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    Micron Technology Inc NAND02GW3B2DN6E

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    DigiKey NAND02GW3B2DN6E Tray 576
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    • 1000 $4.98823
    • 10000 $4.98823
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    Micron Technology Inc NAND02GAH0IZC5E

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    DigiKey NAND02GAH0IZC5E Tray
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    STMicroelectronics NAND02GW3B2AN6F

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    DigiKey NAND02GW3B2AN6F Reel 1,500
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    Micron Technology Inc NAND02GR3B2DN6E

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    DigiKey NAND02GR3B2DN6E Tray
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    Micron Technology Inc NAND02GAH0LZC5E

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    AND02 Datasheets Context Search

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    "low threshold mosfet"

    Abstract: TN2524N8 VN2210N3 VN2224 VN2224N3 ICM7555 IRF520 TN0604N3 TN2524N
    Text: AN-D02 Application Note Low-Threshold TN/TP Series MOSFETs: Structure, Performance and Applications Introduction age. One method of reducing threshold voltage is to reduce the body dopant concentration until the required VGS th is met. This technique by itself is dangerous because it degrades other device parameters. The first and most important of these is drain-source breakdown (BVDSS), which is a

    AN-D02 "low threshold mosfet" TN2524N8 VN2210N3 VN2224 VN2224N3 ICM7555 IRF520 TN0604N3 TN2524N PDF


    Abstract: 2N7002 MARKING 1702 HV9963 HV9910 hv9910b SR087 str 6655 STR 6656 DN2450 HV509
    Text: Supertex inc. Short Form Catalog 2011 High Voltage, Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits and MOSFETs 1235 Bordeaux Drive - Sunnyvale - CA - 94089 - USA Telephone: 408 222-8888 Fax: (408)222-4800 or (408)222-4895 For the latest in product and dataheet information,

    product25 HV9961 2N7002 MARKING 1702 HV9963 HV9910 hv9910b SR087 str 6655 STR 6656 DN2450 HV509 PDF

    STR 6656

    Abstract: HV509 str 6655 pj 899 diode HV9910 K 3264 fet transistor tray qfn 7x7 diode PJ 966 relay 4098 cell phone detector
    Text: Supertex inc. Short Form Catalog 2009 High Voltage, Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits and MOSFETs 1235 Bordeaux Drive - Sunnyvale - CA - 94089 - USA Telephone: 408 222-8888 Fax: (408)222-4800 or (408)222-4895 For the latest in product and dataheet information,


    ic str wg 252

    Abstract: HV9961 hv9931 HV9910B HV9910 str 6655 HV9919 pj 899 diode BIBRED STR 6656
    Text: Supertex inc. Short Form Catalog 2009 High Voltage, Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits and MOSFETs 1235 Bordeaux Drive - Sunnyvale - CA - 94089 - USA Telephone: 408 222-8888 Fax: (408)222-4800 or (408)222-4895 For the latest in product and dataheet information,



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SC ÎXSTRS/R F> bôE • b3b?2SM 0 m a b 7 e1 S 4 3 ■ HOTb MOTOROLA ■ SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MTP5P25 Advance Information P o w er Field E ffe c t T ran sisto r P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate If This TMOS Power FET is designed for medium voltage,

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    MTP5P25 Y145M Y145M, AND-02 314B03 MTPSP25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O TO RO LA SC X ST RS /R F bSE D b 3 b ? 2 5 4 ODTflbbH DIE • MOTb MOTOROLA SEM ICO NDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MTP4N08E Designer's Data Sheet Motorola Preferred Device P o w e r Field E ffe c t T ra n sisto r N -C h ann el E n h an cem en t-M od e S ilic o n G ate

    OCR Scan
    MTP4N08E 21A-06 O-220AB) Y145M 221D-02 O-220 Y145M, AND-02 314B03 O-220) 7BFL PDF


    Abstract: TP2P45 45MTP 314B03 HF 1932
    Text: MOT OROL A SC XSTRS/R b3b7254 F GDTñbHH 224 • MOTOROLA ■ SEM ICO NDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M TP 2P 45 M TP 2P 50 Designer's Data Sheet P o w e r Field E ffe c t T ra n sisto r P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TT These TMOS Power FETs are designed fo r medium voltage,

