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    BF 272 TRANSISTOR Search Results

    BF 272 TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22V / tf=120ns Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27V / tf=60ns Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CA3082 Rochester Electronics LLC CA3082 - Small Signal Bipolar Transistor Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    CA3081F Rochester Electronics LLC CA3081 - Small Signal Bipolar Transistor Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    BF 272 TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: thermistor NB 12 M 0 0333 marking nb nb "code marking" bd 222 smd MC 151 transistor NB 40 smd transistor thermistor NTC 0223 SC4500 ntc 1,0 0334
    Text: NTC SMD Thermistors With Nickel Barrier Termination NB 12 - NB 20 Chip thermistors are high quality and low cost devices especially developed for surface mounting applications. They are widely used for temperature compensation but can also achieve temperature control of printed circuits.

    60-90s BF 331 TRANSISTORS thermistor NB 12 M 0 0333 marking nb nb "code marking" bd 222 smd MC 151 transistor NB 40 smd transistor thermistor NTC 0223 SC4500 ntc 1,0 0334 PDF


    Abstract: MC 151 transistor SMD Transistors series nc SMD MARKING CODE mc smd marking KC R K J 0822 smd diode marking KC bd 222 smd smd marking BD SMD transistor code NC
    Text: NTC SMD Thermistors NC 12 – NC 20 Chip thermistors are a high quality and low cost device especially developed for surface mounting applications. They are widely used for temperature compensation but can also achieve temperature control of printed circuits. Its silver -

    60-90s BF 331 TRANSISTORS MC 151 transistor SMD Transistors series nc SMD MARKING CODE mc smd marking KC R K J 0822 smd diode marking KC bd 222 smd smd marking BD SMD transistor code NC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NTC SMD Thermistors With Nickel Barrier Termination NB 12 - NB 20 Chip thermistors are high quality and low cost devices especially developed for surface mounting applications. They are widely used for temperature compensation but can also achieve temperature control of printed circuits.

    95/EC) 2000/53/EC) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NTC SMD Thermistors With Nickel Barrier Termination NB 12 - NB 20 Chip thermistors are high quality and low cost devices especially developed for surface mounting applications. They are widely used for temperature compensation but can also achieve temperature control of printed circuits.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NTC SMD Thermistors NC 12 – NC 20 Chip thermistors are a high quality and low cost device especially developed for surface mounting applications. They are widely used for temperature compensation but can also achieve temperature control of printed circuits. Its silver -


    5 PEN PC TECHNOLOGY introduction

    Abstract: be519 max13302 5 pen pc technology processor d6378 242557 max003

    32-Bit 64-Bit 296-Pin 5 PEN PC TECHNOLOGY introduction be519 max13302 5 pen pc technology processor d6378 242557 max003 PDF


    Abstract: BF 272 transistor BF272A BF 272 bf 669 820SI
    Text: *B F 272 A PNP SILICON TRANSISTOR, PLANAR TRANSISTOR PNP S ILIC IU M , PLANAR ^ Preferred device D is p o s itif recommandé The BF 272 A is intended for use as RF amplifier in UHF-VHF tuners. Le BF 272 A est destiné à l'étage d'entrée des sélecteurs de canaux T V UHF-VHF

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: UHF "AGC Amplifier" agc amplifier radio BF253 transistor ESM 30 BF198 BF199 BF167 SF 253 BF 679
    Text: Rl: transistors for radio TV transistors HF pour radio TV Type Polarity THOMSON-CSF Maximum ratings Application ptot VcEO Characteristics at 25°C fT / 1C ImW V) typ (MHz) ImA) Cc b / VCB Gpe F typ <pF) (V) Gpb* typ (dB) typ (dB| / 1C / Case f ImA) (MHz)

    OCR Scan
    BF272 BF198 CB-76 BF199 CB-146 UHF "AGC Amplifier" agc amplifier radio BF253 transistor ESM 30 BF167 SF 253 BF 679 PDF


    Abstract: BF 273 transistor BF transistor BF469
    Text: Silizium-NPN-Epitaxial-Planar-HF-Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar RF Transistor Anwendungen: Video-B-Endstufen in Fernsehem pfängern Applications: Video-B-class p o w e r stages in TV receivers Besondere Merkmale: Features: • Kom plem entär zu BF 470

    OCR Scan

    diode B14A

    Abstract: B14A diode TFK 03 Diode TFK3070D TFK 001 B14A 23 TFK 001 TFK u 269 TFK 03 TFK3070
    Text: TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC 17E D • O lSO O ^b P O Q Ib S l S TFK 3070 D TTIUilPiiSMKIIKI electronic Creato*1«chn0t0Q«s Preliminary specifications NPN Silicon Darlington Power Transistor , 7 * * 3 3 - 3 r Applications: • Motor-control 380 V-mains • UPS (Uninterruptible power supplies)

