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    b17 zener diode

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR lm7912ct B17 zener LM7915CT B26 ZENER DIODE LM7912CT lm7905ct LM7905C ZENER B17 LM79XX
    Text: LM79XX Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulators General Description The LM79XX series of 3-terminal regulators is available with fixed output voltages of b5V b8V b12V and b15V These devices need only one external component a compensation capacitor at the output The LM79XX series is

    LM79XX O-220 b17 zener diode TRANSISTOR lm7912ct B17 zener LM7915CT B26 ZENER DIODE LM7912CT lm7905ct LM7905C ZENER B17 PDF


    Abstract: 12 Pin Metal Can national DH0035G AN-49 DH0035 DH0035C DH0035G-MIL DM7440 DM7830 G12B
    Text: DH0035 DH0035C PIN Diode Driver Y The DH0035 DH0035C is a high speed digital driver designed to drive PIN diodes in RF modulators and switches The device is used in conjunction with an input buffer such as the DM7830 DM8830 or DM5440 DM7440 Features Y Y Y

    DH0035 DH0035C DH0035C DM7830 DM8830 DM5440 DM7440 DH0035CG 12 Pin Metal Can national DH0035G AN-49 DH0035G-MIL DM7440 G12B PDF


    Abstract: D14D AH0014 AH0014D DTL or TTL integrated logic circuits AH0015 AH0014C AH0015C AH0019 AH0019C
    Text: AH0014 AH0014C DPDT AH0015 AH0015C Quad SPST AH0019 AH0019C Dual DPST-TTL DTL Compatible MOS Analog Switches General Description This series of TTL DTL compatible MOS analog switches feature high speed with internal level shifting and driving The package contains two monolithic integrated circuit

    AH0014 AH0014C AH0015 AH0015C AH0019 AH0019C MM450 AH0015CD D14D AH0014D DTL or TTL integrated logic circuits PDF

    belden rg59

    Abstract: RG58AU AN-620 DP8392 diodes B4V RG-58AU RG58A RG58A/U 10BASE2 10BASE5
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 620 Mohammed Rajabzadeh September 1992 The DP8392 Ethernet Coaxial Transceiver Interface CTI is designed primarily for 10BASE2 and 10BASE5 applications which use 50X coaxial cable However with minor modifications it is possible to use this transceiver with larger impedance cables This article shows how to use the DP8392 with

    DP8392 10BASE2 10BASE5 20-3A belden rg59 RG58AU AN-620 diodes B4V RG-58AU RG58A RG58A/U PDF


    Abstract: DS8800 DS7800 DS8800H C1995 H10C DS7800H/883C
    Text: DS7800 DS8800 Dual Voltage Level Translator General Description Features The DS7800 DS8800 are dual voltage translators designed for interfacing between conventional TTL or LS voltage levels and those levels associated with high impedance junction or MOS REF-type devices The design allows the user a

    DS7800 DS8800 DS7800 DS8800 DS7800H DS8800H C1995 H10C DS7800H/883C PDF

    TL 80-150

    Abstract: 26LS30 ON B34 26LS32 C1996 DS8935 DS8935WM EIA-422
    Text: DS8935 LocalTalk TM Dual Driver Triple Receiver General Description Features The DS8935 is a dual driver triple receiver device optimized to provide a single chip solution for a LocalTalk Interface The device provides one differential TIA EIA-422 driver one TIA EIA-423 single ended driver one TIA EIA-422 receiver and two TIA EIA-423 receivers all in a surface

    DS8935 DS8935 EIA-422 EIA-423 16-pin 26LS30 26LS32 TL 80-150 ON B34 C1996 DS8935WM PDF


    Abstract: MC1408P7 DAC0808 MC1408L6 DAC0806 pin diagram DAC0808 pin diagram dac0806 DAC0806LC pin diagram dac0807 DAC0808 datasheet
    Text: DAC0808 DAC0807 DAC0806 8-Bit D A Converters General Description The DAC0808 series is an 8-bit monolithic digital-to-analog converter DAC featuring a full scale output current settling time of 150 ns while dissipating only 33 mW with g 5V supplies No reference current (IREF) trimming is required for

    DAC0808 DAC0807 DAC0806 lm1408 MC1408P7 MC1408L6 DAC0806 pin diagram DAC0808 pin diagram DAC0806LC pin diagram DAC0808 datasheet PDF

    HIGH FREQUENCY Transformer ee 19

    Abstract: TL 80-150 26LS30 26LS32 C1996 DS8925 DS8925M EIA-422 M16A
    Text: DS8925 LocalTalk TM Dual Driver Triple Receiver General Description Features The DS8925 is a dual driver triple receiver device optimized to provide a single chip solution for a LocalTalk Interface The device provides one differential TIA EIA-422 driver one TIA EIA-423 single ended driver one TIA EIA-422 receiver and two TIA EIA-423 receivers all in a surface

    DS8925 DS8925 EIA-422 EIA-423 26LS30 26LS32 HIGH FREQUENCY Transformer ee 19 TL 80-150 C1996 DS8925M M16A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ICROCOMPUTER and PERIPHERAL L S I’s 4 -B it One Chip Microcomputer MN I 5 0 0 Series Electrical C h a r a c te ris tic s F u n c tio n T y p e No. Ta=25"C Maximum Ratings (T a= 2 5 °C ) V op——0.3-—h8V V|— C o n d itio n Symbol I te m S u p p ly C u rre n t

    OCR Scan
    HS-1500 EC-1500. EC-1500, MN1599) MN1599 MN1500 MN1591) PDF


    Abstract: max9197 CX300 MAX5156ACPE
    Text: yvi>JXi>M 19-1317; Rev 1; 12/97 Low-Power, Dual, 12-Bit Voltage-Output DACs with Configurable Outputs Features ♦ 12-Bit Dual DAC with Configurable Output Amplifier ♦ Single-Supply Operation: +5V MAX5156 +3V (MAX5157) ♦ Rall-to-Rail Output Swing ♦ Low Quiescent Current: 500pA (normal operation)

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX5156) MAX5157) 500pA 16-Pin 156/MAX5157 MAX5156/MAX5157 500pA max5197 max9197 CX300 MAX5156ACPE PDF