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    BERGQUIST SILPAD Search Results

    BERGQUIST SILPAD Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: E59150 ASTM-D-149 ASTM-D257 ASTMD149 SIL-PAD ASTM-D5470 D1458 ASTMD5470 D374
    Text: Bergquist Sil-Pad KA-l0 is the highest perfom1ance insulator that utilizes Bergquist's dielectric material T-FilmTM. KA-l0 combines T-Film with a very compliant, high thermal performance silicone rubber. The result ~ a product with good cut-through properties and



    Abstract: BERGQUIST mp-06503 "10 watt led" LTI-04503 ASTM 5470 GAP FILLER TCP-1000 HT-04503 Aluminum Base LED PCB 10 watt L.E.D MP-06503
    Text: Thermal Solutions For Long-Term Reliability Of Power LEDs Thermal Management For LEDApplications S O L U T I O N S G U I D E Bergquist Thermal Solutions Insure Color Consistency And Maximum Lifecycles For Your LEDs. Light Emitting Diodes LEDs have been around for years, primarily

    MK80AD D-25421 BERGQUIST LTI-04503 BERGQUIST mp-06503 "10 watt led" LTI-04503 ASTM 5470 GAP FILLER TCP-1000 HT-04503 Aluminum Base LED PCB 10 watt L.E.D MP-06503 PDF


    Abstract: transistor D1876 TRANSISTOR D412 7403-09FR d1876 transistor SIL-PAD 2000 density transistors D1876 SIL-PAD 3223 Sil Pad A2000 0.015 TR-NWT-000930
    Text: Thermally Conductive Interface Materials for Cooling Electronic Assemblies Sil-Pad S E L E C T I O N G U I D E All statements, technical information and recommendations herein are based on tests we believe to be reliable, and THE FOLLOWING IS MADE IN LIEU OF ALL WARRANTIES,



    Abstract: BERGQUIST mp-06503 ZPMV UL746E RD2018 HT-04503 HT-09009 Bergquist - Thermal Clad HPL Dielectric CML11-006 ASTM 5470 GAP FILLER
    Text: TCDG_Cover_09.09.qxp 9/8/2009 1:43 PM Page 3 Thermal Solutions For Surface Mount Power Applications ThermalClad S E L E C T I O N G U I D E TCDG_Cover_09.09.qxp 9/8/2009 September 2009 1:43 PM Page 4 Thermal Clad®: U.S. Patent 4,810,563 and others. All statements, technical information and recommendations herein are based on tests we believe to be reliable, and


    "10 watt led"

    Abstract: 10 watt led 10 watt L.E.D FR4 dielectric constant vs temperature parameters of FR4 substrate with dielectric BERGQUIST XB900 imst m/L.E.D Moving Display Board
    Text: Modeling Results - Infinite Heat Sink Thermal Clad MP FR-4 Temperature °C Thermal Clad LTI Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) > 63.654 > 63.7 > 63.7 53.991 54.025 54.025 44.327 44.35 44.35 34.664 34.675 34.675 < 25 < 25 < 25 FIGURE 6 PACKAGING CONCLUSION

    ISO9001 "10 watt led" 10 watt led 10 watt L.E.D FR4 dielectric constant vs temperature parameters of FR4 substrate with dielectric BERGQUIST XB900 imst m/L.E.D Moving Display Board PDF

    D150 transistor

    Abstract: E59150 D149 D150 D2240 D257 D374 QPAD
    Text: Q-Pad 3 Easy to Handle, Greaseless Thermal Interface Features and Benefits • Thermal impedance 2 0.35°C-in /W @50 psi Typical Properties of Q-Pad 3 Property Imperial Value Metric Value Test Method Black Black Visual Color Reinforcement Carrier Fiberglass

    D2240 D150 transistor E59150 D149 D150 D2240 D257 D374 QPAD PDF

    ASTM D2240, D412

    Abstract: ASTM D412 D1458 D149 D150 D2240 D257 D374 D412 PPK10
    Text: Poly-Pad K-10 Polyester-Based,Thermally Conductive Insulation Material Features and Benefits • Thermal impedance: 0.60°C-in2/W @50 psi • Polyester based • For applications requiring non-silicone conformal coatings • Designed for silicone-sensitive applications

