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    BCD MULTIPLIER Search Results

    BCD MULTIPLIER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CD4527BNS Texas Instruments CMOS BCD Rate Multiplier 16-SO Visit Texas Instruments
    CD4527BPWR Texas Instruments CMOS BCD Rate Multiplier 16-TSSOP -55 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    CD4527BPW Texas Instruments CMOS BCD Rate Multiplier 16-TSSOP -55 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    CD4527BNSR Texas Instruments CMOS BCD Rate Multiplier 16-SO -55 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    CD4527BE Texas Instruments CMOS BCD Rate Multiplier 16-PDIP -55 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    BCD MULTIPLIER Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: MC14527Bs "MOTOROLA CMOS LOGIC DATA" MC14527 MC14XXXBCL MC14XXXBCP MC14XXXBDW 066ns BCD Rate Multiplier
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC14527B BCD Rate Multiplier The MC14527B BCD rate multiplier DRM provides an output pulse rate based upon the BCD input number. For example, if 6 is the BCD input number, there will be six output pulses for every ten input pulses. This part

    MC14527B MC14527B MC14527B/D* MC14527B/D MC14527Bs "MOTOROLA CMOS LOGIC DATA" MC14527 MC14XXXBCL MC14XXXBCP MC14XXXBDW 066ns BCD Rate Multiplier PDF


    Abstract: F604
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE H8/300L Series Multiplication of 4-Digit BCD Numbers MULD Introduction 1. The software MULD multiplies a 4-digit binary-coded decimal (BCD) number by another 4- digit BCD number and places the result (an 8-digit BCD number) in general-purpose registers.

    H8/300L REJ06B0161-0100Z/Rev 001C F604 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE R8C/Tiny Series General-purpose Program for Multiplying BCD 1. Abstract This program multiplies 4-digit BCD using registers. 2. Introduction This program multiplies 4-digit BCD together by using registers. Set the multiplicand in R1 and the multiplier in R3,

    REJ05B0377-0100Z/Rev PDF

    BCD Rate Multiplier

    Abstract: 001C
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE H8/300L Super Low Power Series Multiplication of 4-Digit BCD Numbers MULD Introduction The software MULD multiplies a 4-digit binary-coded decimal (BCD) number by another 4- digit BCD number and places the result (an 8-digit BCD number) in general-purpose registers.

    H8/300L H8/38024 REJ06B0161-0200/Rev BCD Rate Multiplier 001C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE M16C/60 Series and M16C/20 Series General-purpose Program for Multiplying BCD 1. Abstract This program multiplies 4-digit BCD using registers. 2. Introduction This program multiplies 4-digit BCD together by using registers. Set the multiplicand in R1 and the multiplier in R3,

    M16C/60 M16C/20 REJ05B0166-0100Z/Rev PDF


    Abstract: BCD Multiplier
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE H8/300H Tiny Series Four-Digit BCD Multiplication MULD Introduction Multiplies two four-digit BCD (binary-coded-decimal) numbers and places the result (eight-digit BCD) in general registers. Target Device H8/300H Tiny Series Contents 1.

    H8/300H REJ06B0072-0200/Rev 001C BCD Multiplier PDF


    Abstract: IOH15
    Text: CD4527BMS CMOS BCD Rate Multiplier December 1992 Features Description • High Voltage Type 20V Rating CD4527BMS is a low power 4-bit digital rate multiplier that provides an output pulse rate which is the clock input pulse rate multiplied by 1/10 times the BCD input. For example,

    CD4527BMS CD4527BMS IOH15 PDF


    Abstract: IOH15
    Text: CD4527BMS CMOS BCD Rate Multiplier December 1992 Features Description • High Voltage Type 20V Rating CD4527BMS is a low power 4-bit digital rate multiplier that provides an output pulse rate which is the clock input pulse rate multiplied by 1/10 times the BCD input. For example,

