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    Abstract: psd3xx PSD-302 8051 microcontroller philips PSD301 D071 PSD302 T12A T23A 2l3536
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND bb53TE4 □D71Ô41 E'lb • ISIC 3 blE ]> P re lim in a ry sp ecification P h ilip s S em ic o n d u c to rs M icro co n tro ller P eriph erals PSD302 Field-programmable microcontroller peripheral Key Features □ □ Single Chip Programmable Peripheral

    OCR Scan
    bb53TE4 DQ71641 PSD302 Chip-Set2-12B 52-pin PSD302-15 44-pin PSD302-15I K162L psd3xx PSD-302 8051 microcontroller philips PSD301 D071 PSD302 T12A T23A 2l3536 PDF


    Abstract: BSP92 PH* SOT223 transistor
    Text: bb53TE4 □□70010 TS3 Philips Sem iconductors P-channel enhancement mode vertical D-MOS transistor IS IC 3 Product specification BSP92 _NAPC/PHILIPS semiconp b3E D FOR DETAILED INFORMATION SEE THE LATEST ISSUE OF HANDBOOK SC07 O R DATA SHEET FEATURES Q UICK REFERENCE DATA

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    bb53TE4 OT223 telephonT223) interruptor BSP92 PH* SOT223 transistor PDF


    Abstract: 74LVC245 74LVC373 74LVC543 74LVC543D 74LVC543DB g11c5
    Text: NA P C /P H I L IP S SEMICOND t>3E D bb53TE4 QOBBTSfl 125 m S l Q 3 • Philips Semiconductors Objective Specification Octal registered transceiver; 3-state FEATURES • • • • • SYMBOL V h iA p l h PARAMETER propagation delay An to Bn CONDITIONS CL = 50 pF

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    bb53124 74LVC543 74LVC245 74LVC373 74LVC543 A7CA 74LVC543D 74LVC543DB g11c5 PDF

    diode marking w2

    Abstract: diode 702 702 sot 702 sot-23 BAT17 SOT23 A3p marking code w2 sot23 marking 702 marking 702 sot23 noise diode
    Text: b3E D • bb53TE4 0Q7M5.5b 7 0 2 W Ê Ê S I C 3 _N A P C / P H I L I P S BAT17 SEIHCON] FOR DETAILED INFORMATION SEE THE LATEST ISSUE OF HANDBOOK SC01 OR DATASHEET SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODE Silicon epitaxial diode in a microminiature plastic envelope. Intended fo r u.h.f. m ixer and fast switching

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    bb53TE4 BAT17 OT-23. diode marking w2 diode 702 702 sot 702 sot-23 BAT17 SOT23 A3p marking code w2 sot23 marking 702 marking 702 sot23 noise diode PDF


    Abstract: bit 3715 tms4c1070 free diagram tek 475 SAA4950 P6201 TDA8755 TDA8755T OF565
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND b3E D • bb53TE4 DD7flbbR hS3 » S I C S Philips S em iconductors Video Products_ Prelim inary specification YUV 8-bit video low-power analog-to-digital interface TDA8755 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • 8-bit resolution

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    bb53t2m TDA8755 007flbà TDA8755 TMS4C1070 SAA7165 SAA4950 VC02A VC02B SAA4940 bit 3715 free diagram tek 475 SAA4950 P6201 TDA8755T OF565 PDF


    Abstract: 74HL33952DB
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND b3E D • bb53TE4 D0Ö4DSÖ bll « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Product Specification Octal registered transceiver; 3-state QUICK REFERENCE DATA GND = 0 V; T ^ = 25 °C; t, = t, = 2.0 ns FEATURES • • • • • • • 74HL33952

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    74HL33952 74HL33952 74HL33952D 74HL33952DB PDF


    Abstract: 74ABT16374DL
    Text: N APC /PH ILIPS SEMICOND bSE D • bbS3TE4 DDflbbMB 4b0 Philips S em iconductors A dvanced BiCMOS P roducts M S IC B Prelim inary specification saæ soBœ Dual octal D-type flip-flop; positive-edge trigger 3-State 74ABT16374 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Two 8-bit positive edge triggered registers

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    bb5312M 74ABT16374 64mA/-32mA 600mA 74ABT16374 500ns 74ABT16374DL PDF


    Abstract: VGA generator circuit P83C055BBP television internal parts block diagram C040C C00B 80C51 83C055 87C055 87C751
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND b^E P • DGTEDTS TT3 « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Microcontroller Products Product specification Microcontroller for television and video MTV DESCRIPTION • 60 x 18 x 14 character generator ROM The Microcontroller for Television and Video

    OCR Scan
    83C055/87C055 80C51 83C055) 87TAL1 P87C055BBPNB VGA generator circuit P83C055BBP television internal parts block diagram C040C C00B 83C055 87C055 87C751 PDF


