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    ASEA DESIGNATION Search Results

    ASEA DESIGNATION Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DE6B3KJ151KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ471KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6E3KJ152MN4A Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ101KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ331KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    ASEA DESIGNATION Datasheets Context Search

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    asea time-lag relay RI

    Abstract: asea relay RIS rma 16 relay ASEA RHGA 8 ASEA RIs asea ridi asea over current relay asea relay RI RCA RF Catalogue asea relay
    Text: i ASEA Catalogue RK 93 E Edition 1 May 1966 File R Part 2 Frames and connectors for relays Contents: Front terminals Extension bolts and terminal screws Flush mounting frames Blanking plates Adapting frames Relay testing block RTNP P -2 3 4 9 9 10 ASEA Front terminals

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    a5203 asea time-lag relay RI asea relay RIS rma 16 relay ASEA RHGA 8 ASEA RIs asea ridi asea over current relay asea relay RI RCA RF Catalogue asea relay PDF


    Abstract: UJT APPLICATION preset potentiometer preset Potentiometers 105-AX 102 potentiometer BROWN BOVERI B03-9301E RK711 102-AX
    Text: Ah Bi It ASEA B R O W N BO VERI ABB Relays _ _ Type RXTMB 1 _ . . . . _ B03-9172 . pagei June 30. 1982 Preset potentiometer unit

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    B03-9172E 102-AX B03-9301E 103-AX 104-AX 105-AX B03-9382E UJT APPLICATION preset potentiometer preset Potentiometers 102 potentiometer BROWN BOVERI RK711 PDF

    abb combiflex

    Abstract: abb combiflex relay B03-9381 AD 8301 combiflex relays abb s3 009-AC 42TE MARKING LEF
    Text: ABB ASEA BROWN BOVER! ABB Relays Introduction B03-9381E Item and terminal designations for COMBIFLEX and RL-system relay equipment To be able to locate a relay unit in a protective relay, the unit is identified with a unique item designation. Furthermore the electrical connec­

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    B03-9381Â B03-9380E B03-9382E abb combiflex abb combiflex relay B03-9381 AD 8301 combiflex relays abb s3 009-AC 42TE MARKING LEF PDF

    ASEA motor bv

    Abstract: TRW catalogue static overcurrent relay RXIG 2 RTXP10 circuit diagram of rxig 28 ASEA mt 100 circuit diagram of 7432 RK 713.2 DS 7432
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 65-16 E Edition 1 Single-phase overcurrent protective relays Used primarily as earth-fault pro­ tection. Static or electro-mechanical current relays. Different versions with respect to tripping and Indication, Contents Page General 2 Design

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    0002-AB 101-AB 0011-AB 110-AB 0012-AB 100-AB 0003-AA 113-AA 0005-BA 115-BA ASEA motor bv TRW catalogue static overcurrent relay RXIG 2 RTXP10 circuit diagram of rxig 28 ASEA mt 100 circuit diagram of 7432 RK 713.2 DS 7432 PDF

    RXSP 14

    Abstract: RXSP RXSP1 RXME 1 RXSP143 RXKH-2 402-AB RXSP14 RXMa 2 RXKH
    Text: ASEA Info-N o. INFORMATION RFR 1143 E, Ed. 1 From /Date Reg. RFR, Jan. 1972 5634 Page 1 R elay Division Handreset indicators type RXSP 1 OUTSTANDING FEATURES • Compact indicators for protective relays, signalling equipment, etc. • Manual resetting knob

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    Abstract: asea rydsa 20-3 asea transformer RRMH ASEA RYDSA20 rydsa rrmvb2 asea RRME RRME calculation of transformer earthing resistor
    Text: ^•■r-vz ¡*L<: ‘ :.ÍS March 1968 Edition 1 ASEA Transformer differential protection RYDSA 20 C o n te n ts Outstanding features 3 Introduction 4 Operation S,7 ThTCygh-laiil; restraint 8,9 Three'ptiase Connection diagrams 10 ,1 1 Current transformers

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    HSFEDC54 5IW19SI RRMH asea rydsa 20-3 asea transformer RRMH ASEA RYDSA20 rydsa rrmvb2 asea RRME RRME calculation of transformer earthing resistor PDF

    RREL 24 Relay

    Abstract: RREL 20 Relay RK415 rril 24-15-RRIL rrmj RRIL-23 RK 0313 RRIG Rmj Relay
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 41-2 E Instantaneous current and voltage relays type RRIL and RREL / For use in sho rt-circuit protections, earth-fault protections etc. frequently in com bination with tim e-lag relays • Are electrom agnetic load capacity ■ with high

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    Abstract: ASEA PLUG IN RELAY RXEB 101AD 101-AD
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 42-12 E Edition 1, June 1971. Over and undervoltage relays type RXEB Measuring voltage relays for d.c. o r a.c. Are protected against voltage transients Have high resetting ratios; > 9 7 % and < 1 0 3 % respectively. d.c. versions polarity dependent;

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    101-AD 001-DM 101-DM asea ASEA PLUG IN RELAY RXEB 101AD PDF

    cubicles catalogue

    Abstract: RAKZA 004-AA 92-10E ASEA PLUG IN RELAY RXKB 1
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 65-52 E Edition 1 Septem ber 1977 File Ft, Part 1 Three-phase impedance-measuring protective relay type RAKZA * Circular impedance characteristic * Adjustable operating time * Operating value adjustable in stages of 3 - 5 % in the range of 4—154 f!