    OCR Scan
    b3b7254 MTP2P50 21A-06 O-220AB) Y145M 221D-02 O-220 Y145M, AND-02 314B03 mtp2p45 TP2P45 45MTP HF 1932 PDF


    Abstract: m245c MS41C OR-02 BUF01 IC 74ls244 RSC-20 M-540C NOR02 NAND02
    Text: 77441^0 ItOQBQDKI RI COH DDD17DD C ORP/ TbT H P C H T - * + 2 - l - ¿ ? *f ELECTRONIC No.86-0 3 Ì-I9 86 CMOS STANDARD CELL RSC-20 Series •FEATURES ■GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Advanced CM OS Technology R SC -20 s e rie s is a Standard Cell s e rie s using 2um silicon gate

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    DDD17DD RSC-20 A0I21 m245c MS41C OR-02 BUF01 IC 74ls244 M-540C NOR02 NAND02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MCM6709BR/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Product Preview MCM6709BR 64K x 4 Bit Static RAM The MCM6709BR is a 262,144 bit static random access memory organized as 65,536 words of 4 bits. Static design eliminates the need for external clocks or

    OCR Scan
    MCM6709BR/D MCM6709BR MCM6709BR CM6709BR PDF

    Harris CA3046

    Abstract: CA3046 7h0 ITT ICAN-5296
    Text: S E MI CON] SECTOR 4DE D 4302271 J i HARRIS 003220b I HAS CA3045 CA3046 General Purpose N -P-N Transistor Arrays August 1991 fea tu res Description • Two Matched Tran sisto rs: V b ë Matched ±5mV; Input Offset Current 2pA Max at lc = 1mA The CA304S and CA3046 each consist of fivo general

    OCR Scan
    003220b CA3045 CA3046 CA304S CA3046 Harris CA3046 7h0 ITT ICAN-5296 PDF


    Abstract: RSC-15 74LS94 EK-044-9004 ic 74ls83 CSR b4c M240C 4520C M165C bf368
    Text: n n EK-044-9004 CMOS Gate Array 5GV Series The RICOH gate array 5GV series complies with the CMOS 1.5/i rule, and offers high speed operation with a gate delay time of 1.0 ns. The 5GV series inherits the rich library of 5GF gate array series. The cell library is compatible with

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    EK-044-9004 RSC-15 74LS165 74LS197 LS240 M390C M393C M540C 40I7C 4028C AOI31 74LS94 EK-044-9004 ic 74ls83 CSR b4c M240C 4520C M165C bf368 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MO TO RO LA SC X ST RS /R F bflE D • b 3 b ? S S H DGiöfiB? SSb ■ MOTb MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information TMOS E-FET Power Field Effect Transistor N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TMOS POWER FET 8.0 AMPERES RDS(on) = °-80 OHM

    OCR Scan
    cr122 340F-03 O-247) O-251) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MCM6709B/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Product Preview MCM6709B 64K x 4 Bit Static RAM The MCM6709B is a 262,144 bit static random access memory organized as 65,536 words of 4 bit. Static design eliminates the need for external clocks or tim­

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    MCM6709B/D MCM6709B MCM6709B MCM6709B, 6709B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T h i s M a t e r i a l C o p y r i g h t e d B y Its R e s p e c t i v e M a n u f a c t u r e r 1. SCOPE 1 1 Scope. This drawing describes the requirements for monolithic silicon, advanced SctottlJrffL. J-K flip-flops microcircuits. This dmrtng proxies for . 1,»1 of microc.irant quality

    OCR Scan
    J54ALS109AW M38510/37102BFX 84000012X ISNJ54ALS109AFK1 M38510/37102B2X 8400002EX ISNJ54ALS112AJ M38510/37103BEX 8400002FX ISNJ54ALS112AW M38510 PDF


