Volts and Amps is one model in a family of 1/8 DIN units which offers breakthrough display technology as well as easy-to-program single-line parameters.

    4-20m, D-78550 1120600eli Tico 735 hengstler 735 tico transistor 735 Tico 735-DC Process PDF

    superscalar architecture of pentium processor

    Abstract: INTEL 8086 Intel Pentium 60MHz Pentium 66 Intel 8086, Pentium 60 control unit of intel 8086
    Text: PENTIUM PROCESSOR AT i c b l ^ ÌNDEX^t5VlÒ0 MHz PENTIUM PROCESSOR AT ¡COMP INDEX 735\90 MHz PENTIUM PROCESSOR AT iCOMP INDEX 610\75 MHz WITH VOLTAGE REDUCTION TECHNOLOGY Compatible with Large Software Base - MS-DOS*, Windows*, OS/2*, UNIX* 32-Bit CPU with 64-Bit Data Bus

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit 64-Bit superscalar architecture of pentium processor INTEL 8086 Intel Pentium 60MHz Pentium 66 Intel 8086, Pentium 60 control unit of intel 8086 PDF


    Abstract: PZTA92 2B025 SMD IC 2025
    Text: • □□ 2b 0 2 5 735 H A P X N AUER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E PZTA92 PZTA93 b?E D SILICON EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS PNP transistors in a m icrom iniature SMD envelope SOT-223 . They are prim arily intended fo r use in telephony and professional communication equipment.

    OCR Scan
    2b025 PZTA92 PZTA93 OT-223) PZTA92 PZTA93 SMD IC 2025 PDF


    Abstract: 2sC735 transistor 2SC735 Y TRANSISTOR N 1380 600 300 SC 2SC735 0 0A45 2SA562 Produced by Perfect Crystal Device Technology TOSHIBA 2SC735 2SC735 O
    Text: 2SC o 735 NPN EPITA XIA L TRANSISTOR P C T PROCESS t ä m m m m m O lÆ ü fiffl o ^ ' i ' y ^ - v r m o 5 / U D ^ N P N I t r 9 ^ 2/? J l/} B h 5 ^ ^ ( P C T B Ä ) ^ IL IC O N D riv e r S ta g e A m p lifie r, Power A m p lifier and Sw itching A p p lic a tio n s .

    OCR Scan
    2sc735 2SA562 058MAX. 04S5MAX. 2SC735 2sC735 transistor 2SC735 Y TRANSISTOR N 1380 600 300 SC 2SC735 0 0A45 2SA562 Produced by Perfect Crystal Device Technology TOSHIBA 2SC735 2SC735 O PDF


    Abstract: 2sC735 transistor 2SA562 2SA56 2SC735 0 2SA562 TOSHIBA TOSHIBA 2SC735 a-45J CMA120 Produced by Perfect Crystal Device Technology
    Text: ^vnypNPxeyz^uBh^yvzviPCTm 2 s a 562 O o PNP 2SC 735 t ; V c E e a t) = - 0 .2 5 V (M ax .) => y y p / V 9 y Ki t 0 i t o Complementary to 2SC735 Mt'k'SL'fe MAXIMUM RATINGS CHARACTERISTIC X.IV9 (xa = 25 °C) SYMBOL HATING UNIT VCBO - 30 V * i i y 9 IH flS

    OCR Scan
    2sa562 2SC735 2SC735 2SA56 Ta-25Â 2sC735 transistor 2SA562 2SC735 0 2SA562 TOSHIBA TOSHIBA 2SC735 a-45J CMA120 Produced by Perfect Crystal Device Technology PDF


    Abstract: b0734 TIP5530 B0736 TIP 5530 BD 147 TIP 3055 tip 125 tip 42 b073
    Text: PRELIMINARY BD734, BD736, BD738 PNP EPIBASE POWER TRANSISTORS H IG H G A IN G E R M A N IU M R E PLA C E M E N T • Car and Portable Radio • Complementary O utput Stages • Complementary w ith B D 733, B D 735, B D737 mechanical data TO-66P All d im e n s io n s a r e in m m

