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    AuthenTec Inc AES2510-I-GF-TR-NIOA

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    Quest Components AES2510-I-GF-TR-NIOA 980
    • 1 $9.6
    • 10 $9.6
    • 100 $9.6
    • 1000 $4.8
    • 10000 $4.8
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    AES2510 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: aes2510 authentec ML67Q5250 ML67Q525 PB00X AuthenTec fingerprint XA06 XA04 XA05
    Text: お客様各位 資料中の「沖電気」「OKI」等名称の OKI セミコンダクタ株式会社への変更について 2008 年 10 月 1 日を以って沖電気工業株式会社の半導体事業は OKI セミコン ダクタ株式会社に承継されました。 従いまして、本資料中には「沖電気工業株

    FJDL67Q5250-03 ML67Q5250 AES1510 128x8 AES2510 192x16 256x360pixels8bit/pixel500 AES1510 aes2510 authentec ML67Q5250 ML67Q525 PB00X AuthenTec fingerprint XA06 XA04 XA05 PDF


    Abstract: AES2510 MK67Q5250 AuthenTec AES2510 AuthenTec AES1711 Datasheet LSIML6Q5250 ML67Q5250 ML67Q525
    Text: TEL: +81 42 663-1111 FAX: +81 (42) 665-6620 550-1, Higashiasakawacho, Hachioji-shi 193-8550, Japan 2009.7.28 郵票尺寸之小型指紋辨識模組「MK67Q5250」開始量產了 ~指紋辨識 LSI 用軟體開發套件也同時發售,並相容於 AuthenTec 公司生產的新型感應器,讓您的

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    Abstract: AuthenTec XA05 AES2510 ML67Q525
    Text: OKI Semiconductor ML67Q5250 FEDL67Q5250-01 Issue Date: Feb. 22, 2008 DFT Based Fingerprint Authentication LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML67Q5250 is a single chip LSI that executes fingerprint authentication without external memory by using the embedded fingerprint authentication accelerator. This fingerprint authentication accelerator uses DFT Discrete

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    AuthenTec AES2510

    Abstract: ML67Q525
    Text: OKI Semiconductor ML67Q5250 FEDL67Q5250-03 Issue Date: Sep. 2, 2008 DFT Based Fingerprint Authentication LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML67Q5250 is a single chip LSI that executes fingerprint authentication without external memory by using the embedded fingerprint authentication accelerator. This fingerprint authentication accelerator uses DFT Discrete

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    Fingerprint based security system using 8051 with

    Abstract: block diagram of Fingerprint based security system AES2510 fingerprint sensor 8051 block diagram of fingerprint sensor Fingerprint based security system block diagram of fingerprint security AuthenTec AuthenTec fingerprint CY4611
    Text: Adding Security to Removable Mass Storage Introduction As portable media proliferates into more and more consumer products, data security is becoming increasingly important. New products need to be secure in order to protect confidential information from theft.

    AES2510 Fingerprint based security system using 8051 with block diagram of Fingerprint based security system fingerprint sensor 8051 block diagram of fingerprint sensor Fingerprint based security system block diagram of fingerprint security AuthenTec AuthenTec fingerprint CY4611 PDF


    Abstract: AES2510 AES1711 Datasheet AuthenTec AES2510 MK67Q5250 AuthenTec ML67Q5250 ML67Q525
    Text: TEL: +81 42 663-1111 FAX: +81 (42) 665-6620 550-1, Higashiasakawacho, Hachioji-shi 193-8550, Japan 2009.7.28 开始批量生产邮票大小的小型指纹识别模块“MK67Q5250” ~适用于 AuthenTec 公司制造的新型传感器的指纹识别 LSI 用软件开发工具也同时发售,丰富了

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    Abstract: AES1510 ML67Q525
    Text: FEDL67Q5250-03 Issue Date: Sep. 2, 2008 ML67Q5250 DFT Based Fingerprint Authentication LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML67Q5250 is a single chip LSI that executes fingerprint authentication without external memory by using the embedded fingerprint authentication accelerator. This fingerprint authentication accelerator uses DFT Discrete

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OKI Semiconductor ML67Q5250 PEDL67Q5250-01 Issue Date: Nov. 9, 2007 Preliminary DFT Based Fingerprint Authentication LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML67Q5250 is a single chip LSI that executes fingerprint authentication without external memory by using the embedded fingerprint authentication accelerator. This fingerprint authentication accelerator uses DFT Discrete

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    Abstract: AES2510 AES1510 AuthenTec AuthenTec fingerprint fingerprint Sensor datasheet XA03 Fingerprint based security system "Fingerprint Sensor" diagram of fingerprint sensor
    Text: Dear customers, About the change in the name such as "Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd." and "OKI" in documents to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. The semiconductor business of Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. was succeeded to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. on October 1, 2008.



    Abstract: AES2510 MK67Q5250 ML67Q5250 AuthenTec AES1711 Datasheet
    Text: TEL: +81 42 663-1111 FAX: +81(42)665-6620 550-1,Higashiasakawacho,Hachioji-shi 193-8550, Japan 2009 년 7 월 28 일 우표 크기의 소형 지문 인증 모듈 「MK67Q5250」 양산 개시 ~AuthenTec 사의 신 센서를 지원하는 지문 인증 LSI 용 소프트웨어 개발 키트도

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    Abstract: fingerprint microcontroller fingerprint Fingerprint swipe Sensor ATW200 microcontroller fingerprint application advantage of using ARM controller authentec ML69Q6203 fingerprint sensor
    Text: The Right Partner for a Digital World Using Oki’s 6200 Series Advantage Microcontrollers Fingerprint Reference Design Description Oki Semiconductor’s Fingerprint Reference Design is based on Oki’s ML69Q6203 Advantage Microcontroller and on Features Atrua or Authentec sensors and software libraries. This Reference Design reduces the time-for-design and

    ML69Q6203 ARM946E-S with128KB the200 AES2510 120MHz ARM946E-S 128KB ML696201 fingerprint microcontroller fingerprint Fingerprint swipe Sensor ATW200 microcontroller fingerprint application advantage of using ARM controller authentec fingerprint sensor PDF


    Abstract: circuit diagram for fingerprint sensor aes1711 UPEK ML67Q5250 AuthenTec block diagram of Fingerprint based security system MK67Q5250 smart card reader hacking circuit optical Sensors for fingerprint reader
    Text: OKI Semiconductor Fingerprint Authentication Solutions There are more than 10 million units and 200 models of biometrically enabled laptops in the world today Alec Melnick Sr. Product Marketing Manager Copyright OKI SEMICONDUCTOR 2009
