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    Bolton Technical BT478515

    RV "S" Antenna Bracket
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    DigiKey BT478515 Ammo Pack 1
    • 1 $19.95
    • 10 $19.95
    • 100 $19.95
    • 1000 $19.95
    • 10000 $19.95
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    Bolton Technical BT478546

    The Bolton Technical PSU Command
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    DigiKey BT478546 Ammo Pack 1
    • 1 $3999.99
    • 10 $3999.99
    • 100 $3999.99
    • 1000 $3999.99
    • 10000 $3999.99
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    Bolton Technical BT478775

    Portable Cellular Signal Unit
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    DigiKey BT478775 Ammo Pack 1
    • 1 $2999.99
    • 10 $2999.99
    • 100 $2999.99
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    • 10000 $2999.99
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    Bolton Technical BT478768

    The Bolton Technical PSU (Portab
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    DigiKey BT478768 Ammo Pack 1
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    • 10 $3399.99
    • 100 $3399.99
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    BT BT478KPJ66

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    Bristol Electronics BT478KPJ66 43
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    Quest Components BT478KPJ66 20
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    • 10 $4.4
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    BT478 Datasheets (6)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    BT478KPJ35 Brooktree 80 MHz 256-Word Color Palette Personal System/2 RAMDAC Scan PDF
    Bt478KPJ40 Unknown Video Signal Processor IC Data Book 1993 Scan PDF
    BT478KPJ50 Brooktree 80 MHz 256-Word Color Palette Personal System/2 RAMDAC Scan PDF
    BT478KPJ66 Brooktree 80 MHz 256-Word Color Palette Personal System/2 RAMDAC Scan PDF
    BT478KPJ80 Brooktree 80 MHz 256-Word Color Palette Personal System/2 RAMDAC Scan PDF
    Bt478KPJ80 Unknown Video Signal Processor IC Data Book 1993 Scan PDF

    BT478 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: P82C452 82C452A crt controller 6845 MCA Bus 8bit vga controller plasma 640x480 64kx4 DRAM LM339 XR31
    Text: 82C452 Super VGA Graphics Controller Data Sheet September 1991 P R E L I M I N A R Y Copyright Notice Copyright 1990, Chips and Technologies, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This manual is copyrighted by Chips and Technologies, Inc. You may not reproduce,

    82C452 144-Pin 82C452 P82C452 82C452A crt controller 6845 MCA Bus 8bit vga controller plasma 640x480 64kx4 DRAM LM339 XR31 PDF

    schematic diagram cga to vga

    Abstract: cga to vga circuits SCHEMATIC mda VGA CRT MONITOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM monochrome TTL sync video CGA to vga SCHEMATIC mda VGA board 82c453 cga to vga hercules PLCC-44 cr16
    Text: 82C453 Ultra VGA Graphics Controller Data Sheet July 1991 Copyright Notice Copyright 1990, 1991 Chips and Technologies, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This manual is copyrighted by Chips and Technologies, Inc. You may not reproduce, transmit, transcribe, store in a retrieval system, or translate into any language or

    82C453 160-Pin schematic diagram cga to vga cga to vga circuits SCHEMATIC mda VGA CRT MONITOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM monochrome TTL sync video CGA to vga SCHEMATIC mda VGA board 82c453 cga to vga hercules PLCC-44 cr16 PDF


    Abstract: Bt481AKPJ110 datasheet TRANSISTOR sync 7580 BT481 BROOKTREE Bt475 bt475 ramdac bt478 bt471 bt475 L481A
    Text: Bt481A 110 MHz 256-Word Color Palette 15-, 16-, and 24-Bit True Color Power-Down RAMDAC Designed specifically for high-performance color graphics, the Bt481A RAMDAC supports three true-color modes: 15-bit 5:5:5, 32 K colors TARGA format, 16-bit (5:6:5, 65 K colors) XGA format, and 24-bit BGR (8:8:8, RGB/

