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    Analog Devices Inc AD4170-4BCPZ-RL7

    Analog to Digital Converters - ADC DC to 50kHz Input BW 4/8 Ch S-? ADC PGA
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics AD4170-4BCPZ-RL7 1,500
    • 1 $27.74
    • 10 $21.7
    • 100 $18.53
    • 1000 $15.85
    • 10000 $15.36
    Buy Now

    Analog Devices Inc ADSP-BF707BBCZ-4RL

    Digital Signal Processors & Controllers - DSP, DSC ADSP-BF707BBCZ-4 in Tape & Reel
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics ADSP-BF707BBCZ-4RL 1,499
    • 1 $26.99
    • 10 $22.82
    • 100 $19.49
    • 1000 $16.67
    • 10000 $16.14
    Buy Now

    Analog Devices Inc ADG2436BCPZ-REEL7

    Analog Switch ICs <1ohm RON, +/- 18V, +36V Quad SPST Switches
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics ADG2436BCPZ-REEL7 1,493
    • 1 $10.34
    • 10 $7.99
    • 100 $6.62
    • 1000 $5.02
    • 10000 $4.83
    Buy Now

    Analog Devices Inc ADG6436BCPZ-REEL7

    Analog Switch ICs <1ohm RON, +/- 18V, +36V Quad SPST Switches
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics ADG6436BCPZ-REEL7 1,492
    • 1 $10.34
    • 10 $7.99
    • 100 $6.62
    • 1000 $5.02
    • 10000 $4.83
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    Analog Devices Inc AD4129-4BCPZ-RL7

    Analog to Digital Converters - ADC Ultra-Low Power, 4ch Sys 24 Bit S-? ADC
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics AD4129-4BCPZ-RL7 1,482
    • 1 $12.86
    • 10 $9.77
    • 100 $8.25
    • 1000 $6.73
    • 10000 $6.47
    Buy Now

    BC 584 Datasheets (17)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    BC584 Micro Electronics Low Level and General Purpose Amplifiers Scan PDF
    BC584 Micro Electronics Semiconductor Device Data Book Scan PDF
    BC584 Unknown Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide Scan PDF
    BC584 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    BC584 Unknown Shortform Transistor Datasheet Guide Short Form PDF
    BC584 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    BC584 Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    BC584 Unknown Cross Reference Datasheet Scan PDF
    BC584 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    BC584 Unknown Transistor Replacements Scan PDF
    BC584B Unknown Shortform Transistor Datasheet Guide Short Form PDF
    BC584B Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    BC584B Unknown Basic Transistor and Cross Reference Specification Scan PDF
    BC584B Unknown Diode, Transistor, Thyristor Datasheets and more Scan PDF
    BC584C Unknown Shortform Transistor Datasheet Guide Short Form PDF
    BC584C Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF
    BC584C Unknown Diode, Transistor, Thyristor Datasheets and more Scan PDF

    BC 584 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    BC 2222 136 68221

    Abstract: capacitor electrolytic BC RSM 038 RML MARKING CODE "BC Components" 015 047 RMS
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 047 RMS Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Radial Miniature Semi-Professional Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 2000 Jan 18 BC Components Product specification Aluminum electrolytic capacitors

    MAM079 EN130300 EN130300, BC 2222 136 68221 capacitor electrolytic BC RSM 038 RML MARKING CODE "BC Components" 015 047 RMS PDF

    bc 135 50101

    Abstract: MARKING CODE 21L 1060 aluminium data sheet bc 135 50101 datasheet 21L SERIES CAPACITORS BC 116 capacitor 2222 096 90002 2222 135 56221 datasheet BC 2222 053 58102 BC 2222 136 68221
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 135 RLI Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Radial, Low Impedance Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 14 BC Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    MAM069 bc 135 50101 MARKING CODE 21L 1060 aluminium data sheet bc 135 50101 datasheet 21L SERIES CAPACITORS BC 116 capacitor 2222 096 90002 2222 135 56221 datasheet BC 2222 053 58102 BC 2222 136 68221 PDF

    transistor bc 102

    Abstract: PHILIPS BC 116 Series Electrolytic Capacitors philips ELECTROLYTIC capacitors bc bc 813 philips ELECTROLYTIC capacitors 035 Philips electrolytic BC 140 61102 BC 2222 136 68221 philips ELECTROLYTIC capacitors bc components capacitors
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 140 RTM Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Radial High Temperature Miniature Preliminary specification Supersedes data of May 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Feb 17 BC Components Preliminary specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    MAM079 BCD01 transistor bc 102 PHILIPS BC 116 Series Electrolytic Capacitors philips ELECTROLYTIC capacitors bc bc 813 philips ELECTROLYTIC capacitors 035 Philips electrolytic BC 140 61102 BC 2222 136 68221 philips ELECTROLYTIC capacitors bc components capacitors PDF

