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    BC107 COMPLEMENTARY Search Results

    BC107 COMPLEMENTARY Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    IS9-1715ARH-8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Complementary Switch MOSFET Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    IS0-1715ARH/SAMPLE Renesas Electronics Corporation Complementary Switch MOSFET Driver, DIE, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    IS0-1715ARH-Q Renesas Electronics Corporation Complementary Switch MOSFET Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    IS9-1715AEH-Q Renesas Electronics Corporation Radiation Hardened Complementary Switch FET Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    IS9-1715ARH-Q Renesas Electronics Corporation Complementary Switch MOSFET Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    BC107 COMPLEMENTARY Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC107 BC107B Low noise general purpose audio amplifiers Description The BC107 and BC107B are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case. They are suitable for use in driver stages, low noise input stages and signal processing circuits of television receivers. The PNP complementary

    BC107 BC107B BC107 BC107B BC177 BC177B BC107A PDF


    Abstract: BC107B bc107 curves equivalent transistor bc107 Transistor BC107 DATASHEET Transistor BC107 transistor bc107b bc107 applications bc107 connections Characteristic curve BC107
    Text: BC107 BC107B Low noise general purpose audio amplifiers Description The BC107 and BC107B are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case. They are suitable for use in driver stages, low noise input stages and signal processing circuits of television receivers. The PNP complementary

    BC107 BC107B BC107 BC107B BC177 BC177B BC107A bc107 curves equivalent transistor bc107 Transistor BC107 DATASHEET Transistor BC107 transistor bc107b bc107 applications bc107 connections Characteristic curve BC107 PDF


    Abstract: BC107 DATASHEET Transistor BC107 free download transistor(BC107) data sheet Transistor BC107 BC107 characteristic equivalent component of transistor BC107 transistor bc107b for BC107B equivalent components for transistor BC107
    Text: BC107 BC107B LOW NOISE GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS DESCRIPTION The BC107 and BC107B are silicon Planar Epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case. They are suitable for use in driver stages, low noise input stages and signal processing circuits

    BC107 BC107B BC107 BC107B BC177 BC177B DATASHEET Transistor BC107 free download transistor(BC107) data sheet Transistor BC107 BC107 characteristic equivalent component of transistor BC107 transistor bc107b for BC107B equivalent components for transistor BC107 PDF


    Abstract: bc109 BC107-BC108-BC109 BC108 bc109 equivalent BC107 equivalent BC108-BC109 BC107 equivalent transistors BC107 DATASHEET bc108 equivalent
    Text: BC107 BC108-BC109 LOW NOISE GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS DESCRIPTION The BC107, BC108 and BC109 are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case.They are suitable for use in driver stages, low noise input stages and signal processing circuits of television

    BC107 BC108-BC109 BC107, BC108 BC109 BC177, BC178 BC179. BC108 BC107 BC107-BC108-BC109 bc109 equivalent BC107 equivalent BC108-BC109 BC107 equivalent transistors BC107 DATASHEET bc108 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: bc107 curves BC107 for BC107B bc107 applications
    Text: BC107 BC107B Low noise general purpose audio amplifiers Description The BC107 and BC107B are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case. s ct They are suitable for use in driver stages, low noise input stages and signal processing circuits

    BC107 BC107B BC107B BC177 BC177B BC107A bc107 curves for BC107B bc107 applications PDF


    Abstract: BC108-BC109 BC107 Tr bc107 bc109 gain bc109 bc108 TO-92
    Text: SGS-THOMSON IMDœisillLICTIËiiMÛS BC107 BC108-BC109 LOW NOISE GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS D E S C R IP T IO N The BC107, BC108 and BC109 are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case.They are suitable for use in driver stages, low noise input

    OCR Scan
    BC107 BC108-BC109 BC107, BC108 BC109 BC177, BC178 BC179. BC107-BC108-BC109 BC108-BC109 BC107 Tr bc109 gain bc108 TO-92 PDF


    Abstract: BC257 BC520 bc1778 bc258 BC317 BC321 BC320 bc3078 BC107
    Text: BC177,8,9 BC257,8,9 BC307,8,9 BC320,1,2 KmmoGtgfimoMNHwoMMwmNwmNmomMMwmmmoooHMígetMemmm^^ THE ABOVE TYPES ARE PNP SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS FOR USE IN AF SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIER STAGES AND DIRECT COUPLED CIRCUITS. BC177, 8, 9 are complementary to BC107, 8, 9.

