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    BCX 58 K Search Results

    BCX 58 K Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: bcx 58 k C621 Q62702-C623 bcx 59 k
    Text: NPN Silicon AF Transistors BCX 58 BCX 59 High current gain ● Low collector-emitter saturation voltage ● Complementary types: BCX 78, BCX 79 PNP ● 2 3 1 Type Marking Ordering Code Pin Configuration 1 2 3 Package1) BCX 58 VIII BCX 58 IX BCX 58 X BCX 59 VIII

    Q62702-C619 Q62702-C620 Q62702-C621 Q62702-C623 Q62702-C624 Q62702-C625 59VIII bcx 58 k C621 Q62702-C623 bcx 59 k PDF


    Abstract: 79VIII C626 330 marking c627 Q62702-C629 Q62702-C626 78-VII C718 Q62702-C627 Q62702-C717
    Text: PNP Silicon AF Transistors ● ● ● ● ● BCX 78 BCX 79 High current gain Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Low noise at 1 kHz Low noise at low frequencies Complementary types: BCX 58, BCX 59 NPN 2 3 1 Type Marking Ordering Code Pin Configuration

    78-VII 78-VIII 78-IX 79-VII 79-VIII 79-IX Q62702-C717 Q62702-C626 Q62702-C627 Q62702-C628 C633 79VIII C626 330 marking c627 Q62702-C629 Q62702-C626 78-VII C718 Q62702-C627 Q62702-C717 PDF


    Abstract: BCX71G
    Text: BCX 71 General Purpose Transistors Surface mount Si-Epitaxial PlanarTransistors Si-Epitaxial PlanarTransistoren für die Oberflächenmontage PNP Power dissipation – Verlustleistung 1.3 ±0.1 2.5 max 3 Type Code 2 1 250 mW Plastic case Kunststoffgehäuse

    OT-23 O-236) UL94V-0 BCX71J BCX71G PDF

    BFR 965

    Abstract: mpsa 46 BAW 62 SOT23 4148 SOD-123 bc 544 BRF91A smd bf MPS 808 BC 241 BFS 505 SMD
    Text: Cross Reference Conventional Devices to SMD Conventional Devices SMDPackages Conventional Devices SOD-123 SMDPackage Conventional Devices SOT-23 (cont’d) SMDPackage SOT-23 (cont’d) BA 282 BA 582 BB 304 BB 804 MPSA 05 SMBTA 05 BA 389 BA 585 BC 337 BC 817

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    transistor C639

    Abstract: c639 transistor f423 F423 transistor f422 transistor f422 equivalent cx59 C640-10 f422 c640 transistor
    Text: Marking Code Sorted by Type Type Package Marking Type Package Marking BA 592 BA 595 BA 597 BA 885 BA 892 BAL 74 BAL 99 BAR 14-1 BAR 15-1 BAR 16-1 BAR 17 BAR 60 BAR 61 BAR 63 BAR 63-02W BAR 63-03W BAR 63-04 BAR 63-04W BAR 63-05 BAR 63-05W BAR 63-06 BAR 63-06W

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    transistors BC 639 029

    Abstract: BC368N mpsa 46 MPSA 506 transistor 42BA-3 SBC337
    Text: Selection Guide Diodes leaded For complete information and data sheets please refer to our Data Book I and II, Small Signal Semiconductor Edition 03.92. RF-Schottky Diodes for Professional Applications Type Frequency Band GHz Maximum Ratings Characteristics (TA = 25 °C)

    O-92d transistors BC 639 029 BC368N mpsa 46 MPSA 506 transistor 42BA-3 SBC337 PDF

    BCM 4336

    Abstract: 2A0565 C2335 2A280Z C1740 bipolar transistor transistor A1267 a1273 transistor c2335 r 2B0565 2b265
    Text: 01.07.2005 11:10 Uhr Seite 2 Shor t Form Catalog for Distribution 2005/06 w w w. i n f i n e o n . c o m / d i s t r i b u t i o n Published by Infineon Technologies AG Ordering No. B192-H6780-G9-X-7600 Printed in Germany LM 060550. Shor t Form Catalog Distribution 2005/06

    B192-H6780-G9-X-7600 D-81669 VDSL5100i-E VDSL6100i-E BCM 4336 2A0565 C2335 2A280Z C1740 bipolar transistor transistor A1267 a1273 transistor c2335 r 2B0565 2b265 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Folder Sample & Buy Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents TLC5955 SBVS237 – MARCH 2014 TLC5955 48-Channel, 16-Bit, PWM LED Driver with DC, BC, LED Open-Short Detection, and Internal Current Setting 1 Features 3 Description •

