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    AE C 642 Search Results

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    LED Panel Mount Indicators LED INDICATOR Q8LP
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics Q8P5ACXXLY24AE 25
    • 1 $29.02
    • 10 $29.02
    • 100 $23.44
    • 1000 $23.27
    • 10000 $23.27
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    LED Panel Mount Indicators LED INDICATOR Q8LP
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics Q8P5ACXXLR24AE 25
    • 1 $32.22
    • 10 $32.22
    • 100 $22.12
    • 1000 $21.52
    • 10000 $21.52
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    LED Panel Mount Indicators LED INDICATOR Q8LP
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics Q8P5ACXXLY12AE 25
    • 1 $36.28
    • 10 $34.91
    • 100 $23.77
    • 1000 $23.6
    • 10000 $23.6
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    LED Panel Mount Indicators LED INDICATOR Q8LP
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics Q8P5ACXXLB12AE 25
    • 1 $36.28
    • 10 $34.91
    • 100 $23.77
    • 1000 $23.6
    • 10000 $23.6
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    LED Panel Mount Indicators LED INDICATOR Q8LP
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics Q8P5ACXXLB24AE 25
    • 1 $36.28
    • 10 $34.91
    • 100 $23.77
    • 1000 $23.6
    • 10000 $23.6
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    AE C 642 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 642-,+2-,/ >@097:7/?@=3 >75:/8 =38/C 4GDQROGP { Eplj]e]dq dgo [gkl { 6A koal[`af_ [YhYZadalq { 5 Fgje C [gf^a_mjYlagf Fad] Mg2>E5;4:97 { RlYf\Yj\ OCB dYqgml { VYk` la_`l Yf\ ^dmp hjgg^]\ lqh]k YnYadYZd] { Efnajgfe]flYd ^ja]f\dq hjg\m[l .QgHR [gehdaYfl/ { Nmldaf] Dae]fkagfk> .592; p 5524 p 5624/ ee

    894eVy 644eV 68UDC/ 569UAC374UDC 684UAC374UDC 569UAC0 569UAC 684UAC 74UDC HFD85 PDF

    yd 2030

    Abstract: YL 69 yl-69 sf 829 d
    Text: /-{z- 79~2030}896, /0./ 54;,6 6,1}< -A>KLIAJ Q 59@ koal[`af_ [YhYZadalq Q 5 Egje @0 5 Egje A Yf\ 5 Egje B [gf^a_mjYlagfk Q QlYf\Yj\ NBA dYqgml Q UYk` la_`l Yf\ ^dmp hjgg^]\ lqh]k YnYadYZd] Q Dfnajgfe]flYd ^ja]f\dq hjg\m[l .PgGQ [gehdaYfl/ Q Mmldaf] Cae]fkagfk> .6426 p 5:29 p 6426/ ee

    68TCB> 974eU QfM60 B368TCB 74TCB yd 2030 YL 69 yl-69 sf 829 d PDF

    SF 829 B

    Abstract: AK 2030 D5778 sf 829 d BA900 3GKA bg20 QfM60 YL 69
    Text: /-{z- 79~2030}896, /0./ 54;,6 6,1}< -A>KLIAJ Q 59@ koal[`af_ [YhYZadalq Q 5 Egje @0 5 Egje A Yf\ 5 Egje B [gf^a_mjYlagfk Q QlYf\Yj\ NBA dYqgml Q NdYkla[ k]Yd]\ Yf\ ^dmp hjgg^]\ lqh]k YnYadYZd] Q Dfnajgfe]flYd ^ja]f\dq hjg\m[l .PgGQ [gehdaYfl/ Q Mmldaf] Cae]fkagfk> .6426 p 5:29 p 6426/ ee

    68TCB> 974eU QfM60 B368TCB 74TCB SF 829 B AK 2030 D5778 sf 829 d BA900 3GKA bg20 QfM60 YL 69 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Filename: tfs 642.doc Version 1.5 VI TELEFILTER 19.07.2006 Filter specification TFS 642 1/5 Measurement condition Ambient temperature: Input power level: Terminating impedance: Input: Output: 23 °C dBm 50 50 Ω Ω Characteristics Remark: The maximum attenuation in the pass band is defined as the insertion loss ae. The nominal frequency fN is fixed at 642 MHz without any tolerance or limit.



