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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX2769BETI-V-T

    RF RCVR GPS 1575.42MHZ 28TQFN
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey MAX2769BETI-V-T Digi-Reel 2,771 1
    • 1 $13.65
    • 10 $10.644
    • 100 $8.6348
    • 1000 $7.33389
    • 10000 $7.33389
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    MAX2769BETI-V-T Cut Tape 2,771 1
    • 1 $13.65
    • 10 $10.644
    • 100 $8.6348
    • 1000 $7.33389
    • 10000 $7.33389
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX2750EUA-T

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey MAX2750EUA-T Digi-Reel 1,988 1
    • 1 $11.79
    • 10 $9.174
    • 100 $7.4186
    • 1000 $6.28007
    • 10000 $6.28007
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    MAX2750EUA-T Cut Tape 1,988 1
    • 1 $11.79
    • 10 $9.174
    • 100 $7.4186
    • 1000 $6.28007
    • 10000 $6.28007
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX274BCWI-

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey MAX274BCWI- Tube 270 1
    • 1 $19.86
    • 10 $15.162
    • 100 $15.162
    • 1000 $15.162
    • 10000 $15.162
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX2751EUA-

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey MAX2751EUA- Tube 171 1
    • 1 $5.35
    • 10 $4.115
    • 100 $3.2743
    • 1000 $2.72231
    • 10000 $2.72231
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX2750EUA-

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey MAX2750EUA- Tube 45 1
    • 1 $11.79
    • 10 $9.174
    • 100 $7.4186
    • 1000 $6.28007
    • 10000 $6.28007
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    AX27 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    AX270KE Ohmite Through Hole Resistors, Resistors, RES 27 OHM 3.5W 10% RADIAL Original PDF
    AX271KE Ohmite Through Hole Resistors, Resistors, RES 270 OHM 3.5W 10% RADIAL Original PDF
    AX27GKE Ohmite Through Hole Resistors, Resistors, RES 2.7 OHM 3.5W 10% RADIAL Original PDF

    AX27 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: A0649869 AX-110BT AX100041 A0390851 AX-5270 A0408829 AX100045 AX101411 AX102212
    Text: C O M M E R C I A L N E T W O R K I N G — O P T I C A L F I B E R 16.4 FiberExpress Connectors Optimax Field Installable Connectors and Installation Tool Kits AX101982 Optimax LC Connector Optimax Field Installable Connector The Optimax Connectors are reliable field installable optical fiber connectors that are easy to install.

    AX101982 10Base-T, RJ-45, 10Base-FL, 10Base2, RJ-45 10Base-T AX-200 AX-270 AX-280 AX1015 A0649869 AX-110BT AX100041 A0390851 AX-5270 A0408829 AX100045 AX101411 AX102212 PDF


    Abstract: H28-8A hall effect sensor 133 SIP-4L 14 dc brushless fan dc brushless fan 12v 3 pin Flammability CLASS RV sensor marking code 406 brushless regulator H288
    Text: HI-SINCERITY MICROELECTRONICS GROUP. Spec. No. : IC200903 Issued Date : 2009.02.12 Revised Date : Page No. : 1/6 H288 Complementary Output Hall Effect Sensor IC Description H288 is designed to integrate Hall sensor with output driver together on the same chip. It is

    IC200903 300mA AX277 H28-8A hall effect sensor 133 SIP-4L 14 dc brushless fan dc brushless fan 12v 3 pin Flammability CLASS RV sensor marking code 406 brushless regulator H288 PDF

    GHW Connectors

    Abstract: TDQ38 BTA60 bta61 bta80 bta11 BTA100 BTA32 bta50 bta81
    Text: Version 1.2 December 1999 2975 Stender Way, Santa Clara, California 95054 Telephone: 800 345-7015 • TWX: 910-338-2070 • FAX: (408) 492-8674 Printed in U.S.A. 1999 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Integrated Device Technology, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to its products or specifications at any time, without notice, in order to improve design or performance



    Abstract: LTA201 LTA230 a1633 BTA32 B32315 LTA123 LTA143 LTA150 SDQ57
    Text: 7 8 VCC3.3 SYNCOUT tied to SYNCIN through series resistor. Trace length matched to SYSCLK[0:7]/TITAN_CLK 1,14 1,12,14 6,7,12,13,14 1,12,14 1 16 2 15 3 14 4 13 5 12 6 11 7 10 9 8 S2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BLK_WR1 BLK_WR0 CLK_FREQ2 CLK_FREQ1 CLK_FREQ0 CLKMULT2 CLKMULT1

