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    intel 2816 eeprom

    Abstract: CI EEPROM 2816 eeprom 2816 threshold sensor AN1057 AN1944 MAX16031 MAX16031ETM MAX16032 MAX16032ETM
    Text: 19-0870; Rev 1; 10/07 EEPROM-Based System Monitors with Nonvolatile Fault Memory Features The MAX16031/MAX16032 EEPROM-configurable system monitors feature an integrated 10-bit analog-todigital converter ADC designed to monitor voltages, temperatures, and current in complex systems. These

    MAX16031/MAX16032 10-bit MAX16031 MAX16032 intel 2816 eeprom CI EEPROM 2816 eeprom 2816 threshold sensor AN1057 AN1944 MAX16031ETM MAX16032 MAX16032ETM PDF

    eeprom 2816

    Abstract: intel 2816 eeprom AN1057 AN1944 MAX16031 MAX16031ETM MAX16032 MAX16032ETM
    Text: 19-0870; Rev 1; 10/07 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL EEPROM-Based System Monitors with Nonvolatile Fault Memory Features The MAX16031/MAX16032 EEPROM-configurable system monitors feature an integrated 10-bit analog-todigital converter ADC designed to monitor voltages,

    MAX16031/MAX16032 10-bit MAX16031 MAX16032 eeprom 2816 intel 2816 eeprom AN1057 AN1944 MAX16031ETM MAX16032 MAX16032ETM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0870; Rev 2; 6/10 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL EEPROM-Based System Monitors with Nonvolatile Fault Memory Features The MAX16031/MAX16032 EEPROM-configurable system monitors feature an integrated 10-bit analog-todigital converter ADC designed to monitor voltages,

    MAX16031 MAX16031/MAX16032 PDF

    intel 2816 eeprom

    Abstract: CI EEPROM 2816 AN1057 AN1944 MAX16031 MAX16031ETM MAX16032 MAX16032ETM
    Text: 19-0870; Rev 3; 9/10 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL EEPROM-Based System Monitors with Nonvolatile Fault Memory Features The MAX16031/MAX16032 EEPROM-configurable system monitors feature an integrated 10-bit analog-todigital converter ADC designed to monitor voltages,

    MAX16031/MAX16032 10-bit MAX16031 MAX16032 MAX16031/MAX16032 intel 2816 eeprom CI EEPROM 2816 AN1057 AN1944 MAX16031ETM MAX16032 MAX16032ETM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0870; Rev 1; 10/07 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A AVAIL EEPROM-Based System Monitors with Nonvolatile Fault Memory Features The MAX16031/MAX16032 EEPROM-configurable system monitors feature an integrated 10-bit analog-todigital converter ADC designed to monitor voltages,

    MAX16031 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0870; Rev 0; 7/07 EEPROM-Based System Monitors with Nonvolatile Fault Memory Features The MAX16031/MAX16032 EEPROM-configurable system monitors feature an integrated 10-bit analog-todigital converter ADC designed to monitor voltages, temperatures, and current in complex systems. These

    MAX16031/MAX16032 10-bit MAX16031 MAX16032 IN148 PDF


    Abstract: AN1944 MAX16031 MAX16031ETM MAX16032 MAX16032ETM IN5 diode
    Text: 19-0870; Rev 4; 8/11 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA EEPROM-Based System Monitors with Nonvolatile Fault Memory Features The MAX16031/MAX16032 EEPROM-configurable system monitors feature an integrated 10-bit analog-todigital converter ADC designed to monitor voltages,

    MAX16031/MAX16032 10-bit MAX16031 MAX16032 MAX16031/MAX16032 AN1057 AN1944 MAX16031ETM MAX16032 MAX16032ETM IN5 diode PDF


    Abstract: transistor c942 fan speed control circuit using lm358 fan speed control lm358 13h47 thermistor 4.7k ohm TRANSISTOR BC 814 lm358 fan control 10K thermistor thermistor type R53
    Text: F75334 F75334DG Performance Controller Release Date: July, 2007 Version: V0.25P July, 2007 V0.25P F75334 F75334DG Datasheet Revision History Version Date Page Revision History V0.10P 2005/09/01 - Preliminary Version V0.20P 2005/09/02 - Added Register Description and Application Circuit

    F75334 F75334DG F75334DG pin7/pin13/pin29 CR02h/93h/9Fh/AFh/BFh/CFh) F75334D FAN CONTROL BY USING THERMISTOR lm358 transistor c942 fan speed control circuit using lm358 fan speed control lm358 13h47 thermistor 4.7k ohm TRANSISTOR BC 814 lm358 fan control 10K thermistor thermistor type R53 PDF

    Shenzhen Anxinke technology

    Abstract: ESP-12
    Text: FCC Part15.247 TEST REPORT FCC ID: 2ADUIESP-12 Product Name: WIFI Module Trademark: AI-THINKER Model Number: ESP-12, ESP Prepared For : Shenzhen Anxinke technology co., LTD Address: 5A,B Building,Gushu WanLiHua Industrial,XiXiang Town, BaoAn District,ShenZhen,China

