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    Alpha & Omega Semiconductor AOZ8671BDT-03

    TVS DIODE 3.3VWM 6.5VC 0201
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    DigiKey AOZ8671BDT-03 Reel 10,000
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    • 10000 $0.06464
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    Alpha & Omega Semiconductor AOZ8651BDT-05

    TVS DIODE 5VWM 6VC 0201
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey AOZ8651BDT-05 Reel 9,000
    • 1 -
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.07272
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    Alpha & Omega Semiconductor AOZ8650BDT-03

    TVS DIODE 3.3VWM 8VC 0201
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey AOZ8650BDT-03 Bulk
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    Alpha & Omega Semiconductor AOZ8651BDT-03

    TVS DIODE 3.3VWM 6VC 0201
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey AOZ8651BDT-03 Reel 10,000
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    • 10000 $0.06464
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    Syfer Technology SFBDT0500473MX0

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    DigiKey SFBDT0500473MX0 Bulk
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    BDT 0 Datasheets Context Search

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    BDT 16.24K5000-L6-5

    Abstract: BDH 16.24K1000-L0-4 BDH 16.24K5000-L0-5
    Text: Incremental encoders Shaft with clamping or synchro lange Resolution 7200.320000 pulses BDH, BDT - HighRes Features – High resolution programmable encoder – Shaft ø10 mm or ø6 mm – Optical sensing – Resolution max. 320000 ppr – Clamping or synchro lange


    CHN 750

    Abstract: CHN 025 CHN 227 CHN 120
    Text: Incremental shaft encoder BDT features • small mounting depth • radial and axial connector or cable connection • servo flange order designation general data voltage supply 5 VDC ± 10% 05A 10 - 30 VDC (24K) 4,5 - 30 VDC (25W) max. supply current no load

    5A/24K) 5A/25W) CHN 750 CHN 025 CHN 227 CHN 120 PDF

    M23 radial cable connector

    Abstract: standard M23 connector 21 pin m23 connector M23 cable
    Text: Incremental shaft encoder BDT Sine features • small mounting depth • radial and axial connector or cable connection • servo flange order designation general data voltage supply 5 VDC ±5% max. supply current no load typ. 100 mA at 5 VDC max. measuring steps

    10-fold M23 radial cable connector standard M23 connector 21 pin m23 connector M23 cable PDF


    Abstract: H1250C CA210203104 48v output rectifiers circuit diagrams Valere NIC1000 CA312181178 NIC1000 H2000A 10 amp fuse NIC1001
    Text: Naming & Ordering Guide for The Mini 1U Power System Issue Date: January, 2006 Issue 1.7 Supersedes Issue 1.5 12/25/05 Mini Power System Description .- 3 Mini Power System Numbering Convention.- 3 AC Input Types .- 4 Shelf Family Letter Codes.- 4 Mini System Shelf and Distribution Concepts .- 5 DC Distribution Circuits .- 5 H Series Rectifiers Numbering Convention .- 6 H Series Rectifiers Basic Models .- 7 Mini System Alarm and Communication Options .- 8 NIC Network Interface Card .- 8 NIC Naming Convention.- 8 NIC Basic Models.- 8 Sample Operating Parameters.- 9 H-TRIO-02 (Thermal Relay Input/Output) .- 13 HC Display.- 13 Line Cord Naming Convention.- 14 Line Cord Examples .- 14 LI Type.- 15 LU Type .- 15 NEMA Plugs .- 15 Non-Locking Plugs .- 15 Locking Plugs .- 15 Alarm Cables.- 16 Temperature Probes .- 16 Circuit Breaker Naming Convention .- 17 Fuse Naming Convention .- 18 Fuse Examples.- 18 How to Order. 19

    H-TRIO-02 1-877-Valere1 Valere H1250C CA210203104 48v output rectifiers circuit diagrams Valere NIC1000 CA312181178 NIC1000 H2000A 10 amp fuse NIC1001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. " " !!!" *+ ./0( 0/+*/!. "0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. "#$!%&'( *+$!,$+'&+-*./$!&'!(#$!0123456!7%!(#$!.8-9$+!&'!'+*-$%!,$+ %$/&.:!(#*(!/*.! &. '+&-!(#$!. (



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: " " !!!" *+ ./0( 0/+*/!. "0 "#$!%&'( *+$!,$+'&+-*./$!&'!(#$!0123456!7%!(#$!.8-9$+!&'!'+*-$%!,$+ %$/&.:!(#*(!/*.! &. '+&-!(#$!. ( (#!(#$



    Abstract: MC9S08JM60 c code example MC9S08JM MC9S08JM60 c code example usb iic module on mc9s08jm AN3564 MC9S08JM60 MC9S08JM60 c interrupt code example jm60 spi
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note Document Number: AN3564 Rev. 0, 11/2007 Customize the USB application Using the MC9S08JM In-depth Understanding of the Freescale USB stack for MC9S08JM Devices by: Derek Liu, José Ruiz, Eduardo Viramontes China system and applications team and RTAC Americas

