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    BCD 7448 Search Results

    BCD 7448 Result Highlights (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC4511BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CD4028BKMSR Renesas Electronics Corporation CMOS BCD-To-Decimal Decoder Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ICL7135CPIZ Renesas Electronics Corporation 4 1/2 Digit, BCD Output, A/D Converter Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    BCD 7448 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 74574 7486 XOR GATE 7486 full adder latch 74574 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 7490 Decade Counter 74373 cmos dual s-r latch 2 bit magnitude comparator using 2 xor gates design a BCD counter using j-k flipflop
    Text: Semiconductor Logic Device Cross-Reference Here is a comprehensive cross-reference of TTL and CMOS chips that are readily available over the counter from such places as Maplin Electronics in the UK . Tables of both TTL and CMOS devices are provided along with tables grouping chips with the same functionality together.


    7447 BCD to Seven Segment display

    Abstract: SDA2014 common anode 7-segment display 7 segment with 7447 7448 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY COMMON CATHODE 7 segment display lm3915 7448 bcd to seven segment decoder 4-DIGIT 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAY MULTIPLEX 7447 7-segment display 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display common cathode
    Text: Drivers For Light Emitting Displays Appnote 24 by Dave Takagishi The purpose of this application note is to provide some information on the integrated circuits presently available to drive Light Emitting Diodes LED displays and how to interface them to the various displays.

    XR-2201 XR-2202 XR-2203 XR-2204 CA3081 CA3082 UAA180 LM3914 LM3915 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display SDA2014 common anode 7-segment display 7 segment with 7447 7448 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY COMMON CATHODE 7 segment display lm3915 7448 bcd to seven segment decoder 4-DIGIT 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAY MULTIPLEX 7447 7-segment display 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display common cathode PDF

    ic 74ls48 and 7 segment

    Abstract: 74LS48PC decoder 74LS48
    Text: 48 CO NNECTIO N DIAGRAM PINOUT A 54/7448y 54LS/74LS48^ ao[T BCD TO 7-SEGMENT DECODER DESCRIPTION — The '48 translates fo u r lines of BCD 8421 Input data into the 7-segment numeral code and provides seven corresponding outputs having pull-up resistors, as opposed to totem pole pull-ups. These outputs

    OCR Scan
    54/7448y 54LS/74LS48^ 54/74LS ic 74ls48 and 7 segment 74LS48PC decoder 74LS48 PDF

    7448 bcd to seven segment decoder

    Abstract: "7 Segment Display" applications 7448 7-segment display 7448 BCD to 7-Segment decoder 7448 "BCD to 7-segment" truth table for 7448 7448 BCD to Seven Segment display 7448 BCD to 7-segment bcd 7448 7448 pin configuration
    Text: LOGIC SYMBOL 54/7448 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The “ 4 8 ” is a BCD to 7-Segm ent Decoder. It a c c e p ts 4-bit BCD da ta and provides seven ac tiv e HIGH de coded outputs to drive 7-seg­ ment displays of various type s. It is used prim arily w ith high current or high volta ge

    OCR Scan
    54S/74S 54LS/74LS 54LS/74LS. 54S/74S: 54S/74S 54LS/74LS 7448 bcd to seven segment decoder "7 Segment Display" applications 7448 7-segment display 7448 BCD to 7-Segment decoder 7448 "BCD to 7-segment" truth table for 7448 7448 BCD to Seven Segment display 7448 BCD to 7-segment bcd 7448 7448 pin configuration PDF

    7449 BCD to 7-segment

    Abstract: TTL 7448 7 segment with 7448 7449 "BCD to 7-segment" truth table for 7448 LM 7448 7449 DECODER 7448 decoder 7448 PIN OUT 7448 bcd to seven segment decoder
    Text: TTL/MSI 9358/5448, 7448 9359/5449, 7449 BCD TO 7-SEGMENT DECODER DESCRIPTIO N - The 9 3 58/5448, 7448 and 9 3 5 9/5 4 4 9 , 7449 are T T L , BCD to 7-Segment Decoders consisting o f N A N D gates, in p u t buffers and seven A N D -O R -IN V E R T gates. The 9358/5 4 4 8 , 7448 offers active HIG H ,

