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    AEROVOX SUPERMET SUPERNOL Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: aerovox supermet Supernol aerovox AC capacitor UL810
    Text: 167 John Vertente Boulevard, New Bedford, MA 02745 USA Tel: 508 994-9661 Fax: (508) 995-3000 E-Mail: Web Site: SuperMet Specifications Aerovox’s line of SuperMet capacitors utilize state of the art metallized polypropylene film


    Aeromet ii capacitor ac

    Abstract: aerovox m22p3705m00 M22P3707N00 m24p3730w05 M22P3715M00 M26P3760W05 aerovox capacitor ac m26p4440w05 M24P3735W05 M26P4435W05
    Text: Aerovox Corp. AC Motor Run Capacitors ZeMaxTM - Aluminum Case AeroMet II - Plastic Case SuperMet - Metal Case Made in the USA 167 John Vertente Blvd. New Bedford, MA 02745 Tel: 508 994-9661 Fax: (508) 995-3000; E-mail:; Website:


    Aeromet ii capacitor ac

    Abstract: M22P3707N00 M24P3735W05 M23P3725M00 m22p3705m00 m24p3730w05 M24P3720W10 M23P3720M00 M24P3745W05 m26p3755w05
    Text: Capacitors for AC Motor Applications AeroMet II – Plastic Case The Ultimate In Reliability SuperMet – Metal Case Aerovox Corp. 167 John Vertente Boulevard, New Bedford, MA 02745 USA Tel: 508 994-9661 Fax: (508) 995-3000 Web Site: AeroMet II Specifications (Series Type M). 2



    Abstract: Aeromet ii capacitor ac
    Text: Aerovox Corp. AC Motor Run Capacitors ZeMaxTM - Aluminum Case AeroMet II - Plastic Case SuperMet - Metal Case Made in the USA 167 John Vertente Blvd. New Bedford, MA 02745 Tel: 508 994-9661 Fax: (508) 995-3000; E-mail:; Website:



    Abstract: aerovox supermet Supernol
    Text: 167 John Vertente Boulevard, New Bedford, MA 02745 USA Tel: 508 994-9661 Fax: (508) 995-3000 E-Mail: Web Site: § Part Numbering System M 23 Product Series M = AeroMet II Z = SuperMet Factory Codes 50 = 1 ¼” Oval 42 = 1 ½” Oval

    consult25 aerovox aerovox supermet Supernol PDF


    Abstract: Aeromet ii capacitor ac SS10000AFC TT10000AFC N50H aeromet capacitor m23p3715m00 Z24P4445W m23p3720m00 aerovox m22p3705m00 M22P3707N00
    Text: AeroMef I METALLIZED POLYPROPYLENE FILM CAPACITORS — Plastic Case Features • Round, nonco rrosive p lastic c a se styles • Up to 1 0 0 °C o p e ratio n Margin • V o lta g e range of 2 4 0V A C to 480V AC • S in g le and dual c a p a c ita n c e

    OCR Scan
    75fiF, 00017S7 M23P3715M00 Aeromet ii capacitor ac SS10000AFC TT10000AFC N50H aeromet capacitor m23p3715m00 Z24P4445W m23p3720m00 aerovox m22p3705m00 M22P3707N00 PDF


    Abstract: AT/AEROMET II capacitor Aeromet ii capacitor ac aerovox motor run AEROMET II capacitor AT/Aeromet ii capacitor ac AEROVOX OIL FILLED CAPACITORS 660VAC
    Text: AeroM ef II METALLIZED POLYPROPYLENE FILM CAPACITORS — Plastic Case Features • Round, noncorrosive plastic case styles • Up to 100°C operation • Voltage range of 240VAC to 480VAC • Single and dual capacitance • Wet construction • Self-clearing

    OCR Scan
    240VAC 480VAC 75/iF, 480VAC, H60AFC A5000AFC A200AFC B5000AFC A5000AFC AT/AEROMET II capacitor Aeromet ii capacitor ac aerovox motor run AEROMET II capacitor AT/Aeromet ii capacitor ac AEROVOX OIL FILLED CAPACITORS 660VAC PDF

    Aeromet ii capacitor ac

    Abstract: M26P4435W05 Z50P3707N Z26P3745W M23P3715M00 Z26P3775M P50G3704E ma027 Z26P4450W Z24P3750W
    Text: SuperMef A 0 5 - 1 7 ' - 2 7 M E TA LLIZE D P O LY P R O P Y LE N E F ILM C A P A C ITO R S — M etal Case F eatures • Oval and round case styles • Up to 100°C operation End Spray Tab Margin • V oltage range of 240VAC to 525VAC Single and dual capacitance

    OCR Scan
    240VAC 525VAC 75/tF, 525VAC, dep385G N50H2190G N50H2390G N50H2195G N50H2395G Aeromet ii capacitor ac M26P4435W05 Z50P3707N Z26P3745W M23P3715M00 Z26P3775M P50G3704E ma027 Z26P4450W Z24P3750W PDF