    Abstract: TDA8361 TDA8362 TDA8362 E TDA8362 B ic tda8361 JIS F05 connector Block Diagram of PAL TV receiver TDA8361/N4+equivalent TDA8362 a
    Text: bb53124 00^3721 =107 « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification Integrated PAL and PAL/NTSC TV processors TDA8360; TDA8361 ; TDA8362 FEATURES Additional features GENERAL DESCRIPTION Available in TDA8360, TDA8361 and TDA8362 TDA8360 The TDA8360, TDA8361 and

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    TDA8360; TDA8361 TDA8362 TDA8360, PROTECTION PIN NUMBER OF TDA8361 TDA8361 TDA8362 TDA8362 E TDA8362 B ic tda8361 JIS F05 connector Block Diagram of PAL TV receiver TDA8361/N4+equivalent TDA8362 a PDF

    A1s smd TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: smd diode JC 9E 1px transistor crystal 11.059MHZ AKR 121 11.059mHz crystal oscillator 1E71 mab8051 mPC 514 smd diode code A1s
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND b3E ] • b b S 3 cJE4 □□0 2 51 1 3GD I SIC3 Philips Semiconductors Microcontroller Products Objective specification Low-voltage single-chip 8-bit microcontroller 83CL411 GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The83CL411 is manufactured in an

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    fl2511 83CL411 83CL411 85CL781 83CL41S hh53TB4 A1s smd TRANSISTOR smd diode JC 9E 1px transistor crystal 11.059MHZ AKR 121 11.059mHz crystal oscillator 1E71 mab8051 mPC 514 smd diode code A1s PDF

    balance fader

    Abstract: IEC134 TEA6321 TEA6321T sot287ah MED433 pa 66 gf
    Text: n a p c /p h i l i p s L fiE semicond D bbS3T2M GG'ìGbGT 757 « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Sound fader control circuit TEA6321 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Source selector for four stereo and one mono inputs • Interface for noise reduction circuits

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    TEA6321 balance fader IEC134 TEA6321 TEA6321T sot287ah MED433 pa 66 gf PDF

    ASK transmitter and receiver pair

    Abstract: circuit diagram of rf transmitter and receiver 26C198 SC26C198 SC26C198A1A SC26C198C1A
    Text: • bfc.53*124 0 M 4 3 C n b?3 « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Data Communications Products Preliminary specification Octal universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter UART DESCRIPTION SC26C198 • Sixteen byte receiver FIFOs for each UART The Philips 26C198 Octal UART Is a single chip CMOS-LSI

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    0CH43 SC26C198 26C198 bb53T24 00T431D ASK transmitter and receiver pair circuit diagram of rf transmitter and receiver SC26C198 SC26C198A1A SC26C198C1A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2TE D NAPC/ SIGNETICS Signetics • bb S3 T24 005405=1 T ■ T-V9-V7-/V SCN68000 16-/32-Bit Microprocessor Product Specification Microprocessor Products DESCRIPTION The SCN68000 is the first implementa­ tion of the S68000 1 6 /3 2 bit micropro­ cessor architecture. The SCN68000 has

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    SCN68000 16-/32-Bit SCN68000 S68000 16-bit 24-bit 32-bit SCN68008 PDF


    Abstract: CZ 5.0VDC SCN68000C6A68 DAN-101 SCN68000 S68000 ls- 11m scn680 scn68020 SCN68000C8I64
    Text: 2TE D NAPC/ SIGNETICS • b b S 3 T 24 005405=1 T ■ T-V9-V7-/V SCN68000 Signetics 16-/32-Bit Microprocessor Product Specification Microprocessor Products DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The SCN68000 is the first implementa­ tion of the S68000 1 6 /3 2 bit micropro­

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    SCN68000 16-/32-Bit SCN68000 S68000 16-bit 24-bit 32-bit SCN68008 SCN68000C8N64 CZ 5.0VDC SCN68000C6A68 DAN-101 ls- 11m scn680 scn68020 SCN68000C8I64 PDF


    Abstract: 80C51 83L51FB 87L51FB intel 16k 8bit RAM chip
    Text: N A P C / P H I L I P S SEMICOND b^E D • ^53^24 0m2DS7 Philips Sem iconductors Microcontroller Products Product specification CMOS single-chip 3.0V 8-bit microcontroller DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 83L51 FB and 87L51 FB hereafter genetically referred to as 8XL51 FB

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    83L51FB/87L51FB 83L51FB 87L51FB 8XL51 80C51 80C51. 87L51FB 16-bit 48tcLCL WDV17 intel 16k 8bit RAM chip PDF


    Abstract: 74ABT16952DL
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND bSE D • bbS3T24 00flbb7S T70 « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Advanced BiCMOS Products Preliminary specification Dual octal registered transceiver 3-State 74ABT16952 ■ ■ H n H H w a c a n B H H R Z B H n B a H H n m H H in B n a a B B a R in M H ig R B n n a B B m K a H B M M i

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    74ABT16952 64mA/-32mA 500mA 74ABT16952 500ns 74ABT16952DL PDF


    Abstract: audio compression layer 2 SAA2521 SAA2521GP
    Text: b4E J> NAPC/PHILIPS SEPIICOND WM bt.S3T24 DDflSfll3 bTfl M S I C B Philip« Semiconductor« Audlo/Badlo Product» Preliminary specification Masking threshold processor for MPEG layer 1 audio compression applications SAA2521 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Stereo or 2-channel mono encoding