    OCR Scan

    7448 bcd to seven segment decoder

    Abstract: diagram decoder 7448 input 4 7448 BCD to Seven Segment display bcd 7448 sn74ls48 3 to 8 decoder notes SN5447A bcd to seven segment circuit diagram cathode drivers 7448 SN74249 TTL 7448
    Text: TYPES SN5446A, ’47A, ’48, ’49, SN54L46, ’L47, SN54LS47, 'LS48, ’LS49, SN7446A, ’47A, ’48, SN74LS47, ’LS48, ’LS49 BCD-TO-SEVEN-SEGMENT DECODERS/DRIVERS MARCH 1974. REVISED DECEMBER 1983 '46A, '47A , 'L46, L47, 'LS47 feature '48, XS48 feature

    OCR Scan
    SN5446A, SN54L46, SN54LS47, SN7446A, SN74LS47, SN54L46. SN54L47 SN5447A, SN54LS47. 7448 bcd to seven segment decoder diagram decoder 7448 input 4 7448 BCD to Seven Segment display bcd 7448 sn74ls48 3 to 8 decoder notes SN5447A bcd to seven segment circuit diagram cathode drivers 7448 SN74249 TTL 7448 PDF


    Abstract: ttl ic 7448 54L47 IC 74LS48 ALL on 74LS47 ic 7448 ttl BCD-to-Seven-Segment 713F N7448 IC 74LS47
    Text: TYPES SN5446A, ’47A, ’48, ’49, SN54L46, ’L47, SN54LS47, ’LS48, ’LS49, SN7446A, ’47A, ’48, SN74LS47, ’LS48, ’LS49 BCD-TO-SEVEN-SEGMENT DECODERS/DRIVERS MARCH 1974. REVISED DECEMBER 1983 '46A, '47A, 'L46, L47, 'LS47 feature '48, 'LS48 feature

    OCR Scan
    SN5446A, SN54L46, SN54LS47, SN7446A, SN74LS47, 54L46, 54L47 54LS47, SN54LS48 74LS47, N74LS47 ttl ic 7448 54L47 IC 74LS48 ALL on 74LS47 ic 7448 ttl BCD-to-Seven-Segment 713F N7448 IC 74LS47 PDF

    applications of 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display

    Abstract: 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display circuit diagram SN7449 BCD seven segment SN7448 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display 7447 BCD to Seven Segment Decoder SN5447A SN7447 7447 decoder truth table sn74482
    Text: CIRCUIT TYPES SN5446A, SN5447À, SN5448, SN5449 SN7446A, SN7447Â, SN7448, SN7449 BCD-TO-SEYEN-SEGMENT DECODER/DRIVERS TTL MSI SN5446A, SN5447A, SN7446A, SN7447A SN5448, SN7448 SIM5449, SN7449 featuring featuring featuring • D IRECT D R IV E FOR INDICATORS

    OCR Scan
    SN5446A, SN5447Ã SN5448, SN5449 SN7446A, SN7447Ã SN7448, SN7449 SN5447A, applications of 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display circuit diagram BCD seven segment SN7448 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display 7447 BCD to Seven Segment Decoder SN5447A SN7447 7447 decoder truth table sn74482 PDF


    Abstract: IC 7448 ACTIVE HIGH 7447AN IC 7446 A 7446A ic 7447A 7446AN 24v /siemens 125/7448 "BCD to 7-segment"
    Text: DM5446A/DM7446A, DM5447A/DM7447A, DM5448/DM7448 BCD to 7-Segment Decoders/Drivers General Description Features The 46A and 47 A feature active-low outputs designed for driving common-anode LEDs or incandescent indicators directly; and the 48 features active-high ou tputs for driving

    OCR Scan
    DM5446A/DM7446A, DM5447A/DM7447A, DM5448/DM7448 DM5448/DM7448 7446N IC 7448 ACTIVE HIGH 7447AN IC 7446 A 7446A ic 7447A 7446AN 24v /siemens 125/7448 "BCD to 7-segment" PDF


