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    Abstract: ADI614 weigh scales
    Text: ADI-6140 AD8661Rnd_5 6/22/05 3:08 PM Page 1 75 ␮V, 9 mm2,78¢. No other 16 V op amp comes close. TM AD8661: Performance . . where it matters • • • • • • • Medical and instrumentation Industrial process control Weigh scales Automotive sensors

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    Abstract: DSP-21020 ADSP-21020 Radiation Tolerant DSP EA20 EA21 EA30 EA31 T7904E TSC21020F
    Text: T7904E A Radiation Tolerant DSP Peripheral Controller Introduction After TEMIC has successfully released the TSC21020F DSP, a code and pin compatible radiation hard version including SEU hardening of the ADI ADSP-21020, ASTRIUM have, under an ESA contract, developed a TSC21020F companion

    T7904E TSC21020F ADSP-21020, 06-July-2000 T7904E- MQFPF256 M/883 S/883 TTC-B-01 DSP-21020 ADSP-21020 Radiation Tolerant DSP EA20 EA21 EA30 EA31 T7904E PDF


    Abstract: probug AN/mc68701 probug ADN21 mc68701 probug M6800 MC6801 MC68701 MC68B701 quartz crystal 0ss
    Text: ADDENDUM 10 MCW701 DATA SHEET ADI-W9 RI October 1981 ~:;{., ~.,. ‘!,’\.Y.,a,\,.,t The Peripheral Port Timing specifications have been expanded forl~~&:q?68701 to cover each of the speed options. The following table superce@~~Q~ table on ,.v,&*v. .:~>.

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    Abstract: TLR 4262 MC68681L MC68681 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE C2682 M68000 MC2681 MC68000 MC68681 rasistor
    Text: a DUAL The ““L”nx”I Co”Tal”S fnmrmam” on a new Product are sublea 10 chan9e without nowe “*te ASYNQljtR’ONOUS *. SpeclflcallOnS and lnformarlo” here,” @ MOTOROLA INC., 1985 ADI 988Rl & A2 Motorola resewesthe right tomakechangeswithoul

    988Rl AO1-988-/ MC68681P TLR 4262 MC68681L MC68681 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE C2682 M68000 MC2681 MC68000 MC68681 rasistor PDF


    Abstract: MC68681 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE pal16v8 PCMCIA SRAM Card MC68328 MC68681 PCMCIA CARD, Static Memory, write protect switch, motorola xt 317 68000 MC68681 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE pc motherboard schematics
    Text: Motorola, Inc. MC68328ADS Application Development System User’s Manual Revision 2.0 August 1, 1996 This document is only published on the web. Wireless System Subscriber Group MC68328ADS Addendum to MC68328ADS User’s Manual, Rev 2.0 Revision Date: September 1, 1997

    MC68328ADS MC68328ADS MC68328 RS-232) PAL16V8 /16HDTA 16HDTA MC68681 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE pal16v8 PCMCIA SRAM Card MC68681 PCMCIA CARD, Static Memory, write protect switch, motorola xt 317 68000 MC68681 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE pc motherboard schematics PDF


    Abstract: pwm led driver 68000 MC68681 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE 68EC000 MC145050 MC68328 MC68681 ZENER A18 pen drive circuit diagram pSOS 68K
    Text: Motorola, Inc. MC68328ADS Application Development System User’s Manual Revision 2.0 August 1, 1996 What’s new in Rev 2.0 User’s Manual? M68328ADS User’s Manual Revision 2.0 applies ONLY to the Rev 2.0 M68328ADS boards. The Rev number can be found on the board.

    MC68328ADS M68328ADS MC68328 M68328ADS. PAL16V8 /16HDTA 16HDTA 16HDTA pwm led driver 68000 MC68681 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE 68EC000 MC145050 MC68681 ZENER A18 pen drive circuit diagram pSOS 68K PDF

    PIC16F72 inverter ups

    Abstract: UPS inverter PIC16F72 PIC16F676 inverter hex code 16F877 with sd-card and lcd project circuit diagram wireless spy camera NH82801GB xmega-a4 online ups service manual back-ups ES 500 ARM LPC2148 INTERFACING WITH RFID circuit diagram realtek rtd 1186
    Text: the solutions are out there you just haven’t registered yet. RoadTest the newest products in the market! View the latest news, design support and hot new technologies for a range of applications Join the RoadTest group and be in with a chance to trial exclusive new products for free. Plus, read

