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    A00021A4 Search Results

    A00021A4 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: K1135AA K1135CA k1519 K1135B K1135A K1135 K1519AB 6336 tube K1135C
    Text: CHAÜPION TECHNOLOGIES I SIE D K1519 Series Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators EDS45S5 a00021a4 Application Note #151 describes interface circuitry required to drive logic families and provide modulation, along with other techni­ cal information. Available upon request.

    OCR Scan
    K1519 K1519AA K1519AB 2D24255 a0002la4 K1135BA K1135AA K1135CA K1135B K1135A K1135 K1519AB 6336 tube K1135C PDF