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    Abstract: AED32A 1500-N mp3 player one chip mpeg 1 layer 2 audio codec mpeg 1 schematic diagram of voice recorder Layer3 VIDEO

    AED32A) MOBILE DOCTOR AED32A 1500-N mp3 player one chip mpeg 1 layer 2 audio codec mpeg 1 schematic diagram of voice recorder Layer3 VIDEO PDF

    IAD V2.3

    Abstract: DELIC-PB Software Users Manual iomu allegro micro DELIC-LC
    Text: D E L I C - P B S o f t w a r e U se r’ s M an u a l , D S 1 , N o v . 2 00 0 DELIC-PB DSP Embedded Line and Port Interface Controller PEB 20571 Version 2.3 Wi r ed Communications N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2000-11-21 Published by Infineon Technologies AG,

    D-81541 IOM-2000 IAD V2.3 DELIC-PB Software Users Manual iomu allegro micro DELIC-LC PDF


    Abstract: S1V75601 S1V75701 trw 1014 S1V75700
    Text: MF1428-01 S1V75601 Series Technical Manual IEEE1394 IC MELODY Controller S1R75801F00A S1V75601 Series Technical Manual ELECTRONIC DEVICES MARKETING DIVISION EPSON Electronic Devices Website This manual was made with recycle paper,

    MF1428-01 IEEE1394 S1R75801F00A S1V75601 E-08190 SVM7571C5N S1V75701 trw 1014 S1V75700 PDF


    Abstract: 103783-8
    Text: SM1125 series 移動体通信用マルチメロディーIC NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. •概 要 SM1125シリーズは移動体通信用メロディー向けに適した仕様のメロディーCMOS − ICです。 最大16曲までプログラム可能なROMを内蔵しています。

    SM1125 SM1125CMOS 16ROM 768kHz 768kHz, 536kHz, 072kHz 768kHz37 SM1125× 768kHz32 16ROM 103783-8 PDF

    seiko 320 240

    Abstract: sm1125 lh 916
    Text: SM1125 series Multimelody IC for Pagers OVERVIEW The SM1125 series are melody ICs fabricated in NPC’s Molybdenum-gate CMOS for use in mobile telecommunications equipment. A maximum of 16 melodies can be stored in programmable ROM. • ■ ■ ■ OSC 1 8

    SM1125 NC9628DE seiko 320 240 lh 916 PDF

    5 animal sound siren

    Abstract: microcontroller 64pin sharp 1FW 43 transistor piezo buzzer siren Siren Sound Generator 5 sound Siren Sound Generator circuit diagram KS57C2202 SEG23 LC1 FH 43 BSC23
    Text: S MSUNG KS57C2202 4-BIT CMOS Microcontroller Product Specification PRODUCT OVERVIEW The KS57C2202 single-chip CMOS microcontroller has been designed for very high performance using Samsung's newest 4-bit CPU core. With an up-to-16-digit LCD direct drive capability, a melody generator with

    KS57C2202 KS57C2202 up-to-16-digit 256-word 64-pin 5 animal sound siren microcontroller 64pin sharp 1FW 43 transistor piezo buzzer siren Siren Sound Generator 5 sound Siren Sound Generator circuit diagram SEG23 LC1 FH 43 BSC23 PDF


    Abstract: mto t1 s3 siosc 2*6 38.4khz
    Text: SM1126 series SRAM内蔵メロディーIC NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. •概 要 SM1126シリーズは移動体通信用メロディCMOS −ICです。本ICは最大15曲までプログラム可能なROMとデ ータ書き込み可能なSRAMを内蔵しており、ROM内蔵曲及び外部よりSRAMにプログラムすることでユーザーの

    SM1126 SM1126CMOS -ICIC15ROM ROM15SRAM1) 768kHz 768kHz, 536kHz, 072kHz SM1126× CR131 mto t1 s3 siosc 2*6 38.4khz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MF813-03 S1V75600 Series Technical Manual IEEE1394 IC MELODY Controller S1R75801F00A S1V75600 Series Technical Manual ELECTRONIC DEVICES MARKETING DIVISION EPSON Electronic Devices Website This manual was made with recycle paper,

    MF813-03 IEEE1394 S1R75801F00A S1V75600 E-08190 S1V75701 PDF


    Abstract: A444 SM1126
    Text: SM1126 Series Melody IC with Built-in SRAM NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. OVERVIEW PINOUT The SM1126 Series are melody ICs for use in mobile telecommunications equipment. A maximum of 15 melodies can be stored in programmable ROM and one in built-in read/write SRAM.

