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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DF2B5M4ASL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-3.6 V, SOD-962 (SL2) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DF2B6M4CT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-5.5 V, SOD-882 (CST2) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DF2B6M4ASL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-5.5 V, SOD-962 (SL2) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DF2B5PCT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-3.6 V, SOD-882 (CST2) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DF2B6M4SL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-5.5 V, SOD-962 (SL2) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation


    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: MAC223A4FP MAC223A6FP MAC223A8FP MAC223AFP MAC223FP Nippon Pulse Motor 12v DC
    Text: — MOTOROU SEMICONDUCTOR Order this document by MAC223FP/D TECHNICAL DATA MAC223FP Series MAC223AFP Series.:;,:, *.\\,~’ +,. ,*$ .$ a Wiacs Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as lighting systems,

    MAC223FP/D MAC223FP MAC223AFP MAC223FP MAC223AFP MAC223-4FP MAC223A4FP MAC223A6FP MAC223A8FP Nippon Pulse Motor 12v DC PDF


    Abstract: T2800 Series 221A-04 T2800 T2800D T2800B
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by T2800/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA T2800 SERIES Triacs Bidirectional Triode Thyristors . . . designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies.

    T2800/D T2800 T2800 21A-04 O-220AB) T2800/D* T28000 T2800 Series 221A-04 T2800D T2800B PDF


    Abstract: T2800 how to test Triode Thyristors
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by T2800/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA T2800 SERIES Triacs Bidirectional Triode Thyristors . . . designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies.

    T2800/D T2800 T2800 21A-07 O-220AB) T28000 how to test Triode Thyristors PDF

    SC136 Series

    Abstract: SC136B
    Text: DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS SC136 SERIES BIDIRECTIONAL TRIODE THYRISTORS Available Non-RoHS standard or RoHS compliant (add PBF suffix). Available as “HR” (high reliability) screened per MIL-PRF-19500, JANTX level. Add “HR” suffix to base part number.

    SC136 MIL-PRF-19500, SC136B SC136C SC136D SC136E SC136M O-126 SC136 Series SC136B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS SC143 SERIES BIDIRECTIONAL TRIODE THYRISTORS Available Non-RoHS standard or RoHS compliant (add PBF suffix). Available as “HR” (high reliability) screened per MIL-PRF-19500, JANTX level. Add “HR” suffix to base part number.

    SC143 MIL-PRF-19500, SC143B SC143D SC143E SC143M 220AB PDF


    Abstract: T2800B
    Text: DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS T2800 SERIES BIDIRECTIONAL TRIODE THYRISTORS Available Non-RoHS standard or RoHS compliant (add PBF suffix). Available as “HR” (high reliability) screened per MIL-PRF-19500, JANTX level. Add “HR” suffix to base part number.

    T2800 MIL-PRF-19500, T2800B T2800C T2800D T2800E T2800M O-220AB t2800m T2800B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS T6400 SERIES BIDIRECTIONAL TRIODE THYRISTORS Available Non-RoHS standard or RoHS compliant (add PBF suffix). Available as “HR” (high reliability) screened per MIL-PRF-19500, JANTX level. Add “HR” suffix to base part number.

    T6400 MIL-PRF-19500, T6400B T6400D T6400M T6400N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMB20x Series Triac Bidirectional Triode Thyristor Features and Benefits Description Exceptional reliability Small fully-molded SIP package with heatsink mounting for high thermal dissipation and long life VDRM of 600 V 20 ARMS on-state current Uniform switching

    TMB20x E118037) O-220F) TMB20x PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS MAC6400 SERIES BIDIRECTIONAL TRIODE THYRISTORS Available Non-RoHS standard or RoHS compliant (add PBF suffix). Available as “HR” (high reliability) screened per MIL-PRF-19500, JANTX level. Add “HR” suffix to base part number.

    MAC6400 MIL-PRF-19500, MAC6400B MAC6400D MAC6400M MAC6400N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS T2500 SERIES BIDIRECTIONAL TRIODE THYRISTORS Available Non-RoHS standard or RoHS compliant (add PBF suffix). Available as “HR” (high reliability) screened per MIL-PRF-19500, JANTX level. Add “HR” suffix to base part number.

    T2500 MIL-PRF-19500, T2500B T2500D T2500M T2500N O-220AB PDF


    Abstract: SC141B
    Text: DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS SC141 SERIES BIDIRECTIONAL TRIODE THYRISTORS Available Non-RoHS standard or RoHS compliant (add PBF suffix). Available as “HR” (high reliability) screened per MIL-PRF-19500, JANTX level. Add “HR” suffix to base part number.

    SC141 MIL-PRF-19500, SC141A SC141B SC141D SC141E SC141M SC141N O-220AB SC141D SC141B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIGITRON SEMICONDUCTORS T6401 SERIES BIDIRECTIONAL TRIODE THYRISTORS Available Non-RoHS standard or RoHS compliant (add PBF suffix). Available as “HR” (high reliability) screened per MIL-PRF-19500, JANTX level. Add “HR” suffix to base part number.