    AN3564 MC9S08JM MC9S08JM 32-bit AN3565 MC9S08JM60 c code example MC9S08JM60 c code example usb iic module on mc9s08jm AN3564 MC9S08JM60 MC9S08JM60 c interrupt code example jm60 spi PDF


    Abstract: MC9S08JM60 c code example MC9S08JM60 jm60 usb 0x10b0 MC9S08JM60 c code example usb MC9S08JM60 c interrupt code example
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note Document Number: AN3560 Rev. 1, 07/2008 USB Device Development with the MC9S08JM60 In-depth Understanding of the MC9S08JM60 USB Module by: Derek Liu Asia & Pacific Operation Microcontroller Division 1 Introduction MC9S08JM60 devices form part of the Freescale Flexis

    AN3560 MC9S08JM60 MC9S08JM60 32-bit jm60 MC9S08JM60 c code example jm60 usb 0x10b0 MC9S08JM60 c code example usb MC9S08JM60 c interrupt code example PDF

    transistor 31C

    Abstract: BDT31 NPN Transistor VCEO 80V 100V BDT31A BDT31B BDT31C BDT32
    Text: isc Product Specification INCHANGE Semiconductor isc Silicon NPN Power Transistors BDT31/A/B/C DESCRIPTION •DC Current Gain -hFE = 25 Min @ IC= 1.0A ·Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage: VCEO(SUS) = 40V(Min)- BDT31; 60V(Min)- BDT31A 80V(Min)- BDT31B; 100V(Min)- BDT31C

    BDT31/A/B/C BDT31; BDT31A BDT31B; BDT31C BDT32/A/B/C BDT31 BDT31/A BDT31B/C transistor 31C BDT31 NPN Transistor VCEO 80V 100V BDT31A BDT31B BDT31C BDT32 PDF

    optical mouse logitech

    Abstract: USB logitech optical mouse logitech optical mouse logitech usb driver LOGITECH USB OPTICAL MOUSE usbhub 0011B 1010B arcade joystick - short handle GEHCO
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note Document Number: AN3492 Rev. 0, 08/2007 USB and Using the CMX USB Stack by: Eric Gregori, Product Specilaist—Embedded Firmware 1 Overview of USB Contents 1 Overview of USB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    AN3492 optical mouse logitech USB logitech optical mouse logitech optical mouse logitech usb driver LOGITECH USB OPTICAL MOUSE usbhub 0011B 1010B arcade joystick - short handle GEHCO PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LS6103 LSI 12 Digit LCD Watch with EL Driver Features * 6 Function Real time clock. Hour, Minute, Second, Month, Day, Weekday * Alarm and chime. * 12/24Hour format user select. * 4 year calendar. * Dual time selected by bonding option * 3 keys operation, KSET, KMODE, KADJ.

    LS6103 12/24Hour LS6103 PDF

    PIC24F Family reference manual

    Abstract: "PIC24F Family Reference Manual" MICRO-AB CRC16EF
    Text: Section 27. USB On-The-Go OTG HIGHLIGHTS 27 This section of the manual contains the following major topics: 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. Advance Information DS39721A-page 27-1 USB On-The-Go (OTG) 27.1 Introduction . 7-2

    PIC24F DS39721A-page PIC24F Family reference manual "PIC24F Family Reference Manual" MICRO-AB CRC16EF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XR-T6166 .the analog plus company TM Codirectional Digital Data Processor June 1997–3 APPLICATIONS FEATURES D CCITT G.703 Compliant 64kbps Codirectional Interface D Low Power CMOS Technology D All Receiver and Transmitter Inputs and Outputs are TTL Compatible

    XR-T6166 64kbps XRT6166 30-Jul-09 XRT6166 XRT6166ID-F SOIC28 XRT6166IP-F PDIP28 XRT6166CD-F XRT6166CP-F PDF

    encoder baumer electric bdk

    Abstract: baumer electric BAV encoder baumer electric baumer bmd baumer electric BDK Baumer electric encoder Baumer encoder BHW baumer electric 2 75175 Encoder interface SCHEMATIC
    Text: Baumer electric Encoder Incremental shaft encoders, ø30 mm BDK 16.05A360-5-4 Technical Data shaft type specific shaft type diameter housing flange mounting length diameter shaft mech. revolutions max. electrical rpm voltage supply measuring steps output signals

    05A360-5-4 encoder baumer electric bdk baumer electric BAV encoder baumer electric baumer bmd baumer electric BDK Baumer electric encoder Baumer encoder BHW baumer electric 2 75175 Encoder interface SCHEMATIC PDF