    SM1126 SM1126× NC9722BE CIRCUITS--18 4466 A444 PDF

    19275 resistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S MSUNG KS57C2202 4-BIT CMOS Microcontroller Product Specification PRODUCT OVERVIEW The KS57C2202 single-chip CMOS microcontroller has been designed for very high performance using Samsung's newest 4-bit CPU core. With an up-to-16-digit LCD direct drive capability, a melody generator with

    KS57C2202 KS57C2202 up-to-16-digit 256-word 64-pin 19275 resistor PDF

    ic power type jrc

    Abstract: IC JRC circuits "Piezo Buzzer" 5v 5V piezo buzzer piezo buzzer 96X2 NJLJ502 NJU502 NJU502CXX NJU502DXX
    Text: «22^ N J U SINGLE TONE MELO DY W I T H LED BLINKING GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU502 series is a single tone melody with LED blinking function C-MOS 1C incorporated with 64 notes ROM. It plays the melody with LED blinking using a piezo buzzer, 3V battery and LED s .

    OCR Scan
    NJU502 14-40-Newfapan ic power type jrc IC JRC circuits "Piezo Buzzer" 5v 5V piezo buzzer piezo buzzer 96X2 NJLJ502 NJU502CXX NJU502DXX PDF

    KT 817 transistor

    Abstract: rema andante colortron service-mitteilungen KT 817 817 b Servicemitteilungen rema- radio Stassfurt Colortron KU 608
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN Kg gli radio television J - AUSGABE: 1985 CM VEB IN D U S T R IE V E R T R IE B R U N D F U N K U N D FERNSEHEN Seite 1 - 4 Mitteilung aus dem VEB Fernsehgerätewerk Staßfurt 1. Hinweise zum Einsatz von Inline-Bildröhren des VEB WF Berlin

    OCR Scan

    k 3918 TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: service-mitteilungen rundfunktechnik adagio radio fernsehen elektronik MP20B halbleiterbauelemente VEB INDUSTRIEVERTRIEB RUNDFUNK UND FERNSEHEN radio fernsehen "service-mitteilungen"
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN VEB INDUSTRIEVERTRIEB RU N D F U N K UND FERNSE HE N IRilairi i r a d i o -teievislon | 1 - 4 „PARTN ER" Kassetten-Tonband^erät: Gerätekonzept. MK - 125 D System Compact-Cassette Kassetten C 60 / C 90 Bandge schwindigkeit 4,75 cm/sec

    OCR Scan
    III/18/379 k 3918 TRANSISTOR service-mitteilungen rundfunktechnik adagio radio fernsehen elektronik MP20B halbleiterbauelemente VEB INDUSTRIEVERTRIEB RUNDFUNK UND FERNSEHEN radio fernsehen "service-mitteilungen" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N J SIN G LE TONE MELODY U 5 O 1 Series C-M OS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU501 series is a single tone melody C-MOS IC incorporated with 64 notes ROM. It plays the melody using a piezo buzzer and single battery only. The NJU501 has 3 kinds of playing inodes and these

    OCR Scan
    NJU501 PDF


    Abstract: NJU501 NJU501CXX bt 1840
    Text: N J U 5 0 1 '> 'J - X 64/— h NJU501 •> U - X I S , T-, 6 4 9 - FOT ROM £ r t / f f H v tii^ t ; ° i T 'S e £: tfX’à i n r * n f-f - ^ t C<t U , - 1C IG .* t , 3 * < 7 ; S # t - F tt, NJU501CXK NJU501MXX m • mM : Mi± ■ ft 3 ffl*I(7)}| I«

    OCR Scan
    NJU501* NJU501 NJU501CXX HJUS01MXX 30i/m nju501^ NJU501 96X2 bt 1840 PDF

    musical bell

    Abstract: musical door bell circuit love song 25 tune musical door bell musical door bell circuit diagram of door BELL c5702 transistor C57023E piezoelectric buzzer melody ding dong
    Text: RCL Semiconductors Ltd. Enveloped Melody Chip with Blinking LED Output_ C57023E GENERAL DESCRIPTION The C57023E is a silicon-gale CMOS LSI for playing musical tune through an external piezo-electric buzzer or speaker. It also drives an LED that blinks while the melody is being played. The melody can be