    BC 116 capacitor

    Abstract: BC 2222 136 68221 transistor Bc 540 BC 55472 bc 540 RML MARKING CODE BC electrolytic capacitors 023 capacitor electrolytic BC bc 136 radial capacitor bc 407 data sheet
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 150 RMI Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Radial Miniature, Low Impedance Preliminary specification Supersedes data of February 1999 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 14 BC Components Preliminary specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    MAM079 BC 116 capacitor BC 2222 136 68221 transistor Bc 540 BC 55472 bc 540 RML MARKING CODE BC electrolytic capacitors 023 capacitor electrolytic BC bc 136 radial capacitor bc 407 data sheet PDF

    BC 2222 053 58102

    Abstract: BC 2222 053 56221 053 56471 053 58681 2222 051 48103 BC 2222 051 57103 1000-053 series bc 052 BC 2222 138 capacitor electrolytic BC
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 051/053 PEC-PW Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Power Economic Printed Wiring Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 2000 Jan 18 BC Components Product specification Aluminum electrolytic capacitors

    CCB065 EN130300 BC 2222 053 58102 BC 2222 053 56221 053 56471 053 58681 2222 051 48103 BC 2222 051 57103 1000-053 series bc 052 BC 2222 138 capacitor electrolytic BC PDF

    capacitor electrolytic BC

    Abstract: TFA046 046 55221 BC electrolytic 046
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 046 RSL Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Radial Standard Long-Life Maintenance type Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 2000 Jan 18 BC Components Maintenance type Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Radial Standard Long-Life

    EN130300 capacitor electrolytic BC TFA046 046 55221 BC electrolytic 046 PDF


    Abstract: bc 136 rli radial capacitor 135 56471 135 RLI 2222 017 90022 BC 2222 136 68221 135RLI
    Text: BC omponents DATA SHEET 135 RLI Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Radial, Low Impedance Product specification Supersedes data of April 1999 File under BC omponents, BC01 2000 Jan 18 BCcomponents Product specification Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Radial, Low Impedance

    MAM069 EN130300 EN130 21L SERIES CAPACITORS bc 136 rli radial capacitor 135 56471 135 RLI 2222 017 90022 BC 2222 136 68221 135RLI PDF

    philips tcxo 4322 191

    Abstract: TDA 17821 philips 341 mkc TDA 7283 PHILIPS TCXO 4322 191 2 capacitor philips 341 mkc tda 3050 Philips 2222 053 90032 capacitors 594 varistor philips UAA 1250
    Text: BC Components Product Guide 1999 Contents Page BC Components 5 World Wide Web 6 Ordering 7 New Products & Highlights 9 Series Index 10 Ceramic Capacitors, Leaded 13 Film Capacitors 34 Electrolytic Capacitors 59 Film Dielectric Trimmer Capacitors 103 Fixed Linear Resistors

    BCB01 philips tcxo 4322 191 TDA 17821 philips 341 mkc TDA 7283 PHILIPS TCXO 4322 191 2 capacitor philips 341 mkc tda 3050 Philips 2222 053 90032 capacitors 594 varistor philips UAA 1250 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA 25742 , Web: Customer Specification PART NO. 58401 Construction Diameters (In) 1) Component 1 1 X 1 PAIR a) Conductor 24 (7/32) AWG BC 0.024 b) Insulation 0.008" Wall, Nom. PVC, Plenum Rated



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA 25742 , Web: Customer Specification PART NO. 58419 Construction Diameters (In) 1) Component 1 9 X 1 PAIR a) Conductor 22 (7/30) AWG BC 0.030 b) Insulation 0.008" Wall, Nom. PVC, Plenum Rated

    mi000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA 25742 , Web: Customer Specification PART NO. 58414 Construction Diameters (In) 1) Component 1 4 X 1 PAIR a) Conductor 22 (7/30) AWG BC 0.030 b) Insulation 0.008" Wall, Nom. PVC, Plenum Rated


    BC 2222 136 68221

    Abstract: bc 136 radial capacitor bc 136 rli radial capacitor BC capacitor 136 136 RVI BC 136 2222 135 56221 datasheet 30122 BC 116 capacitor transistor Bc 540
    Text: BC Components Product specification Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Radial, Very Low Impedance 136 RVI FEATURES • Polarized aluminum electrolytic capacitors, non-solid electrolyte handbook, 4 columns • Radial leads, cylindrical aluminum case with pressure relief, insulated