    OCR Scan
    BC177 BC257 BC307 BC320 BC177, BC107, BC257, BC307, BC237, BC320, BC520 bc1778 bc258 BC317 BC321 bc3078 BC107 PDF


    Abstract: fbc237 BC317 BC167 bc107-108-109 BC313 BC320 BC107 BC237 complementary BC238
    Text: BC107,8,9 BC167,8,9 BC237,8,9 BC317,8,9 THE ABOVE TYPES ARE NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS FOR USE IN AF SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIER STAGES AND DIRECT COUPLED CIRCUITS. BC107, 8, 9 are complementary to BC177, 8, 9. BC167, 8, 9 are complementary to BC257, 8, 9.

    OCR Scan
    BC107, BC177, BC167, BC257, BC237, BC307, BC317, BC320, bc107 T0-92B BC519 fbc237 BC317 BC167 bc107-108-109 BC313 BC320 BC237 complementary BC238 PDF


    Abstract: BC317 BC167 BC1O7 BCI69 BC168 bc108 cbe BC257 bc2378 T0-92A
    Text: BC107,8,9 BC167,8,9 BC237,8,9 BC317,8,9 THE ABOVE TYPES ARE NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS FOR USE IN AF SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIER STAGES AND DIRECT COUPLED CIRCUITS. BC107, 8, 9 are complementary to BC177, 8, 9. BC167, 8, 9 are complementary to BC257, 8, 9.

    OCR Scan
    BC107 BC167 BC237 BC317 BC107, BC167, BC257, BC237, BC307, BC317, bc1078 BC1O7 BCI69 BC168 bc108 cbe BC257 bc2378 T0-92A PDF


    Abstract: BC320 BC107 transistor BC257 BO307 BC237 BC317 YC 322 BC177 BC178
    Text: CRO BC177,8,9 BC257,8,9 BC307,8,9 BC320,1,2 THE ABOVE TYPES ARE PNP SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS FOR USE IN AF SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIER STAGES AND DIRECT COUPLED CIRCUITS. BC177, 8, 9 are complementary to BC107, 8, 9. BC257, 8, 9 are complementary to BC167, 8, 9.

    OCR Scan
    BC177 BC257 BC307 BC320 BC177, BC107, BC257, BC307, BC237, BC320, BC107 transistor BC257 BO307 BC237 BC317 YC 322 BC178 PDF

    BC238 h parameter

    Abstract: bc313 BC167 BC231 BC317 BC107 bc101 BC168 BC320 30Hz-15kHz
    Text: CRO BC107,8,9 BC167,8,9 BC237,8,9 BC317,8,9 THE ABOVE TYPES ARE NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS FOR USE IN AF SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIER STAGES AND DIRECT COUPLED CIRCUITS. BC107, 8, 9 are complementary to BC177, 8, 9. BC167, 8, 9 are complementary to BC257, 8, 9.

    OCR Scan
    BC107 BC167 BC237 BC317 BC107, BC177, BC167, BC257, BC237, BC307, BC238 h parameter bc313 BC231 bc101 BC168 BC320 30Hz-15kHz PDF


    Abstract: BC257
    Text: CRO BC177,8,9 BC257,8,9 BC307,8,9 BC320,1,2 THE ABOVE TYPES ARE PNP SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS FOR USE IN AF SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIER STAGES AND DIRECT COUPLED CIRCUITS. BC177, 8, 9 are complementary to BC107, 8, 9. BC257, 8, 9 are complementary to BC167, 8, 9.

    OCR Scan
    BC177, BC107, BC257, BC167, BC307, BC237, BC320, BC317, O-92B O-92F bc177 BC257 PDF


    Abstract: BC107 CE amplifier BC1O7 BC237 complementary hFE Group BC169 bc107 bc168
    Text: BC107,8,9 BC167,8,9 BC237,8,9 BC317,8,9 CRO THE ABOVE TYPES ARE NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS FOR USE IN AF SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIER STAGES AND DIRECT COUPLED CIRCUITS. BC107, 8, 9 are complementary to BC177, 8, 9. BC167, 8, 9 are complementary to BC257, 8, 9.

