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    Analog Devices Inc AD9807JS

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    Analog Devices Inc AD9807JS-REEL

    MICROPROCESSOR CIRCUIT; Temperature Grade: COMMERCIAL; Terminal Form: GULL WING; No. of Terminals: 64; Package Code: QFP; Package Shape: SQUARE;
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    Vyrian AD9807JS-REEL 299
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    AD9807 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    AD9807 Analog Devices Complete 12-Bit /10-Bit 6 MSPS CCD/CIS Signal Processor Original PDF
    AD9807JS Analog Devices Complete 12 Bit 6 Msps CCD/CIS Signal Processor Original PDF

    AD9807 Datasheets Context Search

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    dyna image dl100

    Abstract: dyna image DYNA DL100 cis dyna image sensor dl100 dyna image cis DL100 DYNA DL100 dyna image cis DYNA CIS dl100 "dyna image" DL100 DYNA
    Text: Complete 12-Bit 6 MSPS CCD Signal Processor AD9807 a FEATURES 12-Bit 6 MSPS A/D Converter Integrated Triple Correlated Double Sampler 3-Channel, 2 MSPS Color Mode 1؋ – 4؋ Analog Programmable Gain Amplifier Pin Compatible 10-Bit Version Pixel-Rate Digital Gain Adjustment

    12-Bit 10-Bit 64-Pin AD9807 64-Terminal C2196 dyna image dl100 dyna image DYNA DL100 cis dyna image sensor dl100 dyna image cis DL100 DYNA DL100 dyna image cis DYNA CIS dl100 "dyna image" DL100 DYNA PDF

    linear CCD-Sensor

    Abstract: 12 line ccd scanner 4 input video multiplexer csb 400 P single CHIP ac motor speed control 16 bit Correlated Double Sampling 8-bit 400 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter aD9705 CMOS digital image sensor AD9805
    Text: a FEATURES 12-Bit 6 MSPS A/D Converter Integrated Triple Correlated Double Sampler 3-Channel, 2 MSPS Color Mode 1؋ – 4؋ Analog Programmable Gain Amplifier Pin Compatible 10-Bit Version Pixel-Rate Digital Gain Adjustment Pixel-Rate Digital Offset Adjustment

    12-Bit 10-Bit 64-Pin AD9807 64-Terminal linear CCD-Sensor 12 line ccd scanner 4 input video multiplexer csb 400 P single CHIP ac motor speed control 16 bit Correlated Double Sampling 8-bit 400 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter aD9705 CMOS digital image sensor AD9805 PDF

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    Abstract: Analog Devices AD7752 AD1845 AD22057 strain gauge OP07 REF01 AD1892 OP181 AD594 AD8541 AD215
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES CD REFERENCE CATEGORY SUBCATEGORY A/D Converter < 1 MSPS Encoders no T/H, Multiple Supplies AD1376 AD5212 AD5215 AD570 AD571 AD573 AD574A AD578 AD673 AD674B AD7572 AD7572A AD7578 AD7582 AD7672 AD774B ADADC71 ADADC72 ADADC80 ADADC84 ADADC85 ADC912A

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    receiver QAM schematic diagram

    Abstract: ad646 AD922X "direct rf sampling" AD9042 satellite dish photo AD9220 AD9221 AD9223 82w40
    Text: SECTION 5 HIGH SPEED ADC APPLICATIONS Walt Kester, Brad Brannon, Paul Hendricks DRIVING ADC INPUTS FOR LOW DISTORTION AND WIDE DYNAMIC RANGE In order to achieve wide dynamic range in high speed ADC applications, careful attention must be given to the analog interface. Many ADCs are designed so that

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    AD9814 snr

    Abstract: AD9803 AD9805 AD9807 AD9814 AD9816 AD9822 AD9840 AD9841 AD9843
    Text: Analog Front Ends for Imaging Applications Recommended for Scanners, Digital Color Copiers, and Multi-Function Peripherals Tri-Linear CCD or CIS Applications Resolution (Bits) Generic # of Channels Fs Max (MSPS) DNL typ INL typ Input Referred (LSB) Noise (LSBrms)

