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    ABE 407 Search Results

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: :`XTJVJ\RWV \W \NZURVWTWPa JVM P]RMNTRVN[ >V\ZWM]L\RWV + 8WVLNX\ Ob_\W fgTgX eX_Tl ,TU0 OON- \f T `XV[Ta\VT_l cTff\iX iXef\ba bY \gf b_WXe VbhagXecTeg g[X CIN ,X_XVgeb`XV[Ta\VT_ eX_Tl-. cebi\W\aZ XffXag\T_l g[X fT`X cXeYbe`TaVX. Uhg j\g[bhg `bi\aZ cTegf0 Gg \f T gbgT_l X_XVgeba\V WXi\VX

    GOK1PO38 GOK36223. PDF

    schematic diagram dc-ac inverter using scr

    Abstract: schematic diagram dc-ac inverter ABE 407 SCHEMATIC circuit scr H-Bridge schematic sumida backlight inverter schematic hitachi lcd power supply unit Sankyo Shoji hitachi lcd backlight schematic SK 9080 nec lcd inverter schematic
    Text: SP4427 Electroluminescent Lamp Driver Dual Oscillators with High Drive Capability • DC to AC Inverter for EL Backlit Display Panels ■ Low Voltage, Single Battery Operation vbat > 1.1 Vdc ■ Dual Oscillator Operation for Application Flexibility ■ Low Current Standby Mode

    SP4427 SP4427 100nA SP4427DS/01 schematic diagram dc-ac inverter using scr schematic diagram dc-ac inverter ABE 407 SCHEMATIC circuit scr H-Bridge schematic sumida backlight inverter schematic hitachi lcd power supply unit Sankyo Shoji hitachi lcd backlight schematic SK 9080 nec lcd inverter schematic PDF


    Abstract: SP4412A SP4412ACN Nippon capacitors
    Text: Back SP4412A Electroluminescent Lamp Driver • 2.2 V- 3.6 V Battery Operation ■ 50 nA Maximum Standby Current 10 nA typ. ■ High Voltage Output Typ. 160 Vpp ■ External Oscillator Required ■ Enable Control Pin DESCRIPTION… The SP4412A is a high voltage output DC-AC converter that can operate from a 2.2V-3.6V

    SP4412A SP4412A SP4412DS/03 SP4412ACN EL12 Nippon capacitors PDF

    SCHEMATIC circuit scr H-Bridge

    Abstract: EL12 SP4415 SP4415CN rm 609 Nippon capacitors Sankyo STK-0050 Sankyo Shoji sk-80
    Text: Back SP4415 Electroluminescent Lamp Driver with Selectable Level Outputs • ■ ■ ■ ■ 2.2 V- 3.3 V Battery Operation 50 nA Maximum Standby Current Four Level Selectable Output High Voltage Output 140Vpp Typical High Impedance Clock Signal Conditioner

    SP4415 140Vpp SP4415 SP4415DS/01 SCHEMATIC circuit scr H-Bridge EL12 SP4415CN rm 609 Nippon capacitors Sankyo STK-0050 Sankyo Shoji sk-80 PDF

    DIN 74 - Bm5

    Abstract: sandisk eMMC SLIMbus sandisk emmc 4.5 dk 2482 h transistor sandisk eMMC 4.41 OMAP4470 lpddr2 pcb design MIPI CSI design guideline OMAP 4470
    Text: OMAP OMAP4470 Multimedia Device Engineering Sample ES1.0 Version A Data Manual Public Version PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not

    OMAP4470 SWPS048A DIN 74 - Bm5 sandisk eMMC SLIMbus sandisk emmc 4.5 dk 2482 h transistor sandisk eMMC 4.41 OMAP4470 lpddr2 pcb design MIPI CSI design guideline OMAP 4470 PDF

    sandisk emmc 4.5

    Abstract: SLIMbus OMAP4 OMAP4460 Sandisk emmc sandisk eMMC 4.41 MIPI csi2 omap4 csi2 toshiba emmc 4.4.1 spec digital microphone slimbus
    Text: OMAP OMAP4460 Multimedia Device Engineering Sample ES1.0 ES1.1 Version A Data Manual Public Version PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not

    OMAP4460 SWPS046A sandisk emmc 4.5 SLIMbus OMAP4 OMAP4460 Sandisk emmc sandisk eMMC 4.41 MIPI csi2 omap4 csi2 toshiba emmc 4.4.1 spec digital microphone slimbus PDF


    Abstract: F4205 SP4423 SK121 transistor 8522 ABE 407 ACT 6040 mr 100 scr Nippon capacitors
    Text: Back SP4423 Electroluminescent Lamp Driver Low Power Applications • 2.2V-6.0V Battery Operation ■ 200nA Maximum Standby Current @ 3V ■ High Voltage Output 160 Vpp typ. ■ Internal Oscillator ■ External enable pulldown resistor to allow for time delay turn-off

