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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1EZ110D5 thru 1 E Z2 0 0 D 5 Microsemi Corp. ? 7?» aoae experts SCOTTSDALE, AZ For mòTe information call: 602 941-6300 SILICON 1 WATT ZENER DIODE FEA T U R ES • Z E N E R V O LTA G E 110 V TO 200 V • W IT H S T A N D S L A R G E S U R G E S T R E S S E S

    OCR Scan
    1EZ110D5 1EZ110D5 1EZ200D5 1GZ110D5 GDD2431 PDF


    Abstract: XAL W6 MAS 10 RCD sc 4145 CNR 14 V 471 K CA278 CI008 On Screen Display Samsung
    Text: SA M S U N G E L E C T R O N I C S INC b7E D m 7^4142 001L>bb2 17Û SMGK PRELIMINARY KM428C257 CMOS VIDEO RAM 256K X 8 Bit CMOS Video RAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION - Dual port Architecture 2 56 K x 8 bits RAM port 512 x 8 bits SAM port The Sam sung KM 428C 257 is a C M OS 256K x 8 bit Dual

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    KM428C257 256KX 512x8 110ns 130ns 150ns 110mA 100mA 40-PIN 40/44-PIN KM428C257 XAL W6 MAS 10 RCD sc 4145 CNR 14 V 471 K CA278 CI008 On Screen Display Samsung PDF

    "Video RAM"

    Abstract: KM4216V256 KM4216C256
    Text: KM4216C/V256 CMOS VIDEO RAM 256K X 16 Bit CMOS Video RAM FEATURES The RAM a rray consists of 512 bit rows of 8192 bits. * Dual port A rchitecture 256K x 16 bits RAM port It operates like a conventional 256K x 16 C M O S DRAM. The RAM port has a write per bit m ask capability.

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    4216C/V256 110ns 130ns 150ns KM4216C256 120mA 110mA 100mA KM4216V256 "Video RAM" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS SUPERSYNC FIFO 16,384x9 32,768 x 9 \dt PRELIMINARY IDT72261LA IDT72271LA Integrated Device Technology, Inc. HFEATURES: • Choose among the following memory organizations: IDT72261LA 16,384 x9 IDT72271LA 32,768 x 9 • P in -co m p a tib le w ith the ID T 72V 281/72V 291 and

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    384x9 IDT72261LA IDT72271LA IDT72271LA 281/72V IDT72V2101/72V2111 PN64-1) PP64-1) PDF


    Abstract: D414256 NEC 20PIN DIP
    Text: NEC /¿P D 414256 2 6 2 ,1 4 4 X 4 -B IT D YN A M IC NMOS RAM NEC Electronics Inc. P R E L IM IN A R Y INFORMATION Description Pin Configurations The //PD414256 is a 262,144-word by 4-bit dynamic N-channel MOS random access memory RAM de­ signed to operate from a single +5 V power supply. The

    OCR Scan
    20-Pin uPD414256 144-word /UPD414256 414256 D414256 NEC 20PIN DIP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S A M S U N G E L E C T R O N I C S INC b7E » • 7 ^4 1 4 5 KM536512W/WG 0 D1 5 2 1 5 54T ■ SMGK DRAM MODULES 512KX36 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: tR A C KMM536512W-6 60ns 15ns 110ns KMM536512W-7 70ns 20ns

    OCR Scan
    KM536512W/WG 512KX36 KMM536512W-6 110ns 130ns KMM536512W-8 150ns KMM536512W KMM536512WG: PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS INC tiHE D m 7U4142 256Kx4 Bit CMOS VIDEO RAM FEATURES • Dual Port Architecture 256K x 4 bits RAM port 512 x 4 bits SAM port • Performance range: -8 Item • • • • • • • • • • • • -10 80ns 1 0 0 ns access time t R A c

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    7U4142 256Kx4 150ns 180ns 28-PIN KM424C256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY KM428C256 CMOS VIDEO RAM 25 6K x8 Bit CMOS Video RAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Dual Port Architecture 256K X 8 bits RAM port 512 X 8 bits SAM port • Performance range: The Samsung KM428C256 is a CMOS 2 5 6 K x8 bit Dual Port DRAM. It consists of a 256K x 8 dynamic ran­

