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    BD826 TRANSISTOR Search Results

    BD826 TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    BD826 TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    transistor bd826

    Abstract: bd828 BD826-10 BD828-10 BD826 MD 202 BD829 BD830-16 BD830 BD830-10
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET M3D067 BD826; BD828; BD830 PNP power transistors Product specification Supersedes data of September 1994 File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04 1997 Jun 23 Philips Semiconductors Product specification PNP power transistors

    M3D067 BD826; BD828; BD830 O-202; OT128B BD825 transistor bd826 bd828 BD826-10 BD828-10 BD826 MD 202 BD829 BD830-16 BD830 BD830-10 PDF

    transistor bd826

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET book, halfpage M3D067 BD826; BD830 PNP power transistors Product specification Supersedes data of 1997 Jun 23 File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04 1998 May 29 Philips Semiconductors Product specification PNP power transistors

    M3D067 BD826; BD830 O-202; OT128B BD825 BD829. BD830 MAM304 transistor bd826 PDF


    Abstract: TO-126 BD825-10 BD826-10 BD137-10 BD825 bd138-16 BD826 BD136 BD139-16
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Small-signal Transistors Selection guide LEADED DEVICES continued NPN GENERAL PURPOSE POWER TRANSISTORS VCEO max. (V) IC max. (mA) Ptot max. (mW) hFE min. hFE max. fT min. (MHz) TO-126 45 3000 15000 40 >40 60 BD135 TO-126 45 1500 8000

    O-126 BD135 BD135-10 BD135-16 BD137 BD137-10 to126 TO-126 BD825-10 BD826-10 BD137-10 BD825 bd138-16 BD826 BD136 BD139-16 PDF


    Abstract: BD828-10 BD136-16 BD138-16 BD140-16 BD825-10 to126 philips power transistor bd139 BD140 philips BD138-10
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Small-signal Transistors Selection guide LEADED DEVICES continued PNP GENERAL PURPOSE POWER TRANSISTORS VCEO max. (V) IC max. (mA) Ptot max. (mW) hFE min. hFE max. fT min. (MHz) TO-126 45 3000 15000 40 >40 60 BD136 TO-126 45 1500 8000

    O-126 BD136 BD136-10 BD136-16 BD138 BD138-10 bd826 BD828-10 BD136-16 BD138-16 BD140-16 BD825-10 to126 philips power transistor bd139 BD140 philips BD138-10 PDF

    2n2222a SOT23

    Abstract: 2n3906 sot23 2N3904 sot323 BC557 SOT23 2n2222a SOT223 2n2222 sot323 bd139 sot23 2n3904 sot23 philips bc107 sot23 2N5551 SOT23
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET Conversion list Small-signal transistors Product specification File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04 1997 Aug 06 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Small-signal transistors Conversion list SC04/CATEGORY CROSS REFERENCE PER PACKAGE

    SC04/CATEGORY SC-59 OT143 OT323 OT363 SC-75 OT223 BC107 BC108 BC109 2n2222a SOT23 2n3906 sot23 2N3904 sot323 BC557 SOT23 2n2222a SOT223 2n2222 sot323 bd139 sot23 2n3904 sot23 philips bc107 sot23 2N5551 SOT23 PDF

    BC107 equivalent transistors

    Abstract: 2n5401 equivalent BC557 equivalent 2N2907 equivalent 2n2905 replacement bc327 equivalent bc237 equivalent MPSa06 equivalent equivalent for BC337 bc327 replacement
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Small-signal Transistors DISCONTINUED TYPE Replacement list REASON FOR DELETION REMARKS 2N1613 Discontinued 2N1711 Discontinued 2N1893 Discontinued 2N2219 Discontinued 2N2219A Discontinued 2N2222/A Discontinued 2N2369/A Discontinued

    2N1613 2N1711 2N1893 2N2219 2N2219A 2N2222/A 2N2369/A 2N2484 2N2905 2N2905A BC107 equivalent transistors 2n5401 equivalent BC557 equivalent 2N2907 equivalent 2n2905 replacement bc327 equivalent bc237 equivalent MPSa06 equivalent equivalent for BC337 bc327 replacement PDF


    Abstract: BD826 BD829 BD830
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET book, halfpage M3D067 BD825; BD829 NPN power transistors Product specification Supersedes data of 1997 Jun 20 File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04 1998 May 29 Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN power transistors

    M3D067 BD825; BD829 O-202; OT128B BD826 BD830. SCA60 BD825 BD829 BD830 PDF


    Abstract: BD829 BD825 BD826 transistor bd826 BD828 BD830 IEC134
    Text: BD825 BD827 BD829 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL POWER TRANSISTORS General purpose N-P-N transistors, in T0-202 plastic envelopes, recommended for driver-stages in hi-fi amplifiers and television circuits. P-N-P complements are BD826, BD828 and BD830. Matched pairs can be supplied.

