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    Olimex BB-CH340T

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    DigiKey BB-CH340T Bulk 1
    • 1 $4.06
    • 10 $4.06
    • 100 $4.06
    • 1000 $4.06
    • 10000 $4.06
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    Mouser Electronics BB-CH340T 37
    • 1 $4.26
    • 10 $4.26
    • 100 $4.26
    • 1000 $4.26
    • 10000 $4.26
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    BCH34 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ML4404CQ
    Text: MICRO LINEAR 2SE D • bCH341fl Q0007CH b ■ September 1989 . ~ T~ S 3 - " 3 3 —/ / PRELIMINARY Micro Linear ML4404, ML4414, ML4424 Trajectory Generator GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4404, ML4414, ML4424 Trajectory Generator provides the trajectory function for time optimal head

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    bCH341fl Q0007CH ML4404, ML4414, ML4424 ML4424 ML4404 ML4404CQ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 51E D MICRO LINEAR • b0 ^3m ô DQG2tiHB b 3 3 ■ MLN Ju ly 1992 % \ 'S & 'V ^ - S \ Micro Linear PRELIMINARY ML4810, ML4811 High Frequency Power Supply Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML4810 and ML4811 High Frequency PWM Controllers aire optimized for use in Switch Mode

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    ML4810, ML4811 ML4810 ML4811 ML4810/11 00DpF) ML4810CP 4810CS ML4811CP ML4811CS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: June 1996 X ik M ic r o ^ L in e a r PREL" NARV ML4452 MR Head Preamplifier for Tape Drives 2-CH Read and 1-CH Write with Readback GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES Architecturally Compatible to SSI's 32R4610AR The ML4452 is a bipoloar monolithic read preamp circuit

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    ML4452 32R4610AR ML4452 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: November 1996 ^ M lcro L in e a r ML511, ML511 R-Series 4, 6, 7, or 8-Channel Ferrite Read/Write Circuits GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML511 is a bipolar monolithic read/write circuit designed for use with center-tapped ferrite recording heads. The ML511 and ML511R are performance upgrades from the

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    ML511, ML511 ML511R ML501 ML501R. 32R511/511R PDF

    SF1301 valor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: March 1997 PRELIM INARY MgLMicro Linear ML4664/ML4669 10BASE-FL to 10BASE-T Converter GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The fully pin-compatible ML4664/ML4669 pair provide conversion from 10BASE-T copper media to 10BASE-FL fiber media in a single chip. They are compliant with

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    ML4664/ML4669 10BASE-FL 10BASE-T ML4664/ML4669 10BASE-FL 10BASE-T/10BASE-FL SF1301 valor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: April 1997 M iL M icro Linear ^ ML4420 Enhanced Sensorless BLDC Motor Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML4420 motor controller provides complete commutation for delta or wye wound Brushless DC BLD C motors without the need for signals from Hall Effect Sensors to indicate rotor position. It senses the back

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    ML4420 ML4420 bQ13m& PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: September 1994 Micro Linear ML6509 Active SCSI Terminator GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML6S09 BiCMOS SCSI terminator provides active termination in a SCSI system with single-ended drivers and receivers, in full compliance with the SCSI-1, SCSI-2 and SCSI-3 recommendations. It provides a 2.85V

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    ML6509 ML6S09 0-24mA Q4070 ML6509 100ns 200ns 300ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: April 1997 PRELIMINARY MgL M icro Linear ML6421 Triple Phase and Sinx/x Equalized, Low-Pass Video Filter GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML6421 monolithic BiCM OS 6th-order filter provides fixed frequency low pass filtering for video applications. This triple phase-equalized filter with Sinx/x correction is

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    ML6421 ML6421 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: May 1995 MgLMicro Linear ML6673 Fast Ethernet/FDDI TP-PMD Transceiver GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML6673 is a complete monolithic transceiver for 125 Mbaud MLT-3 encoded data transmission over Category 5 Unshielded Twisted Pair and Shielded Twisted Pair cables.

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    ML6673 ML6673 bOT3410 000572b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: March 1997 Micro Linear ML2031, ML2032 Tone Detector GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2031 and ML2032 are monolithic tone detectors intended for telecommunication applications utilizing 4wire loopback capability. The device meets or exceeds the 4-wire Maintenance Terminating Unit MTU

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    ML2031, ML2032 ML2031 ML2032 -34dBm 12MHz) 1000Hz 4000Hz PDF

    capacitor 100-10L

    Abstract: 100-10L SCX15DNC 100-10L WD SENSYM scx15dnc 100-10L AD DD118 ML2208 ML2200 ML2208CCP
    Text: October 1994 PRELIM IN ARY Micro Linear ML2200, ML2208 12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition Peripheral GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L2200 and M L2208 Data Acquisition Peripherals DAP are monolithic CM O S data acquisition subsystems. These data acquisition peripherals feature an input

