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    Texas Instruments SN75LBC170DBR

    SCSI Interface IC Triple Differential Transceivers A 595-SN75LBC170DB
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    Mouser Electronics SN75LBC170DBR 1,004
    • 1 $14.89
    • 10 $11.32
    • 100 $9.56
    • 1000 $7.8
    • 10000 $6.97
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    Texas Instruments SN65LBC170DB

    SCSI Interface IC Triple Differential Transceivers A 595-SN65LBC170DBR
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    Mouser Electronics SN65LBC170DB 449
    • 1 $14.77
    • 10 $11.68
    • 100 $9.82
    • 1000 $9.36
    • 10000 $9.36
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    Texas Instruments SN65LBC170DW

    SCSI Interface IC Triple Differential Transceivers
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    Mouser Electronics SN65LBC170DW 1
    • 1 $18.2
    • 10 $15.5
    • 100 $11.66
    • 1000 $10.58
    • 10000 $10.58
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    Texas Instruments SN75LBC170DB

    SCSI Interface IC Triple Diff A 595-SN75LBC170DBR
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    Mouser Electronics SN75LBC170DB
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $8.49
    • 10000 $8.49
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    PanJit Semiconductor BC847BPNTB6_R1_00701

    Bipolar Transistors - BJT Dual Surface Mount NPN/PNP Transistors
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    Mouser Electronics BC847BPNTB6_R1_00701
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    • 10000 $0.125
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    BC 170 N Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ic 817 Q62702-C1740 C1505 Q 817 c1740 npn 6CS marking code sot 23 B 817 C1738 Q62702-C1505
    Text: NPN Silicon AF Transistors ● ● ● ● ● BC 817 BC 818 For general AF applications High collector current High current gain Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Complementary types: BC 807, BC 808 PNP Type Marking Ordering Code Pin Configuration

    Q62702-C1732 Q62702-C1690 Q62702-C1738 Q62702-C1739 Q62702-C1740 Q62702-C1505 OT-23 C1740 ic 817 Q62702-C1740 C1505 Q 817 c1740 npn 6CS marking code sot 23 B 817 C1738 Q62702-C1505 PDF

    c 337 25

    Abstract: 337 marking code bc337 c 33740 337-40 338 marking code bc 337 equivalent bc 170 c npn bc 337 NPN 337
    Text: NPN Silicon AF Transistors BC 337 BC 338 High current gain ● High collector current ● Low collector-emitter saturation voltage ● Complementary types: BC 327, BC 328 PNP ● 2 1 Type Marking Ordering Code BC 337 BC 337-16 BC 337-25 BC 337-40 BC 338

    Q62702-C313 Q62702-C313-V3 Q62702-C313-V1 Q62702-C313-V2 Q62702-C314 Q62702-C314-V1 Q62702-C314-V2 Q62702-C314-V3 c 337 25 337 marking code bc337 c 33740 337-40 338 marking code bc 337 equivalent bc 170 c npn bc 337 NPN 337 PDF


    Abstract: 818-25W
    Text: BC 817W, BC 818W NPN Silicon AF Transistors 3 • For general AF applications • High collector current • High current gain • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage 2 • Complementary types: BC 807W, BC 808W PNP 1 Pin Configuration VSO05561 Type

    VSO05561 17-16W OT-323 17-25W 17-40W 18-16W 18-25W VSO05561 818-25W PDF

    RG Coaxial and Triaxial

    Abstract: MIL-C-17F RG-59 1360SB 7809a 9116S 7808a Belden Cable RF400 Coax Belden 1672A rf-300c MIL-C-17F
    Text: C O A X I A L C A B L E S 6.3 RG Coaxial and Triaxial Reference Guide DS-3 and DS-4 Interconnect and Cross-Connect Cables and Low Loss 50 Ohm Wireless RF Transmission Cables Cable Designation Part No. Page No. Spec. Reference Conductor Insulation Shield Type

    DCR/1000 734A1 1-800-BELDEN-1. RG Coaxial and Triaxial MIL-C-17F RG-59 1360SB 7809a 9116S 7808a Belden Cable RF400 Coax Belden 1672A rf-300c MIL-C-17F PDF