    AD9805 AD9807 AD9816 AD9814 AD98012 AD98022 AD9803 AD9840 AD9841 AD9843 AD9814 snr AD9803 AD9805 AD9807 AD9814 AD9816 AD9822 AD9840 AD9841 AD9843 PDF


    Abstract: ilc7660 low noise quad OP37 Application note AD652 AD698 7.1 surround sound dolby circuits voltage frequency table ad654 ADDS-2101-EZ-LAB ne5534 application note ad597

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    Abstract: AD7821 AD7822 AD7825 AD7829 AD876-8 AD9280 AD9281 ad9232
    Text: > 1MSPS, AC SPECS MODEL AD775 AD775 AD7821 AD7822 AD7825 AD7829 AD9281 AD876-8 AD9280 AD9048J/S AD9048J/S AD9048K/T AD9048K/T AD9058 AD9066 AD9057 AD9059 AD9012 AD9012 AD9012 AD9054-100 AD9002 AD9054-200 AD9049 AD9805 AD9201 AD773AJ AD773AJ AD773AK AD773AK

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    Abstract: t-max AD9801 AD9802 AD9805 AD9807 AD9816 PAGE24
    Text: A/D CONVERTERS: CCD SIGNAL PROCESSORS MODEL # Bits Power Supply Input Conversion Accuracy Requirements Voltage Rate or Linearity # Min +Icc Range Lsb's CH +Vcc mA MSPS +25C Tmax 77.143 Differential Linearity Lsb's +25C Full Scale Zero Bipolar Error Error Zero Error

    AD9807, AD9801 AD9802 AD9805 AD9807 AD9816 P-12 t-max AD9801 AD9802 AD9805 AD9807 AD9816 PAGE24 PDF


    Abstract: AD9849 AD9847 AFE AD9995 AD9814 AD9814 snr AD9845B AD9848 AD9945 AD9898
    Text: Analog Devices: Data Converters: Analog Front End Products for Imaging Applications Selection Table Page 1 of 2 Analog Front End Products for Imaging Applications Selection Table AFE + Integrated Timing Generator Products - Recommended for Camcorders, Digital Still Cameras, PC Cameras

    AD9937 AD9847 AD9845B AD9945 AD9824 20log10* AD9994 AD9849 AD9847 AFE AD9995 AD9814 AD9814 snr AD9845B AD9848 AD9945 AD9898 PDF

    dyna image dl100

    Abstract: DYNA DL100 DYNA DL100 cis dyna image sensor dl100 dyna image dyna image cis DL100 DL100 ad9807js DYNA CIS DYNA CIS dl100
    Text: a FEATURES Pin Compatible 12-Bit and 10-Bit Versions 12-Bit/10-Bit 6 MSPS A/D Converter Integrated Triple Correlated Double Sampler 3-Channel, 2 MSPS Color Mode 1؋ – 4؋ Analog Programmable Gain Amplifier Pixel-Rate Digital Gain Adjustment Pixel-Rate Digital Offset Adjustment

    12-Bit 10-Bit 12-Bit/10-Bit 64-Pin AD9807/AD9805 64-Terminal C2196 dyna image dl100 DYNA DL100 DYNA DL100 cis dyna image sensor dl100 dyna image dyna image cis DL100 DL100 ad9807js DYNA CIS DYNA CIS dl100 PDF

    Analog Dialogue

    Abstract: DN25D HT20c12 gold scanner metal detector circuit diagram building own and cheap walkie-talkie smart traffic light control by laser 8051 project on traffic light controller AD421 how to make ic copier walkie-talkie transceiver diagram
    Text: Editor’s Notes That’s one of the sites where you can read about a major problem we residents of Earth will face as we celebrate the rolling over of the digits after 23:59:59 on December 31, 1999. The problem is that in many cases

    year2000 ADP3000, ADP3302 Analog Dialogue DN25D HT20c12 gold scanner metal detector circuit diagram building own and cheap walkie-talkie smart traffic light control by laser 8051 project on traffic light controller AD421 how to make ic copier walkie-talkie transceiver diagram PDF


