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    BFY90 MOTOROLA Search Results

    BFY90 MOTOROLA Result Highlights (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    AS839 Coilcraft Inc DSL transformer, for Motorola MC145660, SMT, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    AS8397- Coilcraft Inc DSL transformer, for Motorola MC145660, SMT, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc

    BFY90 MOTOROLA Datasheets Context Search

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    2n4427 MOTOROLA

    Abstract: motorola 2N4427 2N4427 BFR90 amplifier 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 npn UHF transistor 2N5179 npn UHF transistor BFR96 LOW POWER TRANSISTOR MRF581A mrf5943c motorola
    Text: 140 COMMERCE DRIVE MONTGOMERYVILLE, PA 18936-1013 PHONE: 215 631-9840 FAX: (215) 631-9855 2N4427 RF & MICROWAVE DISCRETE LOW POWER TRANSISTORS Features • • • • • • • Silicon NPN, To-39 packaged VHF/UHF Transistor 1 Watt Minimum Power Output @ 175 MHz

    2N4427 To-39 BFR91 BFR90 MRF545 MRF544 MSC1301 2n4427 MOTOROLA motorola 2N4427 2N4427 BFR90 amplifier 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 npn UHF transistor 2N5179 npn UHF transistor BFR96 LOW POWER TRANSISTOR MRF581A mrf5943c motorola PDF


    Abstract: R950 Avantek S 2n3570 2SC988
    Text: UHF AND MICROWAVE TRANSISTORS Item Number Part Number Manufacturer Po Max W V(BR)CBO fosc Max Gp Po N.F. at fTest (V) (Hz) (dB) (W) (dB) (Hz) Ic Max (A) Toper MatI. Max (OC) Package Style UHF/Microwave Transistors, Bipolar NPN (Cont'd) 5 10 15 20 2N6619

    2N6619 2N6620 BFR15A MA42260-2B7 MM2261-2B7 2N6597 2N6598 BF480 R950 Avantek S 2n3570 2SC988 PDF


    Abstract: BFY 83 BFY90T BFY 99 BFY90 MOTOROLA
    Text: • MOTOROLA SC CXSTRS/R F MbE D b3fci72S4 G O T m a a MOTOROLA 4 ■MOTb T ■ SEMICONDUCTOR BFX89 BFY90 TECHNICAL DATA T h e R F L ine fT = 2 .0 G H z @ 1 0 m A HIG H FREQUENCY T R A N SISTO R S NPN SILICON HIGH-FREQUENCY TRANSISTORS N P N S IL IC O N . . . d e s ig n e d for V H F a n d U H F a p p lic a t io n s w h e r e h ig h -g a in , lo w *

    OCR Scan
    b3fci72S4 BFX89 BFY90 TO-206A BFY 83 BFY90T BFY 99 BFY90 MOTOROLA PDF


    Abstract: bfy90 motorola BFY 83 2N6305 BFY 88 bfx89
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR BFX89 BFY90 TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line f r ' 2 . 0 G H z ffi 1 0 m A H IG H F R E Q U E N C Y T R A N S IS T O R S N P N S IL IC O N H IG H -F R E Q U E N C Y T R A N S IS T O R S N P N S IL IC O N d e s ig n e d fo r VH F and UHF a p p lic a tio n s w h e re h ig h -g a in , lo w n o is e a n d g o o d in t e r m o d u l a t i o n c h a r a c t e r is t ic s a re r e q u ir e d .

    OCR Scan
    BFX89 BFY90 BFY90 bfy90 motorola BFY 83 2N6305 BFY 88 PDF


    Abstract: BFY89 RF502 bfy90 SILICON DICE motorola DIE npn RF BFYC90
    Text: MOTOROLA ! SC i D I O D E S / O P T O } 6367255 MOTOROLA 34 SC DE | t.3b725S 03flDÛE û D IO D E S /O P T O 34C 7 SILICON RF TRANSISTOR DICE (continued) - 3808 2 3 /-(S ' BFYC90 DIE NO. — npn LINE SOURCE — RF502.199 This die provides performance equal to or better than that of

    OCR Scan
    3b725S 03flD RF502 BFYC90 BFY89 BFY90 BFY90 MOTOROLA bfy90 SILICON DICE motorola DIE npn RF BFYC90 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5109 motorola 2N5179 motorola 2N5179 high gain PNP RF TRANSISTOR BFY90 MOTOROLA MRF586 2n6603 transistor MRF542 RF 2N3866
    Text: characterized with y or s parameters; and in addition, there are non-saturated switching characteristics, low power driver spec­ ifications, and noise figure limits. Q P L types with JAN, JTX and JT X V processing levels are available as well as Hi Rei pro­