    Abstract: Q62702-C1735 d2495 ic 807 Q62702-C1689 Q62702-C1504 Q62702-C1692 Q62702-C1721 Q62702-C1736 marking 5Cs
    Text: PNP Silicon AF Transistors ● ● ● ● ● BC 807 BC 808 For general AF applications High collector current High current gain Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Complementary types: BC 817, BC 818 NPN Type Marking Ordering Code Pin Configuration

    Q62702-C1735 Q62702-C1689 Q62702-C1721 Q62702-C1736 Q62702-C1504 Q62702-C1692 OT-23 C1735 Q62702-C1735 d2495 ic 807 Q62702-C1689 Q62702-C1504 Q62702-C1692 Q62702-C1721 Q62702-C1736 marking 5Cs PDF

    ic 817

    Abstract: BC807 BC808 BC817 BC817-16 BC817-25 BC817-40 BC818 BC818-16 BC818-25
    Text: BC817, BC818 NPN Silicon AF Transistors 3  For general AF applications  High collector current  High current gain  Low collector-emitter saturation voltage 2  Complementary types: BC807, BC808 PNP 1 Type Marking Pin Configuration BC817-16 6As 1=B 2=E

    BC817, BC818 BC807, BC808 BC817-16 BC817-25 BC817-40 BC818-16 BC818-25 BC818-40 ic 817 BC807 BC808 BC817 BC817-16 BC817-25 BC817-40 BC818 BC818-16 BC818-25 PDF

    transistors BC 327

    Abstract: BC328 327-40 C311 IC 32725 npn bc 337 BC327 BC 32740 C312 BC327-40
    Text: PNP Silicon AF Transistors BC 327 BC 328 High current gain ● High collector current ● Low collector-emitter saturation voltage ● Complementary types: BC 337, BC 338 NPN ● 2 3 Type Marking Ordering Code BC 327 BC 327-16 BC 327-25 BC 327-40 BC 328

    Q62702-C311 Q62702-C311-V3 Q62702-C311-V4 Q62702-C311-V2 Q62702-C312 Q62702-C312-V3 Q62702-C312-V4 Q62702-C312-V2 transistors BC 327 BC328 327-40 C311 IC 32725 npn bc 337 BC327 BC 32740 C312 BC327-40 PDF


    Abstract: BC818W
    Text: BC 817W / BC 818W General Purpose Transistors Surface mount Si-Epitaxial PlanarTransistors Si-Epitaxial PlanarTransistoren für die Oberflächenmontage NPN 2±0.1 1±0.1 Type Code 1 1.25±0.1 3 2.1±0.1 0.3 NPN Power dissipation – Verlustleistung 225 mW

    OT-323 UL94V-0 17-16W 17-25W 17-40W 18-25W 18-40W 18-16W BC817W BC818W PDF

    5Cs transistor

    Abstract: Q62702-C2328 C2328 transistor C2330 transistor 5cs transistor 5bs Q62702-C2330 c2330 1B marking transistor TRANSISTOR C2328
    Text: BC 807-16W PNP Silicon AF Transistor • For general AF applications • High collector current • High current gain • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage • Complementary types: BC817W, BC818W NPN Type Marking Ordering Code Pin Configuration Package

    07-16W BC817W, BC818W Q62702-C2325 OT-323 07-25W Q62702-C2326 07-40W 5Cs transistor Q62702-C2328 C2328 transistor C2330 transistor 5cs transistor 5bs Q62702-C2330 c2330 1B marking transistor TRANSISTOR C2328 PDF

    5Bs sot-23

    Abstract: marking 5bs 3CMA
    Text: BC 807, BC 808 PNP Silicon AF Transistors 3 • For general AF applications • High collector current • High current gain • Low collector-emitter saturation voltage 2 • Comlementary types: BC 817, BC 818 NPN 1 Type Marking Pin Configuration BC 807-16

