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    AX638 Price and Stock

    Rochester Electronics LLC MAX6383LT16D1-T

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    DigiKey MAX6383LT16D1-T Bulk 27,500 205
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    • 1000 $1.47
    • 10000 $1.47
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    Rochester Electronics LLC MAX6381XR46D2-

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    DigiKey MAX6381XR46D2- Bulk 13,522 202
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    • 1000 $1.49
    • 10000 $1.49
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    Rochester Electronics LLC MAX6382XR29D3-T

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    DigiKey MAX6382XR29D3-T Bulk 10,000 217
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    • 1000 $1.38
    • 10000 $1.38
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    Rochester Electronics LLC MAX6380UR43-T

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    DigiKey MAX6380UR43-T Bulk 7,500 231
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    • 1000 $1.3
    • 10000 $1.3
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    Rochester Electronics LLC MAX6381XR22D3-

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    DigiKey MAX6381XR22D3- Bulk 3,448 229
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    • 1000 $1.31
    • 10000 $1.31
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    AX638 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y n y j x i y H CMOS M icropow er S tep-U p S w itch in g R egulator Features General Description Maxim’s MAX630 and MAX4193 CMOS DC-DC regulators are designed for simple, efficient, minimum size DC-DC converter circuits in the 5 milliwatt to 5 watt range. The MAX630 and MAX4193 provide all

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    MAX630 MAX4193 375mA currMAX641 AX642 AX643 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ykiyjxiyki Fixed + 5 V CMOS Step-Down Switching Regulator - Features M a x im ’s M A X 6 3 8 s te p -d o w n s w itc h in g re g u la to r is d e s ig n e d fo r e ffic ie n t, lo w pow er, m in im u m c o m ­ p o n e n t c o u n t D C -D C c o n v e rte r c irc u its . It p ro v id e s

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y i / i y j x i y n +5V/Adjustable CMOS Step-Down Sw itching R egulator _ F e a tu re s ♦ Fixed + 5V O u tp u t T yp ical a p p lic a tio n s re q u ire o n ly a sm all, lo w -c o st in d u c ­ tor, an o u tp u t filte r c a p a c ito r, a n d a c a tc h d io d e . Low

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    Abstract: Siemens Ferrite B64290 1mh inductor 1mh inductor design ic 555 using as a voltage comparator inductor coils MAGNETIC SWITCH 14mm siemens toroidal core MAX638 MAX638C
    Text: yi/ivixjvi/i + 5 V/A djustable CMOS Step-D ow n S w itc h in g R eg u la to r The M A X 638 s te p -d o w n s w itc h in g re gulato r is d e s ig n e d for m inim um com pone nt, low power, D C -D C conversion. ♦ Fixed +5V Output ♦ Adjustable Output with 2 Resistors

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    MAX638 100pF B64290-K38-X38 Siemens Ferrite B64290 1mh inductor 1mh inductor design ic 555 using as a voltage comparator inductor coils MAGNETIC SWITCH 14mm siemens toroidal core MAX638C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J V \ Æ X \ J V \ CMOS M icropow er Step-U p S w itch in g R egulator M axim 's M AX630 and MAX4193 CM O S D C -D C regulators are designed fo r simple, efficient, m inim um size DC -D C converter circu its in the 5 m illiw a tt to 5 watt range. The MAX630 and MAX4193 provide all

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    AX630 MAX4193 MAX630 375mA 70/iA PDF


    Abstract: W4X439 634E X634
    Text: jv ly jx iy k i CMOS Micropower Inverting Switching Regulator . Features r General Description M axim 's MAX634 and MAX4391 CM O S D C -D C regu­ lators are designed fo r sim ple, e fficient, inverting DC -D C converter circuits. The MAX634 and MAX4391 s w itch in g regulators provide all co n tro l and pow er

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    100/iA MAX634) Efficiency--85% MAX634 MAX4391 S2LB W4X439 634E X634 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: > k l y j x i y H Fixed Output 10 Watt CMOS Step-Up Switching Regulators General Description M axim 's MAX641, MAX642, and MAX643 are fixed +5V, +12V, and +15V o u tp u t ste p -u p sw itch in g regu­ lators designed fo r sim ple, m inim um com ponent c o u n t D C -D C converter circ u its in the 5 m illiw a tt to

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    MAX641, MAX642, MAX643 V01/t PDF