    Abstract: CMA31 hyundai 235 flicker automatic exposure gain multiple 176X144 320X240 640X480 H1A424M167 HV7131B high frequency linear cmos IMAGE SENSOR
    Text: H1A424M167 Image Signal Processor for Hyundai CMOS Image Sensor Data Sheet Version 1.0 Electronics Industries Co., Ltd Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd. H1A424M167 REVISION HISTORY Revision Issue Date Comments 0.45 April 28, 1999 Draft 0.9 June 15, 1999

    H1A424M167 HV7121X) hyundai CMA31 hyundai 235 flicker automatic exposure gain multiple 176X144 320X240 640X480 H1A424M167 HV7131B high frequency linear cmos IMAGE SENSOR PDF


    Abstract: Linear Image sensor IC for CIS HV7131X Color CIS line sensor H1A424M167
    Text: H1A424M167 Image Signal Processor for Hyundai CMOS Image Sensor Data Sheet Version 1.01 Author Doowon Choi IT Application Team System IC SBU Electronics Industries Co., Ltd Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd. H1A424M167 REVISION HISTORY Revision Issue Date

    H1A424M167 HV7121X) CMA31 Linear Image sensor IC for CIS HV7131X Color CIS line sensor H1A424M167 PDF


    Abstract: smd led 5050 0.5 w datasheet INCOMING RAW MATERIAL INSPECTION procedure uei310 smd led 5050 datasheet smd 6 led 5050 datasheet airgap Vs Al Value in Ferrite Core TOROIDS Design Considerations smd led 5050 smd transistor A6t
    Text: Soft Ferrites THOMSON-CSF PASSIVE COMPONENTS A Committed International Strategy “Provide worldwide an innovative range of components and effective solutions focused on the needs of customers and the evolution of market applications.” “Ensure the growth of the company and the satisfaction of shareholders


    Lens Driver IC for iris

    Abstract: 510H LQFP64 SAA9740H SAA9750H cds5 Hall IC iris
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET SAA9740H Advanced Auto Control Function A2CF Product specification Supersedes data of 1996 Jan 30 File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 1996 Oct 10 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Advanced Auto Control Function (A2CF)

    SAA9740H SCA52 537021/1200/02/pp24 Lens Driver IC for iris 510H LQFP64 SAA9740H SAA9750H cds5 Hall IC iris PDF

    Lens Driver IC for iris

    Abstract: cds7 AF 239 microprocessor ic 501 510H LQFP64 SAA9740H SAA9750H
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET SAA9740H Advanced Auto Control Function A2CF Product specification Supersedes data of 1996 Jan 30 File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 1996 Oct 10 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Advanced Auto Control Function (A2CF)

    SAA9740H SCA52 537021/1200/02/pp24 Lens Driver IC for iris cds7 AF 239 microprocessor ic 501 510H LQFP64 SAA9740H SAA9750H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    751B-05 Yb113 PDF

    ER 2510 type bobbin

    Abstract: philips 3h1 ferrite material philips 3C85 ferrite material E65 core bobbin soft ferrites philips handbook philips RM6 3C85 er28 bobbin E55 core bobbin ETD54 bobbin ETD 34 3c85
    Text: MAIN MAIN MENU MENU SOFT FERRITE PRODUCTS E cores and accessories Planar E cores and accesories EC cores and accessories EFD cores and accessories EP cores and accessories ER cores and accessories ETD cores and accessories P, P/I, PT and PTS cores and accessories + PH cores

    MSB594 TN12/8/4 TN17/9 TN20/13/6 TN24/15/7 TN27/15/11 TN33/20/11 CBW199 ER 2510 type bobbin philips 3h1 ferrite material philips 3C85 ferrite material E65 core bobbin soft ferrites philips handbook philips RM6 3C85 er28 bobbin E55 core bobbin ETD54 bobbin ETD 34 3c85 PDF


    Abstract: PQ107 ee70 core EI70 EE80 bobbin EiC90 core EC90 core PC40 ferrite core EC90 EE320x250x20
    Text: Large Size Ferrite Cores for High Power T/UU/UI/EC/EIC/EE/EI/DT/PQ/PM/SP series Issue date: November 2010 • All specifications are subject to change without notice. • Conformity to RoHS Directive: This means that, in conformity with EU Directive 2002/95/EC, lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and specific