    OT-23 VPS05161 Sep-27-1999 EHP00214 EHP00215 5Bs sot-23 marking 5bs 3CMA PDF


    Abstract: 807W
    Text: BC 807W, BC 808W PNP Silicon AF Transistors 3  For general AF applications  High collector current  High current gain  Low collector-emitter saturation voltage 2  Complementary types: BC 817W, BC 818W NPN 1 Pin Configuration VSO05561 Type Marking Package

    VSO05561 07-16W OT-323 07-25W 07-40W 08-16W 08-25W VSO05561 807W PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BC 158 TRANSISTOR BC 157 transistor BC-148 bc 106 transistor transistor BC 209 FOR TRANSISTOR BC 149 B BC 114 transistor transistor bc 209 b TRANSISTOR BC 187
    Text: BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC 183L 184 184L 186 187 179 181 182 182L 183 172 173 174 177 178 167 168 169 170 171 135 154 157 158 159 114 132 147 148 149 107 108 109 110 113 •c m Z Z Z “0 -0 "0 "0 2

    OCR Scan
    lbDT17flfl DDDDh43 O-106 O-92F to-02 melf-002. melf-006 to-237 TRANSISTOR BC 208 TRANSISTOR BC 158 TRANSISTOR BC 157 transistor BC-148 bc 106 transistor transistor BC 209 FOR TRANSISTOR BC 149 B BC 114 transistor transistor bc 209 b TRANSISTOR BC 187 PDF


    Abstract: BCR16AM BCR16BM-4 BCR16GM BCR16GM-12 BCR16AM-4 BCR16AM-6 BCR16FM BCR16AM-8 BCR16FM-6
    Text: - 183 6 A M .B C R I6 BM B C R I o m K & m w m o W i i , '^ > 7 • r s m t (lja ) (B C R MT (BC R 16 B M ) B C R 16 A M -6 6 A M -4 16 B M -4 B C R 16 B M -6 300 400 200 300 16 ( 7 V = 99 *C,i 8 S r c J § f c f t ) 170 ( 6 0 H z , I E & £ i £ l 121 ( 6 0 H z , ¥ i S l - » M ? > u )

    OCR Scan

    bc 170

    Abstract: BC108C 173C BC174 bc 170 c transistor Bc 540 BC108A BFY19 BC 109 Transistor specification of transistor bc 107
    Text: NPN Silicon Transistors NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistors l c = 100mA for general amplifying and switching purposes Common maximum ratings - lc -V e B O 100 mA5 5 V5 Common characteristics (Tamb — 25 C) 300 mW (TO -92)3 300 mW (TO -18)4 Ti P lo t

    OCR Scan
    100mA) BC108B BC108C. bc 170 BC108C 173C BC174 bc 170 c transistor Bc 540 BC108A BFY19 BC 109 Transistor specification of transistor bc 107 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D o c u m e n t 1 05-1 Chip Inductors-1812CS Series 4532 Coilcraft 1812CS ceramic chip inductors are ideal for applications requiring mid-range inductanceand close tolerances (± 5%). Also, the SRFs of the parts in this series are up to 3 times higher than those of

    OCR Scan
    Inductors-1812CS 1812CS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Chip Inductois-0603CS Series 1608 The world’s smallest wirewound inductor! These coils offer far greater Q factors and higher self-resonant frequencies than non-wirewound inductors. Coilcraft Designer’s Kit C124 contains samples Inductance2 (nH) Part N um ber

    OCR Scan
    Inductois-0603CS 0603CS-1 0603C 0603CS-4N3X 0603CS-4N7X 0603CS-5N1X 0603CS-6N8X 0603CS-7N5X PDF

    2N4036 g1

    Abstract: BCY56 2N1893 2N2102 2N2405 2N4036 BFX85 BSY55 ZT86 ZT88
    Text: NPN LOW LEVEL TABLE 1 - NPN SILICO N PLANAR LOW LEVEL T R A N SIST O R S The devices show n in this table are low level transistors designed for small and medium signal, low and medium pow er amplification from D C to radio frequencies in Commercial, Industrial and Military

