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    AE 4B15 Search Results

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    AE 4B15 Price and Stock

    Bourns Inc 51CAA-E24-B15

    Potentiometers 1/2" 10K 20% Square Sealed
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 51CAA-E24-B15
    • 1 $8.48
    • 10 $8.19
    • 100 $6.05
    • 1000 $4.39
    • 10000 $4.39
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    Bourns Inc 51CAA-E24-B15L

    Potentiometers 1/2" 10K ohm 20%
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 51CAA-E24-B15L
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $6.72
    • 10000 $6.55
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    Bourns Inc 51AEA-C24-B15

    Potentiometers 1/2" 10K 20% Square Sealed
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 51AEA-C24-B15
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $5.21
    • 10000 $5.21
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    AE 4B15 Datasheets Context Search

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    transistor 7B12

    Abstract: 3b13 7B12
    Text: MACH 5 CPLD Family Fifth Generation MACH Architecture FEATURES ◆ High logic densities and I/Os for increased logic integration ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Publication# 20446 Amendment/0 Rev: J Issue Date: April 2002 Select devices have been discontinued. See Ordering Information section for product status.

    M5LV-256/160 M5LV-512/2567AC-10AI. transistor 7B12 3b13 7B12 PDF

    5d7 diode

    Abstract: 5d3 diode 6A15 transistor 7B12 16 macrocells 20446G-004
    Text: MACH 5 CPLD Family Fifth Generation MACH Architecture FEATURES ◆ High logic densities and I/Os for increased logic integration ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ — 128 to 512 macrocell densities — 68 to 256 I/Os Wide selection of density and I/O combinations to support most application needs

    in-oLV-512/256 M5LV-256/68 M5LV-256/74 M5LV-256/104 M5LV-256/120 M5LV-256/160 M5LV-512/256-7AC-10AI. 5d7 diode 5d3 diode 6A15 transistor 7B12 16 macrocells 20446G-004 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MACH 5 CPLD Family Fifth Generation MACH Architecture FEATURES ◆ High logic densities and I/Os for increased logic integration ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ — 128 to 512 macrocell densities — 68 to 256 I/Os Wide selection of density and I/O combinations to support most application needs

    M5LV-320/120 M5LV-320/160 M5LV-320/184 M5LV-320/192 M5LV-384/120 M5LV-384/160 M5LV-384/184 M5LV-384/192 M5LV-512/120 M5LV-512/160 0d13 PDF

    transistor 7B12

    Abstract: 5D7 diode diode 6a6 mac 7a8 2c7 power diode making 5A6 5D2 6 5d3 diode 1c11 diode 5D6 diode
    Text: MACH 5 CPLD Family I MAC ncludes H Adva 5 nce A Famil Info y rma tion Fifth Generation MACH Architecture FEATURES ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ — 128 to 512 macrocell densities — 68 to 256 I/Os Wide selection of density and I/O combinations to support most application needs

    M5A3-512/256 M5A3-192/120 M5LV-256/68 M5A3-256/68 LV-512/256-7AC-10AI. transistor 7B12 5D7 diode diode 6a6 mac 7a8 2c7 power diode making 5A6 5D2 6 5d3 diode 1c11 diode 5D6 diode PDF


    Abstract: 7b12 DIODES MARKING M5 3B14 making 5A6 transistor 7B12 0d12 marking 1d4
    Text: MACH 5 CPLD Family Fifth Generation MACH Architecture FEATURES ◆ High logic densities and I/Os for increased logic integration ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ — 128 to 512 macrocell densities — 68 to 256 I/Os Wide selection of density and I/O combinations to support most application needs

    M5LV-512/256-7AC-10AI. M5LV-512/192 M5LV-512/184 M5LV-512/256 M5-2562 7b12 DIODES MARKING M5 3B14 making 5A6 transistor 7B12 0d12 marking 1d4 PDF