    Abstract: SN74LS248 LS 7448 SN74248
    Text: TYPES SN54246 THRU SN54249, SN54LS247 THRU SN54LS249, SN74246 THRU SN74249, SN74LS247 THRU SN74LS249 BCD-TO-SEVEN-SEGMENT DECODERS/DRIVERS M A R C H 1 9 7 4 -R E V IS E D '246, '247, 'LS247 feature '248, 'LS248 feature Open-Collector Outputs DECEM BER 1983

    OCR Scan
    SN54246 SN54249, SN54LS247 SN54LS249, SN74246 SN74249, SN74LS247 SN74LS249 LS247 LS248 N7447A SN74LS248 LS 7448 SN74248 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS47 functions decoder 7448 input 4 LS 74LS47 decoder 74LS47 54L47
    Text: TYPES SN5446A, ’47A, ’48, ’49, SN54L46, ’L47, SN54LS47, ’LS48, ’LS49, SN7446A, ’47A, ’48, SN74LS47, ’LS48, ’LS49 BCD-TO-SEVEN-SEGMENT DECODERS/DRIVERS M A R C H 1974. R E V IS E D D E C E M B E R 1983 '48, 'LS48 feature '49, 'LS49 feature

    OCR Scan
    SN5446A, SN54L46, SN54LS47, SN7446A, SN74LS47, 54L46, 54L47 4LS48 74LS47 functions decoder 7448 input 4 LS 74LS47 decoder 74LS47 54L47 PDF


    Abstract: LS 74LS47 BCD seven segment SN7448 ttl ic 7448 sn7446
    Text: SN5446A, '47A, ’48, SN54LS47, 'LS48, 'LS49, SN7446A, '47A, '48, SN74LS47, ’ LS48, ‘LS49 BCD TO SEVEN-SEGMENT DECODERS/DRIVERS M AR C H 1 9 7 4 -R E V IS E D M AR C H 1 9 8 8 '48, LS48 feature '46A, '47A, LS47 feature LS49 feature Open-Collector Outputs

    OCR Scan
    SN5446A, SN54LS47, SN7446A, SN74LS47, N7448B LS 74LS47 BCD seven segment SN7448 ttl ic 7448 sn7446 PDF

    TTL SN74LS48

    Abstract: 74246 74LS47 74LS47 pin configuration SN74LS48 SN7464 7 segmant sn7447 1 Seven-Segment Display with decoder 74ls47 SN7448
    Text: SN5446A, '47A, '48. SN54LS47, 'LS48, ‘LS49, SN7446A, '47A, ’48, SN74LS47. 'LS48, 'LS49 BCD-TO-SEVEN-SEGMENT DECODERS/DRIVERS SDLS111 MARCH 1974 '4 6 A , '4 7 A , LS47 feature ’48, 'LS48 feature R F V I S F D M A R C H 19 H 8 'LS 49 feature O p en -C ollector O utputs

    OCR Scan
    SDLS111 SN5446A, SN54LS47, SN7446A, SN74LS47, SN5446A. SN5447A, SN5448, SN54LS48 TTL SN74LS48 74246 74LS47 74LS47 pin configuration SN74LS48 SN7464 7 segmant sn7447 1 Seven-Segment Display with decoder 74ls47 SN7448 PDF

    LS 7448

    Abstract: LS 7447 7447 7448 7448 7447 ls 7449 DECODER 7447 7449 ALL 7447 074LS48
    Text: - 58 - BCD to 7 Segment Decoder/Driver 7449 I I I I I I_ I I m l _ l Jw U o U a U ^ U ^ U T U T L 10 074LS48 RBI, L T Tiiininininiiiif , • ' 7 h° > *>* J: U '-7 > iT 4 7 7 > i > / ^ r 7 9 9 l- £ L U 1 - * 11 12 13 14 15 o I— I t^ - fe > t- m * T

    OCR Scan
    074LS48 ti7446 LS 7448 LS 7447 7447 7448 7448 7447 ls 7449 DECODER 7447 7449 ALL 7447 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S N 5 4 4 6 A , '4 7 A , '4 8 . S N 5 4 L S 4 7 , 'L S 4 8 , SN7446A, 4 7 A , '4 8 . S N 7 4 L S 4 7 . 'L S 4 8 , LS49, LS49 BCD TO SE VEN-SEG M ENT DECODERS/DRIVERS M A R C H 1 9 7 4 —REVISED M A R C H 1 9 8 8 '48. 'LS48 feature '46A, '47A, 'LS47 feature