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    KM428C256 KM428C256 40-PIN 40/44-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS VIDEO RAM KM424C256A 256KX4 Bit CMOS VIDEO RAM FEATURES • Dual Port Architecture 256K x 4 bits RAM port S12 x 4 bits SAM port • Performance range: Item RAM RAM RAM RAM SAM SAM RAM SAM RAM • • • • • • • • • • • • access time tRAc

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    KM424C256A 256KX4 125ns 150ns 100ns 180ns 28-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM424C256 CMOS VIDEO RAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION 256Kx4 Bit CMOS VIDEO RAM FEATURES • Dual Port Architecture 256K x 4 bits RAM port 512 x 4 bits SAM port • Performance range: Item RAM RAM RAM ¡RAM SAM SAM RAM SAM ¡RAM • • • • • • • • •

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    KM424C256 256Kx4 100ns 120ns 150ns 180ns 220ns 28-PIN KM424C256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS INC b4E 3 • 7 ^ 4 1 4 2 DDIBTTB TSG PRELIMINARY KM424C257 SMGK CMOS VIDEO RAM 2 5 6 K X 4 Bit CMOS Video RAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Dual port A rchitecture 256K x 4 b its RAM port 512 x 4 b its SAM port • Performance The Samsung KM 424C 257 is a CMOS 2 5 6 K X 4 bit Dual

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    KM424C257 125ns 28-PIN 0D13625 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KMM536256B DRAM MODULES 2 5 6 K X 3 6 DRAM SIMM Memory Module FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: The Samsung KM M 536256B is a 2 6 2 ,1 4 4 bit X 36 Dynamic RAM high density memory module. The Sam­ sung KM M 536256B consist ot eight CMOS 2 5 6 K X 4

    OCR Scan
    KMM536256B 536256B 20-pin 18-pin 72-pin 536256B- 130ns KMM536256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM418C256/USL CMOS DRAM 2 5 6 K x 18 Bit CMOS Dynamic RAM with Fast Page Mode FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Performance range: The Samsung KM418C256/L/SL is a CMOS high speed 262,144 bit x 18 Dynamic Random Access Memory. Its design is optimized for high performance applications

    OCR Scan
    KM418C256/USL KM418C256/L/SL KM418C256/L/SL-7 130ns KM418C256/Ã 150ns KM418C256/L/SL-10 100ns 180ns KM418C256/L/SL km418c256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: hay a » 9a KM424C256 CMOS VIDEO RAM 256KX4 Bit CMOS VIDEO RAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Samsung KM424C256 is a CMOS 2 5 6 K x 4 bit Dual Port DRAM. It consists of a 256K x 4 dynamic ran­ dom access memory RAM port and 512 x 4 static serial access memory (SAM) port. The RAM and SAM ports

    OCR Scan
    KM424C256 256KX4 KM424C256 28-PIN PDF


    Abstract: M5M4V18-60B8 M5M4V18
    Text: M 5 M 4 V 1 8 1 6 0 B J ,T P ,R T - 6 , - 7 ,- 8 , - 6 S v 7 S ,- 8 S FAST PAGE MODE 16777216-BIT 1048576-WQRD BY 16-BIT DYNAMiC RAM DESCRIPTION This is a family of 1048576-w ord by 16-bit dynamic RAMS, fabricated with the high performance CM OS process,and is ideal for

    OCR Scan
    16777216-BIT 1048576-WQRD 16-BIT 1048576-w 1048576-WORD 16-BIT M5M4V18160BJ s23a4 M5M4V18-60B8 M5M4V18 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: o orkVU . rkr'v P R O G R A M M A B L E OEi AY CH!f- SYN ER G Y ' -•V 1 f i t 1 yB Wi TH A N A L O G I N R I T V 1 0 0 E Î9 B S E M IC O N D U C I O R FEATURES ■ Up to 2ns delay range ■ Extended 100E V ee range of -4 .2 V to -5 .5 V ■ »20ps digital step resolution

    OCR Scan
    75Kki2 C10E/100E196 28-pin 0/100E SY10E196JC SY10E196JCTR SY100E196JC SY100E196JCTR J28-1 PDF

    tda 10W amplifier tone volume control

    Abstract: tda1110 Vsb24V TDA1910 tda 2200 TDA191 TDA 820 m 24v AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM tda111 simple 19v power supply
    Text: Æ * T 7M b S G S -T H O M S O N TD A 1910 K iö D l^ © [ it [ i© ir [ ^ Q R ilQ © i 10W AUDIO AMPLIFIER WITH MUTING DESCRIPTION The TDA 1910 is a monolithic integrated circuit in MULTIWATT package, intended for use in Hi-Fi audio power applications, as high quality TV sets.

