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    BC307 TO 92 Search Results

    BC307 TO 92 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    HI5746KCB-T Renesas Electronics Corporation 10-Bit, 40MSPS A/D Converter with CMOS Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HI3-574AJN-5Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Complete, 12-Bit A/D Converters with Microprocessor Interface Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    HI3-574AKN-5Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Complete, 12-Bit A/D Converters with Microprocessor Interface Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    BC307 TO 92 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR BC307 MARKING SPECIFICATION TO-92 PACKAGE 1. Marking method Laser Marking No. 1998. 6. 23 816 K 1 2 3 B BC307 2. Marking 4 Item Marking Description Device Name BC307 BC307 Lot No. 816 8 Year 0~9 : 2000~2009 16 Week 16 : 16th Week KEC K KEC CORP.

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    Abstract: bc307 pnp BC238 datasheet BC239 transistor 309 BC309
    Text: BC307/308/309 PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR SWITCHING AND AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS • LOW NOISE: BC309 TO-92 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA=25°°C Characteristic Symbol Collector-Emitter Voltage : BC307 : BC308/309 Collector-Emitter Voltage : BC307 : BC308/309

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    Abstract: BC308
    Text: BC307/308/309 PNP TO-92 Bipolar Transistors TO-92 1. COLLECTOR 2. BASE 3. EMITTER Features Amplifier dissipation NPN Silicon MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25℃ unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value IC BC307 BC308/309 Emitter-Base Voltage BC307 BC308/309 Collector Current -Continuous

    BC307/308/309 BC307 BC308/309 -10mA, -100mA, BC308 PDF


    Abstract: BC307B BC307C BC308C BC307 Motorola
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by BC307/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Amplifier Transistors BC307 BC307B BC307C BC308C PNP Silicon COLLECTOR 1 2 BASE 3 EMITTER 1 2 3 CASE 29–04, STYLE 17 TO–92 TO–226AA MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol BC307, B, C BC308C

    BC307/D BC307 BC307B BC307C BC308C 226AA) BC307, BC307 BC307B BC307C BC308C BC307 Motorola PDF


    Abstract: BC308 BC308 PNP transistor BC309 309 IC
    Text: BC307/308/309 BC307/308/309 Switching and Amplifier Applications • Low Noise: BC309 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol VCES VCEO Parameter Collector-Emitter Voltage

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    transistor BC 458

    Abstract: Transistor BC 308C BC 2001 transistor BC307 BC307BTA BC237 bc309 BC308
    Text: BC307/308/309 BC307/308/309 Switching and Amplifier Applications • Low Noise: BC309 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol VCES VCEO Parameter Collector-Emitter Voltage

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    Characteristic curve BC107

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR 308B BC237 BC307 BC108 characteristic bc307b
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Amplifier Transistors BC307 BC307B BC307C BC308C PNP Silicon COLLECTOR 1 2 BASE 3 EMITTER 1 2 3 CASE 29–04, STYLE 17 TO–92 TO–226AA MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol BC307, B, C BC308C Unit Collector – Emitter Voltage

    BC307 BC307B BC307C BC308C 226AA) BC307, Junc218A MSC1621T1 MSC2404 Characteristic curve BC107 TRANSISTOR 308B BC237 BC108 characteristic PDF


    Abstract: BC238 datasheet BC239 BC309 transistor bc237
    Text: BC307/308/309 BC307/308/309 Switching and Amplifier Applications • Low Noise: BC309 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol VCES VCEO Parameter Collector-Emitter Voltage

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    Abstract: BC307
    Text: BC307/308/309 BC307/308/309 Switching and Amplifier Applications • Low Noise: BC309 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol VCES VCEO Parameter Collector-Emitter Voltage

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    Abstract: Transistor BC 308C BC307 Bc308
    Text: BC307/308/309 BC307/308/309 Switching and Amplifier Applications • Low Noise: BC309 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol VCES VCEO Parameter Collector-Emitter Voltage

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    Abstract: BC238 datasheet BC239 BC309 308 transistor
    Text: BC307/308/309 BC307/308/309 Switching and Amplifier Applications • Low Noise: BC309 TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25°C unless otherwise noted Symbol VCES VCEO Parameter Collector-Emitter Voltage

    BC307/308/309 BC309 BC307 BC308/309 BC307 BC238 datasheet BC239 BC309 308 transistor PDF


    Abstract: BC308 PNP transistor download datasheet BC308
    Text: BC307BC308 PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for switching and amplifier applications 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter TO-92 Plastic Package Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 OC Parameter Symbol BC307 BC308 Unit Collector Base Voltage -VCBO 50 30

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    Abstract: BC309 BC308
    Text: JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD TO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors BC307/308/309 TRANSISTOR PNP TO-92 FEATURES Amplifier dissipation NPN Silicon 1. COLLECTOR MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25℃ unless otherwise noted) 2. BASE Symbol Parameter

