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    BFX 34 Price and Stock

    Central Semiconductor Corp BFX34

    TRANS NPN 60V 5A TO-39
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey BFX34 Bulk
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
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    STMicroelectronics BFX34

    TRANS NPN 60V 5A TO-39
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey BFX34 Tube 800
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $1.00268
    • 10000 $1.00268
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    Avnet Americas BFX34 Bag 800
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    • 10 -
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    Newark BFX34 Bulk 61
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    Infineon Technologies AG IRF7341TRPBFXTMA1

    MOSFETs PLANAR 40<-<100V
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics IRF7341TRPBFXTMA1 6,140
    • 1 $1.48
    • 10 $0.949
    • 100 $0.643
    • 1000 $0.468
    • 10000 $0.39
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    Infineon Technologies AG IRLB3034PBFXKMA1

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    Mouser Electronics IRLB3034PBFXKMA1
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    • 100 -
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    Lovato Electric Inc BFX3401

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS BFX3401 Bulk 7 Weeks 1
    • 1 $95.16
    • 10 $95.16
    • 100 $95.16
    • 1000 $95.16
    • 10000 $95.16
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    TME BFX3401 1
    • 1 $54.25
    • 10 $47.47
    • 100 $47.47
    • 1000 $47.47
    • 10000 $47.47
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    BFX 34 Datasheets (45)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    BFX34 Advanced Semiconductor Transistor Original PDF
    BFX34 Central Semiconductor Leaded Small Signal Transistor General Purpose Original PDF
    BFX34 Philips Semiconductors Small-signal Transistors Original PDF
    BFX34 Philips Semiconductors NPN switching transistor - Pol=NPN / Pkg=TO39 / Vceo=60 / Ic=5 / Hfe=40-150 / fT(Hz)=70M / Pwr(W)=0.87 Original PDF
    BFX34 Semelab High Current General Purpose Transistor - Pol=NPN / Pkg=TO39 / Vceo=60 / Ic=5 / Hfe=40-150 / fT(Hz)=70M / Pwr(W)=0.87 Original PDF
    BFX34 STMicroelectronics Silicon NPN Transistor Original PDF
    BFX34 STMicroelectronics Silicon NPN Transistor Original PDF
    BFX34 Crimson Semiconductor Transistor Selection Guide Scan PDF
    BFX34 Fairchild Semiconductor Misc. Data Book Scans 1975/76 Scan PDF
    BFX34 Fairchild Semiconductor Full Line Condensed Catalogue 1977 Scan PDF
    BFX34 Ferranti Semiconductors Quick Reference Guide 1985 Scan PDF
    BFX34 Ferranti Semiconductors Power Transistors 1977 Scan PDF
    BFX34 Ferranti Semiconductors Metal Can Transistors (Short Form) Scan PDF
    BFX34 Mullard Quick Reference Guide 1977/78 Scan PDF
    BFX34 Unknown Basic Transistor and Cross Reference Specification Scan PDF
    BFX34 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    BFX34 Unknown Transistor Replacements Scan PDF
    BFX34 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    BFX34 Unknown Transistor Replacements Scan PDF
    BFX34 Unknown Catalog Scans - Shortform Datasheet Scan PDF

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    Abstract: bfx 33 BFX38 BFX39 BFX41 LE17
    Text: SEMELAB yU D TiO BFX BFX BFX BFX 38 39 40 41 Coventry Road, Lutterworth, Leicestershire LE17 4JB Tel: 04555 4711. Telex: 341927. Fax: (04555) 2612 SILICON PLANAR PNP GENERAL PURPOSE TYPES The B F X 3 8 , B F X 3 9 , B F X 4 0 and B F X 4 1 are silicon planar epitaxial PNP transistors in Jedec

    OCR Scan
    BFX38, BFX39, BFX40 BFX41 BFX38 BFX39 BFX41 bfx 33 LE17 PDF


    Abstract: Transistor BFX 90 bfx 63 Q60206-X60
    Text: N PISI-Transistor für H F-Verstärkerstufen BFX 60 BFX 60 ist ein epitaktischer NPN-Silizium-Planar-HF-Transistor im Gehäuse 18 A 4 DIN 41 876 T O -7 2 , jedoch mit abweichender Anschlußfolge. Die Anschlüsse sind vom Ge­ häuse elektrisch isoliert.

