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    BRIDGE 2A 600V Search Results

    BRIDGE 2A 600V Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TCK126BG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Load Switch IC, 1 to 5.5 V, 1 A, WCSP4G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK127BG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Load Switch IC, 1 to 5.5 V, 1 A, Auto-discharge, WCSP4G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK424G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK425G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK423G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    BRIDGE 2A 600V Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Z4PAK
    Text: ZOWIE Bridge Rectifier 600V~1000V / 2A Z4GP20JLH THRU Z4GP20MLH OUTLINE DIMENSIONS FEATURES * * * * * * * * Halogen-free type Internal structure with GPRC (glass passivated rectifier chip) inside Compliance to RoHS product Lead less chip form, no lead damage



    Abstract: FBI1.5D5S2 7B1M1 FBI5J1M1 FBI4K5M1 FBI1.5J5S2 FBI1.5-5S2 FBI1.5L5S2 FBI2L5S2 FBI4M5M1
    Text: QUICK GUIDE Bridge Rectifiers BRIDGE RECTIFIERS (IN LINE BRIDGES) SERIES FBI1.5 4S1 FBI1.5 5S2 FBI2 4S1 FBI2 5S2 FBI2.5 4S1 FBI3.7 1M1 FBI4 5M1 FBI4 7M1 FBI5 1M1 FBI5.1 1M1 FBI6 5M1 FBI6 1M1 FBI8 5M1 FBI10 7M1 FBI15 1M1 IF IFSM 50V 100V 200V 1.5A 1.5A 2A

    FBI10 FBI15 FBI10B7M1 FBI15B1M1 FBI10J7M1 FBI15J1M1 FBI10G7M1 FBI15G1M1 FBI10K7M1 FBI15K1M1 FBI3.7D1M1 FBI1.5D5S2 7B1M1 FBI5J1M1 FBI4K5M1 FBI1.5J5S2 FBI1.5-5S2 FBI1.5L5S2 FBI2L5S2 FBI4M5M1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZOWIE Bridge Rectifier 600V~1000V / 2A Z4GP20JLH THRU Z4GP20MLH OUTLINE DIMENSIONS FEATURES Case : Z4PAK Halogen-free type Internal structure with GPRC (glass passivated rectifier chip) inside Compliance to RoHS product Lead less chip form, no lead damage



    Abstract: BRIDGE-RECTIFIER mini package
    Text: ZOWIE Low VF Mini Bridge Rectifier Preliminary MBCS20JH THRU MBCS20MH 600V~1000V / 2A OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Case : MBCS Unit : mm 8.10 ± 0.10 10.50 ± 0.10 Halogen-free type Internal structure with GPRC (glass passivated rectifier chip) inside Lead free product, compliance to RoHS

    MBCS20JH MBCS20MH mbcs BRIDGE-RECTIFIER mini package PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZOWIE Bridge Rectifier Preliminary MBCR20JLH 600V / 2A OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Case : MBCR Halogen-free type Internal structure with GPRC (glass passivated rectifier chip) inside Compliance to RoHS product Lead less chip form, no lead damage Lead-free solder joint, no wire bond & lead frame

    MBCR20JLH 300uS PDF

    igbt 500V 22A

    Abstract: 22a ic igbt 2A ic MARKING QG 7721-2A SCHEMATIC servo dc IGBTS igbt 500V 1A 280/TDA 7721 RECTIFIER BRIDGE 25A 600V 7721-1A
    Text: MODEL 7721 SERIES NEW PRODUCT H Bridge Power Module Drives DC motors, transformers and other loads. Paralleled ultrafast diodes included. Standard applications are off-line DC motor control and power conversion. MODELS/RANGE 7721-1A 7721-2A 22A 500V IGBTs with 8A 600V ultrafast diodes

    721-1A 721-2A O-220 O-247 igbt 500V 22A 22a ic igbt 2A ic MARKING QG 7721-2A SCHEMATIC servo dc IGBTS igbt 500V 1A 280/TDA 7721 RECTIFIER BRIDGE 25A 600V 7721-1A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZOWIE Bridge Rectifier 600V~1000V / 2A Z4GP20JH THRU Z4GP20MH OUTLINE DIMENSIONS FEATURES Halogen-free type Internal structure with GPRC (glass passivated rectifier chip) inside Compliance to RoHS product Lead less chip form, no lead damage Lead-free solder joint, no wire bond & lead frame