    Abstract: 8n20 314B03 MTP8N20
    Text: MOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R F MOTOROLA bflE D • b B b V E S 1! GDTflSbfi ÔÔ7 ■ M O T b ■ SEM ICO NDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA _ M TM 8N20 M T P 8N 2 0 Designer's Data Sheet P o w e r F ie ld E f f e c t T r a n s is to r IM-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate

    OCR Scan
    21A-06 O-220AB) Y145M 221D-02 O-220 Y145M, AND-02 314B03 O-220) TP8N20 8n20 MTP8N20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MCM6227B/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCM6227B 1M x 1 Bit Static Random Access Memory J PACKAGE 300 MIL SOJ CASE 810B-03 The MCM6227B is a 1,048,576 bit static random-access memory organized as 1,048,576 words of 1 bit. Static design eliminates the need for external clocks

    OCR Scan
    MCM6227B/D MCM6227B 28-lead 1-3521-e315 PDF

    V3 13005

    Abstract: 3005-4 3010 IC 4009A ALI 3105 data seet ne 55 n HA 11225 4041a ANI 1015 en1 3007
    Text: F MIL-M-38510/55F 30 April 1984 SUPEftSËDÏNG MIL-M-38510/55E 2 D e c e m b e r 1981 MILITARY SPECIFICATION MICRO C I R C U I T S , DIGITAL, CMOS, BUFFER/CONVERTER, TRUE/COMPLEMENT BUFFER, MONOLITHIC SILICON T h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n is a p p r o v e d f o r u s e

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510/55F MIL-M-38510/55E MIL-M-38510, 1984-705-040/A3751 V3 13005 3005-4 3010 IC 4009A ALI 3105 data seet ne 55 n HA 11225 4041a ANI 1015 en1 3007 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R F böE ]> • b3b7ES4 OD'îflTO'î DOG ■ MOTb M O TO R O LA ■ SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MTP8P10 Designer's Data Sheet P o w er Field E ffe c t Tran sisto r P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TMOS POWER FET 8 AMPERES RDS(on) = 0.4 OHM

    OCR Scan
    MTP8P10 21A-06 O-220AB) Y145M 221D-02 O-220 Y145M, AND-02 314B03 O-220) MTP8p10 PDF


    Abstract: MX08 IC TTL 7400 schematic AOI33 8 bit full adder "8 bit full adder" LA01 BCD-TO-7-SEGMENT DECODER 74151H TR-C06
    Text: ÉNATL SEUICOND {MEMORY} OSE D | b S O llBb P 0 bl3Cm FGC Series t J^p^ Advanced 2-MlCrOll CMOS Gate Array Family fa T rc h T ld ASchlum bergerCom pany Description Array Organization The FGC Series is an advanced, high performance CMOS gate array family designed for LSI implementation of existing

    OCR Scan
    FGC6000 7482H 7483H 7485H 7486H 7487H 74125H 74182H 74242H 74244H AOI211 MX08 IC TTL 7400 schematic AOI33 8 bit full adder "8 bit full adder" LA01 BCD-TO-7-SEGMENT DECODER 74151H TR-C06 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS198 74LS150 74LS94 OAI32 74LS179 TTL 74LS198 MUX21H TTL 74ls138 to 7 segment 7476 3 bit ripple counter
    Text: 4flE ]> • 77MLjbciO 0001L3M 4bO « P C H T- °J EK-044-9004 CMOS Gate Array 5GV Series RICOH CORP/ ELECTRONIC The RICOH gate array 5GV series complies with the CMOS 1.5ju rule, and offers high speed operation with a gate delay time of 1.0 ns. The 5GV series inherits the rich library of 5GF gate array series. The cell library is compatible with

    OCR Scan
    77MLjbc 0001L3M TEK-044-9004 RSC-15 TBF368 M390C M393C CM16BR* M540C M541C 74LS80 74LS198 74LS150 74LS94 OAI32 74LS179 TTL 74LS198 MUX21H TTL 74ls138 to 7 segment 7476 3 bit ripple counter PDF