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    Mersen Electrical Power A6D40R

    600V 40A RK1 TD FUSE
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey A6D40R Box 7 1
    • 1 $139.14
    • 10 $139.14
    • 100 $80.9694
    • 1000 $80.9694
    • 10000 $80.9694
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    Mouser Electronics A6D40R
    • 1 $57.49
    • 10 $51.77
    • 100 $40.26
    • 1000 $37.39
    • 10000 $37.39
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    Mersen Electrical Power A6D40RN

    600V 40A RK1 TD FUSE NON IND
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey A6D40RN Bulk 10
    • 1 -
    • 10 $86.475
    • 100 $86.475
    • 1000 $86.475
    • 10000 $86.475
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    Mersen Electrical Power A6D40R (ALTERNATE: S201933)

    Fuse, Time Delay, Visual Open Face Indicator, 200kA AC/100kA DC, 600VAC/DC, 40A | Mersen A6D40R
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS A6D40R (ALTERNATE: S201933) Bulk 2 11 Weeks 1
    • 1 $60.63
    • 10 $57.6
    • 100 $48.51
    • 1000 $48.51
    • 10000 $48.51
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    Mersen Electrical Power A6D40RN (ALTERNATE: A6D40RN)

    600V 40A RK1 TD Fuse, Non-Indicating | Mersen A6D40RN
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS A6D40RN (ALTERNATE: A6D40RN) Bulk 10 Weeks 10
    • 1 -
    • 10 $53.94
    • 100 $49.62
    • 1000 $49.62
    • 10000 $49.62
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    Ferraz Shawmut A6D40R

    Fuse Class RK1 Slow Blow Acting 40A 600V Holder Cartridge 26.92 X 139.7mm Carton
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy A6D40R
    • 1 $54.14
    • 10 $46.87
    • 100 $41.87
    • 1000 $41.24
    • 10000 $41.24
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    A6D40R Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    1437267-6 tyco

    Abstract: bmep 3t 530004-7 C1-D18 A7D28DS29A2 2-1437268-3 530518-1 583900-1 530521-3 Amp 582501-1 583857-5
    Text: Card Edge Connectors Board-to-Board, Wire-to-Board Wire-to-Board Connectors Except for DUO-TYNE flag connectors, which are exclusively for wire-to-board application, the connectors presented in this section are primarily wire-to-board connectors, but do have



    Abstract: A6D43WW29B3 m399 A6D22WW29A3 A6D22DS29C2 A6D28RA29E
    Text: Cardedge Modified Bellows DESCRIPTION/APPLICATION The Holmberg line of modified bellows cardedge connectors are dual readout and are designed for reliable termination to double sided PCB boards. HOLMBERG® MODIFIED BELLOWS CARDEDGE CONNECTORS DESIGN ADVANTAGES

    A6D10RA29FM233 A6D12RA29EM233 A6D12RA29FM233 A6D15RA29EM233 A6D15RA29FM233 A6D18RA29EM233 A6D18RA29FM233 A6D22RA29EM233 A6D22RA29FM233 A6D25RA29EM233 A6D18WW29A3 A6D43WW29B3 m399 A6D22WW29A3 A6D22DS29C2 A6D28RA29E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Cardedge Modified Bellows .156" CENTERLINE RIGHT ANGLE DIP SOLDER TAILS .200" ROW-TO-ROW .150" ROW-TO-ROW LR49571 E60980 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES INSULATION RESISTANCE: 5000 megohms minimum. INSERTION/WITHDRAWAL FORCE DAUGHTER CARD : 8 oz./2oz. average contact pair using .0620 steel

    LR49571 E60980 A6D25RA29CM233 A6D25RA29EM233 A6D25RA29FM233 A6D28RA29AM233 A6D28RA29CM233 A6D28RA29EM233 A6D28RA29FM233 A6D36RA29AM233 PDF


    Abstract: A6D400R A2D600R A6D10R A6D500R A6D80R A6D50R A6D6 RK1 fuses 20308R
    Text: SMARTSPOT INDICATOR AMP-TRAP 2000 A2D & A6D TIME DELAY / CLASS RK1 UPGRADE YESTERDAY’S CIRCUITS TO TODAY’S TYPE 2 PROTECTION. Amp-trap 2000® SmartSpot A2D, A6D fuses now provide a visual open fuse indicator. With advanced material technology added to the existing product line

    A6D15 A6D1/10 A2D30 A6D30 A2D300R A6D400R A2D600R A6D10R A6D500R A6D80R A6D50R A6D6 RK1 fuses 20308R PDF


    Abstract: CI 4835 b snap on tools for electronic A6D28RA29E 3-1437267-9 530088-3 C1-D18 A8D20DS29C2 5-1437269-7 A6D22DS29C2 2-1437267-9 17435e C8D15DS29D1
    Text: Card Edge Connectors Catalog 1654080 Issued 7-03 Card Edge Connectors Introduction This catalog contains product descriptions of AMP Card Edge Connectors. These connectors are presented in three groups: Solder Type Board-toBoard, Press-fit Board-toBoard, and Wire-to-Board


    LINDNER fuses

    Abstract: e230073 LINDNER fuses neozed c2165 FR10GB69V30 FR14UC69V50 FR10GB69V12.5 M0816 Y300056 n300093c
    Text: Fuses – Fusegear Semiconductor Protection Fuses • Protistor Mapping 70 - 71 • American Round Fuses - Form 101 range 72 - 81 • Other American Round Fuses 82 • Ferrule-style Protistor fuses 83 - 87 • Protistor DIN standard fuses sizes 000-00 88 - 89