    Part15 2ADUIESP-12 ESP-12, BCTC-141211251E Shenzhen Anxinke technology ESP-12 PDF


    Abstract: MB86041A MB86043 WP-40P-M01
    Text: March 1991 E M oM jO D ATA SH E ET MB86041A/MB86043 , _ CMOS PIPELINED DIVIDER WITH 10-BIT DIVIDEND 8-BIT DIVISOR. AND 10-BIT QUOTIENT The MB86Q41A end MB86043 are hlgh-apeed CMOS pipelined dMder fealurfng Integer dMslon or declmerf d vis ion operating mod* and 10-W dividend. 8-bil

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    MB86041A/MB86043 10-BIT MB8G041A MB86043 kit99Â MB86041A 40-pin 48-pin WP40P WP-40P-M01 PDF

    tpa 5017

    Abstract: HC7046AM DIODE 2FL 20U
    Text: New D a ta - CD54/74HC7046A CD54/74HCT7046A File N um b er 1 9 2 0 HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR 27E D 4302271 OQlfllbM 4 B H A S Phase-Locked Loop with VCO And Lock Detector T yp e Features: • C enter fre que ncy o f 18 M H z typ . at Vcc = 5 V

    OCR Scan
    CD54/74HC7046A CD54/74HCT7046A 92CS-41304 tpa 5017 HC7046AM DIODE 2FL 20U PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Video ICs I Chroma signal frequency converter | BA7049S/BA7049FS The BA7049S and BA7049FS convert NTSC, PAL-M and PAL-N chroma signal subcarrier frequencies to the PAL format 4.433619MHz to allow PAL format processing circuits to handle record and playback signals for these other for­

    OCR Scan
    BA7049S/BA7049FS BA7049S BA7049FS 433619MHz 19pin 12pin 13pin 17pin 15pin PDF


    Abstract: 64Kx8 CMOS RAM LC864024A LC864156A LC864020A LC86000 16KX8 LC864032A LC8640XX LC864000
    Text: C M O S 8-B it S ingle-C hip M icrocom puters LC864000 Series Overview T he L C 86 400 0 S eries are high -spee d, a d va n ce d -fu n ction C M O S 8 -b it sin g le -ch ip m icro co n tro lle rs w ith an o n -chip cap tion displa y fun ction. W hen co m b in e d w ith a data slice

    OCR Scan
    LC864000 LA7945) LC8640XX LC8641XX LC8640XX 14-bit D1P-52S LC86E4032 DIP-52S LC864012B 64Kx8 CMOS RAM LC864024A LC864156A LC864020A LC86000 16KX8 LC864032A PDF


    Abstract: k176 USSR K176TM2 K174HA7 K176HA7 K176NE6 K176PM1 K176 ussr modulo 10 counter
    Text: ». *• /*•/ /' a • ••••’ . . • • ••••• CEPMM ; MHTErPA/lbH blX MMKPOCXEM • INTEGRATED MICROCIRCUITS FAMILIES . . *• '' ^ ï | -, M . K176 K590 M O n -M HTerpanbHbie MMKpocxeMbi M O S -In te g ra te d M ic ro c irc u its MnHjx>cxcvn.i cepmi K176 np<*/j»cs:«H;mciiu' j\nn

    OCR Scan
    15amax 38max 59max K176KT1 k176 USSR K176TM2 K174HA7 K176HA7 K176NE6 K176PM1 K176 ussr modulo 10 counter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fax id: 7051 CY74FCT163374 CY74FCT163H374 CY74FCT163LD374 CY74FCT163LDH374 16-Bit Registers CY74FCT163LD2374 Features • • • . • • Low power, pin-compatible replacem ent for LCX, LPT, LVC, LVCH & LVT fam ilies • 5V tolerant inputs and outputs* • 6 mA & 24 mA balanced drive outputs

    OCR Scan
    CY74FCT163374 CY74FCT163H374 CY74FCT163LD374 CY74FCT163LDH374 16-Bit CY74FCT163LD2374 25-mil PDF


    Abstract: GES5823 GES5824 GES5825 GES5826 GES5827 GES5828 GES6000 GES6001 GES6002
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-92 PA CK A GE Device b v ceo Type @10mA V Min. 1 60 II 60 40 • m 40 GES5822 NPhl GES5823 a a GES5824 GES5825 I GES5826 GES5827 GES5828 GES6000 GES6001 GES6002 GES6003 GES6004 GES6005 GES6006 GES6007

    OCR Scan
    GES5822 GES5823 GES5824 GES5825 GES5826 GES5827 GES5828 GES6000 GES6001 GES6002 PDF


    Abstract: AM9551PC am9555 BLC901 am8251 CI 74LS21 SBC-901 ITT APU 2400 am9080 BLC 902
    Text: Advanced Micro Computers A subsidiary of Advanced Micro Devices Am95/4005 MonoBoard Computer User’s Manual REVISION RECORD REVISION 01 DESCRIPTION Prelim inary Issue 4/27/79 A Manual Released (8/24/79) B M anual updated to co rrect d o c u m en tatio n errors.