    TLC5955 SBVS237 TLC5955 48-Channel, 16-Bit, 128-step PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Folder Sample & Buy Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents TLC5955 SBVS237 – MARCH 2014 TLC5955 48-Channel, 16-Bit, PWM LED Driver with DC, BC, LED Open-Short Detection, and Internal Current Setting 1 Features 3 Description •

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Folder Sample & Buy Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents TLC5955 SBVS237 – MARCH 2014 TLC5955 48-Channel, 16-Bit, PWM LED Driver with DC, BC, LED Open-Short Detection, and Internal Current Setting 1 Features 3 Description •

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    HBM 00-01H

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TLC5971 SBVS146 – AUGUST 2010 12-Channel, 16-Bit, Enhanced Spectrum, PWM, RGB, LED Driver with 3.3-V Linear Regulator Check for Samples: TLC5971 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • DESCRIPTION The TLC5971 is a 12-channel, constant-current sink

    TLC5971 SBVS146 12-Channel, 16-Bit, 16-bit HBM 00-01H PDF

    PEF 24628

    Abstract: PSB 21493 siemens PMB 6610 47n60c3 psb 21553 Pmb7725 PEF 22628 PMB6610 psb 50505 PMB 6819
    Text: 2006/2007 Published by Infineon Technologies AG Ordering No. B192-H6780-G10-X-7600 Printed in Germany PS 080648. nb Infineon Product Catalog for Distribution 2006/2007 Product Catalog for Distribution Edition July 2006 Published by

    B192-H6780-G10-X-7600 SP000012954 SP000013610 SP000017969 SP000014627 SP000018085 SP000018086 PEF 24628 PSB 21493 siemens PMB 6610 47n60c3 psb 21553 Pmb7725 PEF 22628 PMB6610 psb 50505 PMB 6819 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S IE M E N S NPN Silicon A F Transistors BCX 58 BCX 59 • High current gain • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary types: B C X 78, B C X 79 PNP Type BCX BCX BCX BCX BCX BCX Marking 58 58 58 59 59 59 VIII IX X VIII IX X Ordering Code

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-C619 Q62702-C620 Q62702-C621 Q62702-C623 Q62702-C624 Q62702-C625 flH35b05 BCX58 BCX20 PDF


    Abstract: marking c627 Q62702-C626 c626 Q62702-C629 Q62702-C627 Q62702-C628 Q62702-C717 79-IX 79-VII
    Text: SIEMENS PNP Silicon AF Transistors • • • • • BCX 78 BCX 79 High current gain Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Low noise at 1 kHz Low noise at low frequencies Complementary types: BCX 58, BCX 59 NPN Type Marking BCX 78 BCX 78-VII BCX 78-VIII

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    78-VII 78-IX 79-VII 79-IX Q62702-C717 Q62702-C626 Q62702-C627 Q62702-C628 marking c627 c626 Q62702-C629 PDF


    Abstract: LODA transistor bc 207 npn BCX58 BCX59VII C620 C623 C624 Q62702
    Text: BCX58, BCX59 NPN Transistors for AF, pre- and driver stages as w ell as switching applications BCX 58 and BCX 59 are epitaxial NPN silicon planar transistors in a plastic package strip-line design 10 A 3 DIN 41868 (sim. SOT-30). The transistors are designed for

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    BCX59 OT-30) Q62702- Q62702 BCX59 LODA transistor bc 207 npn BCX58 BCX59VII C620 C623 C624 PDF


    Abstract: X58-7 cx59 v
    Text: MOTORCLA SC fc.3b?aS4 □005^00 b I 12E D I XSTRS/R F -T -a i-ii BCX58-7, -8, -9, -10 BCX59-7, “8, -9, -10 M A X IM U M RATINGS Sym bol BCX 58 BCX 59 U n it C olle ctor-Em itte r V o ltage VcEO 32 45 Vdc C o lle cto r-B a se V o ltage VCBO 32

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    Abstract: sm 170 380 BCX 59 -9 BCX58 bcx599
    Text: MOTOROLA SC {XSTR S/R FÏ 6367254 M OTO RO LA SC Tt XSTRS/R DE~| bBb7SS4 Q0fil7Sa 0 | F 96D 8 1 7 2 2 D - BCX58,-7,-8,-9,-10 BCX59,-7,-8f-9,-10 M A X IM U M R A T IN G S BCX 59 U nit 32 45 Vdc 32 45 Sym bol BCX 58 Collector-Emitter Voltage VC E O

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    BCX58 BCX59 O-226AA) sm 170 380 BCX 59 -9 bcx599 PDF