    Abstract: AD9969 ad9272 AD9972 ADV7602 AD9978 ADV7510 AD9977 AD9920 AD9979
    Text: 高速信号处理 产品参考手册 目录 高速模数转换器 ADC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 多通道ADC与集成解决方案 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    G02427-5-6/08 AD9970 AD9969 ad9272 AD9972 ADV7602 AD9978 ADV7510 AD9977 AD9920 AD9979 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A/D CONVERTERS: CCD SIGNAL PROCESSORS Power Supply Requirements Min +Icc Conversion INL DNL Rate max typ max (typ) CDS Gain # # MODEL Bits CH +Vcc mA MSPS LSB LSB dB AD9801 AD9802 10 10 1 1 +3.15V +3.15V 52 52 18 18 ns ns (± 1/2) (± 1/2) AD9806 10 1 +2.8

    AD9801 AD9802 AD9806 PAGE-24 PDF


    Abstract: ad9970 AD9972 AD9849 AD9814 AD9848 AD9945 AD9847
    Text: Dual-Channel, 14-Bit, CCD Signal Processor with Precision Timing Core AD9974 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.8 V analog and digital core supply voltage Correlated double sampler CDS with −3 dB, 0 dB, +3 dB, and +6 dB gain 6 dB to 42 dB, 10-bit variable gain amplifier (VGA)

    14-Bit, AD9974 10-bit 100-lead, AD9974 20log10* AD9977 ad9970 AD9972 AD9849 AD9814 AD9848 AD9945 AD9847 PDF


    Abstract: AD7569 AD7669 AD7729 AD7774 AD7868 AD7869 AD8401 AD9801 AD9807
    Text: CODEC I/O PORTS INPUT / OUTPUT PORTS, COMBINATION A/D & D/A's Power Supply Requirements # +Icc -Iee Bits +Vcc mA -Vee mA MODEL AD7569 AD7569 AD7569 AD7339 AD7339 AD7669 AD7669 +Vdd Conversion Rate +Idd KSPS With on board 8 bit D/A 8 5 13 5 4 ± 2.5 500 8

    AD7569 AD7339 AD7669 AD7774 AD8401 AD7339 AD7569 AD7669 AD7729 AD7774 AD7868 AD7869 AD8401 AD9801 AD9807 PDF


    Abstract: AD9801 AD9802 AD9803 AD9805 AD9807 AD9814 AD9822
    Text: A/D CONVERTERS: CCD CDS SIGNAL PROCESSORS MODEL # Bits Power Suppl Input Conversion Accuracy Requiremen Voltage Rate or Linearity # Min +Icc Range Lsb’s CH +Vcc mA MSPS +25C Tmax 77.143 Differential Linearity Lsb’s +25C Full Scale Zero Bipolar Error Error

    AD9803 AD9801 AD9802 AD9805 AD9807 AD9816 AD9822 AD9803: AD9814 PAGE-24 AD9816 AD9801 AD9802 AD9803 AD9805 AD9807 AD9814 AD9822 PDF

    Analog Dialogue

    Abstract: ECG semiconductor book free rc helicopter circuit diagram
    Text: A forum for the exchange of circuits, systems, and software for real-world signal processing SSB UPCONVERSION OF QUADRATURE DDS SIGNALS TO THE 800-TO-2500-MHz BAND page 46 Fundamentals of DSP-Based Control for AC Machines (page 3) Transducer/Sensor Excitation and Measurement Techniques (page 33)

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    51 ti jbr

    Abstract: elis 1024 cmos 9805 ,C M/ipc+9805
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Complete 12-Bit/10-Bit 6 MSPS 00010S Signal Processors AD9807/Æ9805 FEATURES Pin C o m p a tib le 12-Bit and 10-Bit Versions 1 2 - B i t / 1 0 - Bit 6 M S P S A / D C o n verter F U N C T IO N A L B L O C K D IA G R A M VREF P IX E L P IX E L