    A218707K Y211023K F215124K P219226K Z211024K MSD823I MSD10251I MSD831I MSD1031I MSD1038I LINDNER fuses e230073 LINDNER fuses neozed c2165 FR10GB69V30 FR14UC69V50 FR10GB69V12.5 M0816 Y300056 n300093c PDF


    Abstract: k2142 K2132 D213719 61038R B216270 R2178 300KA M212899 D2198
    Text: General Purpose US US Fuses General Purpose Fuses American Power Fuses AMP-TRAP 2000 A2D and A6D Class RK1 TD Upgrade yesterday’s circuits to today’s Type 2 protection Amp-trap 2000® SmartSpot® A2D, A6D fuses now provide a visual open fuse indicator. With advanced material technology added to the existing product line the A2D,

    GPUS15 M211151 k2142 K2132 D213719 61038R B216270 R2178 300KA M212899 D2198 PDF


    Abstract: 2-530655-5 2-531020-0 145167-1 1-531019-1 1-531020-1 1-645235-8 21728 501-203 AMP Crimp Snap Twin Leaf
    Text: Card Edge Connectors Catalog 1654080 Issued 7-03 Card Edge Connectors Introduction This catalog contains product descriptions of AMP Card Edge Connectors. These connectors are presented in three groups: Solder Type Board-toBoard, Press-fit Board-toBoard, and Wire-to-Board



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A2D-R & A6D-R Time-delay/Class RK1 Upgrade yesterday’s circuits to today’s Type 2 protection The Amp-Trap 2000 SmartSpot® A2D-R and A6D-R fuses feature a visual open fuse indicator and provide IEC Type 2 No Damage protection to main, feeder, and branch

    600VA 00V-A6D 1-600A PDF

    shawmut GIA fuse

    Abstract: ferraz Ferraz Shawmut rk5 GM300 GCP80 Ferraz Shawmut LPJ-200 25184-251-03 LPS-RK-400 AJT350
    Text: Product Data CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Power Fuses Application The information in this publication applies to the selection of 3-phase motor power fuses when used in 460V and 575V applications, as well as to the selection of power fuses in branch circuit or non-motor applications.

    2100-PL001D-EN-P D-74834 2100-TD003B-EN-P--January 2100-TD003A-EN-P--November shawmut GIA fuse ferraz Ferraz Shawmut rk5 GM300 GCP80 Ferraz Shawmut LPJ-200 25184-251-03 LPS-RK-400 AJT350 PDF


    Abstract: A6D600R A2D10R A2D125R A6D450R A2D300R A2D600R A2D250R A6D50R A6D10R
    Text: SMARTSPOT INDICATOR AMP-TRAP 2000 A2D & A6D Time Delay/Class RK1 Upgrade yesterday’s circuits to today’s Type 2 protection. Amp-trap 2000® SmartSpot® A2D, A6D fuses now provide a visual open fuse indicator. With advanced material technology added to the existing product line

    A6D15 A6D1/10 A2D30 A6D30 A6D80R A6D600R A2D10R A2D125R A6D450R A2D300R A2D600R A2D250R A6D50R A6D10R PDF

    ajt fuse

    Abstract: AJT125 ATdR15 ajt350 A4BQ1200 A4BQ800 AJT60 US3J3I ATQR20 ATDR30
    Text: SMARTSPOT INDICATOR AMP-TRAP 2000 AJT Time Delay/Class J SMARTSPOT® WITH Maximum circuit PROTECTION Amp-trap 2000® SmartSpot® AJT fuses now provide a visual open fuse indicator. With advanced material technology added to the existing product line the AJT fuse provides IEC Type “2” No Damage

    600VAC ajt fuse AJT125 ATdR15 ajt350 A4BQ1200 A4BQ800 AJT60 US3J3I ATQR20 ATDR30 PDF

    telemecanique lc1d09

    Abstract: allen bradley 100-c43 telemecanique contactor LC1D80 LC1-D09 telemecanique contactor LC1D12 telemecanique contactor catalogue allen bradley 100-c30 telemecanique LC1D40 allen bradley 100-c23 LC1-D12
    Text: Allen Bradley NEMA Motor Starters and Ferraz Shawmut Fuses Type 2 Protection Achieving Type 2 “No Damage” Motor Start Protection Type 2 “No Damage” Protection - What Is It and Which Fuses Are Best? Type 2 protection, also referred to as “no damage” protection, simply means that if a short circuit occurs, the short circuit protective device

    SG01V02SY500 A6D400R AJT400 A6D350R AJT300 telemecanique lc1d09 allen bradley 100-c43 telemecanique contactor LC1D80 LC1-D09 telemecanique contactor LC1D12 telemecanique contactor catalogue allen bradley 100-c30 telemecanique LC1D40 allen bradley 100-c23 LC1-D12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ThomasSBetts Cardedge Modified Bellows .156" CENTERLINE RIGHT ANGLE DIP SOLDER TAILS .200" ROW-TO-ROW .150" ROW-TO-ROW <§- « 1 LR49571 E60960 P h y s ic a l P r o p e r t ie s I n s u l a t io n R e s is ta n c e : 5 0 0 0 m e g o h m s m inim um . I n s e r t io n / W it h d r a w a l F o r c e D a u g h t e r C a r d :

    OCR Scan
    LR49571 E60960 fiD40R A6D15RA29EM233 A6D15RA29FM233 A6022RA29EM233 A6D22RA29FM233 A6D25RA29EM233 A6D25RA29FM233 A6D28RA29EM233 PDF