    Abstract: RC4193 DC-DC converters 1.8W MAX743CPE
    Text: POWER SUPPUES Data Sheets • Applications Notes • Free Samples +5V To ±15V DG-DC Converter Delivers 30W No Design Required—J u s t Drop It In T he M A X 742/M A X 743 DC-DC converters provide the sim plest m eans available for generating ±12V or ± 15V from a +5V supply. T îie M AX743, with internal M O SFETs, powers 3 w att loads, while th e MAX742,

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    742/M AX743, MAX742, AX743 1000-u 200kH MAX663 MAX666 MAX667 AX643 RC4193 DC-DC converters 1.8W MAX743CPE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0069; Rev 0; 9/92 Fixed +5V, CMOS, Step-Down Switching Regulator SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers the detail requirements for a fixed +5V, CMOS, step-down switching reg­ ulator. This circuit is processed in accordance with MIL-STD-883 and is fully compliant to para­

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    MIL-STD-883 MAX638AM /883B MAX638BM MAX838 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAXIM INTEGRATE» PRODUCTS MIE D Ut Sfl7bb51 DG042bü b • MXM / I / I / 1 X I / I / I +5V/Adjustable CMOS Step-Down Switching Regulator Features The AX638 step-down switching regulator is designed for minimum component, low power, DC-DC conversion. ♦ Fixed +5V Output

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    Sfl7bb51 DG042bà MAX638 7bb51 AX638 PDF


    Abstract: MAX638 MAX638ACPA MAX638ACSA MAX638AEPA MAX638AMJA
    Text: 19-0919; Rev 1; 7/96 A i y j x i A i +5V/Adjustable CMOS Step-dow n S w itching R eguiator Typical applications require only a small, low-cost induc­ tor, an output filter capacitor, and a catch diode. Low battery detection circuitry is included on chip.

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    LAS 5205

    Abstract: MAX6383XR31D7 MAX6383XR31D7-T xr 2240
    Text: 19-1839; Rev 4; 4/07 SC70/µDFN, Single/Dual Low-Voltage, Low-Power µP Reset Circuits The AX6381MAX6390 microprocessor µP supervisory circuits monitor power-supply voltages from +1.8V to +5.0V while consuming only 3µA of supply current at +1.8V. Whenever VCC falls below the factory-set reset

    MAX6381 MAX6390 100mV 1200ms MAX6381/MAX6384/MAX6387 MAX6382/MAX6385/ MAX6388 LAS 5205 MAX6383XR31D7 MAX6383XR31D7-T xr 2240 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: > kl> JX I> kl 19-0919; Rev 1; 7/96 +5V/Adjustable CMOS Step-dow n Sw itching R egulator F e a tu re s The AX638 step-down switching regulator is designed for minimum component, low power, DC-DC conversion. ♦ Fixed +5V Output Typical applications require only a small, low-cost induc­

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    MAX638 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J W J ÌX iJ W +5 V/Ad ju s t able CMOS Step-dow n Sw itching R egulato r _F e a tu re s The AX638 step-down switching regulator is designed for minimum component, low power, DC-DC conversion. ♦ Fixed +5V Output Typical applications require only a small, low-cost induc­

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    MAX638 100pF PDF


    Abstract: 7070-30 G-41408-25 MAX638 MAX638XCSA B64290K38X38 MAX638C
    Text: y i / i y j x i y i / i +5 V/Ad ju s t able CMOS Step-Down Sw itching R egulator G e n e ra l D e s c rip tio n ♦ F ix e d + 5V O u tp u t T yp ica l a p p lic a tio n s re q u ire o n ly a sm all, lo w -co st in d u c ­

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    MAX638 100pF B64290-K38-X38 7070-30 G-41408-25 MAX638XCSA B64290K38X38 MAX638C PDF

    SE024 ic

    Abstract: MAX639CPA
    Text: /l/l/JX I/l/l 19-4505; Rev. 0; 12/91 High-Efficiency, + 5V A djustable Step-Down S w itching R egulator The M A X 639 h ig h -e ffic ie n c y s te p -d o w n s w itc h in g regulator co n ve rts b a ttery vo lta g es betw een +5.5V and + 11.5V to +5V, and s u p p lie s 100m A of o u tp u t current

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    AX639 SE024 ic MAX639CPA PDF


    Text: 19-0919; Rev 1; 7/96 A iy jx iA i +5V/Adjustable CMOS Step-dow n S w itching R eguiator Typical applications require only a small, low-cost induc­ tor, an output filter capacitor, and a catch diode. Low battery detection circuitry is included on chip. Though most sim ply used as a fixed +5V output regulator,

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