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    RK651 21-AA 92-10E RK33-11 S-721 cubicles catalogue RAKZA 004-AA 92-10E ASEA PLUG IN RELAY RXKB 1 PDF

    ASEA generator manual

    Abstract: ASEA 34-1 M 160 M 4 asea RK 316 A56A hydropower hydropower plants asea relay RI asea ri relay ASEA E 535 RK 732 - 228
    Text: ASEA IriiO'Mu. RK 549-300 E ' • IINFORMATION R eg. FromrfQato Relay Division . T1TR, September 1977 Edition 1 Paga 5626 1 File RK 00“90 1 Section 5 Frequency relay type TFF 60 o Ability to supervise up to seven frequency levels o Dnder- or overfrequency design

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: RK 924 0001 RTXP 24 abb RTXP 18 abb mm RK 928 008-AB rtxp 18 RK 924 002-AB 009-AB B03-9510E
    Text: A lili nvv ASEA BROWN BOVERI Mounting and connection hardware B03-9302E Page 1 January 1987 Changed since June 1982 Data subject to change without notice ABB Relays Abstract • Modular system • Permits easy and rapid installation, service and expansion of both simple and complex

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    3-9302e 10/RX 003-AB 004-AB 017-AB 016-E B03-9510E B03-9510E 007-AB RHGX RK 924 0001 RTXP 24 abb RTXP 18 abb mm RK 928 008-AB rtxp 18 RK 924 002-AB 009-AB PDF

    Resistor MSB 124

    Abstract: B03-9175E 5231 549-A B03-9173E Resistor MSB 54 MRB 20 ASEA B03 marking
    Text: Ah l i l t M illi ASEA BROW N BOVERI ABB Relays Type MRB and MSB B03-9173 1 January 1987 Stud-type resistor Changed since June 1982 Data subject to change without notic Abstract Application • Fixed or adjustable resistance • Resistors with fixed resistance available in

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    B03-9173E 640-C B03-9175E S-72171 Resistor MSB 124 5231 549-A Resistor MSB 54 MRB 20 ASEA B03 marking PDF

    "rk 427"

    Abstract: earth fault relay RK 411 92-10E cubicles catalogue rk 427 411-HD 926100
    Text: ASEA * Used In Isolated two-wire systems for direct voltage * Built-up of static components * The operating value is adjustable for each lead * Two built-in light emitting diodes in­ dicate operation Edition 1 September 197P F¡le Ft, Part 1 4a Insulation supervising relay

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    92-10E RK000-1OQE "rk 427" earth fault relay RK 411 92-10E cubicles catalogue rk 427 411-HD 926100 PDF


    Abstract: RXMH-2 rxma1 RK 211 074 rxmh2 067 ABB RXMVB2 RXMA2 rk211 RK211 284-BA RK223
    Text: Sk S§ • § Auxiliary, flag and —— tripping relays i m d b 08003- e n March 1991 Changed since August 1990 Data subject to change without notice ASEA BROWN BOVERI ABB Network Control & Protection RXMA 1 RXMA 2 Features Application 90612 RXSF1 (820263)

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    1MDB08003-EN 031-AA 284-AA/-AAA 031-BA 284-BA/-BAA 32S-2S 284-AAA 1MDB13003-EN 1MDB13004-EN 1MDB14003-EN RK216 RXMH-2 rxma1 RK 211 074 rxmh2 067 ABB RXMVB2 RXMA2 rk211 RK211 284-BA RK223 PDF


    Abstract: RXIC 1 RK426 RXEL2 rxed1 rxec1 RXEG 2 asea relay RXEG RK411 rxid
    Text: Catalogue RK 42.-10E ASEA Edition 1 February 1972 File R, Part 1 Small over-current and over-voltage relays RXIC 1, RXID 1, RXEG 1, RXED 1 • Fixed or adjustable operating values D esign and mode o f operation V ersions M ounting M aintenance Technical data

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    ASEA EG 20

    Abstract: ASEA over current relay
    Text: Catalogue RK 82-1 E ASEA Edition 1 Magneto-electric relay type RRCLA 2 Relay type RRCLA 2 • is a m agneto-electric d.c.-supplied relay. • has a wide variety of uses, chiefly in protection and control equipment where a high degree of precision is required.