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    SAA2521 SAA2521 CLK24 256fs SAA2520 audio compression layer 2 SAA2521GP PDF

    Philips IC14

    Abstract: 84cxxx S024L DIL20 PCA84C122 PCA84C122A sot146e philips remote control ic 14 pin philips application note 422 Data Handbook IC14
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND b^E T> • bbSB'ìSM 00^321*5 Ô3b « S I C 3 Preliminary specification Philips Semiconductors 8-bit microcontrollers for remote control transmitters PCA84C122; 222; 422; 622; 822 CONTENTS 1 FEATURES 1 FEATURES • 84CXXX CPU 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION

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    0QT3245 PCA84C122; 84CXXX Philips IC14 S024L DIL20 PCA84C122 PCA84C122A sot146e philips remote control ic 14 pin philips application note 422 Data Handbook IC14 PDF


    Abstract: SA7025 SA7025DK O-50 SA620
    Text: bbSB'ìSM □ 0 cì3,ì2cì TbT « S I C 3 Philips Sem iconductors RF Com m unications Products P roduct specification Low-voltage 1GHz fractional-N synthesizer SA7025 PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION The SA7025 is a m onolithic low power, high perform ance dual

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    SA7025 SA7025 64/65nductors LM3L7 SA7025DK O-50 SA620 PDF


    Abstract: QFP32 S028 UAA2080 UAA2080H UAA2080T UAA2080U sot358bb3
    Text: b b S 3 clS4 ÜÜT3öb5 300 « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Advanced pager receiver UAA2080 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Wide frequency range up to 512 MHz The UAA2080 is a high performance low power radio receiver circuit primarily intended for VHF and UHF

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    UAA2080 PCA5000A PCF5001 UAA2080 QFP32 S028 UAA2080H UAA2080T UAA2080U sot358bb3 PDF

    Wheatstone Resistive Bridge amplifier

    Abstract: TEA1067 philips audio amplifier ic guide d0715 PCD3343 20S2 S020 TEA1060 TEA1067T TEA1081
    Text: b3E D • bbS3T24 NAp c / QQT^SBl p h i l i p s b31 * S I C 3 TEA1067 s e m ic o n d LOW VOLTAGE VERSATILE TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT WITH DIALLER INTERFACE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TEA1067 is a bipolar integrated circu it performing all speech and line interface functions required

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    TEA1067 TEA1067 PCD3310. PCD3320 PCD3343 PCD3312 theTEA1081 Wheatstone Resistive Bridge amplifier philips audio amplifier ic guide d0715 20S2 S020 TEA1060 TEA1067T TEA1081 PDF

    Siemens Ssi L28 90

    Abstract: K9350 VARICAPS SIEMENS G1956 ic tlp 759 AI23 AV16 AV19 TDA9815 AF12-13
    Text: N A P C /P H ILIP S b bS3c!S4 OOTDfill 177 « S I C B bflE D SEHICOND Preliminary specification Philips Semiconductors Multistandard/MAC VIF-PLL with QSS-IF and dual FM-PLL/AM demodulator TDA9815 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • 5 V positive supply voltage

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    TDA9815 Siemens Ssi L28 90 K9350 VARICAPS SIEMENS G1956 ic tlp 759 AI23 AV16 AV19 TDA9815 AF12-13 PDF

    Philips 3.5 digit 7 segment lcd display

    Abstract: PCF1171C Driver 4 digit segment lcd display pin configuration 4 DIGIT LCD DISPLAY 40 PIN pcf 85 lcd driver 1171c 16 segment driver 4-DIGIT counter with 7-SEGMENT DISPLAY 4-digit counter PCF1171CT
    Text: [^L•5 3 CÍE ^ Philips Semiconductors ODf l - STf cj T 522 IH S IC 3 Product specification PCF1171C 4-digit LCD car clock NAPC/PHILIPS S E m C O N D tiME » FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Driving standard 31/2 or a 4-digit LCD The PCF 1171C is a single chip, 4.19 MHz CMOS clock

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    1171C 40-lead VS040FD) PCF1171CT VS040FD OT158B PCF1171CU PCF1171C Philips 3.5 digit 7 segment lcd display Driver 4 digit segment lcd display pin configuration 4 DIGIT LCD DISPLAY 40 PIN pcf 85 lcd driver 1171c 16 segment driver 4-DIGIT counter with 7-SEGMENT DISPLAY 4-digit counter PDF


    Abstract: 28-VDDD gsm baseband LS071 philips gmsk
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEPIICOND b?E I> • bbSBTEM GQflTEB? 3bb * S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors RF Communications Products Preliminary specification GSM baseband interface PCD5071 G en era! In fo rm a tio n T he baseband interface circuit pcd 5 0 7 1 is a fully CMOS IC. The baseband interface m odulates die incoming data bits

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    PCD5071 pcd5071 28-VDDD gsm baseband LS071 philips gmsk PDF