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    BC558 PNP Search Results

    BC558 PNP Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SA1213 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-2 A / hFE=70~240 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    2SA1943 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-230 V / IC=-15 A / hFE=55~160 / VCE(sat)=-3.0 V / TO-3P(L) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA012 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-80 V / IC=-4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=-0.22 V / tf=35 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA004B Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-160 V / IC=-1.5 A / hFE=140~280 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / TO-126N Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2070 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-1 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.20V / tf=90 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    BC558 PNP Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    operation of BC557 TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: BC557 pin out BC558B uses of bc557 BC556B bc557 BC557 application note free BC557 BC557A transistor BC556b
    Text: BC556B, BC557, A, B, C, BC558B, C Amplifier Transistors PNP Silicon COLLECTOR 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Collector-Emitter Voltage Value Unit VCEO BC556 BC557 BC558 Collector-Base Voltage Vdc –65 –45 –30 VCBO BC556 BC557 BC558

    BC556B, BC557, BC558B, BC556 BC557 BC558 r14525 operation of BC557 TRANSISTOR BC557 pin out BC558B uses of bc557 BC556B bc557 BC557 application note free BC557 BC557A transistor BC556b PDF


    Abstract: bc556b bc558c transistor BC556b BC557 application note transistor IC 557B free BC557 bc557 BC557 TRANSISTOR application BC557 bc556
    Text: BC556B, BC557, A, B, C, BC558B, C Amplifier Transistors PNP Silicon COLLECTOR 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Collector-Emitter Voltage Value VCEO BC556 BC557 BC558 Collector-Base Voltage Vdc –65 –45 –30 3 EMITTER VCBO BC556 BC557 BC558

    BC556B, BC557, BC558B, BC556 BC557 BC558 BC556B bc558b bc558c transistor BC556b BC557 application note transistor IC 557B free BC557 BC557 TRANSISTOR application BC557 bc556 PDF


    Abstract: bc558b free BC557 bc557 BC557 TRANSISTOR application 6885_BC556B BC557 application note transistor BC556b transistor BC557 base collector emitter BC557 pin out
    Text: BC556B, BC557, A, B, C, BC558B, C Amplifier Transistors PNP Silicon COLLECTOR 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Collector-Emitter Voltage Value Unit VCEO BC556 BC557 BC558 Collector-Base Voltage Vdc –65 –45 –30 VCBO BC556 BC557 BC558

    BC556B, BC557, BC558B, BC556 BC557 BC558 BC556B bc558b free BC557 BC557 TRANSISTOR application 6885_BC556B BC557 application note transistor BC556b transistor BC557 base collector emitter BC557 pin out PDF


    Abstract: bc558b bc557 transistor BC556b
    Text: BC556B, BC557, A, B, C, BC558B, C Amplifier Transistors PNP Silicon COLLECTOR 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Collector-Emitter Voltage Value VCEO BC556 BC557 BC558 Collector-Base Voltage Vdc –65 –45 –30 VCBO BC556 BC557 BC558 Emitter-Base Voltage

    BC556B, BC557, BC558B, BC556 BC557 BC558 BC556B bc558b transistor BC556b PDF


    Abstract: BC558 transistor bc557 bc556 BC557 data sheet BC557 TRANSISTOR BC558 pnp transistor TRANSISTOR BC558 transistor BC556b bc556b
    Text: BC556B/57ABC/58B BC556, B BC557, A, B, C BC558, B TRANSISTOR PNP TO-92 FEATURES Power dissipation 0.625 W (Tamb=25℃) PCM: Collector current -0.1 A ICM: Collector-base voltage BC556 -80 V VCBO: BC557 -50 V BC558 -30 V Operating and storage junction temperature range

    BC556B/57ABC/58B BC556, BC557, BC558, BC556 BC557 BC558 BC558 BC556 BC557 transistor bc557 BC557 data sheet BC557 TRANSISTOR BC558 pnp transistor TRANSISTOR BC558 transistor BC556b bc556b PDF


    Abstract: BC55x BC556B pin diagram of transistor BC558 transistor BC556b BC557AZL1G BC557BG BC557 application note information of BC557 BC556
    Text: BC556B, BC557A, B, C, BC558B, C Amplifier Transistors PNP Silicon Features • Pb−Free Packages are Available* COLLECTOR 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Collector - Emitter Voltage Value VCEO BC556 BC557 BC558 Collector - Base Voltage Vdc

    BC556B, BC557A, BC558B, BC556 BC557 BC558 BC556B/D T2 BC558 TRANSISTOR BC55x BC556B pin diagram of transistor BC558 transistor BC556b BC557AZL1G BC557BG BC557 application note information of BC557 BC556 PDF

    BC548 or BC558B TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: bc557 BC547 operation of BC557 TRANSISTOR BC548 mar 709 BC547 sot54 bc557b BC557 application note bc547 collector base emitter
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET book, halfpage M3D186 BC556; BC557; BC558 PNP general purpose transistors Product specification Supersedes data of September 1994 File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04 1997 Mar 27 Philips Semiconductors Product specification