    Z4GP20JH Z4GP20MH 300uS Z4PAK PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZOWIE Bridge Rectifier 600V~1000V / 2A MBCR20JLH THRU MBCR20MLH OUTLINE DIMENSIONS FEATURES Halogen-free type Internal structure with GPRC (glass passivated rectifier chip) inside Compliance to RoHS product Lead less chip form, no lead damage Lead-free solder joint, no wire bond & lead frame



    Abstract: s2vb shindengen S2VB* bridge S2VB 20 40 S2VB60
    Text: SHINDENGEN Square In-line Package Bridge Diode S2VB60 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Case : S2VB Unit : mm 600V 2A RATINGS ● Absolute Maximum Ratings Item Symbol Conditions Tstg Storage Temperature Tj Operating Junction Temperature VRM Maximum Reverse Voltage IO 50Hz sine wave, R-load, Without heatsink, Ta=40℃

    S2VB60 1mst10msc s2vb s2vb shindengen S2VB* bridge S2VB 20 40 S2VB60 PDF


    Abstract: MBCR20J bridge 2A 600v MBCR20MH MBCR20JH
    Text: ZOWIE Bridge Rectifier 600V~1000V / 2A MBCR20JH THRU MBCR20MH OUTLINE DIMENSIONS FEATURES Halogen-free type Internal structure with GPRC (glass passivated rectifier chip) inside Lead free product, compliance to RoHS Lead less chip form, no lead damage Lead-free solder joint, no wire bond & lead frame

    MBCR20JH MBCR20MH 300uS MBCR20M MBCR20J bridge 2A 600v MBCR20MH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet IX2R11 2A Half-Bridge Driver Features General Description ï Floating High Side Driver with boot-strap Power supply along with a Low Side Driver. ï Fully operational to 650V ï ± 50V/ns dV/dt immunity ï Gate drive power supply range: 10 - 35V

    IX2R11 IX2R11 HCPL-314J DSEI12-10A IXDD414 IXFP4N100Q -600V IX2R11S3 IX2R11P7 PDF

    S2VB* bridge

    Abstract: S2VB60 S2VB bridge 2A 600v S2VB 20 40 MARKING CODE TL marking 6 bridge diode
    Text: SQ I P 型 Bridge Diode Square In-line Package •外観図 OUTLINE S2VB60 Unit : mm Weight : 3g (typ.) Package:S2VB 600V 2A ② ① 特長 • 耐湿性に優れ高信頼性 • 高耐熱性 • 低 IR ③ ④ 7.5 Feature • High-Reliability • Heat Resistance

    S2VB60 25unless 1mst10msTj J534-1 S2VB* bridge S2VB60 S2VB bridge 2A 600v S2VB 20 40 MARKING CODE TL marking 6 bridge diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SQ I P 型 Bridge Diode Square In-line Package •外観図 OUTLINE S2VB60 Unit : mm Weight : 3g (typ.) Package:S2VB 600V 2A ② ① 特長 • 耐湿性に優れ高信頼性 • 高耐熱性 • 低 IR ③ ④ 7.5 Feature • High-Reliability • Heat Resistance

    S2VB60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SQ I P Bridge Diode Square In-line Package OUTLINE S2VB60 Unit : mm Weight : 3g typ. Package S2VB 600V 2A • • • ② ① ③ ④ IR 7.5 Feature • High-Reliability • Heat Resistance • Low IR 品名 Type No. 20 + S2VB 6N 20 − ロット記号(例)

    S2VB60 J534-1 PDF


    Abstract: S2VB* bridge S2VB 20 40 S2VB20 DIODE 03 S2VB60 6n diode s2vb shindengen 600v 2a
    Text: SQ I P 型 Bridge Diode Square In-line Package •外観図 OUTLINE S2VB□ Unit : mm Weight : 3g(typ.) Package:S2VB 600V 2A ② ① 特長 • 耐湿性に優れ高信頼性 • 高耐熱性 • 低 IR ③ ④ 7.5 Feature • High-Reliability • Heat Resistance

    25unless S2VB20 S2VB60 1mst10msTj s2vb S2VB* bridge S2VB 20 40 S2VB20 DIODE 03 S2VB60 6n diode s2vb shindengen 600v 2a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: シングルインライン型 Bridge Diode Single In-line Package •外観図 OUTLINE D2SB60A Unit : mm Weight : 2.0g (typ.) Package:2S 600V 2A 品名 Type No. 特長 • 薄型 SIP パッケージ • 高 IFSM ロット記号(例) Date code

    D2SB60A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet IX2R11 2A Half-Bridge Driver Features • Floating High Side Driver with boot-strap Power supply along with a Low Side Driver. • Fully operational to 650V • ± 50V/ns dV/dt immunity • Gate drive power supply range: 10 - 35V • Undervoltage lockout for both output drivers