    OCR Scan
    BD734, BD736, BD738 BD733, BD735, BD737 B0738 b0734 TIP5530 B0736 TIP 5530 BD 147 TIP 3055 tip 125 tip 42 b073 PDF


    Abstract: SVT60-5 1N5410 2n4309 2NS330 SV050-12 cma 10012 SVT6062 to-5 package 2n5154 SV0300
    Text: OPTEK T E C H N O L O G Y b T ^ Û SÛ O 0 0 0 1 4 2 5 051 MAE D INC OTK POWER SWITCHING TRANSISTORS Screened to equivalent per JANTX or JANTXV levels on request Case Style shown actual size TO-5/39 T O -5 9 T O -6 1 Is o la te d Is o la te d Discrete Power Switching Transistors

    OCR Scan
    00014P5 O-5/39 SVT100-S O-5/39 SVT200-5C SVT250-3C SVT250-5C SVT300-3C SVT300-5C 325erature: 2N5330 SVT60-5 1N5410 2n4309 2NS330 SV050-12 cma 10012 SVT6062 to-5 package 2n5154 SV0300 PDF


    Abstract: TO-59 Package 2n4305 2N5330 2N6583 2N6590 SVT200-5C SVT250-3C SVT250-5C SVT300-3C
    Text: OPTEK TEC H NO LO GY INC MAE D • L^ÖSflO Q D O m H S 021 ■ OTK POWER SWITCHING TRANSISTORS Screened to equivalent per JANTX or JAN TXV levels on request Case Style shown actual size TO-5/39 TO -59 Isolated |f TO-61 Isolated Discrete Power Switching Transistors

    OCR Scan
    O-5/39 SVT100-6 O-5/39 SVT200-5C SVT250-3C SVT250-5C SVT300-3C SVT300-5C 20nsec SVD100-12) 1N5410 TO-59 Package 2n4305 2N5330 2N6583 2N6590 PDF


    Abstract: SF828 VEB mikroelektronik funkamateur BUX 127 SF126 SF 127 SF128 SF826 SF 829 B
    Text: FUNKAMATEUR-Bauelementeinformation DDR-SiliziumTransistoren Typenübersicht Si-Transistoren des VEB Kombinat Mikroelektronik Grenzdaten Zonen­ Vorzugs­ anwendungen2 folge P,o, [mW, W ] Typ1 Kenndaten UcBO U ceO T • T * 1C , ACsat [V] [V] [mA, (A)] fiT3

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: General Transistor Corporation CASE le max ss TO-61 5 to 20A Vceo(sus) = 40-300V NPN Power Transistors VBE(SAT) 0IC/1B (V & A/V) ICEV0VCE (mA V) PO® TC = 25*C (W.M) Wt>®VCE I I I wc (A ®V) Ir (MHz) ton & W B (ju ® A/A) tOFF @IC/1B (p»®AfA) 1 @ 21.2

    OCR Scan
    0-300V 2N1724 2N1724A 2N1725 2N2811 2N2812 2N2813 2N2B14 2N3487 2N3488 PDF


    Abstract: 2N4301 2N5049 2N5218 2N5313 2N5315 2N5387 2N5388 2N5542 2N5959
    Text: ^4 ^TRANSISTOR CO DE J a ñ M ñ 3 S E INC D D O O I E 11] S 84D 00129 D10DETRdf\l515T0R TO., INC. 201 686-0400 • Telex: 139-335 • Outside N Y & NJ area call T O LL FREE 600-526-4581 FAX No. 201-575-5863 NPNTO-61 Type# PHP Com ple­ ment VCEOfSUS) (Volte)

    OCR Scan
    NPNTO-61 2N4301 2N5048 2N5049 2N5313 2N5008 2N5288 2N5289 2N5317 2N5319 2N5048 2N4301 2N5049 2N5218 2N5313 2N5315 2N5387 2N5388 2N5542 2N5959 PDF

    SF 829 B

    Abstract: SF829 SF819 SF827 sf 829 d SF126 SF826 sf829c SF816 SF 827 d
    Text: FUNKAMATEUR-Bauelementemformation Silizium-npn-Transistoren in Epitaxie-Planar-Technologie SF 826 SF827 SF 828 SF 829 Hersteller: V EB Halbleiterwerk Frankfurt Oder TG L 43386 Kurzcharakteristik Grenzwerte (im Betriebstemperaturbereich) Parameter (Bedingungen)