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    mosfet d436 datasheet

    Abstract: MD5 5vDC Sun Hold transistor a844 SUN HOLD MD5 5vDC nec a1129 d1541 potensiometer bd632 transistor D1541 circuit diagram application a1129
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. User’s Manual Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC86XADS Version-A January 14, 2003 MPC86XADS User’s Manual Motorola, Inc., 2003 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

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    EMI Filtering

    Abstract: filter examples using AD630 mini Audio transformer 200k to 1k ct input cookbook for ic 555 EEG ad620 ad620 strain gauge pressure sensor op amp cookbook AD620 AD625 Application Note
    Text: A Designer’s Guide to Instrumentation Amplifiers 3 RD Edition A DESIGNER’S GUIDE TO INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIERS 3RD Edition by Charles Kitchin and Lew Counts  All rights reserved. This publication, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the copyright owner.

    G02678-15-9/06 EMI Filtering filter examples using AD630 mini Audio transformer 200k to 1k ct input cookbook for ic 555 EEG ad620 ad620 strain gauge pressure sensor op amp cookbook AD620 AD625 Application Note PDF

    EEG ad620

    Abstract: examples using AD630 AD620 philips semiconductor data handbook cookbook for ic 555 op amp cookbook ad620 strain gauge pressure sensor B4001 AN-539 ad623 AD7457
    Text: Cover_Final 9/8/04 3:40 PM Page 2 A Designer’s Guide to Instrumentation Amplifiers 2 ND Edition A DESIGNER’S GUIDE TO INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIERS 2ND Edition by Charles Kitchin and Lew Counts i All rights reserved. This publication, or parts thereof, may not be

    F-92182 G02678-15-9/04 EEG ad620 examples using AD630 AD620 philips semiconductor data handbook cookbook for ic 555 op amp cookbook ad620 strain gauge pressure sensor B4001 AN-539 ad623 AD7457 PDF


    Abstract: XTAL or 18.432mhz ST7543 XTAL-11 18.432MHZ ac98 d678 44-PIN PLCC44 PQFP44
    Text: ST7543 UNIVERSAL MODEM ANALOG FRONT-END UMAFE . . . . . . . FULL ECHO CANCELLING CAPABILITY 16-BIT OVERSAMPLING A/D AND D/A CONVERTERS • Programmable down-sampling frequency : from 7200 to 16000Hz • Typical dynamic range : 89dB • Typical total harmonic distorsion : -90dB.

    ST7543 16-BIT 16000Hz -90dB. 37ise ST7543CFN XTAL or 18.432mhz ST7543 XTAL-11 18.432MHZ ac98 d678 44-PIN PLCC44 PQFP44 PDF


    Abstract: ac98 ST7543 d678 ST7543CFN ST7543CQFP XTAL11 44-PIN PLCC44 PQFP44
    Text: ST7543 UNIVERSAL MODEM ANALOG FRONT-END UMAFE . . . . . . . FULL ECHO CANCELLING CAPABILITY 16-BIT OVERSAMPLING A/D AND D/A CONVERTERS • Programmable down-sampling frequency : from 7200 to 16000Hz • Typical dynamic range : 89dB • Typical total harmonic distorsion : -90dB.

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    nec 14t t4

    Abstract: Nec 7f00 8051 interface with rs485 blackjack
    Text: xecomi XE5200, XE5224DM & XE5224FD Blackjack Tele-Controller 80C552 based controller with Integral modem options Description: Features: The Blackjack Tele-Controller is a rugged, miniature controller with the option of an integrated modem. Xecom based the TeleController on an 80C552 micro-controller. It

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    XE5200, XE5224DM XE5224FD 80C552 XE5224DM XE5200 nec 14t t4 Nec 7f00 8051 interface with rs485 blackjack PDF


    Abstract: ta7368 TC8834F
    Text: • 0055276 2^2 « T 0 S 3 TOSHIBA UC/UP 1. TC8834N/F-111 b4E D GENERAL The TC8834 is a single chip CMOS LSI for voice recording / play-back using the ADM ( Adaptive Delta M odulation). It composes a voice recording system w ith a dynamic RAM for voice memory and

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    TC8834N/F-111 TC8834 D025344 TC8834N/F-67 TC8834N/F-68 QFP44-P-1414) TC8834N/F-69 TC8832 ta7368 TC8834F PDF