    OCR Scan
    17A-01 05A-01 Gain-200 MRF502 BFX89 BFY90 2N5179 2N2857 MRF904 MRF914 MRF965 2N5109 motorola motorola 2N5179 high gain PNP RF TRANSISTOR BFY90 MOTOROLA MRF586 2n6603 transistor MRF542 RF 2N3866 PDF


    Abstract: MRF545 BFR90 transistor mrf544 high gain PNP RF TRANSISTOR transistor bfr96 2n4427 motorola 2N4427 MRF511 MRF543
    Text: characterized with y or s parameters; and in addition, there are non-saturated switching characteristics, low power driver spec­ ifications, and noise figure limits. QPL types with JAN, JTX and JTXV processing levels are available as well as Hi Rei pro­

    OCR Scan
    17A-01 05A-01 Gain-200 MRF502 BFX89 BFY90 2N5179 2N2857 MRF904 MRF914 MRF542 MRF545 BFR90 transistor mrf544 high gain PNP RF TRANSISTOR transistor bfr96 2n4427 motorola 2N4427 MRF511 MRF543 PDF


    Abstract: high gain PNP RF TRANSISTOR 2N4957 2N2857 2N3866 MOTOROLA 2N2857 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA 2N5179 motorola european master selection 2n4958 Y parameters of transistors
    Text: characterized with y or s parameters; and in addition, there are non-saturated switching characteristics, low power driver spec­ ifications, and noise figure limits. QPL types with JAN, JTX and JTXV processing levels are available as well as Hi Rei pro­

    OCR Scan
    17A-01 05A-01 Gain-200 MRF502 BFX89 BFY90 2N5179 2N2857 MRF904 MRF914 high gain PNP RF TRANSISTOR 2N4957 2N3866 MOTOROLA 2N2857 MOTOROLA MOTOROLA 2N5179 motorola european master selection 2n4958 Y parameters of transistors PDF


    Abstract: 2n4957 mrf502 transistor MRF542 rf power package selection guide MRF502 MRF965 low noise transistor cross motorola 2N3866 2n5160
    Text: characterized with y or s parameters; and in addition, there are non-saturated switching characteristics, low power driver spec­ ifications, and noise figure limits. Q P L types with JAN, JTX and JT X V processing levels are available as well as Hi Rei pro­

    OCR Scan
    17A-01 05A-01 Gain-200 MRF502 BFX89 BFY90 2N5179 2N2857 MRF904 MRF914 2n5835 2n4957 mrf502 transistor MRF542 rf power package selection guide MRF965 low noise transistor cross motorola 2N3866 2n5160 PDF

    2N5109 motorola

    Abstract: MRF536 BFR90 application MRF931 MRF586 244A-01 MRF962 MRF961 mrf517 2N5943
    Text: characterized with y or s parameters; and in addition, there are non-saturated switching characteristics, low power driver spec­ ifications, and noise figure limits. Q P L types with JAN, JT X and J T X V processing levels are available a s well a s Hi Rei pro­

    OCR Scan
    17A-01 05A-01 MRF536* MRF2369 MRF571 44A-01, 2N5947 MRF511 2N6603 MRF962 2N5109 motorola MRF536 BFR90 application MRF931 MRF586 244A-01 MRF961 mrf517 2N5943 PDF


    Abstract: MRF542 MRF543 2n5179 MRF545 317D-01 2N5829 MRF502 2N2857 2N4957
    Text: RF SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTORS continued TO-72 METAL CAN Gain - BW Gain Noise Figure Maximum Ratings v (BR)CEO mA f MHz V mA ^T mW GHz mA 2N5031 2N4958* 2N4959* 2N5829* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.3 3.8 2.5 450 450 450 450 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 14 16 15

    OCR Scan
    2N5031 2N4958* 2N4959* 2N5829* 2N4957* MRF501 MRF502 BFX89 BFY90 2N5179 MRF544 MRF542 MRF543 MRF545 317D-01 2N5829 2N2857 2N4957 PDF

    2n4427 MOTOROLA

    Abstract: MRF536 motorola 2N4427 Y parameters of transistors 2N3948 mrf901 2n5160 MRF586 BFY90 MOTOROLA 2N5583
    Text: characterized with y or s parameters; and in addition, there are non-saturated switching characteristics, low power driver spec­ ifications, and noise figure limits. QPL types with JAN, JTX and JTXV processing levels are available as well as Hi Rei pro­