    D2240 D1458 ASTM D2240, D412 ASTM D412 D1458 D149 D150 D2240 D257 D374 D412 PPK10 PDF


    Abstract: D1458 bergquist D149 D150 D2240 D257 D374 D412 ASTM D5470
    Text: Sil-Pad 1500ST Electrically Insulating,Thermally Conductive, Soft Tack Elastomeric Material Features and Benefits • Thermal impedance: 0.23°C-in2/W @50 psi • Naturally tacky on both sides • Pad is repositionable • Excellent thermal performance

    1500ST D2240 D1458 1500ST D1458 bergquist D149 D150 D2240 D257 D374 D412 ASTM D5470 PDF

    ASTM D2240, D412

    Abstract: ASTM D412 ASTM D5470 d1458 D2240 D257 D374 D412 D149 D150
    Text: Poly-Pad K-10 Polyester Based Thermally Conductive Insulation Material Features and Benefits • Thermal impedance 2 0.60°C-in /W @50 psi Typical Properties of Poly-Pad K-10 Property Imperial Value Metric Value Test Method Color Yellow Yellow Visual

    D2240 D1458 ASTM D2240, D412 ASTM D412 ASTM D5470 d1458 D2240 D257 D374 D412 D149 D150 PDF


    Abstract: bergquist silpad
    Text: Sil-Pad Tubes Silicone-Based,Thermally Conductive Tubes Features and Benefits TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF SIL-PAD TUBE 400 PROPERTY Color • Thermal conductivity: SPT 400 – 0.9 W/m-K SPT 1000 – 1.2 W/m-K • For clip-mounted plastic power packages IMPERIAL VALUE

    D2240 D1458 bergquist bergquist silpad PDF


    Abstract: SIL-PAD E59150 MIL-M-38527 SIL-PAD K10 MIL-M-38527C ASTM D412 for rubber MIL-M-87111 ASTM D412 D150
    Text: Sil-Pad K-10 ® The High Performance Kapton Based Insulator Features and Benefits • Thermal impedance 2 0.41°C-in /W @50 psi Typical Properties of Sil-Pad K-10 Property Imperial Value Metric Value Test Method Beige Beige Visual Color Reinforcement Carrier

    D2240 D1458 MIL-I-49456 SIL-PAD E59150 MIL-M-38527 SIL-PAD K10 MIL-M-38527C ASTM D412 for rubber MIL-M-87111 ASTM D412 D150 PDF

    ASTM D2240, D412

    Abstract: SIL-PAD ASTM D412 SIL-PAD 1000 TO 247 ASTM D2240 D149 D149 diode astm D149 SIL-PAD to-247 astm D150
    Text: Sil-Pad 900S High Performance Insulator for Low Pressure Applications Features and Benefits • Typical Properties of Sil-Pad 900S Property Thermal impedance 2 0.61°C-in /W @50 psi Imperial Value Metric Value Test Method Pink Pink Visual Color Reinforcement Carrier

    D2240 ASTM D2240, D412 SIL-PAD ASTM D412 SIL-PAD 1000 TO 247 ASTM D2240 D149 D149 diode astm D149 SIL-PAD to-247 astm D150 PDF

    ASTM D2240, D412

    Abstract: D412 transistor D412 E59150 astm D150 ASTM D2240 ASTM D412 MIL-M-87111 d1458 transistor SIL-PAD
    Text: Sil-Pad K-6 ® The Medium Performance Kapton Based Insulator Features and Benefits • Thermal impedance 2 0.49°C-in /W @50 psi Typical Properties of Sil-Pad K-6 Property Imperial Value Metric Value Test Method Bluegreen Bluegreen Visual Color Reinforcement Carrier

    D2240 D1458 ASTM D2240, D412 D412 transistor D412 E59150 astm D150 ASTM D2240 ASTM D412 MIL-M-87111 d1458 transistor SIL-PAD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Poly-Pad K-4 Polyester-Based,Thermally Conductive Insulation Material Features and Benefits T YPICAL PROPERT IES OF POLY-PAD K-4 PROPERTY Color • Thermal impedance: 0.95°C-in 2/W @50 psi • Polyester based • For applications requiring non-silicone

    D2240 D1458 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Sil-Pad 1500ST Electrically Insulating,Thermally Conductive,Soft Tack Elastomeric Material Features and Benefits T YPICAL PROPERT IES OF SIL-PAD 1500ST PROPERTY Color • Thermal impedance: 0.23°C-in 2/W @50 psi • Naturally tacky on both sides • Pad is repositionable