    OCR Scan
    BD825 BD827 BD829 T0-202 BD826, BD828 BD830. BD825 BD827 BD829 BD826 transistor bd826 BD830 IEC134 PDF


    Abstract: BD828-10 BD826 transistor bd826 BD826-10 BD826-16 BD830-16 bd826 transistor
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification PNP power transistors BD826; BD828; BD830 FEATURES PINNING • High current max. 1 A PIN • Low voltage (max. 80 V). 1 emitter 2 collector, connected to metal part of mounting surface 3 base APPLICATIONS • General purpose

    OCR Scan
    BD826; BD828; BD830 O-202; OT128B BD825 BD829. OT128B) BD826 BD828 BD828-10 transistor bd826 BD826-10 BD826-16 BD830-16 bd826 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BD825 BD827 BD829 _ J V. SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL POWER TRANSISTORS General purpose N-P-N transistors, in TO-202 plastic envelopes, recommended fo r driver-stages in hi-fi amplifiers and television circuits. P-N-P complements are BD826, BD828 and BD830. Matched pairs can be supplied.

    OCR Scan
    BD825 BD827 BD829 O-202 BD826, BD828 BD830. PDF


    Abstract: BD828 BD827 BD830 80826 B0828 BD829 BD825 IEC134
    Text: BD826 BD828 BD830 J V. SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL POWER TRANSISTORS General purpose P-N-P transistors, in T0-202 plastic envelopes, recommended for driver stages in hi-fi amplifiers and television circuits. N-P-N complements are BD825, BD827 and BD829. Matched pairs can be supplied.

    OCR Scan
    BD826 BD828 BD830 T0-202 BD825, BD827 BD829. BD826 BD828 BD830 80826 B0828 BD829 BD825 IEC134 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BD826 BD828 BD830 JV _ SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL POWER TRANSISTORS General purpose P-N-P transistors, in TO-202 plastic envelopes, recommended for driver stages in hi-fi amplifiers and television circuits. N-P-N complements are BD825, BD827 and BD829. Matched pairs can be supplied.

    OCR Scan
    BD826 BD828 BD830 O-202 BD825, BD827 BD829. PDF


    Abstract: bd825 BD827 BD829 B0828 BD826 BD828 BD830 IEC134
    Text: BD825 BD827 BD829 y V s . SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL POWER TRANSISTORS General purpose N-P-N transistors, in T0-202 plastic envelopes, recommended fo r driver-stages in hi-fi amplifiers and television circuits. P-N-P complements are BD826, BD828 and BD830. Matched pairs can be supplied.

    OCR Scan
    BD825 BD827 BD829 T0-202 BD826, BD828 BD830. bd825 bd827 b0825 BD829 B0828 BD826 BD830 IEC134 PDF


    Abstract: TO-202 BF760
    Text: TO-202 Plastic Package Transistors PNP Electrical C haracteristics (Ta=25°C, U n le ss O therw ise Specified) Maxim um Ratings Type No. ^ CBO ^ CEO ' ' ebo (V) Min (V) Min IV) Min BD814 45 45 5 BD816 60 60 BD81B 100 BD826 45 *CBO PD (W) Ta=25 "C (A) (PA)

    OCR Scan
    O-202 O-202 BD814 BD816 BD81B BD826 BF761 BF762 TO-202 BF760 PDF

    transistor bd826

    Abstract: bd830 BD 829 BD825 BD828
    Text: BD826 BD828 BD830 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL POWER TRANSISTORS General purpose P-N-P transistors, in T 0 -2 0 2 plastic packages, recom m ended fo r d rive r stages in h i-fi am p lifie rs and television circuits. N-P-N com plem ents are BD825, BD827 and BD 829. M atched pairs can be supplied.

    OCR Scan
    BD826 BD828 BD830 BD825, BD827 BD830 transistor bd826 BD 829 BD825 PDF


    Abstract: BD816 BD814 BD818 BD826 BD828 BD842 BD844 CSA743 CSA743A
    Text: TO-202 PLASTIC PACKAGE TRANSISTORS PNP M a x im u m R a tin g s Typ» No. VCB0 (V) V ECO V EBO (V) (V) (MA) Min Min Min Max BD818 100 60 5.0 BDS30 100 80 5.0 'cBO 0.1 VCB (V) 30 « hpE CSA743A 80 80 80 5.0 5.0 5.0 50 60 60 5.0 BD828 60 60 5.0 30 CSA743 50