    M3D186 BC556; BC557; BC558 BC546, BC547 BC548. BC548 or BC558B TRANSISTOR bc557 operation of BC557 TRANSISTOR BC548 mar 709 BC547 sot54 bc557b BC557 application note bc547 collector base emitter PDF


    Abstract: bc558b BC556BG BC557 transistor pin details
    Text: BC556B, BC557A, B, C, BC558B Amplifier Transistors PNP Silicon Features • Pb−Free Packages are Available* COLLECTOR 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Collector - Emitter Voltage Value VCEO Vdc VCBO Vdc −80 −50 −30 BC556 BC557 BC558

    BC556B, BC557A, BC558B BC556 BC557 BC558 BC556B/D BC557 bc558b BC556BG BC557 transistor pin details PDF


    Abstract: BC556.BC558
    Text: BC556 - BC558 PNP EPITAXIAL PLANAR TRANSISTOR POWER SEMICONDUCTOR Features • • • Ideal for Switching and AF Amplifier Applications Divided into Current Gain subgroups Complementary NPN Types Available BC546 thru BC548 E A C Mechanical Data • •

    BC556 BC558 BC546 BC548) T0-92, MIL-STD-202, BC557 BC558 BC556-BC558 BC556.BC558 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC556 to BC558 Vishay Semiconductors Small Signal Transistors PNP Features • PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for switching and AF amplifier applications. • These transistors are subdivided into three groups A, B, and C according to their current gain. The

    BC556 BC558 BC557 BC558 BC546. BC548 D-74025 16-Nov-04 PDF


    Abstract: BC558 pin bc558 pin configuration BC557 BC558 Transistors BC557 pin CBC556 npn bc557 PNP BC558 BC556
    Text: BC556 thru BC558 Small Signal Transistors PNP TO-226AA (TO-92) Features • PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for switching and AF amplifier applications. • These transistors are subdivided into three groups A, B, and C according to their current gain.

    BC556 BC558 O-226AA BC557 BC558 BC546. BC548 BC556, BC557, BC558 pin bc558 pin configuration BC558 Transistors BC557 pin CBC556 npn bc557 PNP BC558 PDF


    Abstract: BC557A-TAP BC557A-BULK bc557cb BC546-BC548 bc556at bc546bc BC557B-TAP
    Text: BC556 to BC558 Vishay Semiconductors Small Signal Transistors PNP Features • PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for switching and AF amplifier applications. • These transistors are subdivided into three groups A, B, and C according to their current gain. The

    BC556 BC558 BC557 BC558 BC546. BC548 D-74025 16-Nov-04 BC557B-BULK BC557A-TAP BC557A-BULK bc557cb BC546-BC548 bc556at bc546bc BC557B-TAP PDF

    BC557 transistor pin details

    Abstract: transistor marking bc557 BC556B BC557BRL1G bc557bg BC556BG BC557A pin diagram of transistor BC558 BC558 BC557
    Text: BC556B, BC557A, B, C, BC558B Amplifier Transistors PNP Silicon Features • Pb−Free Packages are Available* COLLECTOR 1 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Collector - Emitter Voltage Value VCEO BC556 BC557 BC558 Collector - Base Voltage Vdc

    BC556B, BC557A, BC558B BC556 BC557 BC558 BC556B/D BC557 transistor pin details transistor marking bc557 BC556B BC557BRL1G bc557bg BC556BG BC557A pin diagram of transistor BC558 BC558 BC557 PDF

    pin configuration NPN transistor BC558

    Abstract: pin configuration pnp transistor BC558 pin configuration npn transistor BC557 pin configuration NPN transistor BC548 pin configuration pnp transistor BC557 BC558 pin BC558 transistor BC558 BC558 Datasheet BC557
    Text: BC556 thru BC558 Vishay Semiconductors formerly General Semiconductor Small Signal Transistors PNP TO-226AA (TO-92) Features 0.142 (3.6) 0.181 (4.6) min. 0.492 (12.5) 0.181 (4.6) • PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for switching and AF amplifier applications.

    BC556 BC558 O-226AA BC557 BC558 BC546. BC548 09-May-02 pin configuration NPN transistor BC558 pin configuration pnp transistor BC558 pin configuration npn transistor BC557 pin configuration NPN transistor BC548 pin configuration pnp transistor BC557 BC558 pin transistor BC558 BC558 Datasheet PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD TO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors BC556, B BC557, A, B, C BC558, B TO-92 TRANSISTOR PNP 1. COLLECTOR FEATURES Power dissipation 0.625 W (Tamb=25℃) PCM: Collector current -0.1 A ICM: Collector-base voltage

    BC556, BC557, BC558, BC556 BC557 BC558 BC558 BC556 BC557 PDF

    BC557 vishay

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC556 to BC558 VISHAY Vishay Semiconductors Small Signal Transistors PNP Features • PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors for switching and AF amplifier applications. • These transistors are subdivided into three groups A, B, and C according to their current gain. The