    5d3 diode

    Abstract: 6B15 7b12 MACH Programmer transistor 7B12 2D15 PAL 007 A power generator control circuit schematic 1C12 5D10
    Text: MACH 5 CPLD Family I MAC ncludes H Adv anc 5A Fam e In form ily atio n Fifth Generation MACH Architecture FEATURES ◆ High logic densities and I/Os for increased logic integration ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ — 128 to 512 macrocell densities — 68 to 256 I/Os

    switLV-256/160 M5A3-256/160 M5A3-192/120 M5LV-256/68 M5A3-256/68 M5LV-512/256-7AC-10AI. 5d3 diode 6B15 7b12 MACH Programmer transistor 7B12 2D15 PAL 007 A power generator control circuit schematic 1C12 5D10 PDF

    mac 7a8

    Abstract: M5A3-384
    Text: MACH 5 CPLD Family I MAC ncludes H Adva 5 nce A Famil Info y rma tion Fifth Generation MACH Architecture FEATURES ◆ High logic densities and I/Os for increased logic integration ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ — 128 to 512 macrocell densities — 68 to 256 I/Os

    forA3-384/160 M5LV-384/184 M5LV-384/192 M5A3-384/192 M5LV-512/120 M5A3-512/120 M5LV-512/160 M5A3-512/160 M5LV-512/184 M5LV-512/192 mac 7a8 M5A3-384 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GL SGS-THOMSON M É M [iL E g r a ( 2 l]0 Û S ST9560 ST9561 DATA LINK CONTROLLER FOR VEHICLE AREA NETWORK D e velopped w ith G IE P SA R E N A U LT A D V A N C E DATA • Multimaster contention-based bus data link controller ■ Fully com pliant to VAN

    OCR Scan
    ST9560 ST9561 ISO/TC22/SC3/WG1 MSK01 PDF


    Abstract: VAN PSA PDIP28 PLCC44 ST9560 ST9561 SGS-Thomson MCU st10 CLOCK21
    Text: Zìi SGS-THOMSON RÆ D g ^ [ I L I l O r a ©Ö D O S ST9560 ST9561 DATA LINK CONTROLLER FOR VEHICLE AREA NETWORK Developped with GIE PSA RENAULT A D V A N C E DATA i M u ltim a s te r co n te n tio n -b a se d b us d a ta link c o n tro lle r i Fully

    OCR Scan
    ST9560 ST9561 ISO/TC22/SC3/WG1 renault VAN PSA PDIP28 PLCC44 ST9561 SGS-Thomson MCU st10 CLOCK21 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FINAL C O M 'L :-7 /1 0 /1 2 /1 5 IN D :-1 0 /1 2 /1 5 /2 0 MACH 5-320/M ACH 5LV-320 V A N A N A M D T I S C O M P A N Y M A C H 5 -3 2 0 /1 2 0 -7 /1 0 /1 2 /1 5 M A C H 5 -3 2 0 /1 9 2 - 7 /1 0 /1 2 /1 5 M A C H 5L V -320/18 4 - 7 /1 0 /1 2 /1 5 M A C H 5 -3 2 0 /1 6 0 - 7 /1 0 /1 2 /1 5

    OCR Scan
    5-320/M 5LV-320 BGD256 256-Pin DT104 ACH5-320/XXX-7/10/12/15 ACH5LV-320/XXX-7/10/12/15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FINAL C O M 'L :-7 /1 0 /1 2 /1 5 IN D :-1 0 /1 2 /1 5 /2 0 MACH 5-320/M ACH 5LV-320 V A N A N A M D T I S C O M P A N Y MACH5-320/120-7/10/12/1 5 MACH5-320/192-7/10/12/15 MACH5LV-320/184-7/10/12/15 MACH5-320/160-7/10/12/15 MACH5LV-320/120-7/10/12/15 MACH5LV-320/192-7/10/12/15

    OCR Scan
    5-320/M 5LV-320 MACH5-320/120-7/10/12/1 MACH5-320/192-7/10/12/15 MACH5LV-320/184-7/10/12/15 MACH5-320/160-7/10/12/15 MACH5LV-320/120-7/10/12/15 MACH5LV-320/192-7/10/12/15 MACH5-320/184-7/10/12/15 MACH5LV-320/160-7/10/12/15 PDF


    Abstract: P3139 BC233A sprague 40d GEX36/7 C4274 s1766 C12712 TC236 GP149
    Text: SPRAGUE THE M A R K O F R E L I A B I L I T Y SEMICONDUCTOR REPLACEMENT MANUAL K -5 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Guidelines for Replacing Semiconductors. 1 Specifications, Small-Signal and Power Transistors.

    OCR Scan