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    ML2200, ML2208 12-Bit ML2200 ML2208 16-bit ML2200B capacitor 100-10L 100-10L SCX15DNC 100-10L WD SENSYM scx15dnc 100-10L AD DD118 ML2208CCP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICRO LINEAR 3SE » • bCH3mfl DOOIDTT T ■ MLN May 1990 _ f PRELIMINARY c Micro Linear ML2261 j j ? Compatible High-Speed 8-Bit A/D Converter with T/H S/H GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2261 is a high-speed, fiP compatible 8 -bit A/D converter with a conversion time of 670ns over the

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    ML2261 ML2261 670ns 800ns 250kHz ML2261BMJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: August 1994 Micro Linear ML2252, ML2259 jiP Compatible 8-Bit A/D Converters with 2- or 8-Channel Multiplexer GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES T h e M L2 2 5 2 and M L2 2 5 9 com b ine an 8-bit A /D converter, 2- or 8-channel analog m ultiplexer, and a m icropro cessor com patible 8-bit p arallel interface and

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    ML2252, ML2259 eL2252CCP L2252CCQ 28-Pin ML2259BMJ ML2259BIJ ML2259BIP L2259BCP L2259BCQ L2252 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: August 1992 Micro Unear ML2021 Telephone Line Equalizer GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML2021 is a monolithic analog line equalizer for telephone applications. The ML2021 consists of a switched capacitor filter that realizes a family of frequency response curves optimized for telephone

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    ML2021 ML2021 ML2020 ML2004 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: August 1992 ADVANCE INFORMATION Micro Linear_ ML4816 High Frequency Multi-Mode Resonant Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML4816 controller IC is suitable for a wide range of resonant converter topologies. This controller can be used with Zero Current Switched ZCS Quasi

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    ML4816 ML4816 0QD42Qfi ML4816CP ML4816CS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: June 1998 PRELIM INARY MgLMicro Linear ML6696 10OBASE-X Fiber Physical Layer GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L6696 implements the complete physical layer of the Fast Ethernet 100BASE-X standard for fiber media. The device provides the Mil Media Independent Interface for

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    ML6696 10OBASE-X L6696 100BASE-X 100BASE-FX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: January 1997 PRELIMINARY MgL M icro Linear ML6682 Token Ring Physical Interface GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML6682 Token Ring Physical Interface Circuit is designed for use as a token ring concentrator port interface in 4Mb/s and 16Mb/s ISO/IEC 8802-5 networks using

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    ML6682 ML6682 16Mb/s PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: September 1996 PRELIM INARY MgLMicro Linear ML4894 Synchronous Buck Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4894 synchronous buck controller has been designed to provide high efficiency DC/DC conversion for portable products. The ML4894 can deliver a fixed 5V

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    ML4894 ML4894 0GDS455 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Apri 11 997 Micro Linear ML6673 Fast Ethernet/FDDI TP-PMD Transceiver GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML6673 is a complete monolithic transceiver for 125 Mbaud MLT-3 encoded data transmission over Category 5 unshielded twisted pair and shielded twisted pair cables.

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    ML6673 ML6673 100BASEÂ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: September 1994 • - PRELIMINARY. ^ É L M ic r o L in e a r ML6510 Series Programmable Adaptive Clock Manager PACMan GENERAL D ESCRIPTIO N FEATURES The ML6510 (Super PACMan™) is a Programmable Adaptive Clock Manager which offers an ideal solution for

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    ML6510 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICRO LI NE AR bDT341fl DOQlflTM Sflb • ML S1E D October 1990 ”T * S I - 0 7 ¡ero Linear *O I p r e l im in a r y ML2200, ML2208 12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition Peripheral GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES Th e M L2200 and ML2Í208 Data Acquisition Peripherals D A P ,

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    bDT341fl ML2200, ML2208 12-Bit L2200 L2208 16rbit ML2208CCJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: May 1992 PRELIMINARY Micro Linear ML4404 Trajectory Generator GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4404 Trajectory Generator provides the trajectory function for time optimal head positioning systems. The ML4404 receives position and velocity information from a servo controller, such as the

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    ML4404 ML4404 ML4403, ML4414 btn341fl 0DD373Ã 14403CQ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: April 1997 MgL Micro Linear ML6672 ATM UTP Transceiver GEN ERAL DESCRIPTION The M L6672 is a complete monolithic transceiver for 155Mbps NRZ encoded data transmission over Category 5 Unshielded Twisted Pair and Shielded Twisted Pair cables. The M L6672 is compliant with the ATM Forum 155Mbps

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    ML6672 L6672 155Mbps 155Mbps ML6672 00Gb5 PDF

    BD 7820

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: April 1997 M gL M ic r o L i n e a r ML4872 High Current Boost Regulator with Shutdown GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4872 is a continuous conduction boost regulator designed for DC to DC conversion in multiple cell battery powered systems. Continuous conduction allow s the

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    ML4872 ML4872 200kH BD 7820 PDF