    OCR Scan
    O-202 BD818 BDS30 BD844 CSA743A BD816 b0816 BD814 BD826 BD828 BD842 CSA743 PDF


    Abstract: BD814 b0814 BD818 BD840 BD816 BD826 BD828 BD842 BD844
    Text: TO-202 PLASTIC PACKAGE TRANSISTORS PNP M a x im u m R a tin g s Type No. VCB0 (V) V ECO V EBO (V) (V) (MA) Min Min Min Max BD818 100 60 5.0 BDS30 100 80 5.0 'cBO 0.1 VCB (V) 30 « hpE CSA743A 80 80 80 5.0 5.0 5.0 50 60 60 5.0 BD828 60 60 5.0 30 CSA743 50

    OCR Scan
    O-202 BD818 BDS30 BD844 CSA743A BD816 b0816 BD814 b0814 BD840 BD826 BD828 BD842 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO-202 PLASTIC PACKAGE TRANSISTORS PNP M axim um R atings Typ# No. V CBO V ECO V EBO (V) (V) (V) (MA) Min Min Min Max BD818 100 60 5.0 BDS30 100 80 5.0 'cBO • 0.1 « hpE VCB (V) 30 CSA743A 80 80 80 5.0 5.0 5.0 50 60 60 5.0 BD828 60 60 5.0 30 CSA743 50

    OCR Scan
    O-202 BDS30 CSA743A BD844 CSA743 CSA743B BD826 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BD 338 transistor BD 141 TRANSISTOR 328 SOT89 PXTA14 JC546 transistor BC 56 2PA1015 JC sc70 2PC1815
    Text: P h ilip s Sem iconductors Concise Catalogue 1996 SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTORS & DIODES & MEDIUM-POWER RECTIFIERS Small-signal transistors G ENER AL-PU R PO SE LO W -FREQ UENCY TRANSISTO RS OVERVIEW PRO DUCT DATA: PAG ES 7-16 LOW -POW ER NPN surface-m ount leaded

    OCR Scan
    BC107/108 BCY58/59 2N2483/2484 BC546/547 BCX58 JC500/501 JC546-48 PS3704-3706 MPS3904 PS6513-6515 TRANSISTOR BC 137 TRANSISTOR BD 338 transistor BD 141 TRANSISTOR 328 SOT89 PXTA14 JC546 transistor BC 56 2PA1015 JC sc70 2PC1815 PDF


    Abstract: BD825-16 bd829-10 BD829
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN power transistors BD825; BD829 FEATURES PINNING • High current max. I A PIN • Low voltage (max. 80 V). 1 emitter 2 collector, connected to metal part of mounting surface 3 base APPLICATIONS • General purpose

    OCR Scan
    BD825; BD829 O-202; OT128B BD826 BD830. OT128B) BD825 BD829 BD825-16 bd829-10 PDF


    Abstract: Transistor bd829
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN power transistors BD825; BD829 FEATURES PINNING • High current max. 1 A PIN • Low voltage (max. 80 V). 1 emitter 2 collector, connected to metal part of mounting surface 3 base APPLICATIONS • General purpose

    OCR Scan
    BD825; BD829 O-202; OT128B BD826 BD830. T0-202; OT128B) BD825 Transistor bd829 PDF


    Abstract: BD829 b0825 BD825 BD830 sot128b
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS ru i n i BD825; BD829 NPN power transistors Product specification Supersedes data of 1997 Jun 20 File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04 Philips Semiconductors 1998 May 29 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN power transistors

    OCR Scan
    BD825; BD829 T0-202; OT128B BD826 BD830. O-202; BD829 b0825 BD825 BD830 sot128b PDF

    2n2222 2n5401 2n5551

    Abstract: bc107 sot23 bd139 sot23 PHILIPS 2n2222a SOT23 2N3904 sot323 BC108 SOT23 package 2N2369A SOT363 BCY59 cross reference BC108 CROSS REFERENCE BC109 cross reference
    Text: CONVERSION LIST Page General purpose low power 62 Darlingtons 63 Medium power/power 64 Medium frequency 64 Switching 65 High voltage 65 Resistor equipped RETs 66 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Small-signal transistors Conversion list SC04/CATEGORY CROSS REFERENCE PER PACKAGE

    OCR Scan
    SC04/CATEGORY SC-59 OT143 OT323 OT363 SC-75 OT223 BC-107 BC108 BC109 2n2222 2n5401 2n5551 bc107 sot23 bd139 sot23 PHILIPS 2n2222a SOT23 2N3904 sot323 BC108 SOT23 package 2N2369A SOT363 BCY59 cross reference BC108 CROSS REFERENCE BC109 cross reference PDF


    Abstract: BDX472 BDX452
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Concise Catalogue 1996 Small-signal transistors SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTORS & DIODES & MEDIUM-POWER RECTIFIERS GENERAL-PURPOSE L.F. BIPOLAR TRANSISTORS CONTINUED _ LEADED TYPES ratings type num ber characteristics

    OCR Scan
    BC160 BC161 BC177 BC327 BC328 BC369 BC556 BC557 BC558 BC636 BDX472 BDX452 PDF