    2002/95/EC, SP135 SP185 SP255 pq78 PQ107 ee70 core EI70 EE80 bobbin EiC90 core EC90 core PC40 ferrite core EC90 EE320x250x20 PDF

    pc40 core

    Abstract: core pc40 HM 8350 PC40 ferrite pq78 EE 70 bobbin ferrite pc40 EE 16 bobbin 5 5 "EI CORE" Bobbin EE 16
    Text: Large Size Ferrite Cores for High Power T/UU/UI/EC/EIC/EE/EI/DT/PQ/PM/SP series Issue date: March 2010 • All specifications are subject to change without notice. • Conformity to RoHS Directive: This means that, in conformity with EU Directive 2002/95/EC, lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and specific

    2002/95/EC, SP135 SP185 SP255 pc40 core core pc40 HM 8350 PC40 ferrite pq78 EE 70 bobbin ferrite pc40 EE 16 bobbin 5 5 "EI CORE" Bobbin EE 16 PDF

    i ball 450 watt smps repairing

    Abstract: mmg-neosid Inductor TELEVISION EHT TRANSFORMERS neosid f29 FERRITE NEOSID SELF NEOSID LE 9540 inductor neosid make computer smps repairing inductor neosid
    Text: MMG-NEOSID Your Partner in Technology Magnetic Components Catalogue MMG-Neosid has been manufacturing magnetic materials since its foundation in 1936 and now manufactures an extensive range of soft ferrite components and accessories. These are used in the Industrial, Computer, Telecommunications and Automotive/

    log10 i ball 450 watt smps repairing mmg-neosid Inductor TELEVISION EHT TRANSFORMERS neosid f29 FERRITE NEOSID SELF NEOSID LE 9540 inductor neosid make computer smps repairing inductor neosid PDF

    PA 6/6 GF30 SIEMENS

    Abstract: Siemens Ferrite B65541 ferrite ei core n27 TESLA mh 7400 CRASTIN SO 655 IEC 60205 Luvocom B64290-A38 etd59 siemens Siemens Ferrite B64290
    Text: Contents Selector Guide Index of Part Numbers 5 11 26 SIFERRIT Materials 33 General – Definitions Application Notes Processing Notes 111 128 150 Packing Quality Considerations Standards and Specifications 165 174 177 RM Cores PM Cores EP Cores 181 274 290


    PHILIPS toroidal core 2P80

    Abstract: PHILIPS toroidal core 3c90 push-pull converter design Philips Components, Soft Ferrites 3C11 philips 3e1 ferrite material PHILIPS toroidal core 4a11 ETD29-3C90 smd marking 330 e71 ETD59-3F3 philips 4b1 ferrite rod
    Text: Soft Ferrites and Accessories Contents Introduction Quality Environmental aspects of soft ferrites Ordering information Applications Literature and reference publications Ferrite materials survey and specifications - Ferrite materials survey - Material specifications and graphs

    CBW204 TN33/20/11 TN33/20/11-2P40 TN33/20/11-2P50 TN33/20/11-2P65 TN33/20/11-2P80 TN33/20/11-2P90 PHILIPS toroidal core 2P80 PHILIPS toroidal core 3c90 push-pull converter design Philips Components, Soft Ferrites 3C11 philips 3e1 ferrite material PHILIPS toroidal core 4a11 ETD29-3C90 smd marking 330 e71 ETD59-3F3 philips 4b1 ferrite rod PDF

    rtc PCF8563

    Abstract: rtc PCF8563 datasheet philips clock alarm 28 pins 9398 393 40011 or I2C Peripherals Data Handbook IC12 IC12 Peripherals data handbook PCF8563 philips ic clock alarm 28 pins PCF8563P PCF8563T PCF8563TS
    Text: PCF8563 Real-time clock/calendar 16 April 1999 Product specification 1. General description The PCF8563 is a CMOS real-time clock/calendar optimized for low power consumption. A programmable clock output, interrupt output and voltage-low detector are also provided. All address and data are transferred serially via a two-line

    PCF8563 PCF8563 rtc PCF8563 rtc PCF8563 datasheet philips clock alarm 28 pins 9398 393 40011 or I2C Peripherals Data Handbook IC12 IC12 Peripherals data handbook philips ic clock alarm 28 pins PCF8563P PCF8563T PCF8563TS PDF


    Abstract: UU100 EE320x250x20 BPQ78 DT138 BPQ107 PQ107X87X70 HM 8350 BEC90 PQ78X39X42
    Text: 大電力用フェライト T/UU/UI/EC/EIC/EE/EI/DT/PQ/PM/SP シリーズ Issue date: March 2010 ●製品をより正しく安全にご使用いただくために、さらに詳細な特性・仕様をご確認いただける納入仕様書をぜひご請求ください。

