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    AN-214 AMPLIFIER Search Results

    AN-214 AMPLIFIER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    UPC251G2-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC821C-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA17904ATEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA1630S02LPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    AN-214 AMPLIFIER Datasheets Context Search

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    design a common emitter amplifier with a voltage

    Abstract: 1K 220 Ohm resistor rs560
    Text: Issued July 1983 J4591 RFamplifiericRS560C Stocknumber 303-214 A high performance low noise RF amplifier i.c. in an 8 pin DIL package. The large number of circuit nodes accessible from the outside of the package affords great flexibility, enabling the operating currents and

    J4591 RS560C 300MHz design a common emitter amplifier with a voltage 1K 220 Ohm resistor rs560 PDF


    Abstract: RS560 common base amplifier circuit common emitter amplifier
    Text: Issued July 1983 004-591 Data Pack J RF amplifier IC RS560C Data Sheet RS stock number 303-214 A high performance low noise RF amplifier i.c. in an 8 pin DIL package. The large number of circuit nodes accessible from the outside of the package affords great flexibility, enabling the operating currents and

    RS560C RS560C RS560 common base amplifier circuit common emitter amplifier PDF


    Abstract: common base amplifier circuit
    Text: Issued March 1997 232-2526 Data Pack J RF amplifier IC RS560C Data Sheet RS stock number 303-214 A high performance low noise RF amplifier i.c. in an 8 pin DIL package. The large number of circuit nodes accessible from the outside of the package affords great flexibility, enabling the operating currents and

    RS560C RS560C common base amplifier circuit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Rev 2; 2/06 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA LDMOS RF Power-Amplifier Bias Controller Features The DS1870 is a dual-channel bias controller targeted toward class AB LDMOS RF power-amplifier applications. It uses lookup tables LUTs to control 256-position potentiometers based on the amplifier’s

    13-Bit 32-Bytes 16-Pin DS1870 56-G2019-000A U16-1* DS1870E-010 DS1870E-010+ 380KB PDF


    Abstract: AC00 DS1870 DS1870E-010 J-STD-020A Weight sensor
    Text: Rev 2; 2/06 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA LDMOS RF Power-Amplifier Bias Controller Features The DS1870 is a dual-channel bias controller targeted toward class AB LDMOS RF power-amplifier applications. It uses lookup tables LUTs to control 256-position potentiometers based on the amplifier’s

    DS1870 256-position DS1870s. LDMOS NONLINEAR AC00 DS1870E-010 J-STD-020A Weight sensor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Rev 2; 2/06 KIT ATION EVALU LE B A IL A AV LDMOS RF Power-Amplifier Bias Controller Features The DS1870 is a dual-channel bias controller targeted toward class AB LDMOS RF power-amplifier applications. It uses lookup tables LUTs to control 256-position potentiometers based on the amplifier’s

    13-Bit 32-Bytes 16-Pin DS1870 DS1870s. PDF

    POT1 10T R1K

    Abstract: AC00 DS1870 DS1870E-010 J-STD-020A Two-Dimensional 7E00 pin diagram of bf 494 transistor
    Text: Rev 2; 2/06 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA LDMOS RF Power-Amplifier Bias Controller Features The DS1870 is a dual-channel bias controller targeted toward class AB LDMOS RF power-amplifier applications. It uses lookup tables LUTs to control 256-position potentiometers based on the amplifier’s

    DS1870 256-position DS1870s. POT1 10T R1K AC00 DS1870E-010 J-STD-020A Two-Dimensional 7E00 pin diagram of bf 494 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: iasssiafc-f-iKBmiia'ziS! Lo w P o w e r G rou nd F au lt In te rru p te r F M 214 5 The FM2145 is a low power controller for AC outlet ground fault interrupters. Contained internally are a 26V zener shunt regulator, an op amp, and an SCR driver. With the addition of two sense transformers,a bridge rectifier, an SCR, e

