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    BFQ 96 Search Results

    BFQ 96 Datasheets Context Search

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    5252 F ic

    Abstract: BFQ 540 application IC 7560 transistor BFQ 263 5252 F 1009
    Text: BFQ 65 TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Applications RF-amplifier up to GHz range specially for wide band antenna amplifier. Features D High power gain D Low noise figures D High transition frequence 3 2 94 9308 1 Marking: BFQ 65

    D-74025 5252 F ic BFQ 540 application IC 7560 transistor BFQ 263 5252 F 1009 PDF

    temic 0675

    Abstract: BFQ 540 application
    Text: BFQ 67 TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Applications Low noise small signal amplifiers up to 2 GHz. This transistor has superior noise figure and associated gain performance at UHF, VHF, and microwave frequencies. Features D Small feedback capacitance

    D-74025 temic 0675 BFQ 540 application PDF


    Abstract: Q62702-F775 bfq 96
    Text: NPN Silicon RF Transistor BFQ 71 ● For broadband amplifiers up to 2 GHz and fast non-saturated switches at collector currents from 1 mA to 20 mA. ● Hermetically sealed ceramic package. ● HiRel/Mil screening available. ● CECC-type available: CECC 50002/260.

    Q62702-F775 BFQ71 Q62702-F775 bfq 96 PDF

    temic 0675

    Abstract: MARKING ra BFQ 540 application Telefunken 2360 telefunken ra 100 BFQ 244
    Text: BFQ 81 TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Silicon NPN Planar RF Transistor Applications RF amplifier up to 2 GHz, especially for mobile telephone. Features D Small feedback capacitance D Low noise figure D Low cross modulation 1 2 3 94 9280 Marking: RA Plastic case SOT 23

    D-74025 temic 0675 MARKING ra BFQ 540 application Telefunken 2360 telefunken ra 100 BFQ 244 PDF

    k 1191

    Abstract: Z0 607 MA GP 652 Q62702-F1189
    Text: NPN Silicon RF Transistor BFQ 82 ● For low-noise, high-gain amplifiers up to 2 GHz. ● Linear broadband applications at collector currents up to 40 mA. ● Hermetically sealed ceramic package. ● fT = 8 GHz F = 1.1 dB at 800 MHz ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions!

    Q62702-F1189 k 1191 Z0 607 MA GP 652 Q62702-F1189 PDF


    Abstract: Q62702-F776 s parameters transistor ac 151
    Text: NPN Silicon RF Transistor BFQ 72 ● For low-distortion broadband amplifiers up to 2 GHz at collector currents from 10 mA to 30 mA. ● Hermetically sealed ceramic package. ● HiRel/Mil screening available. ● CECC-type available: CECC 50002/263. ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions!

    Q62702-F776 BFQ72 Q62702-F776 s parameters transistor ac 151 PDF

    BFR 965

    Abstract: mpsa 46 BAW 62 SOT23 4148 SOD-123 bc 544 BRF91A smd bf MPS 808 BC 241 BFS 505 SMD
    Text: Cross Reference Conventional Devices to SMD Conventional Devices SMDPackages Conventional Devices SOD-123 SMDPackage Conventional Devices SOT-23 (cont’d) SMDPackage SOT-23 (cont’d) BA 282 BA 582 BB 304 BB 804 MPSA 05 SMBTA 05 BA 389 BA 585 BC 337 BC 817

    OD-123 OT-23 OT-143 OT-89 BFR 965 mpsa 46 BAW 62 SOT23 4148 SOD-123 bc 544 BRF91A smd bf MPS 808 BC 241 BFS 505 SMD PDF

    philips bfq

    Abstract: FQ236A 236A
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN video transistors BFQ236; BFQ236A FEATURES DESCRIPTION • High breakdow n voltages NPN vid e o tra n sisto r in a SO T223 plastic package. PNP com plem ents: BFQ 256 and BFQ 256A. • Low output capacitance

    OCR Scan
    BFQ236; BFQ236A MSB002 OT223 philips bfq FQ236A 236A PDF

    Transistor C G 774 6-1

    Abstract: C G 774 6-1 a/Transistor C G 774 6-1 RLF100-11/12/Transistor C G 774 6-1
    Text: 5SE D • A23StiGS dG04hlt. 7 ■ S IE G .* 7-^ Low Noise NPN Silicon Microwave Transistor BFQ 28 up to 4 GHz SIEMENS AKTIEN GESELLSCH AF _ BFQ 28 is a bipolar silicon NPN microwave transistor in hermetically sealed metal ceramic 100 mil package similar to TO 120. State-of-the-art manufacturing methods

    OCR Scan
    A23StiGS dG04hlt. Q62702-F527 235b05 000Mb22 BFQ28 Transistor C G 774 6-1 C G 774 6-1 a/Transistor C G 774 6-1 RLF100-11/12/Transistor C G 774 6-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 35E D • 823b32Q QGlb'ìbS T « S I P NPN Silicon RF Transistor BFQ 81 SIEMENS/ SPCLi SEMICONDS _ • For low-noise amplifiers up to 2 GHz and broadband analog and digital applications in telecommunications systems at collector currents from 0.5 to 20 mA.