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    12-Bit 10-Bit 64-Pin 12-Bit/10-Bit 00010S AD9807/ AD9807/AD9805 51 ti jbr elis 1024 cmos 9805 ,C M/ipc+9805 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Complete 12-Bit 6 MSPS CCD Sigiai Processor AD9807 FEATURES 12-Bit 6 MSPS A /D Converter Integrated Triple Correlated Double Sam pler 3-Channel, 2 MSPS Color Mode 1 x - 4 x Analog Programmable Gain Am plifier Pin Com patible 10-Bit Version Pixel-Rate Digital Gain Adjustm ent

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit 10-Bit 64-Pin AD9807 AD9807 64-Term PDF

    dyna image cis DL100

    Abstract: dyna image sensor dl100 dyna image dl100
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Complete 12-Bit/10-Bit 6 MSPS CCD/CIS Signal Processors AD9807/AD9805 FEATURES Pin Compatible 12-Bit and 10-Bit Versions 12-Bit/I 0-Bit 6 M S P S A /D Converter Integrated Triple Correlated Double Sampler 3-Channel, 2 M S P S Color M ode 1 x - 4x Analog Programmable Gain Amplifier

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit/10-Bit AD9807/AD9805 12-Bit 10-Bit 12-Bit/I 64-Pin AD9807 AD9805 dyna image cis DL100 dyna image sensor dl100 dyna image dl100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Complete 12-Bit 6 MSPS CCD Signal Processor AD9807 ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES 12-Bit 6 MSPS A /D Converter Integrated Triple Correlated Double Sampler 3-Channel, 2 MSPS Color Mode 1 x -4 x Analog Programmable Gain Amplifier Pin Compatible 10-Bit Version Pixel-Rate Digital Gain Adjustment

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit AD9807 10-Bit 64-Pin PDF


    Abstract: 1017 ad hen nv LM 1875 AUDIO IC Data sheet KT 8275 earthquake Detection systems japan servo KH 56 lm step-down sot-23-5 input LA 7376 Shortform Data and Cross References diode D9816
    Text: Analog Dialogue A forum for the exchange of circuits, systems, and software for real-world signal processing INTEGRATED ANALOG FRONT-ENDS PROCESS SIGNALS FROM CCD CHIPS page 5 X-FET Voltage References: Low Noise, Low Power, Better than Bandgap (page 3)

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit MODEM STU SIEMENS 1017 ad hen nv LM 1875 AUDIO IC Data sheet KT 8275 earthquake Detection systems japan servo KH 56 lm step-down sot-23-5 input LA 7376 Shortform Data and Cross References diode D9816 PDF

    HT 1000-4 power amplifier

    Abstract: mip 836 ic mip 836 schematic weigh scale AD7730 circuit integrate TB 1226 CN wheelchair motor 24v SCHEMATIC ad7730 1000 watt RMS professional audio power amplifier schematic Circuit ad7730 pcb circuit example electric bicycle dc motor control 36v
    Text: NEW PRODUCT APPLICATIONS - 1 9 9 8 spring edition BOOST vi n O ^ SW ITC H V|N +7V TO +24V ADP3050-5 O V 0UT +5V @ 1A BIAS ON FB GND COMP 1 22|xF 4 k il 1 nF 1 0 0 jlF * V OUT V|N C - Q1 -O h anyCAP LDO TOPOLOGY - | - C COMP N O N IN V E R T IN G W ID E B A N D

    OCR Scan
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    Abstract: DSP101 12v step-down transformer files transistor tv maxwell 231 dsp hen nv M420M RS232 HART Modem circuit diagram AD9850D 3.3 volt echo audio IC 28pin 9900 Panel
    Text: A forum for the exchange of circuits, systems, and software for real-world signal processing DSP101: AN INTRODUCTORY SERIES ON DSP SYSTEM DESIGN page 3 Building a smart process-instrument transmitter (page 13) Ask The Applications Engineer— Resistors (page 20)

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    DSP101: year2000 SP-2111 DSP101 12v step-down transformer files transistor tv maxwell 231 dsp hen nv M420M RS232 HART Modem circuit diagram AD9850D 3.3 volt echo audio IC 28pin 9900 Panel PDF