    OCR Scan
    17A-01 05A-01 2N3866, 2N3866A 2N5160, MM4018, 2N3948, 2N4427, MRF207 2N5109, 2n4427 MOTOROLA MRF536 motorola 2N4427 Y parameters of transistors 2N3948 mrf901 2n5160 MRF586 BFY90 MOTOROLA 2N5583 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5583 MRF965 2N5109 motorola 2N5943 244A-01 MRF962 MRF586 BFR90 application BFR91
    Text: RF SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTORS continued CATV, MATV, and Class A Linear Transistors The devices listed below are excellent for Class A linear C A TV/M ATV applications and are listed according to increasing gainbandwidth (fj) . More information concerning the device for your specific linear design needs can be obtained through your local

    OCR Scan
    MRF501 MRF502 2N5179 BFY90 BFX89 MRF587 44A-01 2N3959 2N3960 2N5835 317A-01 2N5583 MRF965 2N5109 motorola 2N5943 244A-01 MRF962 MRF586 BFR90 application BFR91 PDF

    900 mhz oscillator using bfr91 transistor

    Abstract: Mrf648 uhf amplifier design BFR90 Motorola transistors MRF646 Motorola transistors MRF648 Motorola transistors MRF630 case 317-01 MRF2369 MRF586 motorola mrf237
    Text: characterized with y or s parameters; and in addition, there are non-saturated switching characteristics, low power driver spec­ ifications, and noise figure limits. Q P L types with JAN, JTX and JT X V processing levels are available as well as Hi Rei pro­

    OCR Scan
    17A-01 05A-01 mrf559 mrf581 mrf837 mrf8372 mrf838/a 305a-01 mrf557 317d-01 900 mhz oscillator using bfr91 transistor Mrf648 uhf amplifier design BFR90 Motorola transistors MRF646 Motorola transistors MRF648 Motorola transistors MRF630 case 317-01 MRF2369 MRF586 motorola mrf237 PDF


    Abstract: Motorola transistors MRF630 MRF515 2N3948 MRF604 MRF630 MOTOROLA 2N3553 motorola mrf237 MOTOROLA Transistor MRF630 motorola MRF515
    Text: characterized with y or s parameters; and in addition, there are non-saturated switching characteristics, low power driver spec­ ifications, and noise figure limits. QPL types with JAN, JTX and JTXV processing levels are available as well as Hi Rei pro­

    OCR Scan
    17A-01 05A-01 MRF237* MRF207 MRF227* MRF525* 2N3866 2N5160f MRF313 05A-1 MOTOROLA SELECTION mrf237 Motorola transistors MRF630 MRF515 2N3948 MRF604 MRF630 MOTOROLA 2N3553 motorola mrf237 MOTOROLA Transistor MRF630 motorola MRF515 PDF

    2N5109 motorola

    Abstract: BFY90 MOTOROLA 2N5583 MRF965 bfr91 motorola MRF586 MOTOROLA 2N5179 2n4427 MOTOROLA macro-X ceramic 2N3866A
    Text: characterized with y or s parameters; and in addition, there are non-saturated switching characteristics, low power driver spec­ ifications, and noise figure limits. Q P L types with JAN, JTX and JT X V processing levels are available as well as Hi Rei pro­

    OCR Scan
    17A-01 05A-01 MRF587 44A-01 2N3959 2N3960 2N5835 MM4049* MRF914 2N5943 2N5109 motorola BFY90 MOTOROLA 2N5583 MRF965 bfr91 motorola MRF586 MOTOROLA 2N5179 2n4427 MOTOROLA macro-X ceramic 2N3866A PDF


    Abstract: MRF239 MRF212 MOTOROLA SELECTION mrf237 MRF238 mrf237 MOTOROLA mrf239 MOTOROLA MRF260 145A-09 MRF237
    Text: characterized with y or s parameters; and in addition, there are non-saturated switching characteristics, low power driver spec­ ifications, and noise figure limits. QPL types with JAN, JTX and JTXV processing levels are available as well as Hi Rei pro­

    OCR Scan
    17A-01 05A-01 45A-09 MRF264 T0-220AB MRF1946/A# 2N6084 MRF224 MRF4070* MOTOROLA TRANSISTOR MRF239 MRF239 MRF212 MOTOROLA SELECTION mrf237 MRF238 mrf237 MOTOROLA mrf239 MOTOROLA MRF260 145A-09 MRF237 PDF

    AL102 ATES

    Abstract: 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29
    Text: SECOND BOOK OF TRAISKTIR EQUIVALENTS AIR SPIRTITOTER IT I.I.OMMI BERNARD BABANI publishing LTD The Grampians Shepherds Bush Road London W67NF England. Although every care Is taken with the preparation of this book, the publishers will not be responsible