    OCR Scan
    823b32Q 62702-F1049 OT-23 PDF

    dm 0765

    Abstract: BFQ196 siemens DM 321 VCE0518I BFQ 244 cerec
    Text: SIEMENS BFQ 196 NPN Silicon RF Transistor Prelim inary Data • For low-noise, low-distortion broadband amplifiers in antenna and telecommunications systems up to 1.5 GHz at collector currents from 20 mA to 80 mA. 3 J • f t = 7.5 GHz F = 1.3 dB at 900 MHz

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F1348 fl235b05 00b7253 dm 0765 BFQ196 siemens DM 321 VCE0518I BFQ 244 cerec PDF

    ZS 633

    Abstract: ZS 1052 AC cerec BFQ645 617 300 MARKING 7C
    Text: SIEM EN S NPN Silicon RF Transistor BFQ 645 Preliminary Data • For low-noise, high-gain amplifiers and medium power oscillators at collector currents up to 20 mA. • fr = 9 GHz F = 1 .9 d B a t2 G H z ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions!

    OCR Scan
    vce05181 Q62702-F1283 235bQS 00b72b0 ZS 633 ZS 1052 AC cerec BFQ645 617 300 MARKING 7C PDF


    Abstract: Q62702-F527 CJCO D 843 Transistor
    Text: 5SE D fl23Sfc.GS aüG4hlt, 7 SIEG T- ?t^/ST BFQ28 Low Noise NPN Silicon Microwave Transistor up to 4 GHz SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF BFQ 2 8 is a bipolar silicon NPN microwave transistor in hermetically sealed metal ceramic 100 mil package similar to TO 120. State-of-the-art manufacturing methods

    OCR Scan
    fl23Sfc Q62702-F527 BFQ28 Q62702-F527 CJCO D 843 Transistor PDF

    st ae gp 446

    Abstract: AE GP 532 AE GP 531 ae gp 447 592/diode gp 421
    Text: NPN Silicon RF Transistor BFQ 81 • For low -noise am plifiers up to 2 GHz and broadband analog and digital applications in telecom m unications system s at co lle cto r currents from 0.5 to 20 mA. £ C EC C -type available: CECC 50002/257. ESD: E lectrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions!

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 st ae gp 446 AE GP 532 AE GP 531 ae gp 447 592/diode gp 421 PDF

    ph 4148

    Abstract: f494 ph+4148+zener+diode PXTA14 BC546 SMD SMD BC547 BC327/BC517 BC327-40 SMD BST74 BFG 71
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Surface Mounted Semiconductors Conversion List CONVERSION LIST FROM LEADED TO SMD TYPE LEADED SMD LEADED SMD B A 2 43 BA T18 BA W 62 BAW 56 B A 3 14 B A S 17 BA W 62 BAW 56W B A 4 80 BA T17 B A X 12 BAS29 BA481 BA T17 B A X 12 BA S31

    OCR Scan
    BAS29 BA481 BBY31 BAT81 BAS81 BBY40 BC847 BAT54 BC847A BT2907 ph 4148 f494 ph+4148+zener+diode PXTA14 BC546 SMD SMD BC547 BC327/BC517 BC327-40 SMD BST74 BFG 71 PDF


    Abstract: BFQ71 VCE05181 bfq 85 Q62702-F775 siemens Pm 90 87 transistor zo 103 MA 7S 714
    Text: SIEMENS BFQ71 NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For broadband amplifiers up to 2 GHz and fast non-saturated switches at collector currents from 1 mA to 20 mA. • Hermetically sealed ceramic package. • HiRel/Mil screening available. B CECC-type available: CECC 50002/260.

    OCR Scan
    BFQ71 Q62702-F775 0235bG5 DGb713S 5N521 VCE05181 bfq 85 siemens Pm 90 87 transistor zo 103 MA 7S 714 PDF

    TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 946

    Abstract: transistor bc 564 transistor Bc 949 datenblatt TRANSISTOR BC 545 MARKING CODE AGS bsp 2000 siemens datenbuch bft99 mmic SMD amplifier marking code 19s TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE bc ru DIODE smd marking 22-16
    Text: Typeniibersicht Selection Guide Bestellnummern Ordering Codes Bestempelung Marking Catalog Technische Angaben « Technical Information Qualitatsangaben Quality Specification Gehause Package Outlines Verarbeitungshinweise Mounting Instructions Verpackungshinweise