    OCR Scan
    BFX60 Q60206-X60 Transistor BFX 90 bfx 63 Q60206-X60 PDF

    Transistor BFX 41

    Abstract: Transistor BFX 25 Q60206-X55 B63310-A3004-X025 B63310 Scans-0010547
    Text: B F X 55 N P N i-T ran sistor für V H F -E n d stu fe n in A ntennenverstärkern BFX 55 ist ein epitaktischer NPN-Silizium-Planar-Transistor im Gehäuse 5 C 3 DIN 41 873 TO-39 . Der Kollektor ist mit dem Gehäuse elektrisch verbunden. Der Transistor BFX 55

    OCR Scan
    Q60206-X55 150mA Transistor BFX 41 Transistor BFX 25 Q60206-X55 B63310-A3004-X025 B63310 Scans-0010547 PDF


    Abstract: bfx 63 BFX69A BFX69
    Text: BFX69 BFX69A SILICON PLANAR NPN G E N E R A L PURPOSE A M P L IF IE R S The BFX 69 and BFX 69A are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in Jedec T O -39 metal case. They are designed fo r am plifier applications over a wide range o f voltage and current.

    OCR Scan
    BFX69A BFX69 BFX59 bfx 63 BFX69A PDF


    Abstract: Transistor BFX 25 BFX59F
    Text: B F X 59 B F X 59 F N PIM -Transistoren fü r Treiber- und Endstu fen in A ntennenverstärkern BFX 59 und BFX 59F sind epitaktische NPN-Silizium-Planar-HF-Transistoren im Gehäuse 1 8 A 4 DIN 41876 TO-72 . Die Anschlüsse sind vom Gehäuse elektrisch isoliert. Die Tran­

    OCR Scan
    Q60206-X59 Q60206-X59-S5 BFX59 Transistor BFX 25 BFX59F PDF


    Abstract: Transistor BFX 25 BFX59F
    Text: B F X 59 B F X 59 F N PIM -Transistoren fü r Treiber- und Endstu fen in A ntennenverstärkern BFX 59 und BFX 59F sind epitaktische NPN-Silizium-Planar-HF-Transistoren im Gehäuse 1 8 A 4 DIN 41876 TO-72 . Die Anschlüsse sind vom Gehäuse elektrisch isoliert. Die Tran­

    OCR Scan
    Q60206-X59 Q60206-X59-S5 BFX59 Transistor BFX 25 BFX59F PDF

    Transistor BFX 59

    Abstract: BFX59F BFX59 kbr 1000 Q60206-X transistor BFX59 transistor w 04 59 Transistor BFX 4
    Text: BFX 59 F NPN Transistor for driver and output stages in antenna amplifiers BFX 59 F is an epitaxial N P N silicon planar RF transistor in a case 18 A 4 D IN 41 876 TO-72 . The leads are electrically insulated from the case. B FX 59 F is suitable for use in low-power driver and output stages up to the U H F range, especially at a higher

    OCR Scan
    Q60206-X Transistor BFX 59 BFX59F BFX59 kbr 1000 transistor BFX59 transistor w 04 59 Transistor BFX 4 PDF

    tfk 325

    Abstract: BFX340 bfx 34 tfk B tfk transistor BFX34
    Text: W BFX 34 O Silizium-NPN-Epitaxial-Planar-Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Transistor Anwendungen: H ochstrom schalter, Relaistreiber, Leistungsverstärker, Strom bis 5 A Applications: High current switches, relay drivers, and p o w e r am plifiers, current up to 5 A

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: TO77
    Text: Dey 80 SILICON PLANAR NPN/PNP LO W -LEVEL, LOW-NOISË COM PLEM ENTARY AM PLIFIER The BFX 80 is a six terminal device containing anNPN/PNP com plem entary pair o f isolated silicon planar epitaxial transistors in Jedec T O -7 7 metal case. This device is particularly

    OCR Scan
    VcE30 100MA BFX80 TO77 PDF


    Abstract: Transistor BFX 25 Transistor BFX 4 Transistor BFX
    Text: BFX62 NPN Transistor for amplifier and oscillator stages up to 1 GHz BFX 62 is an NPN silicon planar transistor in a case 18A 4 DIN 41876 TO-72 . The leads are insulated from the case. The transistor is particularly suitable for amplifier and oscillator stages at frequencies up to 1 GHz.