    MAM079 columns165 EN130300 BC 2222 136 68221 bc 136 radial capacitor bc 136 rli radial capacitor BC capacitor 136 136 RVI BC 136 2222 135 56221 datasheet 30122 BC 116 capacitor transistor Bc 540 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA 25742 , Web: Customer Specification PART NO. 58415 Construction Diameters (In) 1) Component 1 5 X 1 PAIR a) Conductor 22 (7/30) AWG BC 0.030 b) Insulation 0.008" Wall, Nom. PVC, Plenum Rated



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA 25742 , Web: Customer Specification PART NO. 58431 Construction Diameters (In) 1) Component 1 2 X 1 COND a) Conductor 18 (7/.0152) AWG BC 0.046 b) Insulation 0.009" Wall, Nom. PVC, Plenum Rated



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA 25742 , Web: Customer Specification PART NO. 58412 Construction Diameters (In) 1) Component 1 2 X 1 PAIR a) Conductor 22 (7/30) AWG BC 0.030 b) Insulation 0.008" Wall, Nom. PVC, Plenum Rated



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA 25742 , Web: Customer Specification PART NO. 58416 Construction Diameters (In) 1) Component 1 6 X 1 PAIR a) Conductor 22 (7/30) AWG BC 0.030 b) Insulation 0.008" Wall, Nom. PVC, Plenum Rated



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA 25742 , Web: Customer Specification PART NO. 58411 Construction Diameters (In) 1) Component 1 1 X 1 PAIR a) Conductor 22 (7/30) AWG BC 0.030 b) Insulation 0.008" Wall, Nom. PVC, Plenum Rated



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA 25742 , Web: Customer Specification PART NO. 58421 Construction Diameters (In) 1) Component 1 2 X 1 COND a) Conductor 20 (7/.0121) AWG BC 0.036 b) Insulation 0.008" Wall, Nom. PVC, Plenum Rated



    Abstract: Philips KP464 philips KP AXIAL EPOXY LACQUERED TYPES KP462 philips 84701 2222 460 82703 593-BC 2222 2222 107 595 bc
    Text: BC Components Product specification Polypropylene film foil capacitors KP 460 to 464 KP AXIAL EPOXY LACQUERED TYPE handbook, full pagewidth CBA369 Fig.1 Simplified outlines. FEATURES • Supplied loose in box, taped on reel or unidirectional. APPLICATIONS

    CBA369 HQN-384-13/101" KP464 Philips KP464 philips KP AXIAL EPOXY LACQUERED TYPES KP462 philips 84701 2222 460 82703 593-BC 2222 2222 107 595 bc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207 Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA 25742 , Web: Customer Specification PART NO. 58420/19 Construction Diameters (In) 1) Component 1 19 X 1 PAIR a) Conductor 22 (7/30) AWG BC 0.030 b) Insulation 0.008" Wall, Nom. PVC, Plenum Rated

    RED000 PDF

    transistor BC 584

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3mW Single-Mode 975nm VCSEL Chip Part # PSM-BC-003-W0975 • Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser technology • >3mW single-fundamental-mode power at 980nm • Bottom-side emission • Custom wavelengths available 808-1064nm Optical & Electrical Characteristics

    975nm PSM-BC-003-W0975 980nm 808-1064nm) transistor BC 584 PDF

    808nm VCSEL Laser

    Abstract: PSM-BC-003-W0808 808nm laser
    Text: 3mW Single-Mode 808nm VCSEL Diode Part # PSM-BC-003-W0808 • Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser technology • >3mW single-fundamental-mode power at 808nm • Custom wavelengths available 808-1064nm • Custom packaging available (submount, C-mount, TO can)

    808nm PSM-BC-003-W0808 808nm 808-1064nm) 808nm VCSEL Laser PSM-BC-003-W0808 808nm laser PDF

    BC 2222 136 68221

    Abstract: capacitor electrolytic BC 116 BC components 135
    Text: BC COMPONENTS 135 RLI Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Radial, Low Impedance Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 14 COMPONENTS BC Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    OCR Scan

    capacitor electrolytic BC

    Abstract: BC 2222 136 68221 15-05-410
    Text: BC COMPONENTS 150 RMI Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Radial Miniature, Low Impedance Preliminary specification Supersedes data of February 1999 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 14 COMPONENTS BC Components Preliminary specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    OCR Scan