    2002/95/EC SP135 SP185 SP255 pq78 UU100 EE320x250x20 BPQ78 DT138 BPQ107 PQ107X87X70 HM 8350 BEC90 PQ78X39X42 PDF


    Abstract: 9398 393 40011 or I2C Peripherals Data Handbook IC12
    Text: PCF8563 Real-time clock/calendar 16 April 1999 Product specification 1. General description The PCF8563 is a CMOS real-time clock/calendar optimized for low power consumption. A programmable clock output, interrupt output and voltage-low detector are also provided. All address and data are transferred serially via a two-line

    PCF8563 PCF8563 40andard PCF8563T/F4 PCF8563TD PCF8563TD9352 PCF8563TS/F4 OT505 MBC602 9398 393 40011 or I2C Peripherals Data Handbook IC12 PDF

    LM 8445

    Abstract: 569T LM 361 GE59 8444T
    Text: 20|~}0 ;=,5363+<=:/ 2312 87?/: :/4+@ 0EBOPMEN U U U U U U U U U U Ead] Lg2> D57895; Ead] Lg2> 8445;<7; -76<+-< .+<+ -734 BgflY[l YjjYf_]e]fl 5@ 5B BgflY[l j]kaklYf[] 544e .Yl 5@ 68TCB/ BgflY[l eYl]jaYd @_La0 @_QfM6 64@ 569T@B 5;@ 6;T@B ;@ 844T@B LM> ;@ 844T@B

    D57895; 68TCB/ LM 8445 569T LM 361 GE59 8444T PDF

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    Abstract: samwha ferrite EE-4242 EER3530 EER2834 PQ3225 samwha ferrite tile samwha .FERRITE TILE eer3435 str 52100
    Text: SAMWHA ELECTRONICS SEOUL HQ SAMWHA USA Inc. SAN DIEGO HQ SAMWHA HUNGARY KFT. HUNGARY Samyoung Bldg 587-8, Sinsa-Dong, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, 135-892, Korea Tel. +82-2-546-0999 Fax. +82-2-546-7354 2555 Melksee Street, San Diego, California, 92154, USA


    NEC asu

    Abstract: 3ac7
    Text: 6427525 N E C N E C ELECTRONICS E L E C T R O N IC S IN C 98D 18954 D 7 ''- ' 3 ? - o 7 □ D lñ clS 4 I NC 4 | F R E LIM IN A R Y £ F E Cl F i C A TI C N FA ST S W I T C H I NG N-CHANNEL .S IL IC O N POWER in mi 11ineters 1 U M AX. -Ì 3 113=a.: .1 0.3 = 0.!

    OCR Scan
    11ineters NEC asu 3ac7 PDF

    hv22 ferrite

    Abstract: UR36 736 le UR40DA UR48T UR46DB URS19 URS28 UR40ML URS18
    Text: -err Cores UR, IJRS AND IJRI CORES APPLICABLE MATERIAL HV22, HV38 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION HV22 UR 31 D 1 (2) (3) (4) (1) Material (2) Core type UR, URS, URI (3) Core size A: 36mm (4) Identifier for minor dimension variations UR CORES Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Type

    OCR Scan
    URS36 URS27 URS28 URS49 URS38 URS39 URI40 URI41C URI44 URI48 hv22 ferrite UR36 736 le UR40DA UR48T UR46DB URS19 UR40ML URS18 PDF


    Abstract: mxo 55 ga cts knights MXO-53 cts knights 2.5 mhz oscillator Crystal oscillator 12 MHz 400E D28E D48E 4.9152
    Text: C T S CORP 7 t 7^,50 *v2 S DËJ 1 7 fll S0 b 000E357 □ S P E C IA L IS T S IN F R E Q U E N C Y M A N A G E M E N T C O R PO R ATIO N K N IG H T S D IV IS IO N 400E Reimann Ave., Sandwich, IL 60548 •815/786-8411 • TWX 910-642-0860 Cable CTS JKTO-79 SERIES

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    000E357 JKTO-79 MXO-55 JKTO-79 mxo 55 ga cts knights MXO-53 cts knights 2.5 mhz oscillator Crystal oscillator 12 MHz 400E D28E D48E 4.9152 PDF