Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Catalog 1307612 AMP FASTO N Insulated and Uninsulated Terminals Revised 7-01 FASTON Receptacle Housings AMPIP Post-Insulation Pods Flag Style Receptacle Housings .250 Series .250 Series UL941 Color T .210 5.33 .787 19.99 .266 6.76 .448 .360 11.38 9.14 1-480307-1
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Catalog 1307612 FASTON Insulated and Uninsulated Terminals Revised 7-01 FASTON Receptacle Housings 60 D .110 Series V .110/.187 Series Style V D E Type L o o se P ie ce L o o s e P ie ce L o o s e P ie ce .110 Series M aterial ^ y lo n , S ta n v l N ylo n
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Catalog 1307612 FASTON Insulated and Uninsulated Terminals Revised 7-01 U ltra -P o d F ully Insulated FA S TO N R ecep tacles and Tab s Positive Lock insulation Support L_ D e s c r ip t io n .187 Series W ir e I n s. D ia . Range Range 18-14 .250 Series
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Interconnection Systems Selection Guide 8 2 7 5 0 Revised 7-95 FASTIN-FASTON Connectors FASTIN-FASTON Connectors are the multiple-connector version of the basic FASTON Terminal Line. Primarily used as harness connectors, they make possible simultaneous and quick attachment of up to
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: A l t f l F * Catalog 1307612 FASTON Insulated and Uninsulated Terminals Revised 7-01 U ltr a -P o d F u lly In s u la te d F A S T O N R e c e p ta c le s a n d T a b s Insulation Support >P i A ^>\ p Description .1 1 0 S e rie s Dimensions Wire Range Ins. Dia.
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