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    BC 2222 Search Results

    BC 2222 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2222SQ-111JEC Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 0.11uH, 5%, Air-Core, 2522, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    2222SQ-301GEB Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 0.3uH, 2%, 1 Element, Air-Core, SMD, 4723, HALOGEN FREE, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    2222SQ-221JEB Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 0.22uH, 5%, Air-Core, 3922, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    2222SQ-271JEC Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 0.27uH, 5%, Air-Core, 4622, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    2222SQ-111GEB Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 0.11uH, 2%, Air-Core, 2522, Visit Coilcraft Inc
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    BC 2222 Price and Stock

    KEMET Corporation SBC2-222-121

    FIXED IND 2.2MH 120MA 8 OHM TH
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey SBC2-222-121 Bulk 2 1
    • 1 $1.53
    • 10 $1.255
    • 100 $1.53
    • 1000 $0.84885
    • 10000 $0.75
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    Mouser Electronics SBC2-222-121 185
    • 1 $1.82
    • 10 $1.53
    • 100 $1.06
    • 1000 $0.908
    • 10000 $0.87
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    Newark SBC2-222-121 Bulk 160 1
    • 1 $1.89
    • 10 $1.59
    • 100 $1.1
    • 1000 $0.944
    • 10000 $0.913
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    TME SBC2-222-121 200
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $1.05
    • 10000 $1.05
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    Avnet Abacus SBC2-222-121 31 Weeks 4,000
    • 1 -
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    Greenconn Corp CSBC222-2202A001C1AF

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    DigiKey CSBC222-2202A001C1AF Reel 1,200
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.57628
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    Greenconn Corp CSBC222-2602A001C1AF

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    DigiKey CSBC222-2602A001C1AF Reel 1,200
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    • 10000 $0.63168
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    Greenconn Corp CSBC222-2802A001C1AF

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    DigiKey CSBC222-2802A001C1AF Reel 1,200
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.65136
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    Greenconn Corp CSBC222-2402A001C1AF

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    DigiKey CSBC222-2402A001C1AF Reel 1,200
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.59615
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    BC 2222 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    BC 2222 136 68221

    Abstract: capacitor electrolytic BC RSM 038 RML MARKING CODE "BC Components" 015 047 RMS
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 047 RMS Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Radial Miniature Semi-Professional Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 2000 Jan 18 BC Components Product specification Aluminum electrolytic capacitors

    MAM079 EN130300 EN130300, BC 2222 136 68221 capacitor electrolytic BC RSM 038 RML MARKING CODE "BC Components" 015 047 RMS PDF

    bc 135 50101

    Abstract: MARKING CODE 21L 1060 aluminium data sheet bc 135 50101 datasheet 21L SERIES CAPACITORS BC 116 capacitor 2222 096 90002 2222 135 56221 datasheet BC 2222 053 58102 BC 2222 136 68221
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 135 RLI Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Radial, Low Impedance Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 14 BC Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    MAM069 bc 135 50101 MARKING CODE 21L 1060 aluminium data sheet bc 135 50101 datasheet 21L SERIES CAPACITORS BC 116 capacitor 2222 096 90002 2222 135 56221 datasheet BC 2222 053 58102 BC 2222 136 68221 PDF

    transistor bc 102

    Abstract: PHILIPS BC 116 Series Electrolytic Capacitors philips ELECTROLYTIC capacitors bc bc 813 philips ELECTROLYTIC capacitors 035 Philips electrolytic BC 140 61102 BC 2222 136 68221 philips ELECTROLYTIC capacitors bc components capacitors
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 140 RTM Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Radial High Temperature Miniature Preliminary specification Supersedes data of May 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Feb 17 BC Components Preliminary specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    MAM079 BCD01 transistor bc 102 PHILIPS BC 116 Series Electrolytic Capacitors philips ELECTROLYTIC capacitors bc bc 813 philips ELECTROLYTIC capacitors 035 Philips electrolytic BC 140 61102 BC 2222 136 68221 philips ELECTROLYTIC capacitors bc components capacitors PDF