    OCR Scan
    SN7446A, 54LS47, 54LS48 74LS47, 74LS48 74LS49 PDF


    Abstract: 7447AN 7447a BCD 7446AN 7446A 651b 24v /siemens 125/7448 "BCD to 7-segment" decoder 7448, national semiconductor DM5446A DM7446A
    Text: DM5446A/DM7446A, DM5447A/DM7447A, DM5448/DM7448 BCD to 7-Segment Decoders/Drivers General Description Features The 46A a n d 47 A fe a tu re a ctive -lo w o u tp u ts d e sig n e d fo r d riv in g c o m m o n -a n o d e LEDs o r in c a n d e s c e n t in d ic a to rs

    OCR Scan
    DM5446A/DM7446A, DM5447A/DM7447A, DM5448/DM7448 TL/F/6518-3 TL/F/651B-4 7448N 7447AN 7447a BCD 7446AN 7446A 651b 24v /siemens 125/7448 "BCD to 7-segment" decoder 7448, national semiconductor DM5446A DM7446A PDF


    Abstract: 7segment 7segment common cathode DM7448 DM7856J DM7858J DM8856J DM8858J
    Text: D M 7 8 5 6 /D M 8 8 5 6 , DM 8857, D M 7 8 5 8 /D M 8 8 5 8 NS Display Drivers D M 7 8 5 6 /D M 8 8 5 6 , D M 8 8 5 7 , D M 7 8 5 8 /D M 8 8 5 8 BCD-to-7-segm em t LED drivers general description T h is series o f 7-segm ent display drivers fu lfills a In a d d itio n , w ith the use o f an e x te rn a l curren t

    OCR Scan
    DM7856/DM8856, DM8857, DM7858/DM8858 DM7856/DM8856 DM5448/ DM7448 DM7856/ OM8856 DM7858/DM8858 DM8857J 7segment 7segment common cathode DM7856J DM7858J DM8856J DM8858J PDF

    7448 bcd to seven segment decoder

    Abstract: 74LS48D 74LS48p 7448 BCD to Seven Segment truth table for 7448 T13A3 7448 PIN OUT 7 segment with 7448 74LS48PC LS248
    Text: 48 C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M P IN O U T A 5 4/7 4 48 y 5 4L S /74 L S 48 ^ a» BCD TO 7-SEGMENT DECODER |T 16] v c c A i [2 l t D E S C R IP T IO N — T he '48 tra n sla te s fo u r lines o f BC D 8421 in p u t data in to th e 7 -se g m e n t n u m eral co d e and p ro vid e s seven c o rre s p o n d in g o u tp u ts

    OCR Scan
    54LS/74LS48^ datashe/74LS 54/74LS 7448 bcd to seven segment decoder 74LS48D 74LS48p 7448 BCD to Seven Segment truth table for 7448 T13A3 7448 PIN OUT 7 segment with 7448 74LS48PC LS248 PDF


    Abstract: pin diagram decoder 7447 TTL 7447 74ls247 TTL 7448 TTL 7446 ttl 7441 7447 ttl CI 7446 7441
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL -T T L D138 9311, 93L11, 54/74154 D139 9319, 9320 Vcc = Pin 24 GND = Pin 12 Vcc = Pin 16 GND = Pin 8 D141 9307, 54/7448, 54LS/74LS48, 54LS/74LS248 54LS/74LS249 D140 9315 54/7441, 74141 7 1 2 6 3 5 TTTTTTTTTT 16 15

    OCR Scan
    93L11, O10O11O12O13 O14O15 54LS/74LS48, 54LS/74LS248 54LS/74LS249 54LS/74LS49 9317B, 9317C, 54LS/74 7447 pin diagram decoder 7447 TTL 7447 74ls247 TTL 7448 TTL 7446 ttl 7441 7447 ttl CI 7446 7441 PDF


    Abstract: f 9368 TTL 74154 9368 74LS47 pin decoder 74LS48 TTL 7446 TTL 7448 pin diagram of 74LS247 decoder 74LS47
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL -T T L D138 9311, 93L11, 54/74154 D139 9319, 9320 Vcc = Pin 24 GND = Pin 12 Vcc = Pin 16 GND = Pin 8 D141 9307, 54/7448, 54LS/74LS48, 54LS/74LS248 54LS/74LS249 D140 9315 54/7441, 74141 7 1 2 6 3 5 TTTTTTTTTT 16 15