    OCR Scan
    SF827 SF829 SF82B SF82S SF 829 B SF819 sf 829 d SF126 SF826 sf829c SF816 SF 827 d PDF


    Abstract: MJ2965 TO61 package 12J5 2N8307 2n3713 2N4901 2n3447
    Text: GENERAL TRANSISTOR CÔRP 54E D • 3=120001 OOOOObl 5 General Transistor Corporation CASE T -3 3 -0 1 216 WEST FLORENCE AVENUE INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90301 213 673-8422 • Telex 65-3474 • FAX (213) 672-2905 T O -3 Ic(M A X ) a 2 - 5 0 A y\A^EO(sus) : ~ ^ 5 - 5 0 0 V

    OCR Scan
    0QD007fl T0-102 2n5863 MJ2965 TO61 package 12J5 2N8307 2n3713 2N4901 2n3447 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY in te i PENTIUM PROCESSOR at ¡COMP™ INDEX 735\90 MHz PENTIUM™ PROCESSOR at iCOMP™ INDEX 815\100 MHz Compatible with Large Software Base - MS-DOS*, Windows*, OS/2*, UNIX* 32-Bit CPU with 64-Bit Data Bus Superscalar Architecture - Two Pipelined Integer Units Are

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit 64-Bit 013LLS2 PDF


    Abstract: 2n5471 TRANSISTOR 2Sc 2525 2N1487 2N1488 2N1490 2N1702 2N3442 2N3445 MJ2955
    Text: General Transistor Corporation CASE lc M A X V ceo (SUS) TO-3 = 2-50A = 35-500V NPN Power Transistors PNP VCEO M 1C (max) (A) hFE@ic/Vc* (min-m« @ A/V) VCE(SAT) @IC/IB (V @ A/A) V8E @IC/VCE (V @ A/V) 40 55 40 55 6 6 6 6 15-45 @ 1.5/4 15-45 @ 1.5/4 25-75 @1.5/4

    OCR Scan
    5-500V 2N1487 2N1488 2N14S9 2N1490 2N6677 2N6678 2N6686 2N6667 2N3055 2n5471 TRANSISTOR 2Sc 2525 2N1487 2N1488 2N1490 2N1702 2N3442 2N3445 MJ2955 PDF


    Text: S178A Video Pulse Generator DIP 28 The S 178 A is an MOS circuit using p-channel metal-gate-technology with enhancement and depletion transistors, featuring the following technical characteristics: The video pulse generator produces the sync, control, and erase signals required for the

    OCR Scan

    2N5302 EB

    Abstract: 2N1463 2n4271
    Text: GENERAL TRANSISTOR CORP 24E D • 3^SaD01 D O D O D ^ fi ■ General Transistor Corporation CASE TO-3,TO-39 lc MAX = 3-50A Vceo(sus) s40-100V 216 WEST FLORENCE AVENUE INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90301 (213) 673-8422 • Telex 65-3474 * FAX (213) 672-2905 T - 3 3

    OCR Scan
    SaD01 2N37S9 2N3790 2N3792 2N4398 2N4399 2N4902 2N4903 2N4904 2N4905 2N5302 EB 2N1463 2n4271 PDF


    Abstract: TO114 package 2N5860 2N1724A 2N3714 2N3715 2N3716 2N3789 2N3790 2N3792
    Text: GENERAL TRANSISTOR CORP 24E D • 3^SaD01 DODOD^ fi ■ General Transistor Corporation CASE TO-3, TO-39 lc MAX =3-50A Vceo(sus) s40-100V 216 WEST FLORENCE AVENUE INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90301 (213) 673-8422 • Telex 65-3474 * FAX (213) 672-2905 T - 3 3 - o i

    OCR Scan
    2N3789 2N3713 2N3790 2N3714 2N3791 2N3715 2N3792 050-H O-107 O-126 2N4839 TO114 package 2N5860 2N1724A 2N3716 PDF