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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX5304CUA-T

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    DigiKey MAX5304CUA-T Reel 2,500 2,500
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $3.825
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    MAX5304CUA-T Cut Tape 2,500 1
    • 1 $8.75
    • 10 $5.891
    • 100 $4.3033
    • 1000 $3.825
    • 10000 $3.825
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    MAX5304CUA-T Digi-Reel 2,500 1
    • 1 $8.75
    • 10 $5.891
    • 100 $4.3033
    • 1000 $3.825
    • 10000 $3.825
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX5381MEUK-T

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    DigiKey MAX5381MEUK-T Cut Tape 2,388 1
    • 1 $4.18
    • 10 $2.698
    • 100 $1.8727
    • 1000 $1.4144
    • 10000 $1.4144
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    MAX5381MEUK-T Digi-Reel 2,388 1
    • 1 $4.18
    • 10 $2.698
    • 100 $1.8727
    • 1000 $1.4144
    • 10000 $1.4144
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX531ACSD-

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    DigiKey MAX531ACSD- Tube 1,028 1
    • 1 $29.85
    • 10 $21.755
    • 100 $29.85
    • 1000 $29.85
    • 10000 $29.85
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX533BCEE-

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    DigiKey MAX533BCEE- Tube 879 1
    • 1 $7.34
    • 10 $4.959
    • 100 $4.0816
    • 1000 $4.0816
    • 10000 $4.0816
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX5353BCUA-

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    DigiKey MAX5353BCUA- Tube 546 1
    • 1 $15.27
    • 10 $10.653
    • 100 $8.0884
    • 1000 $8.05
    • 10000 $8.05
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    AX53 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0168; Rev 3; 7/95 +5V, Low-Power, Parallel-Input, Voltage-Output, 12-Bit DAC _Applications Battery-Powered Data-Conversion Products Minimum Component-Count Analog Systems Digital Offset/Gain Adjustment Industrial Process Control Arbitrary Function Generators

    12-Bit MAX530 12-bit, PDF

    LQFP-64 footprint

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-3563; Rev 1; 5/05 12-Bit DACs with 32-Channel Sample-and-Hold Outputs _Applications MEMS Mirror Servo Control Industrial Process Control Automatic Test Equipment Instrumentation Ordering Information PART TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE AX5331UCB

    12-Bit 32-Channel MAX5331/MAX5332/MAX5333 MAX5331/MAX5332/MAX5333 100kHz LQFP-64 footprint PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0046; Rev. 1; 3/94 Dua l, Se ria l-I nput , Volt a ge -Out put , 1 2 -Bit M DAC _Applic a t ions Automatic Test Equipment Arbitrary Waveform Generators _Fe a t ure s ♦ Two 12-Bit MDACs with Output Amplifiers

    12-Bit 16-Pin PDF

    GHW Connectors

    Abstract: TDQ38 BTA60 bta61 bta80 bta11 BTA100 BTA32 bta50 bta81
    Text: Version 1.2 December 1999 2975 Stender Way, Santa Clara, California 95054 Telephone: 800 345-7015 • TWX: 910-338-2070 • FAX: (408) 492-8674 Printed in U.S.A. 1999 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Integrated Device Technology, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to its products or specifications at any time, without notice, in order to improve design or performance



    Abstract: LTA201 LTA230 a1633 BTA32 B32315 LTA123 LTA143 LTA150 SDQ57
    Text: 7 8 VCC3.3 SYNCOUT tied to SYNCIN through series resistor. Trace length matched to SYSCLK[0:7]/TITAN_CLK 1,14 1,12,14 6,7,12,13,14 1,12,14 1 16 2 15 3 14 4 13 5 12 6 11 7 10 9 8 S2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BLK_WR1 BLK_WR0 CLK_FREQ2 CLK_FREQ1 CLK_FREQ0 CLKMULT2 CLKMULT1

    10KOHM SDQM02 SDQM12 SDQM22 SDQM32 22DQM03 22OHM 17DEVCS31 16DEVCS30 SDQM41 TDQ38 LTA201 LTA230 a1633 BTA32 B32315 LTA123 LTA143 LTA150 SDQ57 PDF


    Abstract: bta60 TDQ38 GHW Connectors BTA100 LTA201 bta80 bta81 bta40 circuit bta42
    Text: IDT79S145 Evaluation Board Manual Version 1.1 October 1999 2975 Stender Way, Santa Clara, California 95054 Telephone: 800 345-7015 • TWX: 910-338-2070 • FAX: (408) 492-8674 Printed in U.S.A. 1999 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Integrated Device Technology, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to its products or specifications at any time, without notice, in order to improve design or performance

