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    BPW41D Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    BPW41D Ferranti Semiconductors Quick Reference Guide 1985 Scan PDF
    BPW41D Zetex Semiconductors INFRA-RED PHOTODETECTOR Scan PDF
    BPW41D Zetex Semiconductors Quick Reference Guide (Discrete Semiconductors) 1991 Scan PDF

    BPW41D Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: BPW41D ultrasonic 4046 pll zpd200 low noise ir photodiode amplifier INTRODUCTION OF AUTOMATIC ROOM LIGHT CONTROL Design and construction Wave FM radio transmitter BPW41 IR DATA BPW41 circuit application 4046 self bias amplifier
    Text: Application Note 3 Issue 2 November 1995 Infra-Red Remote Control and Data Transmission An Introduction to Photodiodes - Load Circuits and Applications David Bradbury Introduction The use of short range remote control and data transmission systems in both

    BPW41D ZTX384 ultrasonic 4046 pll zpd200 low noise ir photodiode amplifier INTRODUCTION OF AUTOMATIC ROOM LIGHT CONTROL Design and construction Wave FM radio transmitter BPW41 IR DATA BPW41 circuit application 4046 self bias amplifier PDF

    IR remote control

    Abstract: BPW41D bpw41 ir diode remote control for remote control for garage OE29 ir remote 1040nm
    Text: BPW41D INFRA-RED PHOTODETECTOR The BPW 41D is a large area, silicon p .i.n . p h o to d io d e having a lo w ju n ctio n capacitance and co n se qu e n tly capable o f fa s t response tim es. The active chip is packaged in a plastic m oulding w h ich contains a near infra-red tran sm issive filte r such th a t th e device is sensitive to infra-red

    OCR Scan
    BPW41D BPW41D IR remote control bpw41 ir diode remote control for remote control for garage OE29 ir remote 1040nm PDF

    IR TIL81

    Abstract: TIL81 Phototransistor TIL81 2 pin phototransistor diode TIL81 TIL100 PHOTOTRANSISTOR 3 PIN bpx25 phototransistor application circuit Phototransistor bpx25 phototransistor
    Text: BPW41D INFRA-RED PHOTODETECTOR The B P W 4 1 D is a large: area, silicon p.i.n. photodiode having a low junction capacitance and consequently capable of fast response times. The active chip is packaged in a plastic moulding which contains a near infra-red transmissive filter such that the device is sensitive to infra-red radiation only, and

    OCR Scan
    BPW41D BPW41D FPT220 FPT230 FPT320 FPT330 FPT400 FPT500 FPT530 FPT560 IR TIL81 TIL81 Phototransistor TIL81 2 pin phototransistor diode TIL81 TIL100 PHOTOTRANSISTOR 3 PIN bpx25 phototransistor application circuit Phototransistor bpx25 phototransistor PDF

    ic iR light control

    Abstract: BPW41D ic for remote control for garage
    Text: TS PLES'SEY SEMICOND/DISCRETE DE | 7 5 E D S 3 3 DODSQl? fc, 7220533 PLESSEY SEMICOND/DISCRETE 95D 05017 T~ HI" «S' BPW41D IN F R A -R ED PHO TO DETECTO R The BPW 41D is a large area, silicon p.i.n. photodiode having a low junction capacitance and consequently capable of fast response times. The active chip is packaged in a plastic moulding which

    OCR Scan
    BPW41D 700nm. 950nm. ic iR light control BPW41D ic for remote control for garage PDF


    Abstract: oe30
    Text: BPW41D INFRA-RED PHOTODETECTOR Th e B P W 4 1 D is a large area, silicon p .i.n . photodio de having a lo w junction ca pacitan ce and consequ ently capable o f fa s t response tim es . T h e ac tive chip is packaged in a plastic m oulding w h ich contains a near infra-red transm issive filter such th a t th e device is sensitive to infra-red

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    BPW41D BPW41D oe30 PDF


    Abstract: ms6b photocells
    Text: ZETEX S E M I C O N D U C T O R S IbE » M S SERIES - • TT7GS7Ô DDDbfibfl 3 M Z E T 3 . SILICON MESA PHOTOCELLS Unencapsulated cells are coated with a special varnish to protect against contamination and moisture ingress. Encapsulated Cells are set into tough bakelite or epoxy

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    MS11AE MS11B MS11BE BPX25 BPW41D/C BPX29 ZMP31 ZNP100 ms6b photocells PDF


    Abstract: Phototransistor TIL81 Phototransistor TIL100 lens photodiode phototransistor Phototransistor bpx25 Phototransistor zm110 Infrared phototransistor TO18 BPW41D ferranti
    Text: SILICON PLANAR PHOTOTRANSISTORS GENERAL APPLICATIO N S OF FERRANTI PHOTOTRANSISTORS Alarm Systems, Process Control, Edge and Position Sensing, Optical Character Recognition, Tape Readers, Card Readers, Electronic Flash Control, etc. ZM100 SER IES TO-18 HERM ETIC ZM100/110, BPX25/29

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    ZM100 ZM100/110, BPX25/29) ZM110 BPX25 MRD310. ZM110 MRD370 ZM100 TIL81 Phototransistor TIL81 Phototransistor TIL100 lens photodiode phototransistor Phototransistor bpx25 Phototransistor zm110 Infrared phototransistor TO18 BPW41D ferranti PDF

    Phototransistor TIL81

    Abstract: TIL81 Transistor BPX25 til100 Phototransistor bpx25 phototransistor Infrared phototransistor TO18 Phototransistor zm110 phototransistor and applications MRD300
    Text: SILICON PLANAR PHOTOTRANSISTORS GENERAL APPLICATIONS OF FERRANTI PHOTOTRANSISTORS Alarm Systems, Process Control, Edge and Position Sensing, Optical Character Recognition, Tape Readers, Card Readers, Electronic Flash C ontrol, etc. ZM100 SERIES TO-18 HERMETIC ZM100/110, BPX25/29