    Bt481A 256-Word 24-Bit Bt481A 15-bit 16-bit BT481AKPJ110 Bt481AKPJ110 datasheet TRANSISTOR sync 7580 BT481 BROOKTREE Bt475 bt475 ramdac bt478 bt471 bt475 L481A PDF

    31DF DIODE

    Abstract: 82C480 BSS0001 comparison between buffer 74LS245 and 74ls244 BT475 S3 TRIO 64 ramdac 8514 31df S4d2 d04 diode Marking s4
    Text: 82C480/ 82B484 Graphics Accelerator/ Video Support Chip Data Sheet August 1991 Copyright Notice Copyright 1990, 1991, Chips and Technologies, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This manual is copyrighted by Chips and Technologies, Inc. You may not reproduce,

    82C480/ 82B484 82B484 80-Pin 31DF DIODE 82C480 BSS0001 comparison between buffer 74LS245 and 74ls244 BT475 S3 TRIO 64 ramdac 8514 31df S4d2 d04 diode Marking s4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bt471 Bt476 Bt478 D istinguishing Features Personal System/2 Compatible 80, 66, 50, 35 MHz Operation Triple 6-bit or 8-bit D/A Converters 256-word Color Palette RAM RS-343A/RS-170-Compatible Outputs 15 Overlay Registers Bt471/478 Sync on All Three Channels (Bl471/478)

    OCR Scan
    Bt471 Bt476 Bt478 256-word RS-343A/RS-170-Compatible Bt471/478) Bl471/478) 44-pin 28-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Advanced Micro Devices Am81C471/478 CMOS Color Palette DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Plug-In replacements for Bt471 and Bt478 Triple 6-bit 8-bit DACs • VGA hardware and software compatible Sync on alt three outputs • Available In 35,50,66,80 MHz versions

    OCR Scan
    Am81C471/478 Bt471 Bt478 RS-343A/RS-170 44-pln Am81C478 bt478 PDF


    Abstract: BT471KPJ35 bt471kpj50 bt478kpj35 BIT 3195 G BT479 BT471KPJ80 RAMDAC DIP BT477 Bt478KPJ80 capacitor 476 A
    Text: Bt471 Bt476 Bt478 D istinguishing Features Personal System/2 Compatible 80, 66, 50, 35 MHz Operation Triple 6-bit or 8-bit D/A Converters 256-word Color Palette RAM RS-343A/RS-170-Compatible Outputs 15 Overlay Registers Bt471/478 Sync on All Three Channels (Bt471/478)

    OCR Scan
    Bt471 Bt476 Bt478 256-word RS-343A/RS-170-Compatible Bt471/478) 44-pin 28-pin B1476 BT471KPJ35 bt471kpj50 bt478kpj35 BIT 3195 G BT479 BT471KPJ80 RAMDAC DIP BT477 Bt478KPJ80 capacitor 476 A PDF


    Abstract: RAMDAC DIP BT477 BT471KPJ35 BT471KPJ50 BROOKTREE Bt475 BT478KPJ50 bt473 BT475 L4780 BT476KP35
    Text: Bt471 Bt476 Bt478 Distinguishing Features Applications • Personal System/2 Com patibility 80, 66, 50, 35 M H z Operation Triple 6-bit or 8-bit D/A Converters 256-W ord C olor Palette RAM R S-343A -Com patible Outputs 15 Overlay Registers Bt471/478 Sync on All Three Channels

    OCR Scan
    Bt471 Bt476 Bt478 256-Word RS-343A-Compatible Bt471/478) 44-pin 28-pin BT478KPJ35 RAMDAC DIP BT477 BT471KPJ35 BT471KPJ50 BROOKTREE Bt475 BT478KPJ50 bt473 BT475 L4780 BT476KP35 PDF