    IDT79S145 bta61 bta60 TDQ38 GHW Connectors BTA100 LTA201 bta80 bta81 bta40 circuit bta42 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VMyJXIVM 5Vj Low-Power, V oltage-O utput9 19-0172; Rev 2; 10/93 S erial 12-Bit DACs _G eneral Description T he M A X 5 3 8 ’s b u ffe r is fixe d at a g a in of 1 a n d the M AX539's buffer at a gain of 2. The M AX531’s internal op am p m ay be co n fig ure d for a gain of 1 or 2, as well

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    12-Bit AX539 AX531â MAX531 MAX530 MAX531/MAX538/MAX539 AX531/MAX538/MAX539 127mmi 004in, MAX531ACPD PDF


    Abstract: MAX531BESD T variable resistor 727M
    Text: 1 9 -01 72 : R ev 5 :1 0 /9 6 5V, Low-Power, Voltage-Output, Serial 12-Bit DACs T he M A X 538’s b u ffe r is fixed at a gain of 1 and the M AX539's bu ffer at a gain of 2. The M AX531’s internal op am p m ay be configured for a gain of 1 or 2, as well

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    12-Bit MAX531/MAX538/MAX539 MAX531 AX538/M AX539 140pA, MAX531 MAX538/MAX539 x538 MAX531BESD T variable resistor 727M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VMyJXIVM 19-1080; Rev 0; 6/96 2.7V, Low-Power, 8-B it Quad DAC w ith R ail-to-R ail O utput Buffers The serial interface is double buffered: a 12-bit input shift register is followed by four 8-bit buffer registers and four 8-bit DAC registers. The 12-bit serial word

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    12-bit 1-0055A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 9-0230; Rev V, 3/96 J V W Y X A J V X C alibrated, Quad, 12-Bit Voltage-Output DACs w ith S erial In te rfa c e Each DAC has a d o u ble-b u ffere d input, organized as an input register follow ed by a DAC register. A 16-bit serial w ord is used to load data into each input/D AC

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit 16-bit 12-Bit 16-PIN 5fl7bb51 001253b 557bb PDF

    ic 4008

    Abstract: ic 4008 8pin MAX531ACPD
    Text: 19-0172; R ev 6; 2 /9 7 +5V, L o w - P o w e r , V o l t a g e - O u t p u t , S e r i a l 12-Bit DACs The AX538’s buffer is fixed at a gain of +1 and the AX539’s buffer at a gain of +2. The AX531 ’s internal op amp may be configured for a gain of +1 or +2, as

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX531/MAX538/MAX539 MAX531 MAX538/MAX539 MAX531 14-pin MAX538 ic 4008 ic 4008 8pin MAX531ACPD PDF

    CTS 100-20

    Abstract: old ic clock ha 1555 iw 1677
    Text: 19-1124; Rev 0; 9/96 AI/JXIVM L o w - P o w e r , 13-Bi t V o l t a g e - O u t p u t DAC w i t h Se r i a l I n t e r f a c e Features The AX535 combines a low-power, voltage-output, 13-bit digital-to-analog converter DAC and a precision output amplifier in an 8-pin package. The am plifier’s

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    13-Bi MAX535 MAX535 13-bit gai18 CTS 100-20 old ic clock ha 1555 iw 1677 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0172; Rev 6; 2/97 > k i y j x i > k i +5Vr Low-Power, Voltage-Output, Serial 12-Bit DACs The AX538's buffer is fixed at a gain of +1 and the AX539's buffer at a gain of +2. The AX531's internal op amp may be configured for a gain of +1 or +2, as well as for unipolar or bipolar output voltages. The

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX538 MAX539 MAX531 MAX530 MAXS31/MAXS38/MAX539 MAX531/MAX538/MAX539 MAX531 MAX531ACPD PDF


    Abstract: MAX532
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION All information in this data sheet is preliminary and subject to change. 7/92 . . . Æ wÆ w ^ Æ uÆ u mÆ • I Æ B Complete, Dual, 12-Bit, Serial-Input, Voltage-Output MDAC The AX532 is a complete, dual, serial-input, 12-bit multiplying digital-to-analog converter MDAC with out­

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit, MAX532 12-Bit 16-Pin MAX532 AX532 ax5327 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A I^ X IA I 19-1124; Rev 1; 12/96 Low-Power, 13-Bit Voltage-Output DACs with Serial Interface Description The serial interface is compatible with either SPI / QSPi™ or Microwire™. The DAC has a double-buffered input, organized as an input register followed by a DAC