    BC 116 capacitor

    Abstract: BC 2222 136 68221 transistor Bc 540 BC 55472 bc 540 RML MARKING CODE BC electrolytic capacitors 023 capacitor electrolytic BC bc 136 radial capacitor bc 407 data sheet
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 150 RMI Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Radial Miniature, Low Impedance Preliminary specification Supersedes data of February 1999 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 14 BC Components Preliminary specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    MAM079 BC 116 capacitor BC 2222 136 68221 transistor Bc 540 BC 55472 bc 540 RML MARKING CODE BC electrolytic capacitors 023 capacitor electrolytic BC bc 136 radial capacitor bc 407 data sheet PDF

    bc 2222 118 28221

    Abstract: PA01 capacitor BC 138 axial
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 118 AHT Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Axial High Temperature Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 26 BC Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    MBB121 bc 2222 118 28221 PA01 capacitor BC 138 axial PDF

    ASM 117

    Abstract: 030 36109 circuit of smps 030 37159 capacitor electrolytic BC bc components 2222 338
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 030/031 AS Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Axial Standard Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 2000 Jan 18 BC Components Product specification Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Axial Standard

    MBB121 EN130300 ASM 117 030 36109 circuit of smps 030 37159 capacitor electrolytic BC bc components 2222 338 PDF

    BC 037 capacitor

    Abstract: capacitor electrolytic BC BC electrolytic capacitors 023 54332 marking bc 136 radial capacitor aluminum marking code capacitors military
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 165 RHT Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Radial High Temperature Maintenance type Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 2000 Jan 18 BC Components Maintenance type Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Radial High Temperature

    EN130300 BC 037 capacitor capacitor electrolytic BC BC electrolytic capacitors 023 54332 marking bc 136 radial capacitor aluminum marking code capacitors military PDF

    Solid Aluminium SAL

    Abstract: 128 55229 capacitor BC 138 axial 128 sal-rpm 2222 128 55159 74159 data sheet 74688 P125 PA01 122 SAL-RP
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 128 SAL-RPM Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Solid Al, Radial Pearl Miniature Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 26 BC Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    hours/125 MAM076 Solid Aluminium SAL 128 55229 capacitor BC 138 axial 128 sal-rpm 2222 128 55159 74159 data sheet 74688 P125 PA01 122 SAL-RP PDF

    2252 BC capacitor

    Abstract: BC 245 C A100J15C0GF5UAA A100J15C0GH5UAA A102J15C0GF5UAA A120J15C0GF5UAA A150J15C0GF5UAA A180J15C0GF5UAA A220J15C0GF5UAA a332j
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET Mono-axialTM series Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors Product specification Supersedes data of November 1997 File under BC Components, BC06 1999 Apr 15 BC Components Product specification Mono-axialTM series Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors


    capacitor electrolytic BC

    Abstract: "BC Components" 015 capacitor BC 138 axial 042 ASH
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 041-043 ASH Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Axial Standard, High Voltage Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 2000 Jan 18 BC Components Product specification Aluminum electrolytic capacitors

    EN130300 capacitor electrolytic BC "BC Components" 015 capacitor BC 138 axial 042 ASH PDF

    122 SAL-RP

    Abstract: sal-rp 35109 P125 PA01 BC 037 capacitor 2222 195 24688 capacitor electrolytic BC
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 122 SAL-RP Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Solid Al, Radial Pearl Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 26 BC Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    MBC517 122 SAL-RP sal-rp 35109 P125 PA01 BC 037 capacitor 2222 195 24688 capacitor electrolytic BC PDF

    MMKP 383 capacitor

    Abstract: 40362 20624 BC05 BC 560 philips Philips 50153 mMKp Philips Capacitors 1043100v 40363
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET MMKP 383 AC and pulse double sided metallized polypropylene film capacitor Product specification File under BC Components, BC05 1999 Apr 29 BC Components Product specification AC and pulse double sided metallized polypropylene film capacitor

    CBA751 HQN-384-17/106" MMKP 383 capacitor 40362 20624 BC05 BC 560 philips Philips 50153 mMKp Philips Capacitors 1043100v 40363 PDF

    capacitor BC 138 axial

    Abstract: bc 20229 87478 Solid Aluminium SAL cecc 16101 014 24 01 02 80688 BC 109 Transistor Capacitor aluminium military data sheet Passive BC Components transistor Bc 640
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 123 SAL-A Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Solid Al, Axial Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 26 BC Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Solid Al, Axial

    MBB121 capacitor BC 138 axial bc 20229 87478 Solid Aluminium SAL cecc 16101 014 24 01 02 80688 BC 109 Transistor Capacitor aluminium military data sheet Passive BC Components transistor Bc 640 PDF