    Abstract: C478 RS-170 RS-343A bt478
    Text: Preliminary ZI Advanced Micro Devices Am81C471/478 CMOS Color Palette DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Plug-In replacements for Bt471 and Bt478 Triple 6-btt 8-bit DACs • VGA hardware and software compatible Sync on alt three outputs • Available In 35, 5 0 ,6 6 ,8 0 MHz versions

    OCR Scan
    Am81C471/478 Bt471 Bt478 44-pln RS-343A/RS-170 C471 C478 RS-170 RS-343A bt478 PDF


    Abstract: BT471KPJ35 bt478kpj80 BT478KPJ50 BT471KPJ50 BT471KPJ66 BT476KPJ35 L4780 T471 Bt471KPJ80
    Text: Bt471 Bt476 Bt478 Distinguishing Features Applications Personal System/2 Com patibility 80, 66, 50, 35 M H z Operation T riple 6-bit or 8-bit D /A Converters 256-W ord C olor Palette RAM RS-343A -Com patible Outputs 15 Overlay Registers Bt471/478 Sync on All T hree Channels

    OCR Scan
    Bt471 Bt476 Bt478 RS-343A Bt471/478) 44-pin 28-pin 256-Word bt478kpj35 BT471KPJ35 bt478kpj80 BT478KPJ50 BT471KPJ50 BT471KPJ66 BT476KPJ35 L4780 T471 Bt471KPJ80 PDF


    Abstract: W82C476-80 W82C47680 W82C478
    Text: a w I B 19« W82C476 W82C478 Winbond Graphics C olor Palette d is t in c t iv e C h a r a c t e r is t ic s ♦ Functionally compatible with Bt476 and Bt478 ♦ Fast settling time and low glitch outputs for visually clean displays ♦ Fast O-wait state microprocessor (MPU interface

    OCR Scan
    W82C476 W82C478 Bt476 Bt478 256x18 8514/a® 1024x768 W82C476-80 W82C47680 W82C478 PDF

    schematic diagram cga to vga

    Abstract: DD11D1D SCHEMATIC mda VGA board cga ega vga RAMDAC DIP BT477 TTL sync video CGA to vga schematic diagram cga to vga circuit convert ega to vga I334 cga to vga
    Text: UM•■ ■■• ■■ ■■ai i v a n i r à 82C453 Ultra VGA Graphics Controller ■ High Performance VRAM VGA optimized for 800x600 and 1024x768, 16 and 256 color, display resolutions interlaced/non-interlaced ■ 4 VRAMs (256Kx4) support all Super VGA

    OCR Scan
    82C453 800x600 1024x768, 256Kx4) 1024x768 160-Pin G011GHD schematic diagram cga to vga DD11D1D SCHEMATIC mda VGA board cga ega vga RAMDAC DIP BT477 TTL sync video CGA to vga schematic diagram cga to vga circuit convert ega to vga I334 cga to vga PDF


    Abstract: HA19510A IR3K07 BT478KPJ80 adv453
    Text: - 284 0_t'-r'tfffl 8 t'v h D - A n y /-f— y H > B tI09KC « — ft ällS'ÖS ft*»!'- b Bt458KG125 ADV453K*66, 40 a i Brooktree Brooktree •> + - 7 ’ Brooktree Analog Devices TFS TFS +25' C TFS TFS 250MSPS 40MSPS min 125MSPS 80/40MSPS 40MSPS typ 31. 2 5MHz

    OCR Scan
    Bt109KC HA19510A Bt457KG125 Bt478KPJ80/J40 IR3K07 Bt458KG125 ADV453K 250MSPS 40MSPS 125MSPS ADV476KN66 BT478KPJ80 adv453 PDF


    Abstract: lm317 cursor
    Text: Preliminary Information This document contains information on new product. The parametric information, although not fully characterized, is the result o f testing initial devices. Distinguishing Features 85 and 75 MHz Operation Supports 8:8:8:8, 24-bit True Color

    OCR Scan
    24-bit t471/475/476/477/478 16-bit 24-bit-per-Pixel Bt481/482 Bt481KPJ85 15x24 44-pin BT481KPJ85 lm317 cursor PDF