    1500ST D2240 D1458 1500ST PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Sil-Pad 1500ST Electrically Insulating,Thermally Conductive, Soft Tack Elastomeric Material Features and Benefits TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF SIL-PAD 1500ST PROPERTY Color • Thermal impedance: 0.23°C-in2/W @50 psi • Naturally tacky on both sides • Pad is repositionable

    1500ST D2240 D1458 1500ST bergquist PDF


    Abstract: D150 transistor D149 D150 D2240 D257 D374
    Text: Q-Pad 3 Glass-Reinforced Grease Replacement Thermal Interface Features and Benefits • Thermal impedance: 0.35°C-in2/W @50 psi • Eliminates processing constraints typically associated with grease • Conforms to surface textures • Easy handling

    D2240 bergquist D150 transistor D149 D150 D2240 D257 D374 PDF


    Abstract: ASTM D412 for rubber SIL-PAD ASTM D2240 ASTM D2240, D412 D1458 D149 D150 D2240 D257
    Text: Sil-Pad 400 The Original Sil-Pad Material Features and Benefits • Thermal impedance 2 1.13°C-in /W @50 psi Typical Properties of Sil-Pad 400 Property Imperial Value Metric Value Test Method Gray Gray Visual Color Reinforcement Carrier Fiberglass Fiberglass

    D2240 D1458 E59150 ASTM D412 for rubber SIL-PAD ASTM D2240 ASTM D2240, D412 D1458 D149 D150 D2240 D257 PDF


    Abstract: cure SIL-PAD D149 D150 D2240 D257 D374 MIL-M-38527C MIL-I-49456
    Text: Sil-Pad 2000 High Performance, High Reliability Insulator Features and Benefits • Thermal impedance 2 0.33°C-in /W @50 psi Typical Properties of Sil-Pad 2000 Property Color Imperial Value Metric Value Test Method White White Visual Reinforcement Carrier

    D2240 E59150 cure SIL-PAD D149 D150 D2240 D257 D374 MIL-M-38527C MIL-I-49456 PDF

    SIL-PAD density

    Abstract: ADHESIVE GAP PAD ASTM d792 Sil-Pad C351 D149 D150 D2240 D257 D374
    Text: Gap Pad VO Ultra Soft Highly Conformable, Thermally Conductive Material for Filling Air Gaps Features and Benefits Typical Properties of Gap Pad VO UltraSoft Property • Thermal conductivity 1.0 W/m-K Color • Highly conformable nature • Shock absorbing characteristics



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPDG_Cover_0511 v7.qxp 6/22/2011 12:25 PM Page 2 Thermally Conductive Interface Materials for Cooling Electronic Assemblies Sil-Pad S E L E C T I O N G U I D E SPDG_Cover_0511 v7.qxp 6/22/2011 12:25 PM Page 3 June 2011 All statements, technical information and recommendations herein are based on tests we believe to be reliable, and THE


    ASTM D412

    Abstract: d1458 D412 ASTM-D412 astm D150 ASTM D2240 SIL-PAD ASTM D2240, D412 conductivity meter circuit D149
    Text: Sil-Pad K-4 ® The Original Kapton Based Insulator Features and Benefits • Thermal impedance 2 0.48°C-in /W @50 psi Typical Properties of Sil-Pad K-4 Property Imperial Value Metric Value Test Method Gray Gray Visual Color Reinforcement Carrier Kapton

    D2240 D1458 ASTM D412 d1458 D412 ASTM-D412 astm D150 ASTM D2240 SIL-PAD ASTM D2240, D412 conductivity meter circuit D149 PDF


    Abstract: SIL-PAD density conductivity ASTM D575 bergquist ultra soft
    Text: Gap Pad VO Ultra Soft Ultra Conformable,Thermally Conductive Material for Filling Air Gaps Features and Benefits TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF GAP PAD VO ULTRA SOFT PROPERTY Color • Thermal conductivity: 1.0 W/m-K • Highly conformable, low hardness • “Gel-like” modulus


    FR4 dielectric constant vs temperature

    Abstract: FR4 substrate with dielectric constant 4
    Text: THERMAL MANAGEMENT OF SURFACE MOUNT POWER DEVICES Prepared by Herb Fick Bergquist Reprinted with permission of POWERCONVERSION & INTELLIGENT MOTION August 1987 issue. 1987 Intertech Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. MOTOROLA Semiconductor Products Inc.

    OCR Scan
    AR302/D FR4 dielectric constant vs temperature FR4 substrate with dielectric constant 4 PDF