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    diesel injector bosch

    Abstract: common rail injector test Common rail injector Technical data peak and hold diesel bosch injectors Common rail injector peak and hold gasoline direct injection TLE6240 bosch diesel injector common rail pressure sensor bosch
    Text: Application Note, V 2.0, Sept. 2001 AP3229 TC1775 Pe ak & H old Curr en t Shape g ene ra te d by TriC ore der iva tive TC17 75 This application note focuses on the generation of a Peak&Hold current shape for Direct Injection Combustion Engines by using the 32-bit TriCore derivative TC1775.

    AP3229 TC1775 32-bit TC1775. diesel injector bosch common rail injector test Common rail injector Technical data peak and hold diesel bosch injectors Common rail injector peak and hold gasoline direct injection TLE6240 bosch diesel injector common rail pressure sensor bosch PDF