    SP4423 200nA SP4423 SP4423DS/02 EL12 F4205 SK121 transistor 8522 ABE 407 ACT 6040 mr 100 scr Nippon capacitors PDF

    ABE 814

    Abstract: RSB 7900 vhdl code for 4 bit barrel shifter ARM7tdmi coprocessor 0029E abe 433 C14060 LSI coreware library The ARM7TDMI Debug Architecture fpu coprocessor
    Text: Page i Wednesday, November 25, 1998 1:11 PM ARM7TDMI Microprocessor Core Technical Manual November 1998 Order Number C14060 Page ii Wednesday, November 25, 1998 1:11 PM This document contains proprietary information of LSI Logic Corporation. The

    C14060 DB14-000058-02, ABE 814 RSB 7900 vhdl code for 4 bit barrel shifter ARM7tdmi coprocessor 0029E abe 433 C14060 LSI coreware library The ARM7TDMI Debug Architecture fpu coprocessor PDF


    Abstract: lm 6806 AABV aahb SOT23-8 aajP SOT TOPMARKS abzb 6704M aabi XS16
    Text: SOT TOPMARKS: 4 Letter ID Coding SOT TOPMARKS: 2 Letter ID Coding SOT Topmarks - November 15, 2000 Sorted By Part Number 4 Letter ID Coding Sorted By Topmark All Characters Used to Identify Part Number Part Part Prefix Number Suffix Topmark Package Prefix Number Suffix

    OT23-3 SC70-3 SC70-FQ AAHB lm 6806 AABV aahb SOT23-8 aajP SOT TOPMARKS abzb 6704M aabi XS16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V LSI Technology, inc . VY86C060 ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW 32-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROPROCESSOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fully static operation The VY86C060 microprocessor is based on the ARM processor core from Advanced RISC Machines, Ltd. The VY86C060 is a general-purpose

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    VY86C060 32-BIT VY86C060 32-bit, 32-bi arm2as PDF

    STM 6960

    Abstract: 8 bit modified booth multipliers ARM60 AMI 6716 CPA 7660 RSB 7900 58A5 32 bit booth multiplier for fixed point fe 8622 mrs 317
    Text: 2$ um V L S I T ec h n o l o g y , in c . ARM60 32-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROPROCESSOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fully static operation The ARM60 m icroprocessor is based on the Advanced RISC Machine’s ARM processor. The ARM is a general purpose 32-bit single-chip microproces­

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    ARM60 32-BIT ARM60 STM 6960 8 bit modified booth multipliers AMI 6716 CPA 7660 RSB 7900 58A5 32 bit booth multiplier for fixed point fe 8622 mrs 317 PDF


    Abstract: 551-0407F i507 551-0307F 551-0707F 551-1207F 5510607F I-507F 551-0607F 5510307F
    Text: OPERATING PART NUMBER FORWARD VOLTAGE/CURRENT TYP MIN MAX 551 -0207F 5 5 1 -0307F 5 5 1 -0407F 5 5 1 -0507F 2.1 2.1 V V 2.0 V 10 mA 10 mA 5 5 1 -0607F 5 5 1 -0707F * 5 5 1 -0807F 551 - 1 107F 5 5 1 - 1 207F 551 - I 3 0 7 F 5 5 1 - 1 407F 551 - I 5 0 7 F 551 - I 6 0 7 F

    OCR Scan
    551-0207F 551-0307F 551-0407F 551-0507F 551-0607F 551-0707F 551-0807F 551-1207F -I307F 551-1407F 551-0207F 551-0407F i507 551-0307F 551-0707F 551-1207F 5510607F I-507F 551-0607F 5510307F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • DC to AC Inverter for EL Backlit Display Panels ■ Low Voltage, Single Battery Operation vbat >1.1 Vdc ■ Dual Oscillator Operation for Application Flexibility ■ Low Current Standby Mode APPLICATIONS ■ Pagers ■ Digital Watches ■ Backlit LCD Displays

    OCR Scan
    SP4424 100nA SP4424DS/02 PDF

    schematic diagram dc-ac inverter using scr

    Abstract: ABE 407 F1205DU CH5070AS-203K-006 schematic diagram dc-ac inverter single phase schematic diagram dc-ac sine wave inverter ACT 6040 NIPPON CAPACITORS SCHEMATIC circuit scr H-Bridge electroluminescent Inverter
    Text: I DC to AC Inverter for EL Backlit Display Panels I Low Voltage, Single Battery Operation vbat >1.1 Vdc I Dual Oscillator Operation for Application Flexibility \ % X Low Current Standby Mode APPLICATIONS • Pagers ■ Digital Watches I Backlit LCD Displays