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    ZM100 ZM100/110, BPX25/29) ZM110 BPX25 ZM210 Phototransistor TIL81 TIL81 Transistor BPX25 til100 Phototransistor bpx25 phototransistor Infrared phototransistor TO18 Phototransistor zm110 phototransistor and applications MRD300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SbE D • ^70570 D DD 7D 3ti Eb2 « Z E T B BPW SERIES ZETEX SEMICONDUCTORS SILIC O N PIN PHOTO D IO D ES " F 4 l~ A range of PIN photodiodes encapsulated in economical plastic packages which are clear or incorporate a daylight filter which provides sensitivity to infra-red radiation only, with high rejection

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    7D57fl BPX25, BPX29 ZNP100 ZNP102/3 ZMP31 BPW41D BPW41C/50C PDF

    Phototransistor TIL81

    Abstract: TIL81 Phototransistor TIL100 Phototransistor bpx25 Phototransistor zm110 Phototransistor TIL100 FERRANTI ELECTRONICS Infra-red bpx25 mrd300 equivalent
    Text: COMPETITOR CROSS REFERENCE LIST The following cross-reference list has been compiled as a guide for design engineers and purchasing agents and indicates the nearest Ferranti equivalent to a variety of competitive manufacturer's devices. In some cases there will be minor differences in electrical characteristics and/or package details and

    OCR Scan
    MRD310. ZM110 MRD370 ZM100 MRD810. MRD3050 BPX29 MRD3051 Phototransistor TIL81 TIL81 Phototransistor TIL100 Phototransistor bpx25 Phototransistor zm110 Phototransistor TIL100 FERRANTI ELECTRONICS Infra-red bpx25 mrd300 equivalent PDF

    Infra-red bpx25

    Abstract: ZNP102 BPW41D znp100
    Text: SbE » • ^ 7 0 5 7 3 □□□703t. SS3 ■ Z E T B MS-15 INFRA-RED PHOTOCELL 4\ This silicon photocell has been specifically developed for the detection of Infra-red radiation in the wavelength range of 750 to 1100nm. Originally used in conjunction with a Helium Neon laser for

    OCR Scan
    MS-15 1100nm. 750nm. 7D57fl BPX25, BPX29 ZNP100 ZNP102/3 ZMP31 BPW41D Infra-red bpx25 ZNP102 znp100 PDF


    Abstract: ZNP102
    Text: 5bE ]> • ^70570 M S SERIES D G D 7 D 3 4 7flD « Z E T B ZETE X s e m i c o n d u c t o r s SILICON M E S A PHOTOCELLS A range of silicon photovoltaic cells of mesa construction available in sizes from micro-miniature to large active area for general purpose use.

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    850nm 100nm 7D57fl BPX29 ZNP100 ZNP102/3 ZMP31 BPW41D znp100 ZNP102 PDF

    Photo Detectors

    Abstract: diode 725 BPW50
    Text: BPW SERIES SILICON PIN PHOTO DIODES A range of PIN photodiodes encapsulated in economical plastic packages which are clear or incorporate a daylight filter which provides sensitivity to infra-red radiation only, w ith high rejection of wavelengths less than 7 0 0 nm. The devices have low junction capacitance and thus are capable

    OCR Scan
    BPW50 1000lux* BPW41C BPW50C Photo Detectors diode 725 BPW50 PDF


    Abstract: BPW50C fast photo diode diode 725 bpw 50 Photo Detectors BPW41D pin photo diodes bpw41 BPW41C
    Text: BPW SERIES SILICON PIN PHOTO DIODES A range of PIN photodiodes encapsulated in economical plastic packages which are clear or incorporate a daylight filter which provides sensitivity to infra-red radiation only, with high rejection of wavelengths less than 700nm . The devices have low junction capacitance and thus are capable

    OCR Scan
    700nm. 1000lux* BPW41C BPW50C BPW50 fast photo diode diode 725 bpw 50 Photo Detectors BPW41D pin photo diodes bpw41 PDF


    Abstract: BPX29 ZNP100 NP-102 BPW41D ZMP31 ZM100
    Text: PACKAGE OUTLINES ! cV» <£» - f ìf -JILT “T - » _ L A on BPX25, ZM 100/110 TO-18 Lens Glass Fig. 1 BPX29 (TO-18 G la s s W in d o w ) ZNP100 (TO-5 Glass Window) Z N P 102/3 (TO-72 Glass Window) Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig.2 T It UT 1-V ^ t •Jl ZMP31 T 1 3mm Clear Plastic

    OCR Scan
    BPX25, BPX29 ZNP100 ZMP31 BPW41D BPX25 BPX29 ZNP100 NP-102 ZM100 PDF

    photodiode BPW50

    Abstract: BPW50 bpw41 Photo Detectors ZM100 diode 725 bpw filter BPW41D BPW41C BPW50C
    Text: BPW SERIES SILICON PIN PHOTO DIODES A range of PIN photodiodes encapsulated in economical plastic packages which are clear or incorporate a daylight filter which provides sensitivity to infra-red radiation only, with high rejection of wavelengths less than 700nm. The devices have low junction capacitance and thus are capable

    OCR Scan
    700nm. ZM100 ZM110 ZM210 950nm BPW41 25mm2 BPW50 ZPA200 photodiode BPW50 Photo Detectors diode 725 bpw filter BPW41D BPW41C BPW50C PDF