    OCR Scan
    BFX62 Q60206-X -C12e BFX62 Transistor BFX 25 Transistor BFX 4 Transistor BFX PDF


    Abstract: p21e Q60206-X 510Z5 bfx 63 transistor for RF amplifier
    Text: BFX60 NPN Transistor for RF amplifier stages BFX 60 is an epitaxial NPN silicon planar RF transistor in a case 18 A 4 DIN 41876 T O -7 2 , with different lead arrangement however. The leads are electrically insulated from the case. The transistor is particularly suitable for common-emitter RF amplifier

    OCR Scan
    BFX60 BFX60 Q60206-X p21e 510Z5 bfx 63 transistor for RF amplifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r z 7 S C S -T H O M S O N ^ 7 # BFX34 m HIGH CURRENT, GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTOR D E S C R IP T IO N The BFX 34 is a silicon epitaxial planar NPN tran­ sistor in Jedec TO-39 metal case, intended for high current applications. Very low saturation voltage and high speed at high

    OCR Scan
    BFX34 BFX34 PDF


    Abstract: BLW11 blw 30 or bfw 30 BLW21 BLY 67 BLY-38 BLY34 bly 55 bly 63 BLY87
    Text: VHF-, UHF-ANWENDUNGEN VHF-, UHF APPLICATIONS 3 - 12 Typ type f MHz BFW 16 BFW 17 BFX 89 BFY 90 CATV CATV CATV CATV BLW11 BLW 12 BLW 13 BLW 14 CATV 470 470 470 13 13 13 0,1 0,75 2 0,66 3,75 7 BLW BLW BLW BLW 16 17 18 19 175 175 175 175 13 13 13 13 0,1 0,1 0,5

    OCR Scan
    BLW11 O-131 O-129 O-117 SO-104 blw 30 or bfw 30 BLW21 BLY 67 BLY-38 BLY34 bly 55 bly 63 BLY87 PDF


    Abstract: jedec to-77
    Text: BFX 79 SILICON PLANAR NPN/PNP h ig h - v o l t a g e ;, h iig h - c u r r e im t c o m p l e m e n t a r y a m p l if ie r T he B F X 79 is a six te rm in a l device co n ta in in g a pair o f N P N /P N P c o m p le m e n ta ry isolated silico n planar e p ita xia l tran sisto rs in Jedec T O -7 7 m etal case. T h is device is p a rtic u la rly

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: BFP35A BFQ77 BFP17 BFQ57 BFQ58 BFT65 BFQ 58 SOT-89 smd marking CF BFT99A
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF 03E I Bi ê23SbO S QDlSb7M T M S IE G • : Silicon Bipolar Transistors M etal C eram ic Packages Max. r atings ^CEO Ic Pto. V mA mW Chara steristic:s at Ta = 25° C F fj f Ic VcE GHz dB mA V GHz N N N 16 16 20 35 30 35 450 450 700

    OCR Scan
    fi23SbQS 001Sb74 O-117 BFT98B BFT99A BFR15A, BFS55A, BFP29 BFP35A BFQ77 BFP17 BFQ57 BFQ58 BFT65 BFQ 58 SOT-89 smd marking CF PDF

    2sd 5023

    Abstract: transistor BC 945 2SC 9012 bc 9013 transistor bc 855 9416A Transistor BC345 BFY41 bcx 388 BC 945
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS INC OTE D | fil3t.t,5Q □D0Q2C12 7 | T TYPE NO. POLARITY Medium Power Transistors MAXIMUM RATINGS CASE Pd mW HFE •c (A) VCEO IV) min 40 35 40 40 40 VCE(SAT) max ■c (A) (VÏ COMPLE­ MENTARY TYPE *T min (MHz) Cob max (pF) 0.15 1 0.3 1

    OCR Scan
    -26UNF-2A O-48D 2sd 5023 transistor BC 945 2SC 9012 bc 9013 transistor bc 855 9416A Transistor BC345 BFY41 bcx 388 BC 945 PDF

    2sd 5023

    Abstract: bc 9013 bc 9013 g 2SC 9012 2218A cs9012 BC526 transistor BC 945 BC287 Transistor BC345
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS INC OTE D | fil3t.t,5Q □D0Q2C12 7 | T TYPE NO. POLARITY Medium Power Transistors MAXIMUM RATINGS CASE Pd mW HFE ic (A) VCEO IV) min max 40 35 40 40 40 120 VCE(SAT) max (A) (Vï COMPLE­ MENTARY TYPE *T min (MHz) Cob max (pF) 0.15 1 0.3 1

    OCR Scan
    13LLSD to-39 2sd 5023 bc 9013 bc 9013 g 2SC 9012 2218A cs9012 BC526 transistor BC 945 BC287 Transistor BC345 PDF