    OCR Scan
    C57023E musical bell musical door bell circuit love song 25 tune musical door bell musical door bell circuit diagram of door BELL c5702 transistor piezoelectric buzzer melody ding dong PDF


    Abstract: colormat 4506 serviceanleitung kr 660 servicemitteilungen stassfurt RFT KR 650 KR 660 GER-A "service-mitteilungen" colormat KR 650
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN -teievision | VEB INDUSTRIEVERTRIEB RU NDFUNK UND FERN SEH EN Ibim h 1r a d i o AUSGABE: 1986 1 4 Seite 1 - 4 Mitteilung aus dem VEB Fernsehgerätewerk Staßfurt Neu im Angebot Farbfernsehempfänger "COLORMAT 4516" Vom Fernsehgerätewerk "Friedrich Engels" Staßfurt wird da« Farbfernsehgerät "COLORMAT 4516” gefertigt. Dieses Gerät stellt eine

    OCR Scan
    gun20/30 service-mitteilungen colormat 4506 serviceanleitung kr 660 servicemitteilungen stassfurt RFT KR 650 KR 660 GER-A "service-mitteilungen" colormat KR 650 PDF


    Abstract: rema andante RFT KR 650 KR 660 marcato RX-40 Ms 17 sd robotron RFT SKR 501 RFT KR 650 service-mitteilungen Service Mitteilungen
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN VEB IN D U S T R IE V E R T R IE B R U N D F U N K U N D FE R N S E H E N IRIBSTa r a d i o - television AUSGABE: 1984 5 SEITE 1-4 Mitteilung aus dem VEB Fernsehgerätewerke Staßfurt NOVATRON / NOVAMAT / CHROMAT Maßnahmen zur Verminderung von Folgeschäden

    OCR Scan
    Mai1984 4413.13-02 rema andante RFT KR 650 KR 660 marcato RX-40 Ms 17 sd robotron RFT SKR 501 RFT KR 650 service-mitteilungen Service Mitteilungen PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N SINGLE TONE M ELO DY J U 5 O 5 Series C-MOS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU505 series is a single tone melody C-MOS 1C incorporated 64 notes ROM. It plays the melody using a piezo buzzer and single battery only. The playing mode is one-shot mode with half-stops.

    OCR Scan
    NJU505 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: «22^ N SINGLE TONE MELO DY W I T H LED • • • • • • • U 5 BLINKING GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU502 series is a single tone melody with LED blinking function C-MOS 1C incorporated with 64 notes ROM. It plays the melody with LED blinking using a piezo

    OCR Scan
    NJU502 14-40-------------------N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N J U 5 O 1 SINGLE TONE MELODY GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU501 series is a single tone nelody C-MOS 1C incorporated with 64 notes ROM. It plays the melody using a piezo buzzer and single battery only. The NJU501 has 3 kinds of playing nodes and these modes can be selected by either bonding or soldering

    OCR Scan
    NJU501 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N SINGLE I TONE M E LO D Y J U 5 O 1 Series C -M O S GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU501 series is a single tone melody C-MOS 1C incorporated with 64 notes ROM. It plays the melody using a piezo buzzer and single battery only. The NJU501 has 3 kinds of playing modes and these

    OCR Scan
    NJU501 H11V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TAIYO YUDEN H Y B R ID 1C SWITCHINGPOWER SUPPLY CCFT Inverter LS Series ffE A T tJR iS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS • Sm all an d lo w p r o tile CC FT in verter unit O p e ra t in g te m p e r a t u r e r a n g e : 0 — t 55"C • H ig h ly s u ita b le fo r s m a ll/

    OCR Scan
    LS300 PDF


    Abstract: Rema Toccata granat 216 rema andante service-mitteilungen unitra ZK146 toccata rundfunktechnik servicemitteilungen
    Text: SERVICE-MITTEILUNGEN V E B IN D U ST R IE V E R T R IE B R U N D FU N K UND F E R N SE H E N r a d io - television UNITRA zk 146 MÄBZ SEITS 1-6 n P n t' b i i p v r t r - Auch im Jahre 1976 wird es bei uns neue Tonband­ geräte aus der TO Polen geben; zu ihnen gehört

    OCR Scan