    Datel bpm

    Abstract: BPM150 BPM-150/20
    Text: 47E D DATEL INC • ifOMÌTEIi: HbSISbl DDD1771 BDT ■ D T L Line Operated Dual Output High Voltage Power Modules 'P 5 -7 -0 5 ' FEATURES • . • • • • • Operated from line voltage 103 to 126 VAC at 60-550 Hz Fully regulated ±120VDC, ±150VDC, +180VDC output

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    DDD1771 120VDC, 150VDC, 180VDC AM-3000 Datel bpm BPM150 BPM-150/20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHICAGO MINIATURE b2E LAMP D • 2DÔ20MÔ QDG14 27 bDT ■ CML Chicago Miniature Lamp ~AN AMERICAN MANUFACTURER- T -1 3/4 Flashing LED Lam ps D E S C R I P T I O N A N D F E A T U R E S These unique LED lamps have integral circuits that will flash the lamp on and off continuously at frequencies from 1.5 to

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: FF1152 ASI 6-03 j131 L74P L75N P100 P109 P126 P144
    Text: 5 s t e m B l o c k D i a g r a m M G T R I G H T s a n d A N G L E M G T 5 M A R I G H T A N G L E SMA 5 5 V ± c k V C ORE 1 5 V JACK V C C □ z V c z 5 V A U X 5 V M G T Z JACK JACK A U X 5 V :J A C K V c C 3 3 3 V T X T G P 1 B V - Z 5 V R X 0 v - Z 5 V

    OCR Scan

    LDR 03

    Abstract: valvo halbleiter LDR -03 cny63 CNY62 BYX 71 800 CXY19 VALVO ldr 07 BZW10-12
    Text: Halbleiter­ bauelemente • 1981/82 N, Bauelemente l m für die gesamte i f Elektronik V A L V O Valvo bietet das breiteste Produktprogram m an Bauelementen für die gesamte Elektronik in Deutschland: Bildröhren A blenkteile Tuner Lautsprecher Transform atoren

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Connectors PC 612 Blade-contact connectors in acc- with OIN 41612, design G With angled solder pins suitable for holes with 0 1 mm ±0,1 2,54 mm center spacing (pin assignment: row f in row z) Please note: Row z is soldering-flux tight Num ber of contacts

    OCR Scan
    V23533-B1200-G605 V23533-B2207-G605 V23533-B2251-G6Q5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XR-T6166 C 'E X A R .the analog plus company Codirectional Digital Data Processor TM June 1997-3 A PP LIC A TIO N S FEA TUR ES CCITT G.703 Compliant 64kbps Codirectional Interface Low Power CMOS Technology All Receiver and Transmitter Inputs and Outputs are

    OCR Scan
    XR-T6166 64kbps XR-T6164 3422blà PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IB A TMP47C1238/1638/038 CM OS 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER TMP47C1238N, TMP47C1638N The 47C1238/1638 are based on the TLCS-470A series. The 47C1238/1638 have on-screen display circuit OSD to display characters and marks which indicate channel or time on TV screen, A/D_CQnyfi.rter input,^ D/A_

    OCR Scan
    TMP47C1238/1638/038 TMP47C1238N, TMP47C1638N 47C1238/1638 TLCS-470A TMP47C1238N P47C1638N SD1P54 TMP47C038E PDF


    Abstract: TMP47C1638N 47C1238 H541 BM1106 TMP47C038E TMP47C1238N dot led display large size with circuit diagram
    Text: TO SH IBA TMP47C1238/1638/038 C M O S 4-BIT M IC R O C O N T R O L L E R TM P47C1238N, TM P47C1638N The 47C1238/1638 are based on the TLCS-470A series. The 47C1238/1638 have on-screen display circuit OSD to display characters and marks which indicate channel or time on TV screen, A/D_coQvexter input, ^JD/A

    OCR Scan
    P47C1238/1638/038 TMP47C1238N, TMP47C1638N 47C1238/1638 TLCS-470A TMP47C1238N SDIP54 TMP47C038E BM1106) H540 TMP47C1638N 47C1238 H541 BM1106 TMP47C038E dot led display large size with circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bbS3T31 0D3237T Philips Semiconductors ^ p^ Product specification CATV amplifier module — BGY89 ^ — N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE PINNING-SOT115C FEATURES • Extremely low noise 1 input • Silicon nitride passivation 2 common • Rugged construction 3 common

    OCR Scan
    bbS3T31 0D3237T BGY89 PINNING-SOT115C DIN45004B; PDF

    RPY 86

    Abstract: valvo halbleiter RPY94 CQY 24 BV EI 30-20 3001 LDR 03 diode byx 64 600 valvo transistoren KP101A BAV99-1
    Text: Elektronik. Wir bauen die Elemente. v a i v D Halbleiterbauelemente Produktprogramm DH, April 1984 Elektronik. Wir bauen die Elemente Unser Arbeitsgebiet - besonders die Mikroelektronik - entwickelt sich immer rascher zum Motor für eine Vielzahl von Innovationen. Mit gründ­

    OCR Scan