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    ARIES ELECTRONICS Search Results

    ARIES ELECTRONICS Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    PQU650-12P Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd AC/DC 650W, 6”X4” U-CHANNEL, 12V O/P Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    ECASD61C107M012KA0 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 7343 (7343M)/100μF±20%/16Vdc/12mOhm Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    ECASD61A157M010KA0 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 7343 (7343M)/150μF±20%/10Vdc/10mOhm Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DLW21SH670HQ2L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd CMC SMD 67ohm 320mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DLW21SH900HQ2L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd CMC SMD 90ohm 280mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    ARIES ELECTRONICS Datasheets Context Search

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    Est 13003

    Abstract: Aries Electronics transistor E 13009 cup 10019 tsop 48 PIN SOCKET pin identification plcc thru hole socket 20 32 pin zif connector aries all transistor 13009 torlon transistor 13009
    Text: 8 E DI N TH O EI G H T I INTERCONNECTION & PACKAGING SOLUTIONS SHORTFORM CATALOG For more than a quarter century, Aries has helped solve interconnection and packaging problems with an unusual range of standard, programmed, and custom products. Welcome to Aries!

    sf1004-2 Est 13003 Aries Electronics transistor E 13009 cup 10019 tsop 48 PIN SOCKET pin identification plcc thru hole socket 20 32 pin zif connector aries all transistor 13009 torlon transistor 13009 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.00mm Pitch BGA Socket and Adapter FEATURES: • Any grid size availabe on 1.00mm pitch or larger ex.:1.27mm pitch. Consult BGA • • • • • Footprint section of Product Data Sheets in Aries Electronics website, Reliable 3-finger female contact, which provides wiping action

    UL94V-0 75um PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.00mm/1.27mm Pitch BGA Socket and Adapter FEATURES: • Any grid size available on 1.00mm pitch or larger ex.:1.27mm pitch. Consult BGA • • • • • Footprint section of Product Data Sheets in Aries Electronics website, Reliable 3-finger female contact, which provides wiping action

    00mm/1 UL94V-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.00mm/1.27mm Pitch BGA Socket and Adapter FEATURES: • Any grid size availabe on 1.00mm pitch or larger ex.:1.27mm pitch. Consult BGA • • • • • Footprint section of Product Data Sheets in Aries Electronics website, Reliable 3-finger female contact, which provides wiping action

    00mm/1 UL94V-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ARIES ELECTRONICS INC A R IE S ' ►Aries capacitor sockets are available as standard with either .1mFor ,33mF capacitor, 50V, Z5U temperature coefficient. •Sockets are machine insertable>The Aries four fingered collet contact provides excellent insertion and

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIP/SIP Sockets H eaders and Aries offers a vast assortment of DIP and SIP sockets and headers. Whether you need stamped or machined, wire-wrap or solder tail termination, 2 or 64’ll find a standard Aries socket to fit just about any application. Aries also manufactures a complete line of

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ARIES ELECTRONICS INC 54E D RRIES Aries P G A Catalog and may be ordered using the footprint numbers shown there. Socket lid can be removed for insertion or replacement of pins. Housing of glass filled PPS, UL94VO rated. Stainless steel handle can be provided

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    UL94VO 254pm) PDF


    Abstract: DTE3053 MIL-T-10727 QQN-290
    Text: ARIES ELECTRONICS INC 54E D • CHEaOSa 0000^7=5 AM* ■ FEATURES .3 0 0 7,62) .400 (10,16) • Low cost, high production use sockets with Aries high reliability, screw-machined collet contacts ,. . with four point contact redundancy and superior insertion-to-withdrawal

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    DTE3053 RS232 UL94V0 UL94VO X518 MIL-T-10727 QQN-290 PDF

    amp zip socket 28

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ARIES ELECTRONICS INC 54E » RRIES ELECTRONICS, INC. Use Aries precision stamped collet pin Inser­ tion carriers and elim inate time consuming hand insertion of pins. Accurate alignm ent with the board hole pattern makes it fast and easy. After wave soldering the disposable insertion carrier is

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    UL94VO 27/im amp zip socket 28 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: □^23053 GGGlGDb H7S S4E D ARIES ELECTRONICS INC /1-25-3/ A-o9 03 A complete line of DIP Switches and DIP Switch alternatives. • Aries Series 675 and 680 DIP Program Headers offer unusual ver­ satility for programming within the header itself. They can be individually

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    LJ-40-10 MS-40-11 LM-40-11 MS-40-11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Welcome to Aries! For more than two decades, Aries has helped solve interconnection and packaging problems with an unusual range of standard, programmed, and custom products. For designers and engineers charged with keeping their board level products current, or enhancing

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ARIES ELECTRONICS INC SHE D • /? ¿Z 3 - ó ¿ r GTSBOSa □□□□TfiS 042 RRIES* LO-COST DUAL BEAM EDGE-GRIP SOCKETS LO-PROfile and Standard PROFILE ELECTRONICS, INC. Aries’ Edge-Grip dual beam contact sockets offer gas-tight reliability at an economical price for the high volume