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DC COMPONENTS CO., LTD. BC307 DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS R TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF PNP EPITAXIAL PLANAR TRANSISTOR Description Designed for general purpose switching and amplifier applications. TO-92 Pinning .190 4.83 .170(4.33) 1 = Collector 2 = Base 3 = Emitter

    BC307 -100mA, -10mA, 200Hz 50MHz BC307 PDF


    Abstract: BC307 BC309
    Text: CHINA GUANGDONG DONGGUAN HAROM ELECTRONICS CO., LTD TO-92 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors BC307/308/309 TRANSISTOR PNP TO-92 FEATURES Amplifier dissipation NPN Silicon 1. COLLECTOR MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25℃ unless otherwise noted) 2. BASE Symbol

    BC307/308/309 BC307 BC308/309 -10mA, -100mA, bc308 BC307 BC309 PDF


    Abstract: BC307 BC307C 308C BC308 BC308C
    Text: BC307… BC308 PNP Silicon Amplifier Transistors On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations. TO-92 Plastic Package Weight approx. 0.19g Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25oC Symbol BC307B,C BC308C Unit Collector Emitter Voltage

    BC307. BC308 BC307B BC308C BC307 100MHz 200Hz BC307C 308C BC308 BC308C PDF


    Abstract: BC307 BC308C 308C BC307C BC308
    Text: BC307… BC308 PNP Silicon Amplifier Transistors On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations. TO-92 Plastic Package Weight approx. 0.19g Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25oC Symbol BC307B,C BC308C Unit Collector Emitter Voltage

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    Abstract: BC307 BC307C BC308 PNP transistor download datasheet 308C BC308 BC308C
    Text: BC307… BC308 PNP Silicon Amplifier Transistors On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations. TO-92 Plastic Package Weight approx. 0.19g Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25oC Symbol BC307B,C BC308C Unit Collector Emitter Voltage

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    T BC309

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR BC307/308/309 SWITCHING AND AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS . LOW NOISE: BC309 TO -92 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA=25°C C haracteristic Sym bol C ollector-E m itter Voltage : BC307 : BC308/309 C ollector-E m itter Voltage : BC307

    OCR Scan
    BC307/308/309 BC309 BC307 BC308/309 T BC309 PDF

    fr 309

    Abstract: BC307 309 T BC239 BC309
    Text: PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR BC307/308/309 SWITCHING AND AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS TO -92 • LO W NOISE: BC309 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA=25°C C haracteristic Symbol C ollector-E m ltter Voltage : BC307 : BC 308/309 C ollector-E m ltter Voltage : BC307

    OCR Scan
    BC307/308/309 BC309 BC307 BC308/309 BC308/309 fr 309 BC307 309 T BC239 BC309 PDF


    Abstract: BC306C C308C bc307b
    Text: BC307,B,C BC308C BC309B MAXIMUM RATINGS Sym bol BC307 BC308C BC309 Unit C o llecto r-Em itter Voltage VCEO -4 5 -25 -2 5 Vdc C o llecto r-Base Voltage VCBO -5 0 -30 -3 0 E m itter-B ase Vo ltage v ebo Rating Vdc - 5 .0 Vdc CASE 29-04, STYLE 17 TO-92 TO-226AA

    OCR Scan
    BC307 BC308C BC309 BC309B O-226AA) 309B BC306C C308C bc307b PDF


    Abstract: C307B C307 307c BC307 BC307B T BC309
    Text: BC307,B,C BC308C BC309,B MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol BC307 BC308C BC309 C o lle c to r -E m itte r V o lta g e VCEO -4 5 -2 5 -2 5 Vdc C o lle c to r-B a s e V o lta g e VCBO -5 0 -3 0 -3 0 V dc Rating CASE 29-04, STYLE 17 TO-92 TO-226AA vebo -5 .0 V dc C o lle c to r C u rre n t — C o n tin u o u s

    OCR Scan
    BC307 BC308C BC309 BC307 BC308C BC309 O-226AA) BC308C, CBC307B C307B C307 307c BC307B T BC309 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors BC307 USHA INDIA LTD SWITCHING AND AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS TO-92 • LOW NOISE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C) Collector-Emitter Voltage Unit Rating Symbol Characteristic VcES Collector-Emitter Voltage -5 0 V -4 5 V -5 -1 0 0 500 150 —5 5 ~ 1 5 0

    OCR Scan
    BC307 -10/JA, -10mA, 100mA, BC307 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 309 BC309 308 transistor BC30S bc308 transistor BC309
    Text: BC307/308/309 PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR SWITCHING AND AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS TO-92 • LOW NOISE: BC309 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Ta=25°C Characteristic Sym bol C ollector-Em itter V oltage :B C 3 0 7 ' :B C 3 0 8 /3 0 9 C ollector-Em itter Voltage

    OCR Scan
    BC307/308/309 BC309 BC307 BC308/309 71b4ms 00ES055 BC307 transistor 309 BC309 308 transistor BC30S bc308 transistor BC309 PDF