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    AME431BAJATA25 Search Results

    AME431BAJATA25 Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    AME431BAJATA25 AME Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator Original PDF
    AME431BAJATA25Z AME Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator Original PDF

    AME431BAJATA25 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: mp1410es G547E2 G547H2 G547F2 P5504EDG equivalent G547I1 SP8K10 SP8K10SFD5TB LD1117Al
    Text: Diodes, Inc. - Cross Reference Industry Part Diodes, Inc. Equivalent Diodes, Inc. Nearest 1.5CE120C 1.5KE120CA N/A 1.5CE120CA 1.5KE120CA N/A 1.5CE12A 1.5KE12A N/A 1.5CE12C 1.5KE12CA N/A 1.5CE12CA 1.5KE12CA N/A 1.5CE13 1.5KE13A N/A 1.5CE130 1.5KE130A N/A 1.5CE130A

    5CE120C 5KE120CA 5CE120CA 5CE12A 5KE12A 5CE12C 5KE12CA 5CE12CA CAT7105CA mp1410es G547E2 G547H2 G547F2 P5504EDG equivalent G547I1 SP8K10 SP8K10SFD5TB LD1117Al PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AME, Inc. Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator AME431B-2.5V n General Description The AME431B series ICs are 3-terminal adjustable shunt regulator with guaranteed temperature stability over a full operation range. These ICs feature sharp turn-on characteristics, low temperature coefficient and low output impendance, which make them ideal substitutes for

    AME431B-2 AME431B AME431Bxxxxx25. ORT-DS431B-B PDF

    ame25 431b ajatb

    Abstract: AME1117 AME431B PS521 AME431BBJETB25Z sop8 Package dimension 431B to92 ame25431b
    Text: AME Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator AME431B-2.5V n General Description The AME431B series ICs are 3-terminal adjustable shunt regulator with guaranteed temperature stability over a full operation range. These ICs feature sharp turn-on characteristics, low temperature coefficient and low output impendance, which make them ideal substitutes for

    AME431B-2 AME431B AME431Bxxxxx25. 0374BSC 35BSC ORT-DS431B-B ame25 431b ajatb AME1117 PS521 AME431BBJETB25Z sop8 Package dimension 431B to92 ame25431b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AME, Inc. Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator AME431B-2.5V n General Description The AME431B series ICs are 3-terminal adjustable shunt regulator with guaranteed temperature stability over a full operation range. These ICs feature sharp turn-on characteristics, low temperature coefficient and low output impendance, which make them ideal substitutes for

    AME431B-2 AME431B AME431Bxxxxx25. 0374BSC 35BSC ORT-DS431B-B PDF

    ame25 431b ajatb

    Abstract: AME25 AME431BBJETB25Z A431B PS521 AME431B ame25431b LA 4750 n AME1117 AME431BAJATA25Z
    Text: AME, Inc. Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator AME431B-2.5V n General Description The AME431B series ICs are 3-terminal adjustable shunt regulator with guaranteed temperature stability over a full operation range. These ICs feature sharp turn-on characteristics, low temperature coefficient and low output impendance, which make them ideal substitutes for

    AME431B-2 AME431B AME431Bxxxxx25. ORT-DS431B-B ame25 431b ajatb AME25 AME431BBJETB25Z A431B PS521 ame25431b LA 4750 n AME1117 AME431BAJATA25Z PDF

    ame25 431b ajatb

    Abstract: ame25431b AME12 431B ame25 431b 431B to92 sot-23 marking code book AME25 AME431BBJETB25Z 431B to92 datasheet SOT23 voltage regulator 10V
    Text: AME, Inc. AME431B n General Description The AME431B series ICs are 3-terminal adjustable shunt regulator with guaranteed temperature stability over a full operation range. These ICs feature sharp turn-on characteristics, low temperature coefficient and low output impendance, which make them ideal substitutes for

    AME431B AME431B AME431Bxxxxx12 AME431Bxxxxx25. BCD-DS431B-D ame25 431b ajatb ame25431b AME12 431B ame25 431b 431B to92 sot-23 marking code book AME25 AME431BBJETB25Z 431B to92 datasheet SOT23 voltage regulator 10V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AME, Inc. Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator AME431B-2.5V n General Description The AME431B series ICs are 3-terminal adjustable shunt regulator with guaranteed temperature stability over a full operation range. These ICs feature sharp turn-on characteristics, low temperature coefficient and low output impendance, which make them ideal substitutes for

    AME431B-2 AME431B AME431Bxxxxx25. ORT-DS431B-A PDF