    BC 116 capacitor

    Abstract: 043 AMH-ELB capacitor electrolytic BC capacitor electrolytic BC 116 042/043 AMH-ELB PA01 24 v electronic ballast application note "BC Components" axial BC 2222 116 BC electrolytic
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 042/043 AMH-ELB Aluminium electrolytic capacitors, Axial Miniature, High Voltage for Electronic Lighting Ballast Preliminary specification File under BC Components, BC01 1999 May 03 BC Components Preliminary specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors, Axial Miniature,

    MBB121 BC 116 capacitor 043 AMH-ELB capacitor electrolytic BC capacitor electrolytic BC 116 042/043 AMH-ELB PA01 24 v electronic ballast application note "BC Components" axial BC 2222 116 BC electrolytic PDF

    BC 2222 053 58102

    Abstract: BC 2222 053 56221 053 56471 053 58681 2222 051 48103 BC 2222 051 57103 1000-053 series bc 052 BC 2222 138 capacitor electrolytic BC
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 051/053 PEC-PW Aluminum electrolytic capacitors Power Economic Printed Wiring Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 2000 Jan 18 BC Components Product specification Aluminum electrolytic capacitors

    CCB065 EN130300 BC 2222 053 58102 BC 2222 053 56221 053 56471 053 58681 2222 051 48103 BC 2222 051 57103 1000-053 series bc 052 BC 2222 138 capacitor electrolytic BC PDF

    2222 119 28221

    Abstract: BC 037 capacitor 2222 119 48102 capacitor electrolytic BC BC capacitor 136 capacitor BC 021 axial PA01 45472 "BC Components" 015 2222 119 27479
    Text: BC COMPONENTS DATA SHEET 119 AHT-DIN Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Axial High Temperature, DIN-based Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 26 BC Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    MBB121 2222 119 28221 BC 037 capacitor 2222 119 48102 capacitor electrolytic BC BC capacitor 136 capacitor BC 021 axial PA01 45472 "BC Components" 015 2222 119 27479 PDF

    SDT 9202

    Abstract: bdx 338 BU 450 bdx
    Text: ALPHANUMERIC BC 107. .73 BC 108. .73 BC 109. .73 BC 170. .74 BC 171. .74 BC 172. .74 BC 173. .74 BC 174. .74 BC 177. .73 BC 178. .73 BC 179. .73 BC 190. .73 BC 237. .74 BC 238. .74 BC 239. .74 BC 250. .74

    OCR Scan

    BC 2222 136 68221

    Abstract: capacitor electrolytic BC 116 BC components 135
    Text: BC COMPONENTS 135 RLI Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Radial, Low Impedance Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 14 COMPONENTS BC Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    OCR Scan

    capacitor electrolytic BC

    Abstract: "BC Components" 015
    Text: BC COMPONENTS 118 AHT Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Axial High Temperature Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 26 COMPONENTS BC Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    OCR Scan

    capacitor electrolytic BC

    Abstract: BC 2222 136 68221 15-05-410
    Text: BC COMPONENTS 150 RMI Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Radial Miniature, Low Impedance Preliminary specification Supersedes data of February 1999 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 14 COMPONENTS BC Components Preliminary specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    OCR Scan

    BC 037 capacitor

    Abstract: capacitor electrolytic BC capacitor BC 138 axial bc components CN 2222 195 24688 LR series Capacitors Electrolytic capacitors: data handbook PA01
    Text: BC COMPONENTS 122 SAL-RP Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Solid AI, Radial Pearl Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 26 COMPONENTS BC Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    OCR Scan

    BC NPO

    Abstract: 2252 BC capacitor BC Z5U 222
    Text: BC COMPONENTS ern syiiT Mono-axial series Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors Product specification Supersedes data of November 1997 File under BC Components, BC06 1999 Apr 15 COMPONENTS BC Components Product specification Leaded ceramic multilayer capacitors

    OCR Scan

    capacitor electrolytic BC

    Abstract: 2222 119 28221
    Text: BC COMPONENTS 119 AHT-DIN Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Axial High Temperature, DIN-based Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BC Components, BC01 1999 Apr 26 COMPONENTS BC Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    OCR Scan

    capacitor electrolytic BC

    Abstract: capacitor BC 138 axial
    Text: BC COMPONENTS 128 SAL-RPM Aluminium electrolytic capacitors Solid AI, Radial Pearl Miniature Product specification S upersedes data of January 1998 File under BC C om ponents, BC01 1999 A p r 26 COMPONENTS BC Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

    OCR Scan
    hours/125 capacitor electrolytic BC capacitor BC 138 axial PDF