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    FM2145 450pA PDF


    Abstract: 63A23A3 CXD2011 v020 74 ttl inverter or gate 3D comb filter PAL
    Text: Ö 3 Ö E 3 Ö 3 0 Q D 5 3 4 b 214 « S O N Y SONY» C X D 2 0 1 1 Q Digital Comb filter Description The CXD2011Q is an adaptive comb filter compatible with both NTSC and PAL systems and provides good Y/C separation capability. Features • Y/C separation by adaptive processing

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    CXD2011Q CXK1202S CXK1203Q. 63A23A3 162Application 53fl3 CXD2011Q QFP-80P-L01 63A23 CXD2011 v020 74 ttl inverter or gate 3D comb filter PAL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 52278 INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER PRELIMINARY in # # - FEATURES • • • • • • • Ultra-Low Voltage Drift Low Offset Voltage Low Nonlinearity Low Noise High CMR High Input Impedance +25°C to +200°C VERY-HIGH ACCURACY INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER PACKAGE DIMENSIONS

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    bll2b40 DDD12T3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIOP 42115 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DESC APPROVED #5962-9082801 R e p la c e m e n t for Burr Brown OPA511 a n d Apex PA10 MECHANICAL CONFIGURATION FEATURES • Wide Supply Voltage Range ± 10 to ± 50 Volts • High Output Current 5A Peak • Small Size TO-3,8 Pins

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    OPA511 22-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Jmn^ 52301 INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER PRELIMINARY FEATURES • • • • • • • Ultra-Low Voltage Drift Low Offset Voltage Low Nonlinearity Low Noise High CMR High Input Impedance +25°Cto + 180°C VERY-HIGH ACCURACY INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER PACKAGE DIM ENSIO NS

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: Decibel Products DB8945 DB8918 DB8944 DB4176W DB8300 DB8918A-C DB8942 DB8932 DB8946
    Text: DB81I00, DB8200 MODULAR Rx MULTICOUPLER DB8300 4 to 32 CHANNELS, 30-512 MHz From 4 to 32 receivers can be combined to a single antenna by this modular multicoupler, which features plug-in power supplies and bipolar, low noise RF amplifiers on low profile chassis.

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    DB81I00, DB8200 DB8300 DB4177W DB8945 Decibel Products DB8945 DB8918 DB8944 DB4176W DB8918A-C DB8942 DB8932 DB8946 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IO P 4 2 1 2 0 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DESC DW G # 5 9 6 2 -9 0 6 7 9 0 1 MECHANICAL CO NFIG URATIO N FEATURES • Wide Supply Voltage Range ± 7 to ± 19 Volts • High Output Current 5A Peak • Small Size TO-3,8 Pins • Low Cost DESCRIPTION This MIOP 42120 is a high power, high current, power

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    22-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIOP 42115 mu OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DESC APPROVED #5 962-9082801 Replacem ent for Burr Brown OPA511 and Apex PA10 MECHANICAL CONFIGURATION FEATURES • Wide Supply Voltage Range ± 10 to ± 50 Volts • High Output Current 5A Peak • Small Size TO-3,8 Pins

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    OPA511 22-PIN MIOP42115 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i 91 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FASCO INDS/ SENISVS S E N S O R fsJTEG R A TEO S Y S T E M S - 40E D 34 =1=1736 000144=1 3 [SENT T21 Series Photoelectric Amplifier Printed Circuit Board JVIoynt •l.trtUMh?' T21104 •-<.«. * «' D escription: ■■■*:. i.' ■

    OCR Scan
    T21104 T21104 B01001 T22063 B01004 PDF

    varian klystron

    Abstract: UG-573 varian klystron x 13 RCA-884 klystron s band klystron S-band klystron klystron varian varian flange WR284 tl358
    Text: - ouæzo - •* ' *■ - t*-»' c '<?> V •> Electronic Components J - - T -. ' ' f :A . ■ 1' • ; w Klystron ^ X : ; ; v: 8840 1 v ’ 3 6 ^-4,. S-Band High Power Klystron Pulse Amplifier Service Factory Fixed Tuned Water Cooled 28 Megawatts Peak Pulse Output