    Ferrite 3c6

    Abstract: L481A Bt481AKPJ110 bt475 ramdac
    Text: Designed specifically for high-performance color graphics, the Bt481A RAMDAC supports three true-color modes: 15-bit 5:5:5, 32 K colors TARGA for­ mat, 16-bit (5:6:5, 65 K colors) XGA format, and 24-bit BGR (8:8:8, RGB/ BGR, 16.8 M colors) true-color format. It also supports 8-bit pseudo-color for­

    OCR Scan
    Bt481A 15-bit 16-bit 24-bit L481A Bt481A 256-Word Ferrite 3c6 Bt481AKPJ110 bt475 ramdac PDF

    Ferrite 3c6

    Abstract: FAIR-RITE 2743021447 1N414B BT481 sparkle esc 21 L481 RS-343A l481ac L481A AN12
    Text: F u n c t io n a l D e s c r ip t io n Pin Information and Block Diagram Table 1 details the Bt481A’s pin numbers, names, and descriptions. Figure 1 illus­ trates the pinout. Figure 2 is a detailed block diagram of the Bt481 A. Table 1. Pin Descriptions 1 of 3

    OCR Scan
    Bt481A Bt481 Bt481A 256-Word 24-Bit Ferrite 3c6 FAIR-RITE 2743021447 1N414B sparkle esc 21 L481 RS-343A l481ac L481A AN12 PDF

    31DF DIODE

    Abstract: IBM motherboard schematics 478 comparison between buffer 74LS245 and 74ls244 ibm 478 motherboard LM339 APPLICATIONS 15-13 pin vga cable connection Hsync Vsync VGA 31df 6 7h on4801 S3 TRIO 64
    Text: •■ ^ ■■ •• n i r a 82C480 8514/A-COMPATIBLE GRAPHICS CONTROLLER ■ ■ ■ Fully Compatible with IBM 8514/A at both register and software 'Adapter Interface' or AI level Runs Windows and Presentation Manager for the 8514/A without special drivers

    OCR Scan
    82C480 8514/A-COMPATIBLE 8514/A 160-Pin 16-bit 74LS245 LM339 31DF DIODE IBM motherboard schematics 478 comparison between buffer 74LS245 and 74ls244 ibm 478 motherboard LM339 APPLICATIONS 15-13 pin vga cable connection Hsync Vsync VGA 31df 6 7h on4801 S3 TRIO 64 PDF


    Abstract: LM337 SO-148 bt478 IAA180 targa SC-1143 SC11488 S 1476 Sierra Semiconductor palette for personal
    Text: A D V A N C E IN FO RM A TIO N -*«* t * SC11482/SC11483/SC11484 Universal HiCOLOR Palette i* SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Supports 5-5-5 TARGA™ format 32,768 colors in HiCOLOR m ode Supports Pseudo Color format (256 colors)

    OCR Scan
    SC11482/SC11483/SCU484 SC11482/SC11484) SC11482/SC11483/SC11484 16-bit SCl1486 LM337 SO-148 bt478 IAA180 targa SC-1143 SC11488 S 1476 Sierra Semiconductor palette for personal PDF

    schematic diagram cga to vga

    Abstract: 74LS541 buffer RAMDAC DIP BT477 82C450 CRTC 6845 schematic diagram cga to vga circuit cga to vga SCHEMATIC mda VGA schematic cga vga pins 82C452 BT475
    Text: v SS SÌ SSSS”SSss"* n i r a - 82C450 One Megabit DRAM VGA Graphics Controller Highly integrated design resulting in lower chip count. Total of 7 chips required for a VGA implementation including memory • Enhanced backward compatibility with EGA, CGA, Hercules , and MDA without using NMIs

    OCR Scan
    82C450 256Kx4 1024x768 82C450 100-Pin schematic diagram cga to vga 74LS541 buffer RAMDAC DIP BT477 CRTC 6845 schematic diagram cga to vga circuit cga to vga SCHEMATIC mda VGA schematic cga vga pins 82C452 BT475 PDF