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    RTXP 18 cutout

    Abstract: rk 926 006-aa RXZ21 RK 928 008-AB RK924 RK 924 0001 asea pin terminal RTXG RHGX20 RXZ41 924006
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 92-10 E Edition 3 September 1980 File R, part 1 Connection and installation parts for COMBIFLEX modular system • Connection parts for up to 10 and 20 A continuous load • Installation parts for construction of apparatus groups and their installation in equipment frames, cases, boxes and

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    rqva 041

    Abstract: 004-AB QMAT503 rqma100 005AF
    Text: Catalogue RK 84-10 E ASEA Edition 1 June 1975, File R, Part 1 Temperature monitoring system type RANVA M easures the tem perature at up to 30 d ifferent points. The m onitoring range is steplessly ad­ justable on each m onitor Indicates exceeded tem perature on a

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    620-F 14-1E. RQMA100 rqva 041 004-AB QMAT503 005AF PDF

    ASEA RXIL RK 412

    Abstract: CAPACITOR RK 69 RK412 RXEL22 relay ca 9-11 ASEA RXIL RK 412 102 DH RK 723 007 RXIL 2 rxil 24 113-BC
    Text: Catalogue RK 41-11 E ASEA E dition 1 Feb ru ary 1971 File R, P art 1 Instantaneous current and voltage relays type RXIL and RXEL • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ For use in short-circuit protection, earth-fault protection etc. normally in com bination with tim e-lag relays

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: B03-9175E rxtma1 B03-9170E BROWN BOVERI connection diagram RK711 003-AX B03-9170 ABB t6 b03 9301e
    Text: 4 *^ m i A ll» a ASEA BR O W N BOVERI Type RXTMA 1 B03-9170E Resistor unit Page 1 June 30, 1982 Data subject to change without notice ABB Relays Abstract • Fixed or variable ohmic values Application The RXTMA 1 resistor unit is used for voltage division or series resistance.

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    B03-9170E 006-AX 007-AX 008-AX B03-9175E: B03-9170E 011-AX 012-AX 013-AX B03-9175E. B03-9301E B03-9175E rxtma1 BROWN BOVERI connection diagram RK711 003-AX B03-9170 ABB t6 b03 9301e PDF

    annunciator 32 points

    Abstract: Resistor MSB 54 annunciator V110 rtod catalogue of lamp ASEA EG 80
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 28-20E Edition 1 1980-02 File R, Part 1 Annunciator panels type RTOD • P rim arily intended fo r flashing-light fa u lt signal systems. • Suitable when signals fro m a number o f supervised objects are to be concentrated on a small, easily read

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    28-20E r-104-1 S-721 annunciator 32 points Resistor MSB 54 annunciator V110 rtod catalogue of lamp ASEA EG 80 PDF

    BROWN BOVERI relay

    Abstract: BROWN BOVERI protection relay NCS 1704-Y15R BROWN BOVERI ASEA Brown 1704-Y15R ASEA brown boveri protection relay IEC 439 abb combiflex Y15R
    Text: A 11 II mm 017 ASEA BROWN BOVERI ra 6e 1 88-06-10 VSH 200 Relay Cubicle For details see SA 36-1E. The VSH 200 cubicle designed for mounting of protective relays has dimensions based on the internationally used 19" module installation system. VSH 200 with 19” hinged frame and glazed door with slots.

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    36-1E. 10-Knobs BROWN BOVERI relay BROWN BOVERI protection relay NCS 1704-Y15R BROWN BOVERI ASEA Brown 1704-Y15R ASEA brown boveri protection relay IEC 439 abb combiflex Y15R PDF

    MTI BA relay

    Abstract: FIE24 BAA 9K RE55 RTXP 18 depth 010-DA RXEEC ABB IRT 1250 926100
    Text: Infci-’Np, INFORM ATION J i m_ _ » M FnSrti/DAti I M I PP R F R , Nov. 19S1 Edition 1 ASEA DFIOWtl K iVVERI ERI RK 667-300 E Fte&, Page 7U23 1 ABB Refays Neutral point voltage relay, type R A EU B o Used as earth convertors fault relay in systems which

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    V36lsi5s 3S0-1250 MTI BA relay FIE24 BAA 9K RE55 RTXP 18 depth 010-DA RXEEC ABB IRT 1250 926100 PDF

    Iskra relay

    Abstract: ASEA 5633 iskra PR-55 PR-59 8 pin relay base 11 pin relay base PR41C diode 119 asea type ir PR59
    Text: ASEA INFORMATION Info-Na. RK 119-300 E FrontfDate fwg. Relay Division RFR, June 1977 Edition 1 5633 1 File RK 00-90 E Section 1 Supersedes RK. 10-312 E Pag a Auxiliary relay type PR GENERAL Auxiliary relay type PR is an electro-mechanical d.c. or a.c- relay. Its primary application is industrial automatic equip­

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    kS--56- Iskra relay ASEA 5633 iskra PR-55 PR-59 8 pin relay base 11 pin relay base PR41C diode 119 asea type ir PR59 PDF