    OCR Scan
    Trans-611 DT1521 2N2270 BC107-182KS ESC182KAS ESC182KBS ESC1Q8-183KS EiC183KBS 8C183KCS BC109-184KS AL102 ATES 2N2222A mps KR206 AD149 TIS58 TIS88 SFT353 2N2431 2N4265 BFY29 PDF


    Abstract: MRF515 MOTOROLA SELECTION mrf237 mrf237 MOTOROLA 2N3866 MOTOROLA 2N3866 MOTOROLA s parameters s-parameter 2N4427 MRF227 MRF229 MRF237
    Text: characterized with y or s parameters; and in addition, there are non-saturated switching characteristics, low power driver spec­ ifications, and noise figure limits. QPL types with JAN, JTX and JTXV processing levels are available as well as Hi Rei pro­

    OCR Scan
    17A-01 05A-01 MRF525* 2N4428 O-205AD 2N5160f 2N3866 MRF313 MRF536 MRF515 MOTOROLA SELECTION mrf237 mrf237 MOTOROLA 2N3866 MOTOROLA 2N3866 MOTOROLA s parameters s-parameter 2N4427 MRF227 MRF229 MRF237 PDF

    2N3866 MOTOROLA s parameters

    Abstract: 2N3866 MOTOROLA 2N2857 MOTOROLA 145A-09 MOTOROLA SELECTION mrf237 MRF229 MRF536 2N3553 motorola Transistor 2N3866 TO205AD
    Text: characterized with y or s parameters; and in addition, there are non-saturated switching characteristics, low power driver spec­ ifications, and noise figure limits. QPL types with JAN, JTX and JTXV processing levels are available as well as Hi Rei pro­

    OCR Scan
    17A-01 05A-01 MRF525* 2N4428 O-205AD 2N5160f 2N3866 MRF313 2N3866 MOTOROLA s parameters 2N3866 MOTOROLA 2N2857 MOTOROLA 145A-09 MOTOROLA SELECTION mrf237 MRF229 MRF536 2N3553 motorola Transistor 2N3866 TO205AD PDF

    mrf502 gold transistor

    Abstract: Motorola transistors MRF630 2N3948 transistor 2n4959 BFR96 MRF2369 MRF525 MRF536 MRF931 MRF911
    Text: characterized with y or s parameters; and in addition, there are non-saturated switching characteristics, low power driver spec­ ifications, and noise figure limits. QPL types with JAN, JTX and JTXV processing levels are available as well as Hi Rei pro­

    OCR Scan
    17A-01 05A-01 MRF525* 2N4428 O-205AD 2N5160f 2N3866 MRF313 mrf502 gold transistor Motorola transistors MRF630 2N3948 transistor 2n4959 BFR96 MRF2369 MRF525 MRF536 MRF931 MRF911 PDF

    BFG591 amplifier

    Abstract: SC08a bfr591 sot173x BB544 sot122 sot172 bfg65 sot143 SIEMENS BFP520 macro-X ceramic
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Semiconductors for Telecom systems Selection List General For further information, refer to Data Handbook S C 1 4,1993; "RF Wideband Transistors", except otherwise specified. RF wideband transisto rs March 1993 14 Philips Semiconductors

    OCR Scan
    OT122 OT143 OT223 OT323 BFS17W BFG17A BFG16A BF547W BF747W BFT25 BFG591 amplifier SC08a bfr591 sot173x BB544 sot122 sot172 bfg65 sot143 SIEMENS BFP520 macro-X ceramic PDF

    2N4427 equivalent bfr91

    Abstract: bfr90 equivalent 2N5503 MRA1600-30 TPV-595A 2N3553 equivalent MRF477 equivalent MRA0500-19L 2N6084 equivalent MOTOROLA TRANSISTOR MRF239
    Text: RF Power TMOS FETs Motorola RF Power MOSFETs, trademark TMOS , are constructed using a planar process to enhance manufacturing repeatability. They are N-channet field effect transistors with an oxide insulated gate which controls vertical current flow. Compared with bipolar transistors, RF Power FETs exhibit higher gain, higher input impedance, enhanced therm al stability

    OCR Scan
    PoweS3666 MRF3866 2N2857 2N3866 2N5943 MRF904 MRF571 2N4958 2N3160 2N5583 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 bfr90 equivalent 2N5503 MRA1600-30 TPV-595A 2N3553 equivalent MRF477 equivalent MRA0500-19L 2N6084 equivalent MOTOROLA TRANSISTOR MRF239 PDF

    y51 h 120c

    Abstract: bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector ! o Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U pdate Three London: NEW YORK

    OCR Scan
    500MA 500MA 240MWF 240MWF y51 h 120c bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711 PDF