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    BC AUDIO TRANSISTORS Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    BC AUDIO TRANSISTORS Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: Bc 547 b cdil transistor BC 547 datasheet tr bc548 t1 BC547 free download transistor(BC547) data sheet transistor BC 547 bc548 pin details Bc 547 NPN transistor T1 BC548
    Text: IS / IECQC 700000 IS / IECQC 750100 IS/ISO 9002 Lic# QSC/L- 000019.2 Continental Device India Limited An IS/ISO 9002 and IECQ Certified Manufacturer NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS BC 546, A, B, C BC 547, 8, A, B, C TO-92 EBC NPN General Purpose Transistors, Especially Suited For Use in Driver Stages of Audio

    BC546 C-120 BC5478 Bc 547 b cdil transistor BC 547 datasheet tr bc548 t1 BC547 free download transistor(BC547) data sheet transistor BC 547 bc548 pin details Bc 547 NPN transistor T1 BC548 PDF

    kc 3229

    Abstract: BC 477 G3229 BC 195 TRANSISTORS BC477 G-323 G-3229 BC479 g323
    Text: BC 477 BC 478 BC 479 SILICON PLANAR PNP LOW NOISE GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS The BC 477, BC 478 and BC 479 are silicon planar epitaxial PNP transistors in TO-18 metal case. The BC 477 is a high voltage type designed fo r use in audio am plifiers or driver

    OCR Scan
    BC477, G-3229 G-322S G-323; kc 3229 BC 477 G3229 BC 195 TRANSISTORS BC477 G-323 G-3229 BC479 g323 PDF


    Abstract: 27kII bc109 gain bc177 BC 179 bc1782 BC108 BC109 BC178 em 179
    Text: BC 177 BC 178 BC 179 S I L I C O N P L A N A R PNP LOW NOISE GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS The BC 177, BC 178 and BC 179 are silico n planar epitaxial PNP transistors in TO-18 metal case. They are suitable fo r use in driver audio stages, low noise input

    OCR Scan
    BCt79 BC108, BC109. 1BC177 BC178 BC179 BC179 27kII bc109 gain bc177 BC 179 bc1782 BC108 BC109 em 179 PDF


    Abstract: BC153 transistor BC 153 BC 154 transistors BC 225 bc audio transistors IT 153 bc 153 bc154-1 18x10-4
    Text: BC 153 BC 154 SILICON PLANAR PNP LOW-NOISE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS The BC 153 and BC 154 are silicon planar epitaxial PNP transistors in TO-18 epoxy package. They are specifically designed for use in low-noise audio preamplifiers. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS VcBO VcEO

    OCR Scan
    P040-A 8x10-4 9x10-4 BC154 BC153 transistor BC 153 BC 154 transistors BC 225 bc audio transistors IT 153 bc 153 bc154-1 18x10-4 PDF


    Abstract: BC207 transistor bc 207 npn bc 207 npn BC209 BC-208-2 BC208 transistor bc 209 BC 230 BC209 transistor
    Text: BC 207 BC 208 BC 209 SILICON PLANAR NPN GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS The BC207, BC 208 and BC 209 are silico n planar epitaxial NPN transistors in T O -18 epoxy package. They are intended fo r use in d rive r o r input stages of audio am plifier and in signal processing circu its o f TV receivers.

    OCR Scan
    BC208 BC207 transistor bc 207 npn bc 207 npn BC209 BC-208-2 BC208 transistor bc 209 BC 230 BC209 transistor PDF


    Abstract: BC125B 101B
    Text: BC 125 BC 125B SILICON PLANAR NPN AUDIO DRIVERS The BC125 and BC 125 B are silico n planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO -39 epoxy package. They are designed fo r use as audio drivers. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ^C BO C o lle cto r-ba se voltage lE = 0 BC 125

    OCR Scan
    BC125 BC125B 101B PDF


    Abstract: bc 301 transistor bc300 bc audio transistors BC302 bc 303 transistor transistor bc 102 bc 103 bc 301 Bc 303
    Text: BC 300 BQ 301 BC 302 SILICON P L A N A R NPN MEDIUM POWER AUDIO DRIVERS The BC 300, BC 301 and BC 302 are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-39 metal case. They are intended fo r audio driver stages in com m ercial and industrial equipm ents. In addition they are useful as high speed saturated sw itches and