    Abstract: C 337-40 33740 npn 1W 40V to39 CA500 c 33740 BSY86 BC337 BC341 850mW
    Text: General Purpo/e Tran/i/ter/ r T Y P E NO. PD NPN >C BVc b O l v Ceo b v E bo @ T A = 2 5 °C v C E s a t @ I c / l B h p E @ V C E @ *C Cob m ax. m ax. m in ./max. f T @ •c C A SE m in. <§> <§> 1 20 V 120V 120V 120V 90V 80V 80V 80V 80V 60V 6V 6V 6V

    OCR Scan
    850mW 150mA 120MHz BSY84 C 337-40 33740 npn 1W 40V to39 CA500 c 33740 BSY86 BC337 BC341 PDF


    Abstract: BFX71 Transistor BFX 25 BFX70 BFX72 jedec to-77
    Text: BFX70 B FX 71 BFX72 SILICON PLANAR NPN D U A L H IG H -G A IN A M P L IF IE R S The 6 F X 70, 8 F X 71 and B F X 72 are six terminal devices containing two isolated high-gain silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in Jedec T O -7 7 metal case. They are designed for

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    BFX71 BFX12 BFX71 Transistor BFX 25 BFX70 BFX72 jedec to-77 PDF

    transistor BC 584

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BC 456 Transistor BC 585 transistor BC 583 D 92 02 78.P BFW 10 fet Transistor BFX 41 TRANSISTOR BC 416 b BC583 transistor BC 548
    Text: 6091788 MICRO ELECTRONICS C ORP 820 0064 5 05 DE § b D T 1 7 f l a QODGbMS 4 | TYPE NO. POLARITY Low Level and General Purpose Amplifiers H MAXIMUM RATINGS V CE SAT FE Cob N.F. max max (MHz) (pF) (dB) — 200+ 150 150 150 150 2.7+ 4.5 4.5 4.5 6 2 10 10 4

    OCR Scan
    bDT17fla O-92F to-02 melf-002. transistor BC 584 TRANSISTOR BC 456 Transistor BC 585 transistor BC 583 D 92 02 78.P BFW 10 fet Transistor BFX 41 TRANSISTOR BC 416 b BC583 transistor BC 548 PDF

    1.0 k mef 250

    Abstract: ME4003 ME4002 MA0411 transistor me6101 transistor BC 172B 2N2959 transistor bf 175 2N5173 2n3072
    Text: INTRODUCTION This is Micro Electronics latest short form catalogue on discrete semi-conductor devices. We have introduced many new products since the previous publication. This guide provides a quick reference on the characteristics o f our products. Separate data sheets for a

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    semi-820 BYX22-400 BYX22-600 BYX22-800 BYX26-60 YX26-150 BYX36-1 BYX36-300 1.0 k mef 250 ME4003 ME4002 MA0411 transistor me6101 transistor BC 172B 2N2959 transistor bf 175 2N5173 2n3072 PDF

    100 GEA

    Abstract: 0/MCU 100 GEA
    Text: 2C and 2G Series— Short Type Connectors T his short series is ideal where space lim itation does not allow the use of a norm al-sized connector. 2C series connectors do not m ate w ith S series o r B series connectors. 2C series short-type connectors are available only in size 2.

    OCR Scan
    CLAC27 100 GEA 0/MCU 100 GEA PDF


    Abstract: 6AN7 tungsram 3S035T-1 ecc83 application notes ECL86 DG 7-123 tungsram AC125UZ PENTODE pl 508 ot-400 tungsram

    OCR Scan
    76665N 76889N MA748PC MA709PC jA710PC A711PC iA712PC A723PC HA741PC A747PC AC125K 6AN7 tungsram 3S035T-1 ecc83 application notes ECL86 DG 7-123 tungsram AC125UZ PENTODE pl 508 ot-400 tungsram PDF


    Abstract: BFX89 case BFX89 Power Transisitor 100V 2A Q62702-F296
    Text: B FX89 NPN Transistor for antenna amplifiers B F X 89 is an epitaxial N P N silicon RF transistor in a case 1 8 A 4 D IN 41876 TO-72 . The leads are electrically insulated from the case. This transistor is suitable for general applications and, for instance, for use in antenna and RF amplifiers up into the GHz

    OCR Scan
    BFX89 BFX89 Q62702-F296 TRANSISTOR BO 346 case BFX89 Power Transisitor 100V 2A Q62702-F296 PDF