    OCR Scan
    B3-B3715 B3715-X-X-7600 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 946 transistor bc 564 transistor Bc 949 datenblatt TRANSISTOR BC 545 MARKING CODE AGS bsp 2000 siemens datenbuch bft99 mmic SMD amplifier marking code 19s TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE bc ru DIODE smd marking 22-16 PDF


    Abstract: D1279 Siemens 1414 D1275 germanium Germanium drift transistor diode a811 Siemens Halbleiter germanium transistor legiert
    Text: Table of Contents Selection Guide Ordering Codes Inhaltsverzeichnis Typeniibersicht Bestellnummern Scope of Applications Technical Information Quality Specifications Einsatzhinweise Technische Angaben Qualitatsangaben Package Outlines Mounting Instructions

    OCR Scan

    RPY 86

    Abstract: valvo halbleiter RPY94 CQY 24 BV EI 30-20 3001 LDR 03 diode byx 64 600 valvo transistoren KP101A BAV99-1
    Text: Elektronik. Wir bauen die Elemente. v a i v D Halbleiterbauelemente Produktprogramm DH, April 1984 Elektronik. Wir bauen die Elemente Unser Arbeitsgebiet - besonders die Mikroelektronik - entwickelt sich immer rascher zum Motor für eine Vielzahl von Innovationen. Mit gründ­

    OCR Scan

    LDR 03

    Abstract: valvo halbleiter LDR -03 cny63 CNY62 BYX 71 800 CXY19 VALVO ldr 07 BZW10-12
    Text: Halbleiter­ bauelemente • 1981/82 N, Bauelemente l m für die gesamte i f Elektronik V A L V O Valvo bietet das breiteste Produktprogram m an Bauelementen für die gesamte Elektronik in Deutschland: Bildröhren A blenkteile Tuner Lautsprecher Transform atoren

    OCR Scan

    pin configuration BFW 11

    Abstract: BF063 BFP96 2N3570 BFP90A bfq 85 BFP91 BFT50 BFX89 2N5109
    Text: 1. 1000 MHz C LA S S A LOW NOISE FOR SM ALL SIG N AL APPLICATIO NS Typ« I Pockog* ptot V B R C EO m ax. m in. (m W ) (V ) fr @ (M Hz) |m A ) C 22b* (pf) (V ) UM* (^B) (m A) > 15 6 g N TO-72 200 15 > 600 4 < 1,7* 10 2N 3570 2N 357) 2N 3572 N N N TO-72

    OCR Scan
    BFX89 BFT50 CB-233 BFP91* CB-233 pin configuration BFW 11 BF063 BFP96 2N3570 BFP90A bfq 85 BFP91 2N5109 PDF

    CJW SOT-23

    Abstract: bfq 85 LS 1316 BFP91 BFT50 BFX89 pin configuration BFW 11
    Text: 40. 900 MHz Packagi» V B R C E O min. ff @ *C (V) (M H z) (m A) 15 15 > 1300 25 c 12* NF ft lc / f Veut 'M O CMD (M H z) (m V) (dB) (dB) c 22b* (pF) (dB) (m A) S S 1 I Typ*» Polarity j C L A S S A LIN EA R FOR C A T V /M A T V A P P L IC A T IO N S BFX 89

    OCR Scan
    CB-71 O-11/' O-117 CB-233 BFP91* CB-233 CJW SOT-23 bfq 85 LS 1316 BFP91 BFT50 BFX89 pin configuration BFW 11 PDF


    Abstract: pin configuration BFW 11 BF520 BF519 BF654 BFP91 BFR92A BFS17 BFT50 BFX89
    Text: 40. 900 MHz Packagi» V B R C E O min. ff @ *C (V) (M H z) (m A) 15 15 > 1300 25 c 12* NF ft lc / f Veut 'M O CMD (M H z) (m V) (dB) (dB) c 22b* (pF) (dB) (m A) S S 1 I Typ*» Polarity j C L A S S A LIN EA R FOR C A T V /M A T V A P P L IC A T IO N S BFX 89

    OCR Scan
    CB-71 O-11/' O-117 BFR92A BFH93A BFS18 BFS19 BF654 BFS20 S0642 pin configuration BFW 11 BF520 BF519 BF654 BFP91 BFR92A BFS17 BFT50 BFX89 PDF

    3570 1301

    Abstract: BFP92 BFQ22 BFQ63 1521e 2N918 BFT50 cl2o 2N3570 2N 1309
    Text: 1 . 1000 MHz class A low noise for small signal applications classe A faible bruit petit signal TYPE È oc o Q. fT p t o t V B R C E O m in . PAC KAG E m ax. Im W ) (V ) (M H z ) THOMSON-CSF @ lc C l2« @ V c b Gp C22b* I m A ) (p F ) (V ) Gu m * «dB)

    OCR Scan
    2N918 BFP92 cb-233 3570 1301 BFQ22 BFQ63 1521e BFT50 cl2o 2N3570 2N 1309 PDF