    OCR Scan
    TDA1910 tda 10W amplifier tone volume control tda1110 Vsb24V TDA1910 tda 2200 TDA191 TDA 820 m 24v AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM tda111 simple 19v power supply PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1080 Johnson Drive Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 C h ic a g o M in ia tu re 708-459*3400 Fax 708-459-2708 WHERE INNOVATION COM ES TO L IG H T 5 4 7 S e rie s T-3/ 4 L E D C ir c u it B o a rd In d ic a to rs D E S C R I P T I O N A N D F E A T U R E S SolidState

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: sanyo lc7560 lc7520 7-band graphic equalizer spectrum LC 7522 sanyo QIP80A 7-band lc7522 mos 3021 H272
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 32E D H 7^70713 QGOñlüñ fl El • T - 7 9 ' O S - O Ì l l i l l i i S V ^ < 3057 C M O S LSI G r a p h i c E q u a l i z e r L C D D r i v e r Use LCD driver for display of graphic equalizers LC7520, 7522, 7523, Features 1 7-band display (+ accessory display or total display) : 11 x 8 segments.

    OCR Scan
    1891B LC7520, 11-dot QIP48A 00077b3 -29-M DIP-24Slim DIP28SN QIP48B DIP24S LC7560 sanyo lc7560 lc7520 7-band graphic equalizer spectrum LC 7522 sanyo QIP80A 7-band lc7522 mos 3021 H272 PDF


    Abstract: NAD 140 TNR*G cemi data axc0 poaem 6880n
    Text: ¡fffiUlMITRn tsal C E M I MCY 7880N M CY 6880N Podstawowe oaohy oharakterystyczne ukiadu MCY 7880H /MCT 6880N/I - 8-bitowe siowo danyoh; - Staia lista 78 inetrukoji; - Odrgbne szyny danyoh i adresöw; - 8-bitowa Jednostka arytmetyozno-logiczna /AID/ z mo£liwo£oiq praoy w eystemie BCD,wsystemie binarnyn na slowaoh podwöjnej diugogol;

    OCR Scan
    7880H 6880N/I 16-bitowy KONY NAD 140 TNR*G cemi data axc0 poaem 6880n PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASÍ} AUSTIN SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. A¿ í£ 1259 3íí 256K X 1 DRAM 256K X 1 DRAM DRAM FAST PAG E MODE AVAILABLE AS M ILITARY SPE C IFIC A TIO N S PIN ASSIGNMENT Top View • MIL-STD-883 18-Pin LCC 16-Pin DIP (D-2) FEATURES • Industry standard pinout and timing

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-883 18-Pin 16-Pin 150mW 256-cycle AS4C125S683C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: xhe Commercial Industrial 4K X2004 X2004I 512x8 Bit Nonvolatile Static RAM is fabricated with the same reliable N-channel floating gate MOS technology used in all Xicor 5V programma­ ble nonvolatile memories. The X2004 features the JEDEC approved pinout for byte-wide memories, com­

    OCR Scan
    X2004 X2004I 512x8 X2004 X2004, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSI* M 5 M 4 V 1 8 1 6 0 B T P - 6 ,- 7 ,- 6 S , - 7 S FAST PAGE MODE 16777216-BIT 1D48576-WORD BY 16-BIT DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION This Is a family of 1048576-w ord by 16-bit dynamic RAM S, fabricated with the high performance CMOS process.and is Ideal for

    OCR Scan
    16777216-BIT 1D48576-WORD 16-BIT 1048576-w 16-bit 1048576-WORD M5M4V18160BTP-6 PDF

    UTP HA3

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs M 5 M 4 1 8 1 2 5 A J - 5 , - 6 , - 7 , - 5 S , - 6 S , - 7 S HYPER PAGE MODE 1048576-BIT 131072-WQRP BY 8-BIT DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION This is a family of 131072-word by 8-bit dynamic RAMs, fabricated with a high performance CMOS process, and is ideal for largecapacity memory systems where high speed, low power

    OCR Scan
    1048576-BIT 131072-WQRP 131072-word 12/8m UTP HA3 PDF