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    2SK1290-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Silicon N Channel MOSFET, MP-45F, /Bag Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    INA290A5IDCKT Texas Instruments 2.7 to 120V, 1.1MHz, ultra-precise current sense amplifier in small (SC-70) package 5-SC70 -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments
    INA290A2QDCKRQ1 Texas Instruments AEC-Q100, 2.7-V to 120-V, 1.1-MHz, ultra-precise current sense amplifier in small (SC-70) package 5-SC70 -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments
    INA2290A4IDGKR Texas Instruments Dual-channel, 2.7-V to 120-V, 1.1-MHz, ultra-precise current sense amplifier 8-VSSOP -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments
    INA4290A2IRGVR Texas Instruments Quad-channel, 120-V, high-voltage, high-bandwidth, unidirectional current sense amplifier 16-VQFN -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments

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