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    RCA-8840 AN-4737 1CE-279 IEN-3606 AJ2117V2, TL3584 TL3585 varian klystron UG-573 varian klystron x 13 RCA-884 klystron s band klystron S-band klystron klystron varian varian flange WR284 tl358 PDF


    Abstract: DB4201-R DB8500 800 MHz Multicoupler B8952 DB894 2 way antenna splitter DB4192-W DB89 DB4201
    Text: DB8500 gain, 806-901 MHz; DB8945G-800A 25 dB 806-824 MHz; DB8945G-900B 25 dB 824-849 MHz. From 4 to 32 receivers can be combined to a single antenna by this modular Rx multicoupler, which features plug-in power supplies and bipolar, low noise RF amplifiers on low profile chassis.

    OCR Scan
    DB8500 DB8945G-800 DB8945G-800A DB8945G-900B 8945G -800A DB8945 DB4201-R DB8500 800 MHz Multicoupler B8952 DB894 2 way antenna splitter DB4192-W DB89 DB4201 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIEF150, TIEF151, TIEF152 Low-Noise High-Speed Transimpedawce Amplifiers Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. O PTO ELECTRO N IC INTERFACE CIR C U IT S FOR A P P L IC A T IO N S SU C H A S FIBER OPTICS, L A S E R R A N G E F IN D E R S A N D O PTICA L C O M M U N IC A T IO N S

    OCR Scan
    TIEF150, TIEF151, TIEF152 000D524 PDF


    Abstract: Skan-a-matic sensor T21028 Wiring Diagram led module
    Text: ~ r-n SEWKfeYS - h s c -j: INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS SEhjSOA INTEGRATED SYSTEMS 92 I FASCO INDS/ SE N I S Y S 3 4 cicî730 0 0 D 1 4 S Q 4DE D T HSENI; T21 Series # M odulating Photoelectric Amplifier 4 Printed Cìrcoli Board f¥3ount T2102S Description: The T21028 is a modulating photoelectric control designed for

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    T2102S T21028 100cpsmax. Skan-a-matic Skan-a-matic sensor Wiring Diagram led module PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTER F E T CORP bSE J> m HßBbflflfl 000052^ bE7 « I F C IFPA3 Preliminary MONOLITHIC JFET PREAMPLIFIER Description & Features Absolute maximum ratings at Ta = 2S°C The IFPA3 is an inverting transimpedance amplifier fea­ turing extremely low noise and a wide gain-bandwidth

    OCR Scan
    120K-300K) D00QS3D PM3200 PDF


    Abstract: photodetector T21104 B01001 T22063 B01004
    Text: ì INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS 91 FASCO INDS/ SENISVS SSN SO R 40E D 3 4 =1=1730 0 0 0 1 4 4 = 1 fvJT EG R A TE O S Y S T E M S - 3 [SENI C t 2 1 Series PhotoeSectric AmpSifier Printed Circuit Board Mount T21104 Description: The T21104 photoelectric amplifier module is designed to amplify

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    T21104 15turn B01001 T22063 B01004 t2206 photodetector PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TDA2555 TDA2557 DUAL TV SOUND DEMODULATOR CIRCUITS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The circuits incorporate tw o FM demodulator systems to perform the demodulator functions required in a dual sound carrier TV system fo r demodulating the sound carriers. The difference between TDA2555 and TDA2557 is the number o f stages of the lim iting amplifier.

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    TDA2555 TDA2557 TDA2557 TDA2555) TDA2557) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MSA-0986 MODAMP Cascadable Silicon Bipolar Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit Amplifiers HEW LETT PACKARD 86 Plastic Package Features • • • • • • Broadband, Minimum Ripple Cascadable 50 £2 Gain Block 7.2 ± 0.5 dB typical Gain Flatness from

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    MSA-0986 PDF