    T6401 MIL-PRF-19500, T6401B T6401D T6401M PDF


    Abstract: TiC216 TIC2
    Text: SERIES TIC215, TIC216 SILICON BIDIRECTIONAL TRIODE THYRISTORS description These devices are bidirectional triode thyristors triacs w hich may be triggered from the off-state by either polarity of gate signal with Main Terminal 2 at either polarity. mechanical data

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    TIC215, TIC216 tic215 TIC2 PDF

    SCR Applications Handbook

    Abstract: welding transformer SCR "SCR applications Handbook" thyristor handbook parallel triac induction heater IR SCR handbook SCR Handbook scr stud 218 induction heating circuits
    Text: s Contents PREFACE State of the Art . 5 CHAPTER 1 DEVICE CH A RA CTERISTICS. 27 Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor-SCR . 27 Bidirectional Triode T hyristor-Triac .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: TIC226 TIC226D, TIC226B TIC226B tic226d data thyristor tic 126 tic 226 all types of thyristors tic 226d TIC226d application data
    Text: TYPES TIC226B, TIC2Z6D SILICON BIDIRECTIONAL TRIODE THYRISTORS 8 A RMS • 200 V and 400 V TR IA C S for HIGH-TEM PERATURE, HIGH-CURREN T, and H IGH-VO LTAGE APPLICATIONS • Typ dv/dt of 500 V//us at 25°C description These devices are bidirectional triode thyristors triacs which may be triggered from the off-state to the on-state by

    OCR Scan
    TIC226B, TIC226D TIC226B TIC226D O-66P O-66P TIC226 TIC226D, TIC226B tic226d data thyristor tic 126 tic 226 all types of thyristors tic 226d TIC226d application data PDF


    Abstract: TIC206 TIC20S TIC206 Series tic205
    Text: SERIES TIC20S, TIC206 SILICON BIDIRECTIONAL TRIODE THYRISTORS S E N S IT IV E -G A T E T R IA C S tu «n cr 3¡5> 2 A R M S Series TIC205 "È 3 A R M S (Series TIC206) M PS Siin 100 V, 200 V, and 400 V V d r M description These devices are bidirectional triode thyristors (triacs) w hich m ay be triggered from the off-state to the on-state by

    OCR Scan
    TIC20S, TIC206 TIC205) TIC206) TIC206 TIC205 TIC208 TIC20S TIC206 Series PDF


    Abstract: 500A2S
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MAC224 Series MAC224A Series Tlriacs Silicon Bidirectional 40 Amperes RMS Triode Thyristors . . . designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications such as lighting systems, heater controls, motor controls and power supplies.

    OCR Scan
    MAC224 MAC224A 21A-04 O-220AB) AC224-yristor AC224 AC224A 224A10 500A2S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by T2800/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA T2800 Triacs SERIES Bidirectional Triode Thyristors . . . designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies.

    OCR Scan
    T2800/D T2800 21A-07 O-220AB) PDF


    Abstract: TIC236 TIC236 Series TIC246 Series triac TIC246 acs 12 triac how to test Triode Thyristors 15-V
    Text: S E R IE S TIC236, TIC246 S ILIC O N B ID IR EC TIO N A L TRIODE THYRISTORS TR IA C S 12 A and 16 A RMS • 2 0 0 V and 4 0 0 V description These devices ere bidirectional triode thyristors triacs which may be triggered from the off-state by either polarity of

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    TIC236, TIC246 TIC236 TIC236 Series TIC246 Series triac TIC246 acs 12 triac how to test Triode Thyristors 15-V PDF

    2N thyristor

    Abstract: 6348-A
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA TViacs 2N6346A thru 2N6349A Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors . . . designed primarily for full-wave ac control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies; or wherever full-wave silicon

    OCR Scan
    2N6346AICAL 2N6346A 2N6349A 2N thyristor 6348-A PDF


    Abstract: T2800 T2800B T2800M
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA T2800 SERIES IViacs Bidirectional Triode Thyristors . . . designed primarily lor full-wave ao control applications, such as light dimmers, motor controls, heating controls and power supplies. • • Blocking Voltage to 600 Volts

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    T2800 T2800 T2800G T2800B T2800M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA T2322 T2323 Sensitive Gate Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors . . . designed primarily for ac power switching. The gate sensitivity of these triacs permits the use of economical transistorized or integrated circuit control circuits, and

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    T2322 T2323 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MAC310 Series MAC310A Series TViacs Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors . . . designed primarily for industrial and consumer applications for full wave control of ac loads such as appliance controls, heater controls, motor controls, and other power

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    MAC310 MAC31OA MAC310A L3L72S5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MAC229 Series MAC229A Series TViacs Silicon Bidirectional Triode Thyristors . . . designed primarily for industrial and consumer applications for full wave control of ac loads such as appliance controls, heater controls, motor controls, and other power

    OCR Scan
    MAC229 MAC229A 21A-04 O-220AB) AC229 PDF