    OCR Scan
    BC107, BC177, BC167, BC257, BC237, BC307, BC317, BC320, O-92B O-92F, BC167 BC107 CE amplifier BC1O7 BC237 complementary hFE Group BC169 bc107 bc168 PDF


    Abstract: BC307 BC107 BC307 micro electronics bci77 BC177 BC178 BC179 BC237 BC258
    Text: BC 177,8,9 BC257,8,9 BC307,8,9 BC320,1,2 / o o er o LU LU THE ABOVE TYPES ARE PNP SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS FOR USE IN AF SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIER STAGES AND DIRECT COUPLED CIRCUITS. BC177, 8, 9 are complementary to BC107, 8, 9 BC257, 8, 9 are complementary to BC167, 8, 9

    OCR Scan
    BC177 BC257 BC307 BC320 BC177, BC107, BC257, BC307, BC237, BC320, BC107 BC307 micro electronics bci77 BC178 BC179 BC237 BC258 PDF


    Abstract: ITT Semiconductor BC263C BC261B BC107 to92 BC107 characteristic BC107 itt kh472m x1y2 250v transistor ITT bc171 BC252A
    Text: ITT Semiconductors PNP Transistors P N P Small Signal Silicon Transistors Epoxy Package TO-92 and Metal Can (TO-18). For general purpose applications. Range complementary to BC107/BC171 series. O u tlin e D ra w in g M o . 73 ap p lie s fo r T O -92 types.

    OCR Scan
    BC107/8C171 300mW BC251A 31230C BC251B 1231A BC252A 31232X BC252B 31233H BC253C ITT Semiconductor BC263C BC261B BC107 to92 BC107 characteristic BC107 itt kh472m x1y2 250v transistor ITT bc171 PDF


    Abstract: bc109 bc108 bc109 gain T BC109 c109s BC179 BC107-BC108-BC109 BC108-BC BC-108
    Text: 3DE D • 7 ^ 2 3 ? Q03QÔSS S T r z 7 ^ 7# S G S -T H O M S O N - z ° i - n B C 107 B C 1 0 8 -B C 109 S G S -T H 0 MS 0 N LOW NOISE GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS D E S C R IP T IO N The BC107, BC108 and BC109 are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case.They

    OCR Scan
    BC107, BC108 BC109 BC177, BC178 BC179. BC107 bc109 gain T BC109 c109s BC179 BC107-BC108-BC109 BC108-BC BC-108 PDF

    2N3053 equivalent

    Abstract: bf258 equivalent 2N2219 2N2905 BC107 equivalent transistors bc109 equivalent BF178 BC107 pnp equivalent BC177 equivalent bc303 f-002
    Text: Metal Can Complementary Pairs Maximum ratin ps BV Case | Device Type Polarity Core Drivers BV BV CBO CEO EBO ICM V V V mA hFE1 Ic mA min. max. Ic mA HFE2 fT min. min. max. MHz VCE sat IC mA V 2N3724A NPN 2N3725A NPN T039 T039 50 80 30 50 6 6 1200 1200 100

    OCR Scan
    2N3724A 2N3725A 2N3244 BF257 BS9365 2N4036 2N4037 BS3365 2N3053 equivalent bf258 equivalent 2N2219 2N2905 BC107 equivalent transistors bc109 equivalent BF178 BC107 pnp equivalent BC177 equivalent bc303 f-002 PDF


    Abstract: bc109 equivalent BC107 equivalent transistors transistor t05 equivalent transistor of 2n2219a BC177 equivalent BC107 equivalent bc325 bc143 BC107
    Text: Metal Can Metal Can Product Variations Low Level General Purpose Amplifiers TO-5, TO-39 and TO-18 can be supplied with several variations from standard. Device Type Lead Length The standard lead length is 12,7mm 0,5in . Certain types are available with longer leads—38,1mm (1,5in) at a small extra

    OCR Scan
    BCW35GP. BS9365 2N4036 2N4037 BS3365 2N4030 EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc108 bc109 equivalent BC107 equivalent transistors transistor t05 equivalent transistor of 2n2219a BC177 equivalent BC107 equivalent bc325 bc143 BC107 PDF