    OCR Scan
    SP4424 100nA SP4424DS/02 schematic diagram dc-ac inverter using scr ABE 407 F1205DU CH5070AS-203K-006 schematic diagram dc-ac inverter single phase schematic diagram dc-ac sine wave inverter ACT 6040 NIPPON CAPACITORS SCHEMATIC circuit scr H-Bridge electroluminescent Inverter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    530PS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Électroluminescent Lamp Driver"\ _ Low Power Applications f • ■ ■ ■ ■ 2.2V-6.0V Battery Operation 200nA Maximum Standby Current @ 3V High Voltage Output 160 Vpp typ. internal Oscillator External enable pulldown resistor to allow for time delay turn-off

    OCR Scan
    200nA SP4423 select3256 SP4423DS/02 PDF

    Polarizer Nitto

    Abstract: SP441S CH5070AS-203K-006 9410f SK121 Nippon capacitors S51208-M-1021
    Text: SP4411 S ip s ÿ c •-WIWW“ * ' Electroluminescent Lamp Driver with Selectablelievel Outputs 2.2 V- 3.3 V Battery Operation 50 nA Maximum Standby Current Four Level Selectable Output High Voltage Output 90Vpp Typical High Impedance Clock Signal Conditioner

    OCR Scan
    SP4411 90Vpp SP4415 BBlgtfSP4415/9410R2 Polarizer Nitto SP441S CH5070AS-203K-006 9410f SK121 Nippon capacitors S51208-M-1021 PDF

    Nippon capacitors

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP4423 m n a l m o c c ttü o e x c a iB c e _ L • ■ ■ ■ ■ _ _ - E le c tr ö lu r n in e s c e n t L a m p ■ _■•■■. ■ ■ L o w D r iv e r i P o w e r A p p lic a tio n s f 2.2V-6.0V Battery Operation 200nA Maximum Standby Current @ 3V

    OCR Scan
    SP4423 200nA SP4423 SP4423DS/02 Nippon capacitors PDF

    Sankyo Shoji sk-80

    Abstract: Nippon capacitors
    Text: SP4427 SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLB^CE Electroluminescent Lamp Driver Dual Oscillators with High Drive Capability • DC to AC Inverter for EL Backlit Display Panels ■ Low Voltage, Single Battery Operation vbat > 1.1 Vdc ■ Dual Oscillator Operation for

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    SP4427 SP4427 10OnA 4427D Sankyo Shoji sk-80 Nippon capacitors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP4414 SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE Low Voltage Electroluminescent Lamp Driver • Low Power +2.2V to +4.5V Battery Operation ■ Low-Cost EL Driver Ideal for LED Backlighting Replacement ■ DC-to-AC Inverter can Produce Over 180VPp for EL Lamps ■ Requires a 32kHz External Clock Signal

    OCR Scan
    SP4414 180VPp 32kHz SP4414 PDF


    Abstract: D-40235 Nippon capacitors
    Text: Sipe* SP4405 SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE Low Voltage Electroluminescent Lamp Driver • +2.2V to +4.5V Battery Operation ■ DC-to-AC Converter Produces 160VP P typical for EL Display Panels ■ Single Resistor Controlled Internal Oscillator ■ Low Current Standby Mode

    OCR Scan
    SP4405 160VP SP4405 619i\ si4405 D-40235 Nippon capacitors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CÌVNAV SP4414 vH kSW V " * - V ’r +» * SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE Low Voltage Electroluminescent Lamp Driver • Low Power +2.2V to +4.5V Battery Operation ■ Low-Cost EL Driver Ideal for LED Backlighting Replacement ■ DC-to-AC Inverter can Produce Over

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    SP4414 180VPp 32kHz SP4414 PDF


    Abstract: d-40235 Nippon capacitors
    Text: SP4414 • 'W ' SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE Low Voltage Electroluminescent Lamp Driver Low Power +2.2V to +4.5V Battery Operation Low-Cost EL Driver Ideal for LED Backlighting Replacement DC-to-AC Inverter can Produce Over 180Vp p for EL Lamps Requires a 32kHz External Clock Signal

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    SP4414 180Vp 32kHz SP4414 P4414 d-40235 Nippon capacitors PDF

    irfz30 equivalent

    Abstract: mtp30n05
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Designer's Data Sheet T M O S IV P o w er Field E ffe c t Transistor IM-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TM O S POWER FETs 30 AMPERES This advanced " E " series of T M O S power M O SFETs is designed to withstand high

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