    Philips Components, Soft Ferrites Data Handbook M

    Abstract: philips vidicon PHILIPS capacitors Vidicon 4806 Philips Components, Piezoelectric Ceramics vidicon philips Fxc 3 b
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors North American Sales Offices, Representatives and Distributors PHILIPS SEMICONDUCTORS 811 East A rq ue s A venue P.O. Box 3409 Sunnyvale, C A 9 4088-3409 A LA B A M A Huntsville Philips Semiconductors Phone: 205 464-0111 Elcom, Inc.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES PROGRAMMABLE 7TH ORDER LOW PASS ACTIVE FILTER HSCF24040 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION FEATURES APPLICATIONS • 85 dB Dynamic Range • Cut Off Frequency /c up to 20KHz • On-Chip Anti-Aliasing Protection • Programmable Bandedge Frequency for both RC

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    HSCF24040 20KHz PDF


    Abstract: GEC plessey 18 pin 12 channel ir decoder ic plessey application note an 112
    Text: GEC PLESSEY I s e m i c o n d u c t o r s ] DS3135-1.0 ZNPCM1 SINGLE CHANNEL CODEC FEATURES • Converts a Delta-Sigma Modulated Digital Pulse Stream into Compressed 'A'-Law PCM and

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    DS3135-1 64Kbit/s 2048kbit/s 2048kHz ZNPCM2 GEC plessey 18 pin 12 channel ir decoder ic plessey application note an 112 PDF

    images of IC 8085 pin

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES S C F 2 4 4 PROGRAMMABLE 7TH ORDER LOW PASS ACTIVE FILTER APPLICATIONS FEATURES High Performance Modems 12-Bit Signal Processing Systems Pre-Sample Anti-Alias Filter Test Equipment/Instrumentation Spectrum Analyzer Medical Telemetry/Filtering

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    12-Bit images of IC 8085 pin PDF


    Abstract: EN4742 A0201 d1514 DC-003 LC7232N LC72P32 QIP80A ph3.10
    Text: Ordering number : EN4742 CMOS LSI LC72P32 No. 4742 One-Time Programmable ROM Single-Chip PLL Plus Microcontroller Overview Sanyo PROM Writing Service The L C 7 2 P 3 2 is a version o f the L C 7 2 3 2 N single-chip S a n y o p r o v id e s c u sto m P R O M w r itin g , p r in tin g ,

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    EN4742 LC72P32 LC72P32 LC7232N LC7232N, lc72e EN4742 A0201 d1514 DC-003 QIP80A ph3.10 PDF

    SYR 09

    Abstract: D15XD 13x13
    Text: F Z J * 71* S G S -T H O M S O N S T 7543 UNIVERSAL M ODEM ANALOG FRO NT-END UMAFE • FULLECHO CANCELLING CAPABILITY ■ 16-BIT OVERSAMPLING A/D AND D/A CON­ VERTERS • Programmable down-sampling frequency: from 7200 fo 16000Hz • Typical dynamic range : 89dB

    OCR Scan
    16-BIT 16000Hz -90dB. 37MHz SYR 09 D15XD 13x13 PDF

    v.32terbo 16800 19200 modem

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S G S -T H O M S O N ST7543 ly UNIVERSAL MODEM ANALOG FRONT-END UMAFE PR ELIM INA R Y DATA • FULL ECHO CANCELLING CAPABILITY ■ 16-BIT OVERSAM PLING A/D AND D/A CO N ­ VERTERS • Program mable down-sam pling frequency : from 7200 to 16000Hz • Dynam ic range : 84dB

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    ST7543 16-BIT 16000Hz -84dB. 03fc54d v.32terbo 16800 19200 modem PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / I T S G S -T H O M S O N * 7 Æ, IlD Ê œ ilL IK g T M D e g ST7543 UNIVERSAL MODEM ANALOG FRONT-END UMAFE • FULL ECHO CANCELLING CAPABILITY ■ 16-BIT OVERSAMPLING A/D AND D/A CON­ VERTERS • Programmable down-sampling frequency: from 7200 to 16000Hz

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    ST7543 16-BIT 16000Hz -90dB. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C F A 0040A C FA 0040A CFA0040A Status and Shift Control Unit DESCRIPTION: CFA0040A is designed to be functionally identical to the AMD2904, although the I/Os are different. The primary difference between CFA0040 and AMD2904 is that each of the bidirectional pins of the

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    CFA0040A CFA0040A AMD2904, CFA0040 AMD2904 CFA0040A: PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics Sales Offices, Representatives & Distributors RF Communications TEXAS MASSACHUSETTS PENNSYLVANIA Austin Phone: 512 339-9945 Chelmsford JEBCO Phone: (508) 256-5800 Richardson Phone:(214)644-1610 Hatboro Delta Technical Sales, Inc.

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