    10KOHM SDQM02 SDQM12 SDQM22 SDQM32 22DQM03 22OHM 17DEVCS31 16DEVCS30 SDQM41 TDQ38 LTA201 LTA230 a1633 BTA32 B32315 LTA123 LTA143 LTA150 SDQ57 PDF


    Abstract: bta60 TDQ38 GHW Connectors BTA100 LTA201 bta80 bta81 bta40 circuit bta42
    Text: IDT79S145 Evaluation Board Manual Version 1.1 October 1999 2975 Stender Way, Santa Clara, California 95054 Telephone: 800 345-7015 • TWX: 910-338-2070 • FAX: (408) 492-8674 Printed in U.S.A. 1999 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Integrated Device Technology, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to its products or specifications at any time, without notice, in order to improve design or performance

    IDT79S145 bta61 bta60 TDQ38 GHW Connectors BTA100 LTA201 bta80 bta81 bta40 circuit bta42 PDF

    HT 1000-4 power amplifier

    Abstract: triac tag 8739 H48 zener diode TRIAC TAG 8812 Zener diode H48 h48 diode zener loctite 5145 RF MODULE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM z 10 cd harris transistor f6 13003 OM370
    Text: TECHNICAL MANUAL SigmaPLUS IOT Transmitters I Introduction II Installation & Checkout III Operation IV Theory of Operation V Maintenance & Alignments VI Troubleshooting VII Parts List VIII Subsections T.M. No. 888-2430-001 Copyright HARRIS CORPORATION

    75WATT HT 1000-4 power amplifier triac tag 8739 H48 zener diode TRIAC TAG 8812 Zener diode H48 h48 diode zener loctite 5145 RF MODULE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM z 10 cd harris transistor f6 13003 OM370 PDF


    Abstract: 8th order bandpass butterworth filter RN73E2B 100hz lowpass filter MAX274 8th-Order, Lowpass HRX274 MAX274ACNG MAX274EVKIT Active Bandpass Filter
    Text: 4th- and 8th-O rder Continuous-Time A ctive Filters _ Feature The M AX274 Evaluation Kit EV Kit sh rin ks the tim e re q u ire d to d e s ig n and im p le m e n t a co n tin u o u s-tim e lo w p a ss o r b a n d p a s s filte r by p ro v id in g a softw are

    OCR Scan
    MAX274 rn73e 8th order bandpass butterworth filter RN73E2B 100hz lowpass filter 8th-Order, Lowpass HRX274 MAX274ACNG MAX274EVKIT Active Bandpass Filter PDF

    INA 114 ap

    Abstract: amp op 4565 TA 1319 AP MAX271 MAX270 MAX270CPP MAX270CWP MAX270EPP MAX270EWP MAX270MJP
    Text: z u y jx i v u , Digitally-Program m ed Dual 2nd-O rder Continuous Lowpass Filters _ F e a tu re s The M AX270/M AX271 are digitally-program m ed, dual second-order continuous-tim e lowpass filters. Their ty p i­ cal dynam ic range of 96dB surpasses most switched

    OCR Scan
    MAX270/MAX271 25kHz MAX270 MAX271 INA 114 ap amp op 4565 TA 1319 AP MAX270CPP MAX270CWP MAX270EPP MAX270EWP MAX270MJP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4191; Rev. 1 ;7 /9 2 / l/ l/ J X I/ l/ l 4 th - a n d 8 th O rder C ontinuous-Tim e A c tiv e F ilters G eneral D escription _ Features • ♦ Continuous-Time Filter - No Clock, No Clock Noise ♦ Implement Butterworth, Chebyshev, Bessel and

    OCR Scan
    MAX274 MAX274) MAX275) 150kHz, MAX274 5-100ppm/ 274/M 275/S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION First Page of D ata S heet in P reparation y i/i/jx i/i/i 8th-O rder/4th-O rder, C ontinuous-Tim e A nalog F ilte rs G eneral D escription A llo w a b le p o le fre q u e n c ie s ra n g e fro m 10 0H z to 15 0kH z M A X 2 7 4 a n d 10 0 H z to 3 0 0 k H z (M A X 2 7 5 ).

