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    APPLICATION OF 8051 MICROCONTROLLER Result Highlights (5)

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    TMP89FM82DUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/LQFP48-P-0707-0.50D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS60BFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1414-0.80-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS63BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP52-1010-0.65-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS62BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP44-1010-0.80-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS60BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1010-0.50-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

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    microcontroller based caller id by using 8051

    Abstract: 8051 microcontroller Assembly language program X24F008 AN78 AN7811 AN787 microcontroller based caller id 80C51 X24F016 X24F032
    Text: Application Note AN78 Interfacing the X24F016/032/064 SerialFlash Memories to 8051 Microcontrollers by Ray Kahidi, October 1995 This application note demonstrates how the Xicor X24Fxxx family of SerialFlash memories can be interfaced to the 8051 microcontroller family when

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    Text: Maxim/Dallas > App Notes > MICROCONTROLLERS Keywords: Flash Microcontroller, 8051, drop-in 8051, DS89C430, DS89C450, Keil Compiler Jun 16, 2004 APPLICATION NOTE 3267 Using the Keil C Compiler with the DS89C430/450 Abstract: This application note describes how to use the Keil uVision suite of tools to build a C application for

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    Text: APPLICATION NOTE 91 Application Note 91 Microcontroller Design Guidelines for Reducing ALE Signal Noise OVERVIEW The 8051 architecture allows for external program and data access through the use of Port 0 and Port 2 as an external memory interface. The 8051 architecture multiplexes the data and LSB of address on Port 0, requiring

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    Abstract: 80C51 AN86 X24645 microcontroller based caller id by using 8051
    Text: Application Note AN86 Interfacing the X24165/645 to 8051 Microcontrollers by Applications Staff This application note demonstrates how the Xicor X24165/645 family of serial memories can be interfaced to the 8051 microcontroller family when connected as shown in Figure 1. The interface uses the port 1 pins to

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    Text: Interfacing the X25650 to 8051 Microcontrollers Application Note May 6, 2005 AN19.0 Author: Applications Staff The following code demonstrates how Intersil's X25650 family of SPI serial E2PROMs can be interfaced to the 8051 microcontroller family when connected as shown in Figure 1.

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    Text: Application Note: CoolRunner CPLD CoolRunner CPLD 8051 Microcontroller Interface R XAPP349 v1.0 December 7, 2000 Summary This document details the VHDL implementation of an 8051 microcontroller interface in a Xilinx CoolRunner XPLA3 CPLD. CoolRunner CPLDs are the lowest power CPLDs available,

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    Text: Application Note: CoolRunner CPLD R CoolRunner XPLA3 CPLD 8051 Microcontroller Interface XAPP349 v1.2 January 15, 2003 Summary This document details the VHDL implementation of an 8051 microcontroller interface in a Xilinx CoolRunner XPLA3 CPLD. CoolRunner XPLA3 CPLDs are the lowest power CPLDs

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    Text: Application Note 95 Interfacing the DS1307/1308 with an 8051-Compatible Microcontroller INTRODUCTION The DS1307 Serial Real Time Clock, which incorporates a 2–wire serial interface, can be controlled using an 8051–compatible DS5000 Secure Microcontroller. The DS1307 is connected directly to two of

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    Text: Application Note 91 Microcontroller Design Guidelines for Reducing ALE Signal Noise OVERVIEW The 8051 architecture allows for external program and data access through the use of Port 0 and Port 2 as an external memory interface. The 8051 architecture multiplexes the data and LSB of address on Port 0,

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    Abstract: 0041H X24C04 AN14 X24C16 AN-14
    Text: Application Note AN14 Interfacing the X24C01A/02/04/08/16 to 8051 Microcontrollers by Applications Staff, July 1992 The following code demonstrates how the Xicor 2 X24C01A/02/04/08/16 family of serial E PROMs can be interfaced to the 8051 microcontroller family when

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    Text: Application Note: CoolRunner-II CPLD R CoolRunner-II CPLD 8051 Microcontroller Interface XAPP393 v1.0 January 15, 2003 Summary This document details the VHDL implementation of an 8051 microcontroller interface in a Xilinx CoolRunner -II CPLD. CoolRunner CPLDs are the lowest power CPLDs available, making

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    Abstract: 8051 interfacing to EEProm 8051 microcontroller datasheet sck 054 8051 THROUGH SPI PROTOCOL 8051 microcontroller pdf free download 555H AN19 X25640 8051 interfacing with eeprom
    Text: Application Note AN19 Interfacing the X25640/642 to 8051 Microcontrollers by Applications Staff, August 1994 The following code demonstrates how Xicor's 2 X25640/642 family of SPI serial E PROMs can be interfaced to the 8051 microcontroller family when connected as shown in Fig. 1. The interface uses 4

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    Abstract: DS1307 IC interfacing DS1307 ds1307 cjne lcall IC DS1307 32KHZ DS1621 DS5000
    Text: Application Note 95 Interfacing the DS1307/DS1308 with an 8051-Compatible Microcontroller INTRODUCTION The DS1307 Serial Real Time Clock, which incorporates a 2–wire serial interface, can be controlled using an 8051-compatible microcontroller. The DS1307 in this example is connected directly to two of

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Document Application Note Author Date December 1989 AN424 8051 family warm boot determinations Application Specific Product DESCRIPTION For som e classes of applications, il may be desirable to know if the application of the reset signal to a microcontroller is

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    AN424 004BH 0026H 0000H 0030B 0055H 00AAH 0033B 00CCH PDF