    31DF DIODE

    Abstract: S3 TRIO 3D ON4801 7.2 mghz BT475 bt475 ramdac S3 TRIO 3d on board marking 3L2 diode S4d2 S3 TRIO jumper
    Text: •■ ■■■■■■ ■■ v ■■ ■■ . n ••■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■ A ■■ ■■ ■■ _ ' i r 3 82C480 Graphics Accelerator ■ Accelerates Windows, AutoCAD, and Presen­ tation Manager without special drivers ■ Hardware Graphics Functions:

    OCR Scan
    82C480 160-Pin 16-bit 8514/A 74LS245 BT475 256Kx4 201011b 31DF DIODE S3 TRIO 3D ON4801 7.2 mghz bt475 ramdac S3 TRIO 3d on board marking 3L2 diode S4d2 S3 TRIO jumper PDF


    Abstract: inmos IMSG171 adv7146kn66 ADV7146KN50 "32 mix" ferrite ADV7148 bt471 bt478 ADV7146 ADV471
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES Proprietary Antialiasing Function Dejagging of Lines, Arcs, Circles, Fonts, etc. Effective 24-Bit True Color Performance Dynamic Palette Load DPL Function Plug-in Upgrade for Standard VGA RAM-DACs AD V478/A D V 471, ADV476 (ADV ) & Inmos 171/176T

    OCR Scan
    V7141 V7146/ADV7148* 24-Bit ADV478/AD ADV476 171/176T 8514/At RS-343A/RS-170 03C9h imsg171 inmos IMSG171 adv7146kn66 ADV7146KN50 "32 mix" ferrite ADV7148 bt471 bt478 ADV7146 ADV471 PDF

    opcode table for 8086 microprocessor

    Abstract: 8086 opcode table for 8086 microprocessor 8086 opcode sheet opcode sheet for 8086 microprocessor microprocessor 8086 opcode sheet IMSG171 8086 opcode sheet 20.1 til 815 display 8086 opcodes 8086 assembler diagram
    Text: w » 22 'S*'-. Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics D-to-A Converters CÏG /D AC EL 171, EW71, EL478 Features ✓Single-Chip Mixed-Signal Video Display Processor * Triple 8-bit D/A Converters * 256-Word Palette RAM * Anti-Aliasing Logic * Color Spectrum Generation Logic

    OCR Scan
    EL171, EL471, EL478 256-Word IMSG171, IMSG176, andADV476 BT471, BT476 BT478 opcode table for 8086 microprocessor 8086 opcode table for 8086 microprocessor 8086 opcode sheet opcode sheet for 8086 microprocessor microprocessor 8086 opcode sheet IMSG171 8086 opcode sheet 20.1 til 815 display 8086 opcodes 8086 assembler diagram PDF


    Abstract: inmos IMSG171
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES Proprietary Antialiasing Function Dejagging of Lines, Arcs, Circles, Fonts, etc. Effective 24-Bit True Color Performance Dynamic Palette Load DPL Function Plug-in Upgrade for Standard VGA RAM-DACs ADV478/ADV471, ADV476 (ADV ) & Inmos 171/176T

    OCR Scan
    24-Bit ADV478/ADV471, ADV476 171/176T 8514/At RS-343A/RS-170 03C9h ADV7146 inmos IMSG171 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bt453 Distinguishing Features Applications • • • • • 66, 40 MHz Operation Triple 8-bit D/A Converters 256 x 24 Color Palette RAM 3 x 24 Overlay Palette RS-343A/RS-170-Compatible Outputs Standard MPU Interface +5 V CMOS Monolithic Construction 40-pin DIP or 44-pin PLCC Package

    OCR Scan
    Bt453 RS-343A/RS-170-Compatible 40-pin 44-pin Bt453 Bt477, Bt478 Bt453KC66 PDF