    BC556 BC558 BC557 BC558 BC546. BC548 D-74025 19-Aug-04 BC557 vishay PDF


    Abstract: transistor BC557 base collector emitter transistor BC558 base collector emitter bc558 bc556 transistor bc558 features BC557 TRANSISTOR PNP Transistor BC557 BC548 or BC558B TRANSISTOR BC557 bc556
    Text: JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD TO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors BC556/BC557/BC558 TRANSISTOR PNP TO-92 FEATURES z High Voltage z Complement to BC546/BC547/BC548 1. COLLECTOR 2. BASE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25℃ unless otherwise noted)

    BC556/BC557/BC558 BC546/BC547/BC548 BC556 BC557 BC558 -100A, -100mA, -10mA BC557 transistor BC557 base collector emitter transistor BC558 base collector emitter bc558 bc556 transistor bc558 features BC557 TRANSISTOR PNP Transistor BC557 BC548 or BC558B TRANSISTOR BC557 bc556 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD TO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors BC556/BC557/BC558 TRANSISTOR PNP TO-92 FEATURES z High Voltage z Complement to BC546/BC547/BC548 1. COLLECTOR 2. BASE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25℃ unless otherwise noted)

    BC556/BC557/BC558 BC546/BC547/BC548 BC556 BC557 BC558 PDF


    Abstract: C558 C557B c557a Philips C558 C556B c558 PNP transistors BC 557C bc557 and application BC557
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS BC556; BC557; BC558 PNP general purpose transistors Product specification Supersedes data of September 1994 File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04 Philips Semiconductors 1997 Mar 27 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Product specification

    OCR Scan
    BC556; BC557; BC558 BC546, BC548. BC557 C556 C558 C557B c557a Philips C558 C556B c558 PNP transistors BC 557C bc557 and application PDF

    Amplifier with transistor BC548

    Abstract: pin diagram of transistor BC548 BC548 pin diagram pin diagram transistor BC547 BC547 collector characteristic curve transistor BC548 pin diagram of bc548 BC548 B 001 BC548 npn pin diagram of transistor BC558
    Text: BC546 - BC548 VISHAY NPN EPITAXIAL PLANAR TRANSISTOR y LITEM ZI POWER SEMICONDUCTOR Features • • • Ideal for Switching and AF Amplifier Applications Divided into Current Gain Subgroups Complementary PNP Types Available BC556 - BC558 TO-92 Dim Min Max

    OCR Scan
    BC546 BC548 BC556 BC558) MIL-STD-202, BC547 BC548 BC546-BC548 Amplifier with transistor BC548 pin diagram of transistor BC548 BC548 pin diagram pin diagram transistor BC547 BC547 collector characteristic curve transistor BC548 pin diagram of bc548 BC548 B 001 BC548 npn pin diagram of transistor BC558 PDF

    transistor 835

    Abstract: Amplifier with transistor BC548 TRANSISTOR regulator AUDIO Amplifier with transistor BC548 transistor 81 110 w 85 transistor 81 110 w 63 transistor transistor 438 TRANSISTOR GUIDE transistor 649
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Alphanumeric index Selection guide PAGE BC327; BC327A; BC328 Silicon planar epitaxial transistor 58 BC337; BC337A; BC338 Silicon planar epitaxial transistor 59 BC546; BC547; BC548 Silicon planar epitaxial transistor 60 BC556; BC557; BC558

    OCR Scan
    BC327; BC327A; BC328 BC337; BC337A; BC338 BC546; BC547; BC548 BC556; transistor 835 Amplifier with transistor BC548 TRANSISTOR regulator AUDIO Amplifier with transistor BC548 transistor 81 110 w 85 transistor 81 110 w 63 transistor transistor 438 TRANSISTOR GUIDE transistor 649 PDF


    Abstract: pin diagram of transistor BC558 DS21709 bc558 transistor LB ijs 16 BC548 ,BC558 BC556.BC558 BC556...BC558 BC546 BC556
    Text: BC556 - BC558 PNP EPITAXIAL PLANAR TRANSISTOR Features h-M HH Ideal for Switching and AF Amplifier Applications Divided into Current Gain subgroups Complementary NPN Types Available BC546 thru BC548 TO-92 Mechanical Data_ • • • • Case: TO-92, Plastic

    OCR Scan
    BC556 BC558 BC546 BC548) MIL-STD-202, BC556 BC557 DS21709 BC556-BC558 pin diagram of transistor BC558 bc558 transistor LB ijs 16 BC548 ,BC558 BC556.BC558 BC556...BC558 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    BC558 Bc548 100mA -100mA -10mA -200uA PDF

    transistor bc557

    Abstract: transistor BC558 base collector emitter BC546 BC548 BC556 BC557 BC558 DS21
    Text: BC556 - BC558 VISHAY PNP EPITAXIAL PLANAR TRANSISTORS LITEMZI y POWER SEMICONDUCTOR Features Ideal for Switching and AF Amplifier Applications Divided into Current Gain subgroups Complementary NPN Types Available BC546 thru BC548 TO-92 Dim Min Max A 4.45

    OCR Scan
    BC556 BC558 BC546 BC548) MIL-STD-202, BC557 BC558 transistor bc557 transistor BC558 base collector emitter BC548 DS21 PDF