    CD4527BMS CD4527BMS Cur4527BMS IOH15 PDF

    8085 interfacing 8155

    Abstract: binary to bcd conversion 8085 IC 7447 bcd to 7 segment decoder IC 7447 BCD circuit of bcd to 7 segment decoder using ic 7447 IC 7447 logic Two Digit counter by using 7447 IC 7447 counter LS 7447 IC 7447 free
    Text: 8 ,. -. CMOS 4Y2/5Y2 Digit ADCSubsystem ANALOG DEVICES -PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATA FEATURES Resolution: :1:41/2 Digits BCD or f20k Count Binary Capability for 5 1/2 Digit Resolution or Custom Data Formats Data Format: Multiplexed BCD for Display and Serial Count

    AD7555 ALLOY42. 28-PIN 8085 interfacing 8155 binary to bcd conversion 8085 IC 7447 bcd to 7 segment decoder IC 7447 BCD circuit of bcd to 7 segment decoder using ic 7447 IC 7447 logic Two Digit counter by using 7447 IC 7447 counter LS 7447 IC 7447 free PDF

    preset resistor 10k

    Abstract: CD4527BMS IOH15
    Text: CD4527BMS S E M I C O N D U C T O R CMOS BCD Rate Multiplier December 1992 Features Description • High Voltage Type 20V Rating CD4527BMS is a low power 4-bit digital rate multiplier that provides an output pulse rate which is the clock input pulse rate multiplied by 1/10 times the BCD input. For example,

    CD4527BMS CD4527BMS preset resistor 10k IOH15 PDF

    binary to bcd msp430

    Abstract: using the msp430 as a real-time clock MSP430 General Purpose Subroutines MSP430
    Text: MSP430 Family General Purpose Subroutines TOPICS 5 General Purpose Subroutines 5-3 5.1 Saving Power Consumption 5-3 5.2 Calculated Branch 5-4 5.3 Binary to BCD 5-6 5.4 BCD to Binary 5-7 5.5 Bubble Sort 5-8 5.6 Table Search 5.7 Parity 5-10 5.8 Realtime Clock with 8 bit Timer

    MSP430 binary to bcd msp430 using the msp430 as a real-time clock MSP430 General Purpose Subroutines PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C14527B BCD R ate M ultiplier The MC14527B BCD rate multiplier DRM provides an output pulse rate based upon the BCD input number. For example, if 6 is the BCD input number, there will be six output pulses for every ten input pulses. This part

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    C14527B MC14527B MC14527B/D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C2MOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TC4527BP TC4527BP BCD RATE MUL T I P L I E R TC452 7BP is BCD rate multiplier from which arbi­ trary number of output pulses determined by BCD inputs Ain through Djyj can be obtained by supplying ten clock inputs.

    OCR Scan
    TC4527BP TC4527BP TC452 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC4527BP C 2MOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TC4527BP BCD RATE M U L T I P L I E R TC4527BP is BCD rate multiplier from which arbi­ trary number of output pulses determined by BCD inputs Ain through D j n can be obtained by supplying ten

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    TC4527BP TC4527BP PDF


    Abstract: HEF4527BT HEF4527B HEF4527BD
    Text: HEF4527B MSI BCD RATE MULTIPLIER The HEF4527B is a BCD rate multiplier with two buffered rate outputs 0-| and 0-| , two buffered terminal count outputs (TC and TC), four BCD rate select inputs (S/^, Sg, S q , S p ), a common clock input (CP), a preset input (PL), an overriding asynchronous clear input (CL), a strobe input (ST R ), a

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    HEF4527B 7z84385 7z84384 HEF4527BP HEF4527BT HEF4527BD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD14527B BCD R ate Multiplier T he H D 14527B BCD ra te m u ltip lier D R M provides an o u tp u t pulse ra te based u p o n th e BCD in p u t n u m b e r. F o r e x am p le, if 6 is th e BCD in p u t n u m b er, th e re will be six o u tp u t p u lses fo r every

    OCR Scan
    HD14527B 14527B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEF4527B MSI BCD RATE MULTIPLIER The HEF4527B is a BCD rate m ultiplier w ith tw o buffered rate outputs O-j and 0 -| , tw o buffered terminal count outputs (TC and TC), fou r BCD rate select inputs (S/^, Sg, Sq, S q ), a common clock input (CP), a preset input (PL), an overriding asynchronous clear input (CL), a strobe input (STR), a