    OCR Scan
    00CHb51 000Rb52 T0126 15A3DIN diode B14A B14A diode TFK 03 Diode TFK3070D TFK 001 B14A 23 TFK 001 TFK u 269 TFK 03 TFK3070 PDF

    SL 100 NPN Transistor base emitter collector

    Abstract: SL 100 NPN Transistor BF 273 transistor transistor bf 274 BF 274 transistor 2SD2114 transistor CR NPN
    Text: 2SD2114K Transistor, NPN Features Dimensions Units : mm • available in SMT3 (SMT, SC-59) package • package marking: 2SD2114K; BB-*, where ★ is hFE code |E3 S i 24 Q- • high DC current amplification, typically hFE = 1200 • high emitter-base voltage,

    OCR Scan
    2SD2114K SC-59) 2SD2114K; 12rves 2SD2114K SL 100 NPN Transistor base emitter collector SL 100 NPN Transistor BF 273 transistor transistor bf 274 BF 274 transistor 2SD2114 transistor CR NPN PDF


    Abstract: ampli lineaire AMPLI LINEAIRE FM Transistor BFR 96 if amplifier BF167 cb amplifier BF509 L 146 CB BF199
    Text: 4 0. 900 MHz class A linear for CATV/MATV applications f\ TYPE POLARITY classe A linéaire pour amplificateurs d'antenne PACKAGE @ V BR CEO min. (V) (M Hz) le Im A) C l2e C22b* (pF) l\IF @ (dB) BFX 89 BFY90 BFR 99 BFR 38 N N P P TO-72 TO-72 TO-72 TO-72

    OCR Scan
    BF272 BF1300 CB-146 ampli lineaire AMPLI LINEAIRE FM Transistor BFR 96 if amplifier BF167 cb amplifier BF509 L 146 CB BF199 PDF

    transistor bf 271

    Abstract: CFK30 marking code CFK sot-23 MARKING CODE 0s transistor g23 mosfet 3704 transistor bc238c
    Text: filC D TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC • fiTSGDTb OGOSMll 2 ■ ALCG T-3/-2i> M electronic CFK30 Creative Technologies N-Channel-GaAs-MESFET-Tetrode Depletion Mode Applications: Gain controlled amplifiers and mixers up to 2 GHz In common source configuration; in wireless telephone, broadcast sets, cabel TV and equipments with

    OCR Scan
    CFK30 569-GS transistor bf 271 CFK30 marking code CFK sot-23 MARKING CODE 0s transistor g23 mosfet 3704 transistor bc238c PDF

    LDR 03

    Abstract: valvo halbleiter LDR -03 cny63 CNY62 BYX 71 800 CXY19 VALVO ldr 07 BZW10-12
    Text: Halbleiter­ bauelemente • 1981/82 N, Bauelemente l m für die gesamte i f Elektronik V A L V O Valvo bietet das breiteste Produktprogram m an Bauelementen für die gesamte Elektronik in Deutschland: Bildröhren A blenkteile Tuner Lautsprecher Transform atoren

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: BD637 darlington complementary power amplifier tip 142 BD635 tip 42 tip 3055 B0633 TIP 5530 TIP NPN tip 120
    Text: PRELIM IN ARY BD633, BD635, BD637 NPN EPIBASE POWER TRANSISTORS Amplifier Switch Complementary O utput Stages Complementary with BD 633, BD 635, BD 637 mechanical data TO-66P All dimensions are in mm absolute maximum ratings Collector-Emitter Voltage.

    OCR Scan
    BD633, BD635, BD637 BD633 BD635 BD637 darlington complementary power amplifier tip 142 tip 42 tip 3055 B0633 TIP 5530 TIP NPN tip 120 PDF


    Abstract: service-mitteilungen Stassfurt servicemitteilungen rft robotron Servicemitteilungen RFT lautsprecher "service-mitteilungen" Rafena KT 300
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN V E B I N O U S T R I E V E R T R IE B R U N D F U N K U N D F E R N S E H E N r a d i o -televisión AUSGABE: 5/73 DATUM: M ai 1973 Mitteilung vom Fachgebiet -Aus- und Weiterbildung der Werktätigenim VEB Industrievertrieb Rundfunk und Fernsehen / Direktion Leipzig