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    C84/C93 rang300 PDF


    Abstract: MIL-T-10727 QQN-290 14-823-90 106623
    Text: ARIES ELECTRONICS INC SME D • CH23DS3 0GG0TÌ3 i n Aries oners a tun line of Vertisockets for D IP packaging of LE D ’s, in­ candescent lamps, D IP switches, test points, etc. The variations of mount­ ing position and pin configuration give a wide latitude of design free­

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    CH23DS3 QQB-750 MIL-G-45204 QQN-290. availab8-6823-45 18-6823-4F 882260 MIL-T-10727 QQN-290 14-823-90 106623 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ARIES ELECTRONICS IN C RRIES* ELECTRONICS, INC. SHE D ÜT23GS3 □ □ D G C^ G 4QT A -2S-P6 Nylon Latch SIMM Sockets P.O. Box 130, Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Phone 1-908-996-6841 FAX 1-908-996-3891 Vertical Upright and LO-PROfile (25°) Aries SIM M sockets are available in 30

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    T23GS3 73-P6 PDF


    Abstract: QQ-8-750 4953 ic 8 pin ansley socket MIL-T-10727 QQN-290
    Text: ARIES ELECTRONICS INC S4E D nRIES OOOOIflM ft 2 3 10b • EJECT-A -DIP Sockets LO-PROfile® Sockets P.O. Box 130 Frenchtown, NJ 06825 Phone 1-908-996-6841 FAX 1-908-996-3891 ELECTRONICS, INC. Aries EJECT-A-DIP Socket positively locks in DIP J u m p e rs . The tapered entry socket allows

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    QQ8-750. 25pmR XX-6621 8L-514-10 QQ-8-750 4953 ic 8 pin ansley socket MIL-T-10727 QQN-290 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S witches Aries’ DIP switches offer premium performance and represent the most advanced engineering ever designed into a DIP switch. Designed for exceptional reliability and versatility, all Aries DIP switches incorporate advanced design concepts, highest quality materials, precision manufacture and stringent testing to ensure unrivaled product excellence.

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    84 pin PGA socket

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Universal & Pin S pecific ZIF Programming/T est/B urn-in S ockets Aries offers one of the most extensive ranges of test, programming and burn-in sockets in the industry, with a version to accommodate just about every package style and application need. Aries’ exclusive Universal ZIF socket, available in DIP, PGA,

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    Abstract: QQN-290 Hitachi "J suffix" 405701 QQ-N290
    Text: ARIES ELECTRONICS ÎNC S4E D • 0^23053 □ D 0 0 ti73 320 ■ A R IE S P IN C O N T A C T S T Y L E S .F O R A L L H E U U IK t M b N T S fe atu re s: ARIES SIN G LE BEAM FACE-GRIP CONTACT • Performance at competitive price for production use. • Low profile - .165 4,19 max. IC seating plane.

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    D00ti73 08jim) UL94VO 27/im) MIL-T-10727 QQN-290 Hitachi "J suffix" 405701 QQ-N290 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ARIES ELECTRONICS INC DTSaOSB GOOCHTH ÜSS • SME » RRIES ELECTRONICS, IIMC. P.O. Box 130 Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Phone 1-908-996-6841 FAX 1-908-996-3891 VERTISOCKETS These low cost Vertisockets are recommended for high volume vertical display mounting applications.

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    14-810-90R QQB-750 14-810-90R PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Programming Devices For user-programmable on-board applications, Aries offers a variety of programming devices. These versatile components act like a DIP switch.with a unique characteristic: they can be individually programmed to make a permanent, unalterable

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    SP/SJ200 PDF

    94 4311

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: mm 1.00mm/1.27mm Pitch BGA Socket and Adapter FEATURES: • Any grid size availabe on 1.00mm pitch or larger ex.:1,27mm pitch. Consult BGA Footprint section of Product Data Sheets in Aries Electronics website, • Reliable 3-finger female contact, which provides wiping action

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    00mm/1 UL94V-0 025nn 94 4311 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A ries H igh F requency Test P roducts As the semiconductor industry moves toward higher speed and higher performance packages, the demand for new test methodologies has never been greater. Aries Electronics is proud to offer High Performance RF Test Sockets, which meet the demanding

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    178mm] PDF


    Abstract: HB 541 X810 MIL-T-10727 c s x 13001 H 08
    Text: -f l O — no - - sqs Series 800 Vert¡sockets" Vertical Mounting with Bifurcated Contacts FEATURES: • Aries offers a full line of Vertisockets for DIP packaging of LEDs, incandescent lamps, DIP switches, test points, etc.

    OCR Scan
    94-HB QQ-B-750. 13002 HB 541 X810 MIL-T-10727 c s x 13001 H 08 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O ther S ocket Packages Aries excels in helping customers meet special application needs. This singular expertise has resulted in an enhanced line of standard socket packages with special features and capabilities - including the following products. Series/

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