    OCR Scan
    274/M AX275 MAX274 MAX275 10kHz PDF


    Abstract: max2758 MAX274 MAX274ACNG MAX274ACWI MAX274BCNG MAX274BCWI MAX275 MAX274BENG MAX2758CPP
    Text: 19-4191; Rev 3; 10/96 w^^SS"S'anua's Æ /J X IA I 4 th - a n d 8 th -O rd e r C o n tin u o u s -T im e A c tiv e F ilte rs The AX274 and AX275 are continuous-time active filters consisting of independent cascadable 2nd-order sections. Each section can implement any all-pole

    OCR Scan
    MAX274 MAX275 MAX274/MAX275 MAX274/MAX275. MAX276 max2758 MAX274ACNG MAX274ACWI MAX274BCNG MAX274BCWI MAX274BENG MAX2758CPP PDF

    ZPD ITT 10

    Abstract: 74HC 74HC373 MAX270 MAX271 MAX690 4565 opamp HF 4069
    Text: ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS V+toV- .-0.3V, + 17V V+ to G N D . -0.3V. +8.5V V- to G N D . +0.3V, -8.5V

    OCR Scan
    MAX270: 640mW 10mwrc 800mW 889mW MAX271: 696mW aw-0012 ZPD ITT 10 74HC 74HC373 MAX270 MAX271 MAX690 4565 opamp HF 4069 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / H / J X I / H 4th - and 8th-O rder Continuous-Time A ctive Filters G e n e r a l D e s c rip tio n F e a tu r e s ♦ Continuous-Time Filter - No Clock, No Clock Noise ♦ Implement Butterworth, Chebyshev, Bessel and

    OCR Scan
    MAX274 MAX274) MAX275) 150kHz, MAX274 5-100ppm/Â MAX274/MAX275/Software/EV PDF

    4069 CMOS filter

    Abstract: HT 4906
    Text: ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS V+toV- .-0.3V, + 17V V+ to G N D . -0.3V. +8.5V V- to G N D . +0.3V, -8.5V

    OCR Scan
    AX270/M MAX270: 640mW 800mW 889mW 4069 CMOS filter HT 4906 PDF


    Abstract: am22 full adder circuit using xor and nand gates AM2031 AM2024 AM2051 t950 half adder circuit using nor and nand gates ax253 AM290
    Text: Am 3525 Mask-Programmable Gate Array With ECL RAM PRELIMINARY > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Up to 3718 equivalent gates - 416 internal cells - Up to 135 l/O s 1152 bits of ECL RAM 1K with byte-wide parity - Worst case T a a (access time) = 5.5 ns High-performance, low-power ECL gates

    OCR Scan
    Am3525 Am3525 TC002800 WF010980 7321A D7322A am2022 am22 full adder circuit using xor and nand gates AM2031 AM2024 AM2051 t950 half adder circuit using nor and nand gates ax253 AM290 PDF


    Abstract: AM223 full adder circuit using nor gates AM2005 AX202 AM2031 AM319 abx2002 full adder circuit using xor and nand gates ax253
    Text: Am 3500 Mask-Programmable ECL G ate Array PRELIM IN ARY > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • Up to 4988 equivalent gates - 576 internal cells - Up to 134 l/O s H igh-perform ance, low -pow er ECL gates - W orst case Tpcj = 0.6 ns Hi-Speed = 0.7 ns (Medium)

    OCR Scan
    Am3500 Am3500 TC002800 WF010980 7321A 7322A AM2001 AM223 full adder circuit using nor gates AM2005 AX202 AM2031 AM319 abx2002 full adder circuit using xor and nand gates ax253 PDF

    ic nn 5198 k

    Abstract: JIS C 6481 nn 5198 k KH 4007 IC 4069 cmos ic ic nn 5198 r BU 9545
    Text: Digitally-Programmed, Dual 2nd-Order Continuous Lowpass Filters _ F e a tu re s 4 Continuous-Time Filtering • No Clock Required ♦ Dual 2nd-Order Lowpass Filters The two filter sections are independently programm able by either m icroprocessor juP control or pin strapping.