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COS/MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 4066 B> Q U A D B I L A T E R A L S W IT C H F O R T R A N S M I S S I O N O F A N A L O G O R D IG IT A L S IG N A L S hcc/hcf 4066B OR M U L T IP L E X IN G • • • • • • 15V D IG IT A L OR ±7 .5V P E A K -T O -P E A K SW ITCHING

    OCR Scan

    ksd 302 250v, 10a

    Abstract: irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643
    Text: 5 transistor 1 A-Z datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-00-0 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechllich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan
    CB-F36c 2SD1642 2SD2182, 2SC4489, -08S- ksd 302 250v, 10a irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643 PDF


    Abstract: BF247 equivalent brochage des circuits integres Triac GK transistor bc 564 BC547E TI Small Signal FET Catalogue bcw 91 transistor SESCO SESCOSEM
    Text: GENERAL INFORMATION , , v^ INFORMATION GENERALE ” ; V Index Index 3 ' v.»A* K \ a 1 Selection guide Guide de sélection Qualified devices Dispositifs homologués Quality Qualité Symbols Symboles DATA SHEETS NOTICES SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS TRANSISTORS DE SIGNAL AU SILICIUM

    OCR Scan

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: 2SK596 2SC906 2SA1281 bup 3130 C3885A 2sd103 2SA1379 34d 937 086 bfq59
    Text: cD/ transistor 2 0-u datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-01-9 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan

    catalogue des transistors bipolaires de puissance

    Abstract: brochage des circuits integres H3C1-07 LB 124 transistor equivalente transistor A2222 equivalent of transistor bc212 bc 214 BFw-11 terminals SESCOSEM transistor equivalente transistor BC 141 Brochage BCW91
    Text: GENERAL INFORMATION , , v^ INFORMATION GENERALE ” ; V Index Index 3 ' v.»A* K \ a 1 Selection guide Guide de sélection Qualified devices Dispositifs homologués Quality Qualité Symbols Symboles DATA SHEETS NOTICES SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS TRANSISTORS DE SIGNAL AU SILICIUM

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 4066 applications CMOS 4066 HCF 40668 4066 BE 4066B "4066 be" data 4066 BM cnc schematic mos 4066
    Text: C O S/M O S IN T EG R A T ED CIRCUIT „ 4 D é é M> h c c /h c f 4066b Q U A D B IL A T E R A L SW ITCH FOR T R A N S M IS S IO N OR M U L T IP L E X IN G OF A N A L O G OR D IG IT A L S IG N A L S • • • • • • 15V D IG IT A L OR ± 7 ,5V P E A K -T O -P E A K SW ITCHING

    OCR Scan
    -40CC 4066BE 4066 applications CMOS 4066 HCF 40668 4066 BE 4066B "4066 be" data 4066 BM cnc schematic mos 4066 PDF


    Abstract: APC UPS es 500 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM APC UPS 650 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM schematic diagram APC back ups XS 1000 TAA550 APC UPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM UPS APC rs 1000 CIRCUIT diagram UPS APC rs 800 CIRCUIT diagram APC Back ES 500 UPS circuit diagram CIRCUIT DIAGRAM APC UPS 700
    Text: 1 2 AF106 G E R M A N IU M MESA PNP VHF MIXER/OSCILLATOR The AF 106 is a germanium mesa PNP transistor in a Jedec TO-72 metal case. It Is particularly designed for use as preamplifier mixer and oscillator up to 260 MHz. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ^CBO VcEO ^EBO

    OCR Scan
    AF106 AF106 APC UPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM rs 1500 APC UPS es 500 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM APC UPS 650 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM schematic diagram APC back ups XS 1000 TAA550 APC UPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM UPS APC rs 1000 CIRCUIT diagram UPS APC rs 800 CIRCUIT diagram APC Back ES 500 UPS circuit diagram CIRCUIT DIAGRAM APC UPS 700 PDF

    lm 4066

    Abstract: 4066B 4066 applications HCFT 4066BE HCF 40668 4066 4016B HCF4066B 4066BF
    Text: Q Q § /[^ [Q § ^ ^ S -T H O M S O N &7C I INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 7 CJ5‘:1 2 3 7 SC* 41C o a 8 4 7 3 | o o n s ts HCC/HCF 4066B ! D f 6 h / / QUAD BILATERAL SWITCH FOR TRANSMISSION OR MULTIPLEXING OF ANALOG OR DIGITAL SIGNALS • • • • • • 1 5 V D IG IT A L O R + 7 .5 V P E A K -T O -P E A K S W IT C H IN G

    OCR Scan
    4066b -405C lm 4066 4066B 4066 applications HCFT 4066BE HCF 40668 4066 4016B HCF4066B 4066BF PDF