    OCR Scan
    13-Bit MAX535) MAX5351) X535/M X5351 MAX535/MAX5351 MAX535 MAX5351BEUA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V M ^X IA I ADVANCE INFORMATION All information in this data sheet is preliminary and subject to change. 11/96 Low-Power, 12-B it Voltage-O utput DACs w ith S e ria l In te rfa c e The output amplifier’s inverting input is available to the user, allow ing sp e cific gain configurations, remote

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX5352) MAX5353) MAX5352/MAX5353 5352/M MAX5353ACPA MAX5353BCPA AX5353ACUA AX5353BCUA PDF

    7530 8pin

    Abstract: MAX6154 MAX5158
    Text: D/A Converters Parallel Input Serial Input 10 Bit 8 Bit VOUT V o irr M A X 5 0 0 quad M A X 5 0 9 (quad) M A X 5 1 0 (quad) M A X 5 1 3 (triple, 3V) M A X 5 1 7 (single, 2-wire) M A X 5 1 8 (dual, 2-wire) M A X 5 1 9 (dual, 2-wire) MAX520A/B (quad, 2-wire)

    OCR Scan
    MAX520A/B 165/275Msps 12-bit, 7530 8pin MAX6154 MAX5158 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1195; Rev 0; 2/97 >M >JXiyki L o w - P o w e r , 12-Bit V o l t a g e - O u t p u t DACs w ith Serial In terface Features The AX5352/AX5353 com bine a low-power, voltageoutput, 12-bit digital-to-analog converter DAC and a precision output am plifier in an 8-pin ^iMAX or DIP pack­

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX5352) MAX5353) 11MAX MAX5353 MAX5352/MAX5353 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1124; Rev 1; 12/96 A lilX IA I L o w - P o w e r , 13-Bi t V o l t a g e - O u t p u t DACs w i t h Se r i a l I n t e r f a c e Features The AX535/AX5351 com bine a low-power, voltageoutput, 13-bit digital-to-analog converter DAC and a precision output am plifier in an 8-pin pMAX or DIP pack­

    OCR Scan
    13-Bi MAX535/MAX5351 MAX535/MAX5351 PDF


    Abstract: MAX536ACPE MAX536ACWE MAX536AEPE MAX536BCPE MAX536BCWE MAX536BEPE MAX537 BEE40 68hc11 l6
    Text: y u 'j T n ’i i ' f y f y x i x - T . . i y * + 1 2 t f ‘j / h W u E ? U n u lt lD - b A C mm_ f c f i_ M A X 5 3 6 /M A X 5 3 7 IS , 4‘fHc7512tf -v h « l ± t U * x < v $ JU ♦ 4 li 7 1 2 t " y h D A C ( W * / \' y 7 7 # )

    OCR Scan
    H12tfiybmEltià MAX536/MAX537& AX536 MAX537tt MAX536tt-5V MAX536) MAX537) MAX536A* r169-0051 53iSTà MAX536 MAX536ACPE MAX536ACWE MAX536AEPE MAX536BCPE MAX536BCWE MAX536BEPE MAX537 BEE40 68hc11 l6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0046; Rev. 0; 3/93 Dual, Serial-Input, Voltage-Output, 12-B lt MDAC T he d e v ic e 's se ria l in te rfa c e m in im ize s d ig ita l-n o is e fe e d th ro u g h from its lo g ic pin s to its analog outputs. Serial in te rfa cin g also sim p lifie s op to-co u p le r-iso la te d

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0168; R e v 1; 11/93 > k l> J X I> k l +5V, Low-Power, P arallel-In put, Voltage-Output, 12-Bit DAC Internal gain-setting resistors can be used to define a DAC o u tp u t v o lta g e ra n g e of 0V to + 2 .048V, 0V to +4.096V, or ± 2 .048V. Four-quadrant multiplication is pos­

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit 16-bit AX531/MAX538/MAX539 MIL-STD-883. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ykiyixiyu 19-0230; Rev 0; 2/94 C alibrated, Quad, 12-Bit Voltage-Output DACs w ith S erial In te rfa c e Each DAC has a double-buffered input, organized as an input register followed by a DAC register. A 16-bit serial word is used to load data into each input/DAC

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0172; Rev 0; 8/93 >kiyjxi>ki +5V, Low-Power, Voltage-Output, Serial 12-Bit DACs _F e a tu re s ♦ Operate from Single +5V Supply ♦ Buffered Voltage Output ♦ INL = +1/2LSB max ♦ Guaranteed Monotonie Over Temperature ♦ Flexible Output Ranges: OV to 2.6V (AX538)

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX538) MAX539) MAX538ACPA MAX538BCPA MAX538ACSA MAX539BMJA MAX538 MAX539 MIL-STD-883. PDF