    OCR Scan
    270/M MAX270/MAX271 25kHz MAX270 MAX271 MAX271 ic nn 5198 k JIS C 6481 nn 5198 k KH 4007 IC 4069 cmos ic ic nn 5198 r BU 9545 PDF


    Abstract: MAX275 MAX274AENG MAX274ACNG MAX274ACWI MAX274BCNG MAX274BCWI 8th order highpass butterworth filter MAX293 equivalent active bandpass filter 300 khz
    Text: 19-4191; Rev. 2; 12/92 The AX274 and AX275 are continuous-time active filters consisting of independent cascadable 2nd-order sections. Each section can implement any all-pole bandpass or lowpass filter response, such as Butterworth, Bessel, and Chebyshev, and is pfogrammed by

    OCR Scan
    MAX274 MAX275 MAX274/MAX275 MAX274/MAX275. MAX274AENG MAX274ACNG MAX274ACWI MAX274BCNG MAX274BCWI 8th order highpass butterworth filter MAX293 equivalent active bandpass filter 300 khz PDF

    mkt 344 polyester

    Abstract: philips mkt 344 2222-344 719A1 MKT 344 cc394 philips mkt 344 philips Philips 2222 mkt 344 Philips 2222 344 capacitors
    Text: SER IES 719A1 TYPE MKT M etalized Polyester C apacitors (Philips-344,370 & 371 Series) • DESCRIPTION Nugget Series 719A1 metalized polyester (polyethylene terephthalate) dielectric encased in a rectangular epoxy encapsulated flame retardant polypropylene case with sturdy solder coated

    OCR Scan
    719A1 Philips-344 719A1 XE684 XE824 XE105 mm/20 mkt 344 polyester philips mkt 344 2222-344 MKT 344 cc394 philips mkt 344 philips Philips 2222 mkt 344 Philips 2222 344 capacitors PDF


    Abstract: 2-bit half adder AM312 AM290 AM2019 AM2001 002074
    Text: ADVANCED MICRO D E V I C E S 7b D E j 0ES7SHS OOSOTbM ADVANCED MICRO D E V ICES 5 | 76C ¿ 0 9 6 4 D “¿T -.4-2-11-13 I" Mask-Programmable Gate Array With ECL RAM PRELIMINARY DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Up to 3718 equivalent gates - 416 Internal cells - Up to 135 l/O s

    OCR Scan
    1T-42-11-13 WF001164 00ECH7Ã T-42-11-13 AM3526 2-bit half adder AM312 AM290 AM2019 AM2001 002074 PDF

    8th order highpass butterworth filter

    Abstract: MAX297 max274aewi MAX274 MAX274ACNG MAX274ACWI MAX274BCNG MAX274BCWI MAX275
    Text: J V \J V X A J V \ an d 8th-O rder C ontinuous-Tim e A c tiv e F ilters - _ Features The AX274 and AX275 are continuous-time active filters consisting of independent cascadable 2nd-order sections. Each section can implement any all-pole

    OCR Scan
    MAX274 MAX275 MAX274/MAX275 MAX274/MAX275. 8th order highpass butterworth filter MAX297 max274aewi MAX274ACNG MAX274ACWI MAX274BCNG MAX274BCWI PDF


    Abstract: MAX276 MAX2758CPP 414x cga to vga by pic MAX274 MAX274ACNG MAX274ACWI MAX274BCNG MAX274BCWI
    Text: 19-4191; Rev 3; 10/96 Æ /J X IA I w ^ ^ S S " S 'anua's 4 th - a n d 8 th -O rd e r C o n tin u o u s -T im e A c tiv e F ilte rs The AX274 and AX275 are continuous-time active filters consisting of independent cascadable 2nd-order sections. Each section can implement any all-pole

    OCR Scan
    MAX274 MAX275 MAX274/MAX275 MAX274/MAX275. max2758 MAX276 MAX2758CPP 414x cga to vga by pic MAX274ACNG MAX274ACWI MAX274BCNG MAX274BCWI PDF


    Abstract: Q420
    Text: Application Notes for AX27 Isolated Mains Controller Improved Phase & Burst-Firing Control AX27 TM INDEX Applications Boosting the output Driving multiphase loads Minimum configuration BurstMode Equation resolution zero crossing Closed loop error amplifier

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2-bit half adder layout AX253 AX201 AM2001 AX261
    Text: * Am3525 Mask-Programmable Gate Array With ECL RAM PRELIMINARY > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • Up to 3718 equivalent gates - 416 internal cells - Up to 135 l/O s 1152 bits of ECL RAM 1K with byte-wide parity - Worst case T a a (access time) = 5.5 ns

    OCR Scan
    Am3525 TC002800 7321A 7322A AM2019 2-bit half adder layout AX253 AX201 AM2001 AX261 PDF