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: cbc 546 CBC 546 c 250.250 BC108A 10745 2N2483 107bbc
    Text: NPN Silicon Transistors NPN Silicon Planar Transistors for low-level audio applications Common maximum ratings Type b v CFO V BVCSO V b v ebo PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN PN - BC 107 BC 107 A BC 107 B BC 108 BC 108 A BC 108 B BC 108 C BC 1092 BC 109 B2 BC 109 C2

    OCR Scan
    300mW 200mW V/10uA) 10mA/0 2N9303 2N24832 2N24843 cbc 546 CBC 546 c 250.250 BC108A 10745 2N2483 107bbc PDF


    Abstract: BC479 BC 195 TRANSISTORS BC477
    Text: BC 477 BC 478 BC 479 SILICON P L A N A R P N P LOW NOISE GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS The BC477, BC 478 and BC479 are silicon planar epitaxial P N P transistors in TO-18 metal case. The B C 477 is a high voltage type designed for use in audio amplifiers or driver

    OCR Scan
    BC479 BC478 BC 195 TRANSISTORS BC477 PDF


    Abstract: BC113 BC-114 bc 113 BC 114 transistor bc113 transistor BC113/Fairchild BC 114
    Text: BC 113 BC 114 S IL IC O N PLANAR NPN HIGH GAIN, LOW NOISE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS The BC113 and BC 114 are silicon planar NPN transistors in TO-18 epoxy package. They are spe cifically designed for use in lo w -no ise audio pream plifiers. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS

    OCR Scan
    BC113 BC114 BC-114 bc 113 BC 114 transistor bc113 transistor BC113/Fairchild BC 114 PDF

    bc 303 transistor

    Abstract: bc303 bc 301 transistor
    Text: BC 303 BC 304 S I L I C O N P L A N A R PNP MEDIUM POWER AUDIO DRIVERS The BC 303 and BC 304 are silicon planar epitaxial PNP transistors in TO-39 metal case. They are intended p a rticularly as audio driver stages in com m ercial and professional equipm ents. In addition they are useful as high speed saturated switches

    OCR Scan
    7x10-4 bc 303 transistor bc303 bc 301 transistor PDF


    Abstract: bc107 BC 107 BC108 bc 230 BC178 BC179 bc 750 BC-1096 bc audio transistors
    Text: BC 107 BC 108 BC 109 SILICON PLANAR NPN LOV/ NOISE GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS The BC 107, BC 108 and BC109 are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case. They are suitable fo r use in driver stages, low noise input stages and signal processing circu its of television receivers.

    OCR Scan
    BC109 BC178 BC179. 100mA Jun108 bc107 BC 107 BC108 bc 230 BC179 bc 750 BC-1096 bc audio transistors PDF


    Abstract: bc 141 general purpose complementary transistors Bc 140 transistor transistor bc icbo nA npn
    Text: BC 140 BC 141 SILICON PLANAR NPN GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTORS The BC140 and BC 141 are silico n planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO -39 metal case. They are pa rticularly designed fo r audio am plifiers and sw itching applications up to 1 A. The com plem entary PNP types are the BC 160 and BC 161.

    OCR Scan
    BC140 bc 141 general purpose complementary transistors Bc 140 transistor transistor bc icbo nA npn PDF

    transistor BC 308

    Abstract: transistor sc 308 transistor BC 307 bc 106 transistor transistor 307 bc 309 b transistor transistor BC 55 transistor da 307 SC 309 transistor CB 308
    Text: * BC 307 BC 308 BC 309 MPN SILICON TRANSISTOR, EP ITAXIAL PLANAR r RANSISTOR NPN S ILIC IU M , PLAN A R E P IT A X IA L % Preferred device D isp o sitif recommandé 3C 309 and BC 308 transistors are intended or use in audio frequency preamplifier and iriver stages. BC 309 is intended for low

    OCR Scan
    BC307 CB-76 307ast 308ast transistor BC 308 transistor sc 308 transistor BC 307 bc 106 transistor transistor 307 bc 309 b transistor transistor BC 55 transistor da 307 SC 309 transistor CB 308 PDF

    BC 418

    Abstract: bc415b ssv 620 BC416A bc415a bc415 bc415c 416b IC 415 ms 415
    Text: *BC 415 BC 416 PNP SILICON TRANSISTORS, EPITA X IA L PLANAR TRANSISTORS PNP S ILIC IU M , PLA N A R E P IT A X IA U X % Preferred device D is p o s itif recommandé The BC 415 and BC 416 are very low noise transistors intended for input stages in audio ^ frequency amplifiers.