    OCR Scan
    93L11, O10O11O12O13 O14O15 54LS/74LS48, 54LS/74LS248 54LS/74LS249 54LS/74LS49 9317B, 9317C, 54LS/74 74LS247 f 9368 TTL 74154 9368 74LS47 pin decoder 74LS48 TTL 7446 TTL 7448 pin diagram of 74LS247 decoder 74LS47 PDF


    Abstract: PIN DIAGRAM 74LS247 TTL 7448 9368 compatibili pin diagram of 74LS247 PIN DIAGRAM 74LS248 TTL 7446 74LS248 7-seg TTL 74154
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL - T T L D138 9311, 93L11, 54/74154 D139 9319, 9320 Vcc = Pin 24 GND = Pin 12 Vcc = Pin 16 GND = Pin 8 D141 9307, 54/7448, 54LS/74LS48, 54LS/74LS248 54LS/74LS249 D140 9315 54/7441, 74141 7 1 2 6 3 5 TTTTTTTTTT 16 15

    OCR Scan
    93L11, O10O11O12O13 O14O15 54LS/74LS48, 54LS/74LS248 54LS/74LS249 54LS/74LS49 9317B, 9317C, 54LS/74 74LS247 PIN DIAGRAM 74LS247 TTL 7448 9368 compatibili pin diagram of 74LS247 PIN DIAGRAM 74LS248 TTL 7446 74LS248 7-seg TTL 74154 PDF


    Abstract: information applikation cdb 4121 e CDB 447 FZH 195 mh 3212 applikation heft 74LS125N MH 74141 FZH195
    Text: m ô D ^ n iœ lo M s n a n ilK Information Applikation INTERFACE SCHALTUNGEN RGW mit internationaler Typen­ übersicht ¿ kH KKÄÄÄÄAZJ, r in iO lk r t^ B lo lK b n a in H K I Information Applikation H a f t I N T E E F A C E E 4 8 » - S C G H A L T U N G E N

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 7-seg 7-seg ANODE COMMON 7seg D143 TTL 74LS48 TTL 7446 decoder 74LS48 7448 decoder decoder 74LS47
    Text: FAIRCHILD INTERFACE DISPLAY DRIVERS Cont'd 5.5 H — 125 D141 4L.6B, 9B 2 5449 7-Seg Decoder TTL Yes Yes No 9.6 5.5 H — 165 D142 3I 3 54LS/ 74LS49 7-Seg Decoder/ TTL Dvr OC Yes Yes No 1.3 5.5 H — 40 D142 3I.6A, 9A 4 9302 1-of-10 OC Dvr TTL Yes No Yes

    OCR Scan
    74LS48 74LS49 1-of-10 54LS/74LS47 54LS/74LS48 54LS/74LS49 54LS/74LS247 54LS/74LS248 54LS/74LS249 7SEG COM ANODE 7-seg 7-seg ANODE COMMON 7seg D143 TTL 74LS48 TTL 7446 decoder 74LS48 7448 decoder decoder 74LS47 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS248 74LS249 7-seg ANODE COMMON 74LS47 gate diagram transistor 6B D143 74LS49 9374 d141
    Text: FAIRCHILD INTERFACE DISPLAY DRIVERS 7.0 55 L Gas Discharge 80 D140 4L.7B, 9B 2 54/ 74145 1-of-10 OC Dvr TTL Yes No Yes 80 15 L Common Anode 215 D135 4L.7B 9B 3 54LS/ 74LS247 7-Seg Decoder/Dvr TTL Yes Yes No 12 15 L LED, Com Anode 4 54LS/ 74LS248 7-Seg Decoder/Dvr

    OCR Scan
    1-of-10 74LS247 74LS248 54LS/74LS47 54LS/74LS48 54LS/74LS49 54LS/74LS247 54LS/74LS248 54LS/74LS249 74LS249 7-seg ANODE COMMON 74LS47 gate diagram transistor 6B D143 74LS49 9374 d141 PDF