    OCR Scan
    Am95/4005 Am9555 Am8255A 0680120C AM9511 AM9551PC BLC901 am8251 CI 74LS21 SBC-901 ITT APU 2400 am9080 BLC 902 PDF


    Abstract: GES5823 GES5824 GES5825 GES5826 GES5827 GES5828 GES6000 GES6001 GES6002
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-92 PA CK A GE Device bvceo Type @ 10mA V Min. 1 60 II 60 40 • m 40 GES5822 NPhl GES5823 a a GES5824 GES5825 I GES5826 GES5827 GES5828 GES6000 GES6001 GES6002 GES6003 GES6004 GES6005 GES6006 GES6007

    OCR Scan
    GES5822 GES5823 GES5824 GES5825 GES5826 GES5827 GES5828 GES6000 40MBIENT 9ES6003 GES6001 GES6002 PDF


    Abstract: FI-S20S BHR-04VS-1 FI-SE20ME FI-SE20P-HFE SM02 THC63LVDF84B
    Text: LCD Module Technical Specification First Edition a pm 1 , 200s Final R evision * T-55311D090J-FW-A-AAN Type NO C ustom er C u s to m e r's P ro du ct No OPTREX CORPORATION A pproved : Minoru Akaìsuka Q U A L I T Y A S S U R A N C E D IVISION C hecked :

    OCR Scan
    T-55311D090J-FW-A-AAN T-55311D090J-FW-A-AAN FCC16162AB FI-S20S BHR-04VS-1 FI-SE20ME FI-SE20P-HFE SM02 THC63LVDF84B PDF


    Abstract: GES5822 GES5823 GES5824 GES5825 GES5826 GES5827 GES5828 GES6000 GES6001
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-92 PA CK A GE Device bvceo Type @ 10mA V Min. 1 60 II 60 40 • m 40 GES5822 NPhl GES5823 a a GES5824 GES5825 I GES5826 GES5827 GES5828 GES6000 GES6001 GES6002 VCE (sat) Max. @ lc (m A ) 40 00 00 60

    OCR Scan
    GES5822 GES5823 GES5824 GES5825 GES5826 GES5827 GES5828 GES6000 40LECTOR-BASE GES6007 800-0400 GES6001 PDF


    Abstract: GES6220 GES5822 GES5823 GES5824 GES5825 GES5826 GES5827 GES5828 GES6000
    Text: SILICON SIGNAL TRANSISTORS GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TO-92 P A C K A G E Device bvceo Type @ 10mA V Min. 1 60 II 60 40 • m 40 GES5822 NPhl GES5823 a a GES5824 GES5825 I GES5826 GES5827 GES5828 GES6000 GES6001 GES6002 GES6003 GES6004 GES6005 GES6006 GES6007

    OCR Scan
    GES5822 GES5823 GES5824 GES5825 GES5826 GES5827 GES5828 GES6000 40MBIENT 9ES6003 ES5448 GES6220 PDF


    Abstract: A1240XL 32 Bit loadable counter 2 bit magnitude comparator 176-CPGA "alu 4 bit" IC LM 384 gn
    Text: Æ ic t â 1200XL Field Programmable Gate Arrays Features • Up to 8000 Gate Array Gates 20,000 PLD equivalent gates Datapath Performance at 135 MHz • Replaces up to 200 TTL Packages 10 ns Clock-Out speeds • Replaces up to eighty 20-Pin PAL Packages

    OCR Scan
    1200XL 20-Pin 16-Bit TA138 A1240XL 32 Bit loadable counter 2 bit magnitude comparator 176-CPGA "alu 4 bit" IC LM 384 gn PDF

    VU 97080

    Abstract: Ic 301 ado OT31 80cl580 transistor 2FX 83CE560
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TDA8006 Multiprotocol 1C Card coupler Product specification Supersedes data of 1998 Jul 31 File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 Philips Sem iconductors 1998 Aug 18 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Product specification Multiprotocol 1C Card coupler

    OCR Scan
    TDA8006 80C52 16-kbyte 256-byte RS232 545104/750/02/pp40 VU 97080 Ic 301 ado OT31 80cl580 transistor 2FX 83CE560 PDF


    Abstract: c258 MB81C258 MB81C258-10
    Text: FU JITSU 262144 BIT CMOS STATIC COLUMN DYNAMIC RAM MB81C258-10 MB81C258-12 MB81C258-15 1 1 1 O c to b e r 1 9 8 8 E d itio n 3 .0 262,144 x 1 BIT CMOS STATIC COLUMN DYNAMIC RAM The Fujitsu MB 81C258 is CMOS static colum n dynam ic random access memo­ ry, SC-DRAM, w hich is organized as 262144 w ord by 1 bit. This SC-DRAM is

    OCR Scan
    MB81C258-10 MB81C258-12 MB81C258-15 81C258 16030S MB81C258-10 c258 MB81C258 PDF