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    HEF4527B HEF4527B 7Z84384 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEF4527B MSI BCD RATE MULTIPLIER The HEF4527B is a BCD rate m ultiplier w ith tw o buffered rate outputs 0-| ¡ind 0 1 , tw o buffered terminal count outputs (TC and TC), fo u r BCD rate select inputs (S ^, Sg, Sq , Sq), a common clock input (CP), a preset input (PL), an overriding asynchronous c]ear in pu t (CL), a strobe input (STR), a

    OCR Scan
    HEF4527B HEF4527B 7Z84385 HEF4527 EF4527B 7Z84384 HEF4527BTD PDF

    binary bcd conversion logic diagram

    Abstract: 82s83 binary to BCD 8421 9s complement circuit BCD adder 82s83 binary to BCD ic pin configuration binary adder binary bcd conversion
    Text: PIN CONFIGURATION SPEED/PACKAGE AVAILABILITY DESCRIPTION The 82S83 4-bit binary coded BCD adder is a high speed Schottky MSI circuit that has been designed for easy systems usage. This unit produces the BCD sum of two decimal numbers presented in the 8-4-2-1 weighted BCD format. Carry-in and

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    82S83 binary bcd conversion logic diagram binary to BCD 8421 9s complement circuit BCD adder 82s83 binary to BCD ic pin configuration binary adder binary bcd conversion PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CD4527B Types CMOS BCD Rate Multiplier Features: High-Voltage Types 20-Volt Rating The RCA-CD4527B is a low-power 4-bit digi­ tal rate multiplier that provides an outputpulse rate which is the clock-input-puise rate multiplied by 1 /10 times the BCD input. For

    OCR Scan
    CD4527B 20-Volt RCA-CD4527B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CD4527BMS Semiconductor CMOS BCD Rate Multiplier December 1992 Features Description • High Voltage Type 20V Rating CD4527BMS is a low power 4-bit digital rate multiplier that provides an output pulse rate which is the clock input pulse rate multiplied by 1/10 times the BCD input. For example,

    OCR Scan
    CD4527BMS CD4527BMS PDF

    BCD Rate Multiplier

    Abstract: 15-V CD4527B carel
    Text: CD4527B Types CMOS BCD Rate Multiplier Features: High-Voltage Types 20-Volt Rating The RCA-CD4527B isa low-power 4-bit digi­ tal rate multiplier that provides an output­ pulse rate which is the clock-input-pulse rate multiplied by 1/10 times the BCD input. For

    OCR Scan
    CD4527B 20-Volt RCA-CD4527B BCD Rate Multiplier 15-V carel PDF

    binary to BCD 8421

    Abstract: 82s83 N82S83N binary bcd conversion logic diagram IC 8421 binary to BCD bcd adder 82s83 BCD 8421
    Text: than 9, a valid BCD number and a carry re ­ sult. DESCRIPTION The 82S83 4-bit binary coded BCD adder is a high speed S chottky MSI c ircu it that has been designed for easy system s usage. This unit produces the BCD sum of tw o d e c i­ mal nu m b e rs p re s e n te d in th e 8 -4 -2 -1

    OCR Scan
    82S83 S2S83 B2S83 binary to BCD 8421 N82S83N binary bcd conversion logic diagram IC 8421 binary to BCD bcd adder 82s83 BCD 8421 PDF

    binary to BCD 8421

    Abstract: 82s83 binary bcd conversion logic diagram 16 INPUT TO BCD OUTPUT 9s complement circuit BCD adder BCD 8421 82583 binary to bcd binary bcd conversion
    Text: than 9, a valid BCD number and a carry re ­ sult. DESCRIPTION The 82S83 4-bit binary coded BCD adder is a high speed S chottky MSI circu it that has been designed for easy system s usage. This unit produces the BCD sum of tw o d e c i­ mal nu m b e rs p re s e n te d in th e 8 -4 -2 -1

    OCR Scan
    82S83 binary to BCD 8421 binary bcd conversion logic diagram 16 INPUT TO BCD OUTPUT 9s complement circuit BCD adder BCD 8421 82583 binary to bcd binary bcd conversion PDF