    IX2R11 IX2R11 100uF/250V 50v/ns IXDD414 -600V IXFP4N100Q DSEI12-10A HCPL-314J HV MOSFET PDF

    mosfet 600V 10A logic level

    Abstract: IXFP4N100Q IXDD414 IX2R11P7 High Side dsei12 DSEI12-10A IX2R11 IX2R11S3 IXDD
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet IX2R11 2A Half-Bridge Driver Features • Floating High Side Driver with boot-strap Power supply along with a Low Side Driver. • Fully operational to 650V • ± 50V/ns dV/dt immunity • Gate drive power supply range: 10 - 35V • Undervoltage lockout for both output drivers

    IX2R11 IX2R11 HCPL-314J DSEI12-10A IXDD414 IXFP4N100Q -600V IX2R11S3 mosfet 600V 10A logic level IXFP4N100Q IXDD414 IX2R11P7 High Side dsei12 DSEI12-10A IXDD PDF


    Abstract: S2VB* bridge S2VB 20 40 S2VB20
    Text: SQ I P型 ブリッジダイオード Square In-line Package Bridge Diode •外形寸法図 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Package:S2VB Unit : mm Weight:3g(typ.) S2VB□ 600V 2A 品名 Type No. ロット記号(例) Date code +0.3 ●耐湿性に優れ高信頼性

    13MAX 13MAX 20MIN 25unless S2VB20 S2VB60 wave50Hz S2VB S2VB* bridge S2VB 20 40 S2VB20 PDF


    Abstract: 2D4B41 2B4B41 3B4B41 2J4B41 3G4B41
    Text: 9097250 3^ 1 e | TOSHIBA <DISCRETE/OPTO) ci 0 ci 7 g 5 0 DGG233S 2 J4B 41 600V S 0 ' T ~ S i 3 - O S ’. ‘ 39C 02335 RECTIFIER STA CK BRIDGE) | 2A Unit in mm MAXIMUM RATINGS CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL RATING 2B4B41 Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 2D4B41 2G4B41

    OCR Scan
    DGG233S 2B4B41 2D4B41 2G4B41 70X70X2 3d4b41 3B4B41 2J4B41 3G4B41 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SQ.I.P.3S! T/U'Vv ^'I'tT-K Square In-line Package Bridge Diode • O U T L IN E D IM E N S IO N S S2VBD 600V 2A ■ R A TIN G S A bsolute Maximum R atings - _ _ E3 At % ft. — ■— •— _ * o TT ——— -— _ Type No. Symbol Conditions

    OCR Scan
    50HzIE3Â S2VB60 PDF


    Text: Sauare In-line Packag Bridge Diode 54E 1> SHINDENGEN ELECTRIC MFG ISHEJ • 021^307 QOOOSll TQ3 O U T L IN E D IM E N S IO N S S2VBD 600V 2A ■ RATING S $5;fcÎSi:£/ËÎ& n Absolute Maximum Ratings @ t m Symbol I t em Storage Tem perature S-g-gPfiJS Operating Junction Tem perature

    OCR Scan

    "12 amp" bridge rectifier

    Abstract: MZ800 MZ80 MZ1000 MZ1200 MZ200 MZ200F MZ400 MZ600 MZ-8
    Text: Three Phase 12 Amp Bridge Rectifier MZ200 - MZ1200 RED DOT POSITIVE c— !. ' K/ ; + H , U- l MZ200 MZ200F RED DOT POSITIVE RED DOT POSITIVE I i- ^ U 1 - =3 , 1 1 u T 1 / 4 - 2 8 U N C -2A M Z200FTDim. Inches Minimum A B C D E F G H 1 J K .018 -.290

    OCR Scan
    MZ200 MZ1200 MZ200 MZ200FT MZ200F MZ200FS "12 amp" bridge rectifier MZ800 MZ80 MZ1000 MZ1200 MZ200F MZ400 MZ600 MZ-8 PDF


    Abstract: 1N4437 1N443 1N4438
    Text: Single Phase Bridge Rectifier N4436 1N4438 RED DOT POSITIVE A C 1 A C 2 + H Note: Electrically Isolated RED DOT POSITIVE RED DOT POSITIVE 1 —K —L Ol I I I f r r i M _ i , f ! I u T 1 / 4 - 2 8 UNC-2A 1N443_FTDim. Inches For Parts w /o Flags Delete F -1N443_FS

    OCR Scan
    F--1N443 N4436â 1N4438 1N4436 1N4437 1N443 1N4438 PDF