    OCR Scan
    BC548B BC548C BC549B BC549C BC108A BC108B BC108C BC109B BC109C ZTX300 2N4036 g1 BCY56 2N1893 2N2102 2N2405 2N4036 BFX85 BSY55 ZT86 ZT88 PDF


    Abstract: cbc328 BC328 BC 327 bc 327 complementary pair c 337 25 BC3280 pF83
    Text: BC 327 • BC 328 Silii’ium-PNP-Epitaxial-Planar-NF-Transistoren Silicon PNP Epitaxial Planar AF Transistors Anwendungen: Treiber und Endstufen A p p lic a tio n s : Driver and p o w e r stages Besondere Merkmale: Features: • Verlustleistung 625 mW • Power dissipation 625 m W

    OCR Scan

    c 337 25

    Abstract: NPN 337 bc 170 c BC 337 bc 170 BC338 bc337 bc 338 npn bc 337 AF200
    Text: BC 337 * BC 338 Silizium-NPN-Epitaxial-Planar-NF-Transistoren Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar AF Transistors Anwendungen: T reiber und Endstufen Applications: D river and p o w e r stages Features: Besondere Merkmale: • Verlustleistung 625 mW • In G ruppen so rtie rt

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D o c u m e n t 1 03-1 Chip Inductors - 1008LS Series 2520 These ferrite core surface mount inductors have lower RDCand higher current ratings than our 1008CS Series. They’re available with inductance values from 1.2 to 10 p.H. Part Number1 1008LS-122X BC

    OCR Scan
    1008LS 1008CS 1008LS-122X 1008LS-152X 1008LS-182X 1008LS-222X 1008LS-272X 1008LS-332X 1008LS-392X 1008LS-472X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D o c u m e n t 1 03-1 Chip Inductors - 1008LS Soies 2520 These ferrite core surface mount inductors have lower RDCand higher current ratings than our 1008CS Series. Part Number1 1008LS-122X BC 1008LS-152X BC 1008LS-182X BC 1008LS-222X BC 1008LS-272X BC

    OCR Scan
    1008LS 1008CS 1008LS-122X 1008LS-152X 1008LS-182X 1008LS-222X 1008LS-272X 1008LS-332X 1008LS-392X 1008LS-472X PDF

    2sd 5023

    Abstract: transistor BC 945 2SC 9012 bc 9013 transistor bc 855 9416A Transistor BC345 BFY41 bcx 388 BC 945
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS INC OTE D | fil3t.t,5Q □D0Q2C12 7 | T TYPE NO. POLARITY Medium Power Transistors MAXIMUM RATINGS CASE Pd mW HFE •c (A) VCEO IV) min 40 35 40 40 40 VCE(SAT) max ■c (A) (VÏ COMPLE­ MENTARY TYPE *T min (MHz) Cob max (pF) 0.15 1 0.3 1

    OCR Scan
    -26UNF-2A O-48D 2sd 5023 transistor BC 945 2SC 9012 bc 9013 transistor bc 855 9416A Transistor BC345 BFY41 bcx 388 BC 945 PDF

    TRANSISTOR BC 416 b pnp

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BC 415 TRANSISTOR BC 416 b TRANSISTOR BC 415 b pnp BC 104 transistor bc416 TFK 802 tfk 416 TFK 110 TRANSISTOR BC 560
    Text: BC 415 • BC 416 Silizium-PNP-Epitaxial-Planar NF-Transistoren Silicon PN P Epitaxial Planar A F Transistors Anwendungen: Rauscharme Vorstufen Applications: Low noise pre stages Features: Besondere Merkmale: • Rauschmaß < 2 dB • Noise figure < 2 dB • In Gruppen sortiert

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Document 175-1 Chip Inductors-0603HS Series 1608 T his series will be discontinued after M ay 31, 1998. Please use our 0603C S Series w hich is electrically equivalent and has the sam e footprint. SRF Inductance2 (nH) Part Number Percent Tolerance3 Min4

    OCR Scan
    Inductors-0603HS 0603C 0603HS-1N8T, 0603HS-3N9T" 0603HS-6N8T" 0603HS 0603HS33N PDF