    Abstract: BC547E BC 548 NPN relay 876 N 2C S BC5461 BC2371 BC516 548 BC550 bc4151 TLC 5491
    Text: SIEMENS/ SPCL-. SEMIC ON DS Application Type NPN = N PNP = P 2TE D • epitaxial = E planar = PL suitable complementary transistors fl23b350 O D l b m b ■ T-'^-Ol Max. ratings Vc b o VCEO VfeBO le r, Plot flth JA [l/CES] V V V mA c mW K/W BC1671>N BC1681)N

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    BC1671 BC1681 BC1821 BC2121 BC2371 BC2381 BC2391 BC2571 BC2581 BC2591 BC5471 BC547E BC 548 NPN relay 876 N 2C S BC5461 BC516 548 BC550 bc4151 TLC 5491 PDF


    Abstract: BCX79 A2030V transistor C632 BCX78 Q62702-C626 Q62702-C627 Q62702-C628 Q62702-C632 Q62702-C633
    Text: BCX78, BCX79 PNP Transistors for AF pre- and driver stages as w ell as switching applications P re lim in a ry d a ta BCX 78 and BCX79 are epitaxial PNP silicon planar transistors in a plastic package strip-line design 10 A 3 DIN 41 868 (sim. SOT-30). The transistors are suitable for

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    IC 4093 pin configuration

    Abstract: BRY 56 B IC 4093 MARKING 30 5Y SO2894 4392 4392 a ic BCV27 BFR30 BFR31
    Text: micropackaged devices m icroboitiers ^ général purpose and switching transistor selector guide THOMSON-CSF guide de sélection-transistors de com m utation et usage général Case TO'236 •c 0,5 . 0,8A 0,1 . 0,2A Type NPN PNP NPN PNP BCX 20 BCX 18 SO 2221

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    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BC 456 Transistor BC 585 transistor BC 583 D 92 02 78.P BFW 10 fet Transistor BFX 41 TRANSISTOR BC 416 b BC583 transistor BC 548
    Text: 6091788 MICRO ELECTRONICS C ORP 820 0064 5 05 DE § b D T 1 7 f l a QODGbMS 4 | TYPE NO. POLARITY Low Level and General Purpose Amplifiers H MAXIMUM RATINGS V CE SAT FE Cob N.F. max max (MHz) (pF) (dB) — 200+ 150 150 150 150 2.7+ 4.5 4.5 4.5 6 2 10 10 4

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    bDT17fla O-92F to-02 melf-002. transistor BC 584 TRANSISTOR BC 456 Transistor BC 585 transistor BC 583 D 92 02 78.P BFW 10 fet Transistor BFX 41 TRANSISTOR BC 416 b BC583 transistor BC 548 PDF

    bc 540

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BC 137 TRANSISTOR BC 187 transistor Bc 540 TRANSISTOR BC 136 bc 207 npn BC 677 bsv57b TRANSISTOR BD 187 BD 139 N
    Text: Power transistors for horizontal deflection output circuits Type Structure Fig. Nr. Characteristics Maximum ratings ptot at 'case = +90°c 7c :a v W A fj Notes at ^ CERM V M Hz rc mA ^ CEsat a / q and " F E V A BU 204 NPN 25 10.0 2.5 1300 7.5 100 S5 2.0 2.0

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    BC1611) BCY58 BCY59 BD1361) BD436' BC432' BC547 bc 540 TRANSISTOR BC 137 TRANSISTOR BC 187 transistor Bc 540 TRANSISTOR BC 136 bc 207 npn BC 677 bsv57b TRANSISTOR BD 187 BD 139 N PDF

    IAO5 Sharp

    Abstract: free transistor equivalent book 2sc siemens transistor asy 27 Diode BAY 61 TRANSISTOR BJ 131-6 tesla typ 202 thyristor Tesla z1072 HALL EFFECT 21E z1071
    Text: SIEM EN S Semiconductor Manual Discrete Industrial Types 1974 ACY 23, ACY 32 PNP Transistors for AF pre-stages The ACY 23 and ACY 32 are alloyed germanium PNP transistors in the case 1 A 3 DIN 41871 sim. TO -1 . The leads are electrically insulated from the case. The

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    Q60103- thS10 to3530 to4600 to4600 IAO5 Sharp free transistor equivalent book 2sc siemens transistor asy 27 Diode BAY 61 TRANSISTOR BJ 131-6 tesla typ 202 thyristor Tesla z1072 HALL EFFECT 21E z1071 PDF

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    Abstract: valvo halbleiter LDR -03 cny63 CNY62 BYX 71 800 CXY19 VALVO ldr 07 BZW10-12
    Text: Halbleiter­ bauelemente • 1981/82 N, Bauelemente l m für die gesamte i f Elektronik V A L V O Valvo bietet das breiteste Produktprogram m an Bauelementen für die gesamte Elektronik in Deutschland: Bildröhren A blenkteile Tuner Lautsprecher Transform atoren

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