    BC177 NPN transistor

    Abstract: BC178 TRANSISTOR bc108 bc325 bf179 BF177 transistor NPN BC178 applications of Transistor BC108 BC326 BFQ35
    Text: Metal Can Metal Can Product Variations Low Level General Purpose Am plifiers TO-5, TO-39 and TO-18 can be supplied with several variations from standard. Device Type Lead Length The standard lead length is 12,7mm 0,5in . Certain types are available with longer leads— 38,1mm (1,5in) at a small extra

    OCR Scan
    BCW35GP. BFQ36 BF257/8/9 BFQ37 2N2218 2N2904 2N2218A 2N2904A 2N2219 2N2905 BC177 NPN transistor BC178 TRANSISTOR bc108 bc325 bf179 BF177 transistor NPN BC178 applications of Transistor BC108 BC326 BFQ35 PDF

    2N2219 2N2905

    Abstract: BF177 BF178 BF338 bf179 BC312 BF337 BFT37 BF336 bc143
    Text: Metal Can Complementary Pairs BV Case A M edium Current Am plifiers &• Sw itches Maximum ratin ps | Device Type Polarity Core Drivers b BV BV hFE1 CBO CEO EBO ICM HFE2 Ic fT min. Ic V V V mA mA min. max. mA min. max. M H z V C E sat) IC Max. ton Max.

    OCR Scan
    2N3724A 2N3725A 2N3244 BF257 BFQ36 BF257/8/9 BFQ37 2N2218 2N2904 2N2218A 2N2219 2N2905 BF177 BF178 BF338 bf179 BC312 BF337 BFT37 BF336 bc143 PDF

    BC107 equivalent transistors

    Abstract: EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc108 bc109 equivalent transistor t05 bc108 equivalent BC107 equivalent equivalent transistor bc107 2N2484 equivalent transistors equivalent of transistor bc108 BC177 equivalent
    Text: Metal Can Metal Can Product Variations Low Level General Purpose Amplifiers TO-5, TO-39 and TO-18 can be supplied with several variations from standard. Device Type Lead Length The standard lead length is 12,7mm 0,5in . Certain types are available with longer leads— 38,1mm (1,5in) at a small extra

    OCR Scan
    BCW35GP. BS9365 2N4036 2N4037 BS3365 2N4030 BC107 equivalent transistors EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc108 bc109 equivalent transistor t05 bc108 equivalent BC107 equivalent equivalent transistor bc107 2N2484 equivalent transistors equivalent of transistor bc108 BC177 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: Transistor BC109 T018 2n2484 complementary BC107 transistor Transistor BC177 Texas Instruments BC107 BC177 transistor BC107 BC179 transistor
    Text: Metal Can Metal Can Product Variations Low Level General Purpose Amplifiers TO-5, TO-39 and TO-18 can be supplied with several variations from standard. Device Type Lead Length The standard lead length is 12,7mm 0,5in . Certain types are available with longer leads— 38,1mm (1,5in) at a small extra

    OCR Scan
    BCW35GP. BFT32 BFT33 BFT34 BFT35 BFT36 BFT37 2N930 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Transistor BC109 T018 2n2484 complementary BC107 transistor Transistor BC177 Texas Instruments BC107 BC177 transistor BC107 BC179 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS PNP Silicon AF Transistors BC 807 BC 808 • For general AF applications • High collector current • High current gain • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary types: BC 817, BC 818 NPN Type Marking Ordering Code PinCionfigur ation

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-C1735 62702-C1689 Q62702-C1721 Q62702-C1736 Q62702-CÃ Q62702-C1692 OT-23 BC807 PDF

    C495 transistor

    Abstract: c638 transistor EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc108 C756 TRANSISTOR PNP Transistor 2N2222 equivalent C735 transistor c637 transistor transistor c495 TRANSISTOR bc107 current gain c372 transistor
    Text: Metal Can Metal Can Product Variations Low Level General Purpose Am plifiers TO-5, TO-39 and TO-18 can be supplied with several variations from standard. Device Type Lead Length The standard lead length is 12,7mm 0,5in . Certain types are available with longer leads— 38,1mm (1,5in) at a small extra

    OCR Scan
    BCW35GP. BS9300 2N2219A 2N2221 2N2222 2N2221A fT018 C495 transistor c638 transistor EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc108 C756 TRANSISTOR PNP Transistor 2N2222 equivalent C735 transistor c637 transistor transistor c495 TRANSISTOR bc107 current gain c372 transistor PDF