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    bgl 10a-001 s49

    Abstract: balluff 5454-D-L011-S49 4040-D-R012-S49 Balluff BGL 68x68
    Text: Harnessing the Power of Thru-beams No. 150781 • Edition 072006 · 0678 · Product specifications, availability, and pricing are subject to change without notice. The BGL/BWL self-contained thru-beam sensor family BWL Brochure_3.indd 6 6/29/2006 2:28:23 PM

    2222B 2222C 4241-S4 4260-S49 4260-S4 bgl 10a-001 s49 balluff 5454-D-L011-S49 4040-D-R012-S49 Balluff BGL 68x68 PDF


    Abstract: bks-s 49 bks-s 48 IEC 60947-5-2 Fork sensor EN60947-5-2 Ambient Light Sensor 650nm Balluff light dark sensor circuit
    Text: Photoelectric Sensor BGL 120A-003-S 49 Sn=mm Laser Fork-thru-beam Common Data Sensortype Switching frequency Repeat accuracy Hysteresis Indication Switching element on Ambient temperature Off-delay Light Sensitivity Adjustment Permissable ambient light Output function

    20A-003-S 015mm 650nm 140x84x10 48/BKS-S 200mA EN60947-5-2) EN60947 bks-s 49 bks-s 48 IEC 60947-5-2 Fork sensor EN60947-5-2 Ambient Light Sensor 650nm Balluff light dark sensor circuit PDF


    Abstract: IEC 60947-5-2 light dark sensor circuit 1060 aluminium Ambient Light Sensor Balluff connector m8 bks-s 49 BKS S49 connector EN60947 EN60947-5-2
    Text: Photoelectric Sensor BGL 80A-001-S 49 Sn=mm Fork-thru-beam Common Data Sensortype Switching frequency Repeat accuracy Hysteresis Indication Switching element on Ambient temperature Off-delay Light Sensitivity Adjustment Permissable ambient light Output function

    0A-001-S 640nm 100x79x10 48/BKS-S 200mA EN60947-5-2) Balluff IEC 60947-5-2 light dark sensor circuit 1060 aluminium Ambient Light Sensor Balluff connector m8 bks-s 49 BKS S49 connector EN60947 EN60947-5-2 PDF


    Abstract: bks-s 49 650nm Ambient Light Sensor Balluff Balluff BKS s light dark sensor circuit BKS S49 connector fork sensor IEC 60947-5-2
    Text: Photoelectric Sensor BGL 80A-003-S 49 Sn=mm Laser Fork-thru-beam Common Data Sensortype Switching frequency Repeat accuracy Hysteresis Indication Switching element on Ambient temperature Off-delay Light Sensitivity Adjustment Permissable ambient light Output function

    0A-003-S 015mm 650nm 100x79x10 48/BKS-S 200mA EN60947-5-2) EN60947 bks-s 49 650nm Ambient Light Sensor Balluff Balluff BKS s light dark sensor circuit BKS S49 connector fork sensor IEC 60947-5-2 PDF

    bks-s 49

    Abstract: bks-s 48 EN60947-5-2 Balluff BGL BKS-S49 BKS-S48
    Text: Photoelectric Sensor BGL 5A-001-S 49 Sn=mm Fork-thru-beam Common Data Sensortype Switching frequency Repeat accuracy Hysteresis Indication Switching element on Ambient temperature Off-delay Light Sensitivity Adjustment Permissable ambient light Output function

    A-001-S 640nm 25x45x10 48/BKS-S 200mA EN60947-5-2) bks-s 49 bks-s 48 EN60947-5-2 Balluff BGL BKS-S49 BKS-S48 PDF

    Triac bt 808 600C

    Abstract: w2a smd transistor omron 8567 21EN15T044 awm 2919 pinout cable specification HT 25-19 transistor movement sensor pir cd 208 Ultrasonic Atomizing Transducer Balluff ROTARY ENCODER jhd 16a
    Text: 2361 Technical portal and online community for Design Engineers - Sensors & Transducers Accelerometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contrast Scanners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Current Transducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    element-14 Triac bt 808 600C w2a smd transistor omron 8567 21EN15T044 awm 2919 pinout cable specification HT 25-19 transistor movement sensor pir cd 208 Ultrasonic Atomizing Transducer Balluff ROTARY ENCODER jhd 16a PDF


    Abstract: Balluff BGL MP160
    Text: BGL 50A-003-S 49 PNP NO/NC switchable Photoelectric Sensors, BALLUFF sensors w orldw ide Fork-through-beam Electrical data: Optical data: Switching elem ent function Rated operational current le Switching output Operating frequency (f) NO/NC switchable 200 mA

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    0A-003-S MP160 Balluff Balluff BGL PDF


    Abstract: BGL0016 balluff BGL0016
    Text: BALLUFF 30 mm BGL30A-001-S49 PNP BGL0016 sensors w orldw ide Electrical data: G eneral data: Load current capacity max. le 200 mA sensitivity adjustm ent Potentiom eter: 0.270' Sw itching output PNP Type Fork-thru-beam Operating fre q u en cy (f) 1500 Hz

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    BGL30A-001-S49 BGL0016 bient500 Balluff BGL0016 balluff BGL0016 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PNP BGL002C sensors w orldw ide Electrical data: Sw itching e lem ent function BALLUFF 100 mm BGL 100A-001-S49 General data: NO/NC sw itchable Function indication yes, red LED H ysteresis m ax H =0,1 Short circuit protected yes Sw itching output PNP D egree o f protection IP

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    00A-001-S49 BGL002C PDF


    Abstract: balluff pinout balluff sensors
    Text: BALLUFF 80 mm BGL80A-001-S49 PNP BGL0023 sensors w orldw ide Electrical data: G eneral data: O perating fre q u en cy f 1500 Hz Type C urrent C onsum ption lo max. (No 35 mA sensitivity adjustm ent Potentiom eter: 0.27 0 0 Function indication yes, yellow LED

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    BGL80A-001-S49 BGL0023 Balluff balluff pinout balluff sensors PDF

    Balluff BGL

    Abstract: Balluff balluff pinout
    Text: BALLUFF 180 mm BGL 180A-001-S49 PNP BGLOOOJ sensors w orldw ide Electrical data: G eneral data: O perating fre q u en cy f 1500 Hz Function indication yes, yellow LED C urrent C onsum ption lo max. (No 35 mA Short circuit protected yes Load) S u p ply voltage min.

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    80A-001-S49 Balluff BGL Balluff balluff pinout PDF

    balluff pinout

    Abstract: Balluff
    Text: BALLUFF 50 mm BGL50A-001-S49 PNP BGL001J sensors w orldw ide Electrical data: G eneral data: O perating fre q u en cy f 1500 Hz Function indication yes, yellow LED C urrent C onsum ption lo max. (No 35 mA Short circuit protected yes Load) S u p ply voltage min.

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    BGL50A-001-S49 BGL001J balluff pinout Balluff PDF