    OCR Scan
    CB-76 BC 418 bc415b ssv 620 BC416A bc415a bc415 bc415c 416b IC 415 ms 415 PDF

    ZO 109

    Abstract: BC 107 BC109 bc107 bc 109 BC108 bc 108 zo 107 X10-4 bc 230
    Text: BC 107 BC 108 BC 109 SILICON PLANAR NPN LOW NOISE GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS The BC107, BC 108 and ESC 109 are silico n planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case. They are suitable fo r use in driver stages, low noise input stages and signal processing circ u its of television receivers.

    OCR Scan
    BC109 BC177, BC178 BC179. ZO 109 BC 107 bc107 bc 109 BC108 bc 108 zo 107 X10-4 bc 230 PDF

    bc 141

    Abstract: BC160
    Text: BC 160 BC 161 SI LI CON PLANAR NPN GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTORS The BC160 and BC 161 are silico n planar epitaxial PNP transistors in TO -39 metal case. They are p a rticularly designed fo r audio am p lifie rs and sw itching applications up to 1 A. The com plem entary NPN types are the BC 140 and EIC141.

    OCR Scan
    BC160 bc 141 PDF

    bc 7-40 pnp

    Abstract: BC 2 378 transistor bc 102 Bc377 bc297
    Text: BC 377 BC 378 SILICON PLANAR NPN AUDIO DRIVERS OR OUTPUT STAGES The BC 377 and BC 378 are silico n planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case. They are p a rticularly intended for use in high current, high gain applications, in driver stages of h i-fi equipm ents o r in output stages of low power

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: transistor Bc 141 bc 141
    Text: BC 140 BC 141 S I L I C O N PLANAR NPN GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTORS The I3C140 and B C 1 4 I are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO -39 metal case. They are pa rticu la rly designed for audio am plifiers and sw itching applications up to 1 A. The com plem entary PNP types are the BC 160 and BC 161.

    OCR Scan
    I3C140 BC14I bc140 transistor Bc 141 bc 141 PDF

    bc 303 transistor

    Abstract: bc303 bc 301 transistor BC304
    Text: BC 303 BC 304 S IL IC O N PLANAR PNP M EDIUM POWER A U D IO DRIVERS The BC 303 and BC 304 are silicon planar epitaxial PIMP transistors in TO-39 metal case. They are intended particularly as audio driver stages in commercial and professional equip­ ments. In addition they are useful as high speed saturated switches and general purpose

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: BC377 lc 297
    Text: BC 297 BC 298 SILICON P LA N A R PNP AUDIO DRIVERS OR OUTPUT STAGES The BC 297 and BC 298 are silicon planar epitaxial PNP transistors in TO-18 metal case. They are pa rticu la rly intended fo r use in high current high gain a p p lica ­ tions, in driver stages of h i- fi equipm ents or in output stages o f low pow er class B

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICRO BC368,9 XXÍA l TO-92B BC 368 NPN and BC 369 (PNP) are complementary silicon epitaxial transistors for audio frequency application. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS • ecb' Collector Current-Continuous — — 1A ._ Collector-Emitter Voltage VCE0 20V Emitter-Base Voltage

    OCR Scan
    BC368 O-92B 500mA 20MHz Q321 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICRO BC368,9 I K ‘ At. 'R. TO-92B BC 368 NPN and BC 369 (PNP) are complementary silicon epitaxial transistors for audio frequency application. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ECB Collector Current-Continuous 1A CEO 20V Emitter-Base Voltage VEBO 5V Total Power Dissipation

    OCR Scan
    O-92B 500mA 20MHz 300jiS, BVCE0-20V PDF

    IC 368

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡ E P I T A X I A L TO-92B BC 368 NPN and BC 369 (PNP) are complementary silicon epitaxial transistors for audio frequency application. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ECB 1A Collector Current-Continuous CEO 20V Emitter-Base Voltage VEBO 5V Total Power Dissipation

    OCR Scan
    500mA 20MHz 300jiS, IC 368 PDF